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One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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It was awesome to see this exhibit! Love the tagged book. One of my all time favorites.



Leftcoastzen Very cool! 4y
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The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the Rye
The Nightingale
Collected Stories
To Kill a Mockingbird
In the Midst of Winter

#isabelallende #harperlee #gabrielgarciamarquez #harperlee #jdsalinger #kristinhannah #fscottfitzgerald

SW-T A belated welcome to Litsy! 🥳 4y
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Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Hi. I wrote a blog post about why I love magical realism and used Love in the Time of Cholera to illustrate my points.

#magicalrealism #readingblog #writingblog #gabrielgarciamarquez

One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Chronicle of a Death Foretold | Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Reading this book was like watching a clock working. Short and light but still intense, I really enjoyed it and would totally recommend.

#AmazingBooks #BookLover #GabrielGarciaMarquez

Of Love and Other Demons | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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I decided to try a #bookmandala and came up with this deconstructed... thing. #magicalrealism #gabrielgarciamarquez

tpixie Pretty!!!!! 🌿🍆🌿🌶🌿 6y
Updrifting @tpixie Thank you! 6y
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Collected Novellas | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez. El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve. Rare edition, Editorial ASASA, Bogota. 1981? (data obtained from the register of companies in Colombia). Diagramming and illustration of Carlos Duque. First design of the rose for the book. On September 6, 1981 El Espectador publishes this same design, with the difference of blood drops. #rarebooks #firstedition #antiquarianbook #gabrielgarciamarquez #garciamarquez

El general en su laberinto | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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El general en su laberinto. Gabriel García Márquez. Seventh edition, June 1989. Editorial Sudamericana. Cover design Claudio Arango. Photography Carlos Somonte. 286 pages. Signature of the author, with its typical flower of 6 petals. Book in good condition. Two types of signatures known "Gabriel" and "Gabo" this last intimate ... Friends, etc ... The signature of this book is firm and hard. #gabrielgarciamarquez #garciamarquez #signedbooks

News of a Kidnapping | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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In addition to his work as a novelist, Gabo also worked as a journalist for a very long time. This book is a very detailed account of the kidnapping of several important people in Colombia in 1990-1991, a case linked to Pablo Escobar‘s cartel. The narrative moves between the groups of kidnapped people (they were divided early on) and their families looking for them. Gabo‘s lavish writing is in service of the facts and works to show their ordeal.

Morr_Books One of my favorite authors! ❤️ 7y
OffTheBeatenShelf.com I‘m on a mission to read all of his books, so I just added this one to my list. :) 7y
Cathythoughts Love his writing ❤️✨✨✨ 7y
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LibrarianJen Do you know if there is a bilingual edition? Or is it only one or the other? 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @Morr_Books he‘s great! I never got why my short story professor in Uni didn‘t like him very much (I did English, but I took her class around the time he died, so of course he came up when we talked) 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @OffTheBeatenShelf.com sounds like a worthy endeavour! I‘ve read a bunch, but I‘m still far from reading all of them. 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @Cathythoughts it‘s brilliant! 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @LibrarianJen to be honest, I‘m not sure there is one. Sorry 😔 7y
LibrarianJen Its alright! I‘m a librarian, I *should* be able to figure it out for myself. 😉 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @LibrarianJen that‘s the librarian superpower! 7y
Morr_Books Love in the Time of Cholera has been the only book I have ever read where I hated every single character (except maybe the parrot) and that not matter because the writing was beautiful. 7y
shweta_18 I have never had a chance to read #gabrielgarciamarquez. How is his books?? Enlighten me 7y
TheAnitaAlvarez @shweta_18 he‘s the father of magical realism, and his writing is beautiful 7y
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