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Honour | Elif Shafak
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First time op shopping in Singleton yesterday and Lifeline provided the goods. The stationery is for #LitsyLove There were some other beautiful clothes I tried on that didn‘t fit, daisy print jeans and a polka dot crossover for ballet. Oh well! I chop the shoe inserts up to raise the platform in one shoe as I am a bit wonky. I love breathable shoes for work in summer. I am one of the lucky ones with an air conditioner in my classroom though.

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After his wife died Bernard Oliver set out to walk the Silk Road. This trip sounded STRESSFUL. I‘ll definitely read the rest since this book only covered his time in #Turkey. #FoodAndLit

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Lots more food but I‘m going to have to look these up. #foodandlit #Turkey @Catsandbooks

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This is the perfect book for #foodandlit this month. There are continual references to food! #Turkey @Catsandbooks

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#foodandlit 2024 July | #Turkey
@catsandbooks @texreader

Looking for something to share about Turkey, I found two great restaurants to try.
One is Turco, in my neighbourhood, just round the corner where I live, and the other one, Ali Ocakbaşı walking half an hour!
Both seem to offer authentic Turkish dishes.
On my list when back from summer holiday!

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I googled Turkish lamb stew, & found hünkar beğendi (sultan's delight): lamb cooked with onions, tomatoes & peppers, served on puréed eggplant mixed with béchamel sauce (and cheese). Nice and easy. Allegedly invented for the visit of Empress Eugénie (wife of Napoléon III) to Topkapi Palace.
Stew pretty much a “basquaise“ that would have been familiar to Eugénie who spent her holidays in Biarritz! 😂

#FoodandLit #Turkey
@Catsandbooks @Texreader

Texreader Yummy!! 3d
Dilara Also finished The Caravan Moves On yesterday. It's most probably a novel masquerading as a travelogue - that's slightly disappointing because I don't know what's invention and what's true about the Yürük tribe! 3d
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“We had patlican karniyarık, young aubergines filled with meat and herbs and slices of tomato steeped in red wine; chicken pilav; green peppers stuffed with rice and wild chicory; and melons served on ice“
I could make that meal! In fact I made karniyarık a couple of weeks ago, although my recipe didn't call for steeping the tomato slices in wine.

#FoodandLit #Turkey
@Catsandbooks @Texreader

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I enjoyed Portrait of a Turkish Family enough to start another book by the same author. This one is about his stay with the Yürük nomads in the High Taurus mountains.
Paired with Turkish salep-flavoured icecream - a chance find: I was looking for Turkish coffee (they were out), and saw a glimpse of a tub of something interesting in the freezer. I'd never seen it before, although I've had salep as a hot drink before.
#FoodandLit #Turkey

Texreader How was the ice cream? 6d
Dilara @Texreader It tastes nice (pretty similar to vanilla), it's very creamy but with an unusual texture - halfway between regular icecream and marshmallow. The ingredients list is shocking though: very long, very industrial 😕 Oh well! (edited) 6d
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A Strange Woman | Leylâ Erbil
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My mother wraps me up in a large towel, like a cylinder, and I undress and put on my swimsuit. It's one my mother has knit for me - the oddest garment, all sorts of colors - and it extends all the way up my neck and well down my thighs. I run to the sea like that, like some strange sea animal of my mother's creation.