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Joined October 2016

Bookish, Bad Gamer, Baker, Dabbler, Photographer, Cat Woman, High Tea Lover, Somewhat Crafty, AGWAG, Chelle Rydz on IG. ISFP/INFP
Jaws | Peter Benchley
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I may have only seen 42, but I LOVE so many of those 42 movies.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday

1) Halloween
2) Grease
3) Alien

(Just a few of my other favs - Jaws, The Exorcist, The Bad News Bears, Star Wars, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show)

dabbe It's impossible to limit it to just three, If I was allowed 10, most of yours would be on the list! Thanks for sharing. 🤩🤩🤩 2d
UwannaPublishme The Alien movies are my favorites too! Sigourney Weaver kicks alien butt! 😁🙌🏻 1d
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One Perfect Couple | Ruth Ware
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I apologize to anyone who is really happy with this month‘s #BOTM offerings. BUT….
I am SO disappointed, AGAIN. There is not a single one I want, and my add ons are just languishing in my cart for another month. 😢 😠

Were you excited about this month‘s books? Maybe you can change my mind.

TEArificbooks I was disappointed too but I have liked every Peter Swanson that I have read so I went with that one to get my add ons. 3d
JamieArc I didn‘t love them either so I chose a member favorite (Anita something something…) and a couple add-ons. 3d
Amie I've been disappointed the past few months. I want to read some of the selections but they aren't books that I necessarily want to own. I also really want some of the add-ons! 2d
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CoffeeK8 I want 2 of the new add-ons but not the mains 2d
Jess I‘m with you. I‘m feeling like this isn‘t the book club for me anymore. I am trying to use up my credits so I chose the Rufi Thorpe. 2d
Hooked_on_books I ended up quitting them a while back because of this very issue. I got tired of being disappointed. 2d
Avanders Oh. Boo. Yeah these aren‘t amazing. 😕 2d
MaleficentBookDragon @Jess Same here. I have 6 credits to use up, then I‘m out. I may join Aardvark. They seem to have a better variety for my taste in books. I‘ve already found 5 past books I want plus there were even more in their backlog that I already have. 2d
Jess I was thinking about Aardvark too. Stinks to loose my BFF status over at BOTM though. Oh well. Good luck spending your last credits! 2d
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Start Spinning | Maggie Casey
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5d
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Some #parkinglotreading yesterday for lunchtime. So far this is a very sweet little book. I‘m trying not to rush through it.
(Ignore my very dusty dashboard 😬)

KadaGul @MaleficentBookDragon What Dust? We only see the pretty cover book 📖 🙂‍↔️? 1w
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Murder Most Frothy | Cleo Coyle
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I switched between the paperback version and the audiobook (my May #bookspin selection) while knitting my first tee shirt. #knittersoflitsy #audioknitting

This book was okay, but Clare was super annoying until the end. I hope she lightens up in the next book since I own almost the whole series. And I want to love them. I do hope I am not falling out of love with #cozymysteries. I own A LOT of them. Maybe I just need a break.


ChaoticMissAdventures I do find sometimes a genre is not my mood for a bit and I have to switch off it for awhile. 2w
Avanders Some of them just aren‘t that good… I was starting to wonder the same thing, but I don‘t think it‘s a genre issue 🤓 This series, of which I have read every single one, is often hit or miss for me. I don‘t love all of it, but I find I do have to know about it. 🤪😁 1w
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Silence in the Shadows | Darcy Coates
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“YOUR TIME TO SHINE, map reader. Where you?”

Not the most exciting first line. I‘m halfway through this fourth and final entry to the Black Winter series. So far it is much better than the third book, during which I considered bailing. Clare is not nearly as annoying and insufferable as she was in book 3, and Doran has pretty much kept his mouth shut.
I keep hoping Beth will show up again.

MaleficentBookDragon But seriously, book 4 and you‘re “married”, and all you‘ve done is kiss and cuddle? Yeah, right.. 🙄 1mo
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Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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My #BOTM box arrived! I got this very soft tee with my books this month.

Death of a Bookseller | Alice Slater
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I went to B&N to get Butter but left with these too thrillers instead. 😹

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System Collapse | Martha Wells
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My #bookspin is an audiobook so I will listen to System Collapse and spend more time with Murderbot. #doublespin is a 2023 release, so I think I'll pick Nestlings. I feel the need for something scary.

BookmarkTavern Love Murderbot! 💕 1mo
IndoorDame Murderbot is the best!!!! 1mo
Ruthiella I ❤️ Murderbot! 1mo
MaleficentBookDragon @BookmarkTavern @IndoorDame @Ruthiella me too! I‘ve started the books from the beginning again because I love them so much. 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! 1mo
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What did you all pick as your #amazonfirstreads this month?
This one sounded interesting and creepy; and a bonus Max Brooks is always welcome!

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Because of Tayler Earl and her knitting YouTube page I HAD to buy this book. It looks like a lot of fun.
However, this book was hard to find.#knittersoflitsy


Sace I don‘t think I‘ll ever be dexterous/skilled enough to knit and read but I‘ll check that video out (and also start using that hashtag!) 1mo
Sace PS: thanks for sharing that video. I‘ve subscribed to her channel. 1mo
TEArificbooks I loved that book 1mo
julesG I enjoyed this book, I read it in German though. 1mo
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Middletide: A Novel | Sarah Crouch
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What are your #BOTM picks?
I am, as usual the past few months, disappointed.
All the prediction sites got me excited, but they were wrong. 😞 I did end up thinking Middletide could be interesting. That way I got Annie Bot as an add on, which I really want, but missed when it came out.

DestinyMorna I chose THE PARADISE PROBLEM for my main pick and added on PART OF YOUR WORLD. #BOTM 1mo
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Dark Matter | Blake Crouch
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Soubhiville 🤣 it‘s a constant struggle! 1mo
BookwormAHN And now I'll have to subscribe 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1mo
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Start Spinning | Maggie Casey
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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Spinning | Tillie Walden
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I realized that I never posted my April #bookspin and #doublespin selections.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1mo
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The Boy Who Cried Bear | Kelley Armstrong
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 for this one. This series is another one by Armstrong where I want more of the side characters than the main ones. But that is almost always the case with me.

I want more Mathias, Ty, April, Kenny, Lilith, and Isabel.
Hades agrees. But also more Storm, Nero, and Raoul. I agree. 😹

Silence in the Shadows | Darcy Coates
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I had put this one aside when my Haven‘s Rock hold came in. Now I‘m back to it, switching from physical book to audiobook when I want to #crochet

MaleficentBookDragon ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 for this one. This series is another one by Armstrong where I want more of the side characters than the main ones. But that is almost always the case with me. 1mo
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The Boy Who Cried Bear | Kelley Armstrong
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Finally getting started on this one.
Hades is not impressed so far.

TheAromaofBooks Hopefully Hades's doubts are proved wrong 😂 2mo
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Start Spinning | Maggie Casey
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
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The Boy Who Cried Bear | Kelley Armstrong
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Toast and next book.

Pageturner1 thats my next read too. 2mo
TheKidUpstairs I just finished this one! It only took about 36 hours :) I love Rockton/Haven's Rock. They are total comfort reads for me. 2mo
MaleficentBookDragon @TheKidUpstairs me too. I was sad when Rockton ended and was thrilled that it is continuing in this new form. 2mo
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This was a really enjoyable entry to the series. I read it this afternoon.

My only complaint (or just sadness) is that one of my favorite characters is now gone.
Not really a spoiler since Seanan likes to kill off or send back to their world almost all of my favorite characters. 😬

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While this book took me much too long to finish, it was not the book‘s fault. It lived up to the hype for me. I laughed and cried many times. And fueled my female rage a bit. ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have been in a reading slump for the past two months. I steamed through January but then lost my mojo in February. I had surgery last week and thought I‘d be nonstop reading but I didn‘t until Monday. Then I started really getting into it. Hopefully I‘m back.

Avanders Hope surgery went well!! And I hear you re slump… I feel like I‘m kinda coming out of a year-and-a-half slump! 2mo
Cortg Wishing you a speedy recovery! I‘ve been in a reading slump which is unusual for me, but I‘m crushing the audiobooks for some reason. 2mo
MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders thanks. I think it did. I just read the new Wayward Children book this afternoon and plan on starting The Boy Who Cried Bear by Kelley Armstrong tonight so I‘m hoping my slump is gone. 2mo
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MaleficentBookDragon @Cortg thank you. Usually audiobooks help me through slumps but I‘ve been listening to You Love Me for over 3 months! I should DNF it but I just can‘t give up on Joe (or actually Santino as narrator). If all else fails I‘ll start the Murderbot Diaries on audio again. They are always fun. 2mo
Avanders Nice! Yeah it can definitely depend on the book these days… it‘s much harder to just “push through” than it was a couple years ago! And glad to hear surgery … likely went well ☺️🙏🏽 (edited) 2mo
Gissy Have a soon recovery ♥️ 2mo
TheLudicReader Hope you recover quickly and find your reading mojo again soon! 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks My book also looks like this! Get well soon ❤️‍🩹 2mo
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Here are my #bookspin and #doublespin picks for March.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 3mo
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Three #BOTM books this month.
What can I say, I‘m a sucker for a thriller.

What did you choose?

CoffeeK8 I‘m on a buying ban, but the Simone StJames really tempted me back to BOTM 3mo
Avanders I picked 2 of those (the 2 on the right :)) and also the weird one about neighboring towns living in different times (like, 20 years ahead, 20 years behind), and aaaalso this brilliant (tho rather triggering) read: 3mo
MaleficentBookDragon @Avanders I may still get Annie Bot. I think this is my reading year for female rage.🤬😤😂 2mo
Avanders lol fair … feels like it must be something like that for me too 😜😇 2mo
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My March Madness options.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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Silence in the Shadows | Darcy Coates
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I‘m still with this series even though I did not like book 3. #completist
I‘m also still working on this sweater so I‘m bouncing between the #paperback and the #audiobook
#audioknitting #knittersoflitsy

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Well…that was…
a thing.
Finished it at lunch today.
I‘m not really sure what I think of this overall, but it was unhinged enough that I‘m saying a pick.

Reggie That author was bonkers! 4mo
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Lone Women: A Novel | Victor LaValle
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I may have gone a little overboard at B&N this evening.
And apparently I was in a mood. #horrorbooks

Ruthiella But you have a color theme going! 👏👏👏😃 4mo
MaleficentBookDragon @Ruthiella that IS a very muted palette for me. 🤣 (edited) 4mo
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Tracker | James Rollins
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#Bookspintracker progress report.
I read both of my January picks.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looking great!! 4mo
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Taking a Spin | Emily Arrow
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It looks like I AM going to finish the Black Winter Series by Darcy Coates after all. My #bookspin and #doublespin selections for February.
I am excited for 2 cold creature features this month.

KristiAhlers I love Darcy Coats! 4mo
ChaoticMissAdventures I really enjoyed Devolution on audio! Full cast of narrators is always so great. 4mo
monkeygirlsmama Devolution was a good one! Enjoy!! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 4mo
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Respect the Spindle | Abby Franquemont
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I took a drop single class this past weekend and it inspired me to dig this book out. I got it a few years ago but never read it.

An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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A bit dry, but overall a satisfying cozy English mystery.
I flip flopped between reading the paperback and #audioknitting.
This was my January #bookspin selection.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4mo
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Thank you for the birthday wishes. You all made my day.

JessieKB Happy happy birthday!!!!🎉🎉 4mo
dabbe HB! 🩶🖤🩶 4mo
maich Happy birthday💐🎂 4mo
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Catsandbooks Happy Birthday! 🎉💖 4mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 4mo
Cupcake12 Happy birthday 🎉 4mo
LeeRHarry Happy birthday 🥳 4mo
Gissy Happy Birthday 🥳🎂🎉🎊🎈wishing you a splendid day, health, that you receive many gifts, and of course....books📚❤️ 4mo
Ddzmini Happy birthday 🎉🎊🎂🎈🎁🥳📚 4mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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I switched to the #audiobook version for a little #audioknitting before bed.
#lovenotesweater #knittersoflitsy

Catsandbooks Cute stitch marker! 🐱 4mo
Deifio Cute Stitch Marker! Love the colour 💜 4mo
Tamra So cute! 4mo
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Indexing | Seanan McGuire
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I finally picked my January #AmazonPrime #FirstReads and an impulse buy from Seanan McGuire.

monkeygirlsmama I think those are the same ones I chose for my #FirstReads this month too. Good choices! 4mo
JessClark78 I think I chose those books too. 4mo
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Start Spinning | Maggie Casey
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ChaoticMissAdventures I listened to Devolution while hiking in the Olympic national park solo! I thought the audio was super well done, I love audiobooks with a full cast, hope you enjoy it! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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I so wanted to love this book. I loved almost everything about this series, BUT the main two characters. The 2nd ended with the addition of a great new-ish character. Unfortunately that didn't end well.
Clare & Dorran are SO ANNOYING. I really started to hate them in book 2 but stuck it out for half of this one, but I cannot go on. I cannot spend more time listening to Clare whine. How is she still alive? She makes the stupidest decisions. Ugh.

MaleficentBookDragon I must keep ranting. No two people who only met a few weeks ago would act like them, not even in an apocolypse. Sweet little touches, declarations of undying love, & gentle kisses? Nope. Don't believe it.
Clare turned into a bitch teenager around Beth. LOVED BETH (I kept picturing her as Carol from the Walking Dead). I know Beth doesn't last past halfway through this book, so I bailed.
This is the only Coates book I've ever bailed on. Too bad.

CatLass007 Beautiful kitty. 4mo
Texreader ❤️🐈‍⬛ 4mo
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Crazeedi Gorgeous 🐱 4mo
dabbe #Hailthebail! 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
MaleficentBookDragon Update 1/29/24
Okay, I went back and actually finished the book last night. Still not loving Clare or Dorran but I do want to see where the story is going.
MaleficentBookDragon @dabbe 😂 😂 😂 4mo
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Finished my January #doublespin selection. This is a solid Christie mystery. I read it for my Mystery, Murder, and Mayhem class, so I was playing extra special attention. And as you can see from the background, I had A LOT of thoughts and theories; some correct, some way off.
@thearomaofbooks #bookspintracker

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4mo
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Why do I get the feeling I am going to cry? A Lot.

rubyslippersreads I look forward to your review. I‘m afraid this might be to sad for me. 😿 4mo
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My December mystery gnome knits are chilling on my very dusty 😉shelf.
#shelfie #knittersoflitsy #mkal

Chrissyreadit those are so cute! 5mo
Tamra Super cute! 5mo
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Gissy 😍👌 5mo
rockpools They‘re fantastic! 5mo
JessieKB Too cute!!! 5mo
Roary47 So cute! 5mo
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An English Murder | Cyril Hare
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The first #bookspin and #doublespin picks are -
An English Murder and any mystery or thriller I own. I will probably choose A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie since that is one of the books I need to read for class this month.

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Tracker | James Rollins
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I only missed 3 #bookspin or #doublespin books this year. That's pretty great for me. I'm shooting for 100%b in 2024

MallenNC Great job! 5mo
BookishMadHatter Awesome! 5mo
Bookzombie That‘s awesome! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous progress this year!! 5mo
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Start Spinning | Maggie Casey
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My January #bookspin hopefuls.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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The September House | Carissa Orlando
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THNAK YOU THANK YOU! @WildAlaskaBibliophile
This is an amazing #creepychristmas package.
I wanted to read this book for a while. the other book looks really interesting (a great way to get introduced to new authors).
the #manpanion and I spend the PB cups right away. YUM!
Where did you find that ornament and teas? They are fantastic.
I Love everything so much.
BTW the wooden postcard with the bat is perfect.


WildAlaskaBibliophile The ornament I found on Amazon and the teas I bought online at Brutalitea. 😁 I'm glad you enjoyed it all! 5mo
WildAlaskaBibliophile The tree/skull ornament I found on Etsy. (edited) 5mo
Yuki_Onna That tree ornament with skull is so cuuute!!! Aaaaawwwwww!!! 🤩🥰🎄💀🖤 5mo
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The Fury | Alex Michaelides
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I couldn‘t skip on my birthday month so I‘ve got these two coming my way.
What did you get?

Aims42 This is my birthday month too 🥳🙌 I wasn‘t really into the picks but I didn‘t want to waste my free add-on (“The Helsinki Affair”) so I got Adriana Trigiani‘s book. I‘ve already read it so I‘ll pass it along to a little free library 5mo
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Merry Christmas and Happy #Jolabokaflodswap.

Thank you @Catsandbooks this is a fantastic gift! I‘ve been wanting to read this book for a long time. And PB trees are the best (perfect ratio of chocolate to pb). I really love the bookmark too. I‘m into plaid right now. 😁

This has been a great swap day.

Catsandbooks Hooray! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄❤️Thank you so much for hosting this swap every year! 😊 5mo
batsy Reese pb trees! Yum! 5mo
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Tides of Fire: A Novel | James Rollins
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Merry Christmas and Happy #Jolabokaflodswap.

Thank you! Thank you @Texreader ! You do know me. James Rollins and Reeses. Perfection.
My family is in awe of the 1lb peanut butter Santa.❤️❤️❤️ All mine!

Texreader I just got this Rollins tonight too!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ So glad you like it all. I just had to get you the giant Santa! I hope you love it! 5mo
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Merry Christmas and Happy #Jolabokaflodswap.
Today was crazy so I will probably not see everyone‘s posts tonight (sick 🐈‍⬛ and kitchen disasters).
But I wanted to post mine.
I MAY have squealed a little when I saw this book.
Thank you so much @CurvyCrochetGirl I love everything!

CurvyCrochetGirl I‘m so happy you liked everything! 🩷 5mo
mrp27 Thank you for hosting! Was such an easy fun swap for a first timer! 5mo
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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I got my third #jolabokaflodswap📦 plus a present from my mom.👩
Can‘t wait for tomorrow. I hope everyone is excited.

Aims42 Eeeek! So excited 🤗🤩😍 5mo
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Going Postal | Terry Pratchett
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According to my excel sheet there are still some people who have not posted that they sent their boxes out. I may have missed your post. If I did not like or comment on that post, comment below. If you haven't sent your package out yet you are living on the edge (you are welcome for Aerosmith living in your head right now). Post when you do send it out. And Harpy IS judging you. She judged me when I sent mine out too.

BethM This whole thing made me smile. 5mo
Chrissyreadit mine is sent. and yea ear worm 🤣 5mo
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AlaMich Kitty looking quite judgey in that pic! 😸 5mo
ElizaMarie Oh Harpy!!! 5mo
LeahBergen 😂😂 5mo
Yuki_Onna Have sent mine and it was received! Also received mine, so all good on my part. That look!!!😂🤩 5mo
batsy Harpy 😆 5mo
LapReader Mine will arrive Fri 5mo
LapReader I‘ve got mine from the lovely @CarolynM 5mo
Gissy Mine sent and received. Received package from my match too. Everything was posted in Litsy: when I sent the package and when I received mine.👌💚❤️💚 5mo
Lizpixie I‘ve got one, still waiting on the 2nd🤞 5mo
Chili My package was sent and received. I received my package from my match. 5mo
MaleficentBookDragon @Lizpixie did your other come in yet? 5mo
Lizpixie Not yet unfortunately.🤷🏻‍♀️ 5mo
OndinetheSea I have sent out and received both of my swaps 🎄☃️❄️❤️ 5mo
kspenmoll I cannot find when I posted my swap- apologies. It went out in 2 separate packages via Amazon to @Littlewolf1 -Crystal I hope you got the packages! 5mo
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