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The Fixer
The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
14 posts | 11 read | 16 to read
The Fixer is the winner of the 1967 National Book Award for Fiction and the 1967 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.The Fixer (1966) is Bernard Malamud's best-known and most acclaimed novel -- one that makes manifest his roots in Russian fiction, especially that of Isaac Babel.Set in Kiev in 1911 during a period of heightened anti-Semitism, the novel tells the story of Yakov Bok, a Jewish handyman blamed for the brutal murder of a young Russian boy. Bok leaves his village to try his luck in Kiev, and after denying his Jewish identity, finds himself working for a member of the anti-Semitic Black Hundreds Society. When the boy is found nearly drained of blood in a cave, the Black Hundreds accuse the Jews of ritual murder. Arrested and imprisoned, Bok refuses to confess to a crime that he did not commit.
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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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“There are no wrong books. What‘s wrong is the fear of them.”

Just watched the 60 Minutes segment on the effort to ban books, nationwide and in Beaufort, SC. I loved the fact community members volunteered to read the books in question!

Proof is in the pudding about motives. Has nothing to do with liberty and everything about control. The school district already has a form parents can submit to restrict access for THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

KathyWheeler It‘s beyond me why people think they have the right to restrict access to books for anyone but themselves and their own children. 5mo
elkeOriginal This sh*t ENRAGES me. Ban fascists, not books! 5mo
batsy @elkeOriginal This! What an upside down world, it's nuts. 4mo
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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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A few weeks ago I replied to Out of Print‘s weekly what are you reading tweet with the tagged book. Some guy replied letting me know Bernard Malamud was a fraud. I read some reviews of the guy‘s book stating his claim and well, who knows, but still super random 😂🤨

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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Heard this book is a heartbreaking experience so naturally can‘t wait to dive in. Time to give my mind a break from Christmas retail rush with a bit of literary excellence.

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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The Fixer was written in 1966 and won Bernard Malamud both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. Set in Kiev in 1911, it is the story of a Jewish handyman named Yakov Bok. During that time, anti-Semitism was widespread in Russia. Bok was falsely accused of brutally murdering an adolescent Russian boy. He was arrested, imprisoned and spent years trying to convince the authorities of his innocence. A great work of historical significance.

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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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“There‘s something cursed, it seems to me, about a country where men have owned other men as property. The stink of that corruption never escapes the soul, and it is the stink of future evil.” 😞

The setting of this novel is Kiev, 1911 but the story is relevant today. #nationalbookaward #pulitzerprize

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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“There are no wrong books. What‘s wrong is the fear of them.”

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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When you have to go to urgent care at 8:30 at night, you grab the library book that fits in your purse. Let‘s hope this visit is short because I had plans to go to bed early with the other book I‘m reading!

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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"Jesus cried out help to God but God gave no help. There was a man crying out in anguish in the dark, but God was on the other side of the mountain...What was there to hear that he hadn't heard before?...The fixer wiped his eyes. Afterwards he thought if that's how it happened and it's part of the Christian religion, and they believe it, how can they keep me in prison, knowing I am innocent?"

Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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"There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them."

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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I finally manage to pry my eyes from the news, and this is the first line that greets me. Seems about right.

By the way, this book is pretty great.

shawnmooney 😂😂 7y
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The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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Just starting this one. The talk of pogroms unsettling after the elections.

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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There are no wrong books. What's wrong is the fear of them.

The Fixer: A Novel | Bernard Malamud
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Probably the best used bookstore I've ever seen. Well organized, helpful & HUGE! Lots of old paper backs of once popular fiction like The Fixer which was a best selling crime story from the 1960s