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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Y: The Last Man meets The Girl With All the Gifts in Gretchen Felker-Martin's Manhunt, an explosive post-apocalyptic novel that follows trans women and men on a grotesque journey of survival. Beth and Fran spend their days traveling the ravaged New England coast, hunting feral men and harvesting their organs in a gruesome effort to ensure they'll never face the same fate. Robbie lives by his gun and one hard-learned motto: other people aren't safe. After a brutal accident entwines the three of them, this found family of survivors must navigate murderous TERFs, a sociopathic billionaire bunker brat, and awkward relationship dynamics--all while outrunning packs of feral men, and their own demons. Manhunt is a timely, powerful response to every gender-based apocalypse story that failed to consider the existence of transgender and non-binary people, from a powerful new voice in horror.
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin

Crying about De La Pole again. Next on the schedule is crying about Katherine, and then crying about Feather, yet again.
[The first two characters are from Wyrm by Gretchen Felker-Martin, which is not in the database yet]

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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1. Thomas and Rohaise from Ego Homini Lupus by Gretchen Felker-Martin.

2. Indi and Beth from the tagged book.

3. Griffin and Gage from Max Graves' brilliant webcomic, What Happened Next.

All of these works are criminally under-read.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Men have turned into raping, killing zombies. Empowered and enraged TERFs are now on the hunt for transgendered women. Throw in some spoiled bunker brats. This is very much about the trans experience, written from that perspective. The premise is absolutely terrifying to me. I found this book makes you take a hard look at yourself. Violence, gore, sex, rape, transphobia, there's not much that isn't in here.

batsy Nice review! I thought it was really compelling as well. 9mo
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Don‘t go off the reviews. Yes, there‘s a lot of sex, violence, gore. It‘s a essentially a (not so) dystopia war novel centered between trans people/allies and very angry TERFs. It‘s frank and honest and graphic. But the characters (even some of the villains) are so heartfelt & vulnerable, it‘s hard not to become emotionally invested.

Pic is me (left) & a friend in our First Aid Kit concert tees we got at their live gig last Tuesday.

batsy Nice review! I agree, thought this was great. 10mo
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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My library card expired when I was halfway through with a #AuthorAMonth title that I was really enjoying. 😣 So while I wait to get it back, trying this one I picked up last Halloween. It‘s creepy and visceral but super engrossing.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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🎧 I liked this book. Others won‘t. There‘s a bunch of trigger warnings. Super adult language. And adult situations. Thematically adult.

Body horror. Cannibalism. Revoltingly blatant sex. A lot of sex. I loved the characters. 25% in and I had to go back to the beginning.

The book‘s lingo is quotable or at least memorable.

Trans guys & girls and non-binary characters.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👇🏻

Twainy Post-apoc, where a virus turned anyone (men) with enough testosterone into feral cannibal rapists. You have a feminist militia out to kill these beasts & the trans community. Told from the Trans perspective, 2 girls & a guy on the hunt to suppress their testosterone levels. And there it begins. On the hunt for beast balls. Yeahp. 👇🏻👇🏻 13mo
Twainy It‘s a rich graphic multidimensional story.

This book was wild & might be a little startling to some, for that reason I cannot recommend this book. Read the publisher‘s summary & a variety of reviews. The author needs to bring out another book!
Blueroseis I will certainly avoid this book. Too scary for me by the sound of it. 13mo
batsy Nice review! I thought it was fantastic 👍🏾 13mo
Reggie I loved this book. Glad you liked it, too! 13mo
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I went into this gender apocalypse with trepidation and was soon reading with gusto. Yes, it‘s OTT violent. It also pulses with emotional truth that left me feeing gutted. Transphobia, self-hatred, and dyke drama is contrasted with community building, positive disability representation, and tenderness. Beth, a trans woman, and Robbie, a trans man, are my two favourite characters in this amazing debut. #transgirlApril #LGBTQ

batsy Great review! I loved it and had a soft spot for both Beth and Robbie, too. 14mo
Lindy @batsy ☺️ thank you 🤗 14mo
Reggie Thank for seeing everything in this, Lindy. ❤️ The part where the terfs invade that house with the list of chores lives rent free in my head. I can‘t stop thinking about it. 14mo
Lindy @Reggie TERF militants—and other cis women doing nothing to stop them—that is the true horror in this novel, not the men changed by a virus. 14mo
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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It wasn‘t the few who‘d cheered who frightened her; it was the rest, watching with guarded expressions, not looking at those among their number who cried Go back to Maryland you fucking Nazis! & Fuck TERFs! The women who looked at each other in a way […] sealed forever within the cold & rigid bonds of cisness but which told her nonetheless that they couldn‘t leave too soon.
That was what scared her. The women who stayed silent.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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“College,” Robbie‘s grandfather had often said with scorn, “is where they teach you how to get an NPR subscription.”

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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I tried… but I couldn‘t. Bailed at around 45% of the audiobook. I just found I didn‘t want to keep listening. I respect the author for the boldness of the subject matter, though! Second to last #tob23 book for me, sadly I won‘t be a full completist since I couldn‘t finish it.

squirrelbrain I think that‘s about where I bailed too. I think it may have been better to read in print rather than audio - it was a bit too ‘in your face‘ on audio. (Or ‘in your ears‘ maybe?!) 1y
cariashley @squirrelbrain totally agree, and I really debated about the format before starting, but I was too tainted (sorryyyyyy) to switch at that point 😅 1y
Ruthiella I could not have experienced this in audio. I needed the freedom to look away from the page! 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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An interesting concept but did not love it. A plague had turned anyone with too much testosterone into a rapist monster zombie, and two trans women are trying to hunt down enough estrogen to stay alive. The other enemy is a TERF army. Look, I get it, but pretty much every cis person turns out to be like cartoonishly evil. This was maybe more horror than dystopia.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I am not going to be a #TOB2023 completist because I read the description of this novel and I simply cannot. I don't like horror and I'm sick and tired of plagues. I'm willing to believe it's brilliant but it's not for me, not right now.

BarbaraBB I can totally understand why you‘d skip this one. I tried and it wasn‘t for me either. Some people loved it though. And that‘s so great about the ToB! 1y
kwmg40 Understandable. I actually like the horror genre and stories about plagues, but I too bailed after reading a few chapters, as it was a little too gory and disturbing for me. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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All I‘m gonna say is not my thing!

sarahbarnes I haven‘t tried this one yet. 😬😬 1y
Ruthiella I can see that. You are not alone! 1y
BarbaraBB You are definitely not alone! 1y
squirrelbrain It‘s not many people‘s thing! 😬 1y
rmaclean4 I think I will read this if it gets past the first round of TOB. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I thought this was fantastic. The book starts off on a note of exaggerated artifice & wisecracking humour, sort of pulpy camp—before becoming something more complex & urgent. I appreciated the subtle shifts in tone. There were also so many great lines. I can't get the phrase "chromosome crusaders" out of my head. I thought this balance of humour & sadness is so good; it's hard to get it right. It's sad, & a lot more than sex & gore, imo. #ToB2023

Leniverse That cover is great 1y
batsy @Leniverse Yes! It's hard to get it out of your mind. 1y
jlhammar Oh, interesting! Great review. I still think this might not be for me based on what I've read so far, but I bet this will be a fun one to follow in the tournament. 1y
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batsy @jlhammar Yes, there's lots to discuss and it's unapologetically bold about where it stands politically. 1y
squirrelbrain Fabulous review! I‘m still intrigued by this, even though I bailed on the audio. If there‘s ever a cheap deal I may try it again in print. 1y
batsy @squirrelbrain Thank you! I wrote a longer review on GR mulling over why I think the violence was presented in that way, but I totally understand if people simply don't have the stomach for those vivid depictions. 1y
Ruthiella Great review! I will definitely also check out your Goodreads review. 👍 I agree, there was a lot of sadness in it, underneath the action. 1y
batsy @Ruthiella Thank you! I felt so much for the characters by the end of it. 1y
sarahbarnes Wow, this is the most compelling review I‘ve seen for this one, in terms of making me (sort of) want to read it despite the gore. 1y
BarbaraBB I‘ve said it before. Your taste is so eclectic! Great review! 1y
batsy @sarahbarnes If you're ever in the mood, I hope you give it a try! It starts out at a kind of breakneck pace and the violence is immediate, but it's not unrelenting violence, if that makes sense. However if you find the first few chapters too much, then it might be best to skip it 🙂 1y
batsy @BarbaraBB Thank you! 😘 1y
CarolynM Well, you‘ve made a book I had completely discounted sound tempting. But violence … 😬🫣🥴. Maybe not. 1y
batsy @CarolynM There's quite a bit of visceral body horror in relation to the violence, so if that's something quite hard to push through then I suggest skipping this one. 1y
kwmg40 I abandoned this one early on, but your review is making me wonder if I should reconsider! 1y
batsy @kwmg40 It's a tough one, isn't it! I can understand why it's just not to some people's taste because of the body horror. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I weirdly enjoyed this ballsy (pun intended) story of apocalypse when most humans with a penis become infected with a virus which turns them into monsters. Into the power vacuum steps the Matriarchy with a militarized subgroup of TERFs who hunt not only the monsters but also trans women. Both the sex scenes and the fight scenes are lurid and gross. But I found the story underneath engaging and I admire the author‘s fearlessness. #ToB2023

kwmg40 Thanks for the review! I couldn't get past the goriness myself and ended up abandoning the book, but it's nice to hear that there's a good underlying story. 1y
Ruthiella @kwmg40 I wonder if having just read the (to me) tepid, sepia toned 2AM in Little America didn‘t help me like this in-your-face technicolor novel more? 🤔 1y
Megabooks Yes! Love your review! There‘s something really interesting about this one. 1y
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Cinfhen Great review- this was a bit too in your face for me!! But I do see it‘s merits. This book may go far in the tournament!! 1y
Ruthiella @Megabooks Yes. I found how my sympathies waxed and waned with the action interesting. And I definitely puts to rest the idea that a world run by women would be more peaceful. 1y
Ruthiella @Cinfhen The ToB is so unpredictable. That‘s what makes it fun to follow. I never could have done this on audio! I admire your fortitude. 1y
BarbaraBB Great review. Glad you “enjoyed” it! 1y
batsy Nice review! I just finished today and was kind of in tears by the end. I loved it. 1y
Ruthiella @BarbaraBB Thanks! The TOB always manages to surprise me with what I think I‘ll love or hate! 1y
Ruthiella @batsy Yes. I found the last battle at the end cathartic somehow. 1y
willaful I know it'd be too much for me, which is a shame! 1y
squirrelbrain Fab review! I do wish I could have read a print copy for this one. 1y
merelybookish Yes, there is something absolutely unapologetic about this book! I liked it too but was starting to second guess that but ultimately it was a memorable reading experience. 1y
Cathythoughts Excellent review 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 1y
Hooked_on_books So glad this one worked for you! I just loved the premise but didn‘t personally end up liking the execution. 1y
Chelsea.Poole So glad to see a positive response to this one! I like that we all have different views on these titles. 😊 1y
Aimeesue Great review! I like the premise, but body horror of that kind (mutilations, torture) tends to stick hard in my memory, so I don't think this particular book is for me. I'd probably watch a movie of it, though, if the worst stuff happened off-screen. 1y
jlhammar Wow, another pick for Manhunt! Great review. I think this is going to be a bail for me (I have a very low tolerance for the lurid and the gross), but so appreciate your thoughts. 1y
Ruthiella @willaful We all have our limits. I have decided to never read A Little Life by Hannah Yanahigara. I can‘t stomach child abuse. 1y
Ruthiella @squirrelbrain Yes. There‘s something about being able to look away from the page that we don‘t have in audio. For stuff I am squeamish about, I need print. 1y
Ruthiella @merelybookish I admire this kind of chutzpah in writing more than I admire a beautifully crafted sentence, I think. 1y
Ruthiella @Cathythoughts Thank you Cathy. 😊 1y
Ruthiella @Hooked_on_books There were definitely parts that were more difficult for me to surmount than others. 1y
Ruthiella @Chelsea.Poole I also really appreciate the varied responses. For sure this book has a TON of tiggers! 1y
Ruthiella @Aimeesue A lot of people in the TOB group on Goodreads compared it to Tender is the Flesh and how that book was scarring. It‘s good to be careful. We can‘t unread something. 1y
Ruthiella @jlhammar I‘m glad I gave it a go, but certainly there are books I have also given a miss because I knew they would not be for me. It‘s actually a freeing feeling to know there are books I don‘t HAVE to read! 1y
PageShifter I have never known what's this book about - I know now 🤣 1y
Readerann I enjoyed reading your review of this book, but that may be it for me. I have a lot of vivid dreams and suspect this one might embed itself in my subconscious a little too much. 😫 1y
Ruthiella @PageShifter The joys of Litsy‘s 451 character limit! 😅 (edited) 1y
Ruthiella @Readerann I can totally understand that. There are other books I have avoided due to subject matter and not wanting certain images floating in my head. 1y
sarahbarnes Great review! I‘m a little afraid to try this one. 1y
Ruthiella @sarahbarnes Thanks! It was intimidating to start, for sure. 1y
CarolynM I‘ve just commented on @batsy ‘s review that I‘m tempted, even more so now, but I‘m really not good with gore, so… 1y
Ruthiella @CarolynM I would tread carefully then. I‘m not good with gore either, but the plot did grab me and I wanted to see it to the end. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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This started off kind-of OK, considering it‘s really not my thing. (Gory erotica / erotic gore - is there such a genre?!) I thought it was quite cleverly done and was interested to see what the message was.

However, the second part became really confusing, perhaps because I was on audio. There were two many characters and I struggled to remember who was trans and who was cis, plus some flashbacks in time (I think?) didn‘t help.

squirrelbrain I think if I‘d been able to find a physical or digital copy to reorient myself I might have continued, if only skimming, but I couldn‘t. 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Cinfhen I did audio too…definitely confusing, but I don‘t think any medium would have really “worked” for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ 1y
Ruthiella I just finished this on Tuesday and I read it in print and had no trouble following it. I would not have wanted to have this book in my ears! Too gory and yes, the sex was more detail than I need as a reader. But the story under all that was good and worthwhile. So I am glad to have read it. 1y
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sarahbarnes This definitely sounds like quite the book! There are things about it that make me want to try it…I‘m not sure. But great review! 1y
squirrelbrain @Ruthiella yes I think print would be much better, at least I could skim the sex AND the gore! But the cheapest I can find is Qf.99 on Kindle and I *never* pay that for a Kindle book. If I could find a used physical copy that would be great, but even those are around (c8 and I don‘t want to finish it that much! 1y
squirrelbrain Oops Holly @Hooked_on_books - missed you off the tag list. 😳 1y
julesG I bailed. It was too yuck - even for me. 1y
batsy I'm reading it right now... I'm imagining that this in particular will be hard on audio! 1y
BkClubCare It helped me when I just skipped the middle! Some of the pronunciations were ‘off‘, too; so I would agree that audio might not have been best. 1y
BarbaraBB You were right to do so 😉 1y
Chelsea.Poole It was a bail for me too and I agree with your review. I was too confused and it seemed repetitive 1y
Hooked_on_books You miss nothing by bailing. The beginning of this has so much promise, and it‘s not realized. So you‘ve already read the best bits! Good to quit while you‘re ahead! 1y
squirrelbrain Even for you?! @julesG Must have been really yuck then! 🤣 1y
Megabooks I agree that the beginning was better than it evolved into, but I think I‘m one of the few who really enjoyed it! 1y
Librarybelle Sounds bizarre! 1y
RebelReader I just got the audio and it‘s next up on my audio list. We‘ll see…. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Finished! More like, powered through at warp listening speed to the last half-hour and managed to connect all the dots. “grotesque journey of survival” indeed. High porn factor, plenty of violence. #Tob2023 #TransGenderApocalypse (photo of truck in front of us in traffic just the other day 😳 sorrynotsorry, had to share!!)

Megabooks Lol!! That photo!! 🤣🤣 This was a really interesting choice for the tob. I‘m glad I read it, but it was already on my radar. 1y
BkClubCare @Megabooks - I am not unhappy that I read it. I probably wouldn‘t have known about it. Not like the hubbub last year with Detransition,Baby 1y
BarbaraBB That photo 🤣 Good that you finished it and even are glad to have read it! 1y
Ruthiella That photo is just perfect for the tone of this book! 😅 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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#ToB2023 #AudioBook #grotesqueSurvivalStory

Am reading My Volcano, I own Mouth to Mouth, and Seven Moons is on its way to me (thx @Megabooks !! 💌), and I had a credit to burn— what was I to do!? I think audio might be the best strategy on this one. Maybe. Thank goodness that smellavision-listen isn‘t a thing! The rotten scent descriptions are enough to turn one‘s stomach.

Megabooks I liked this, but it‘s definitely different than the rest of the list. 1y
Ruthiella OMG, if I had to smell this novel, I would retch! 🤢🤣 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Book 13 😬 I‘m so excited! Finally!

Reggie I hope you like this one, I loved it. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I'm usually OK with gore and violence in novels, but I didn't have the stomach to continue with this book after a few chapters. Perhaps if the story had been more compelling, I'd have persevered, but there are other #ToB2023 books waiting on my TBR stack.

Chelsea.Poole SAME, I bailed. I still have 8 to go! I'm trying hard to get to them all but I don't know if I'll make it! (edited) 1y
kwmg40 @Chelsea.Poole I've never been able to finish the entire list, but I try to get to as many as I can. I also rely on the reviews here on Litsy to help me decide on the ones I must read. Seeing others bail on Manhunt convinced me it was OK to do so! 1y
Ruthiella Another one bites the dust! You are in good company. I‘ve not tried this one yet, still waiting for my hold to come in. 1y
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BarbaraBB Same too. 1y
RebelReader I‘m still waiting for hold too 1y
kwmg40 @Ruthiella @RebelReader I'd be very interested in hearing your opinions on the book. I guess I'm still hoping someone will convince me that I should give it another try! 1y
kwmg40 @BarbaraBB So many Littens have bailed on or panned this one. I'm eager to see the commentary from our parallel tournament. 1y
BarbaraBB Yes, me too!! 😉 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I wanted to be a #tob23 completionist but I realized I was just skimming this.

Chelsea.Poole I bailed too. 😬 1y
BkClubCare I still count a read if I started and got a sense of its qualities (or none?) If you took the time to sample, go ahead and count it, if you want. 1y
squirrelbrain I get you on the completing lists thing, but I had to bail on The Passenger so I won‘t do it either. This is one I haven‘t got to yet and I have it on audio so I think it might be a bit . 😬 1y
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Jas16 @squirrelbrain I still have The Passenger yet to tackle and admit that I am not looking forward to it. Not sure I could have done audio for this one but I hope it ends up working for you. 1y
Jas16 @Chelsea.Poole I wanted to give it a fair shake but just couldn‘t keep on with it. I‘ll be interested in how it does in the tournament. 1y
Jas16 @BkClubCare that is a good outlook. I definitely read enough of it to have a feeling for what it was it was attempting. 1y
BarbaraBB I felt the same about this one. 1y
BkClubCare @Jas16 - I read the first ten pages while at the bookstore. Not sure if I will seek out to read more. I have some links to favorable reviews I hope to get to someday. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Despite the billing, this doesn't feel like horror to me. It feels like revenge, gore, and erotica. It would have been easier to follow and could have developed a stronger message had the author spent as much energy on the plot as she does on the sex scenes. The science is slippery at best, and with the erratic accents and mispronunciation of town names, the narration was unpleasant to listen to. I kind of wish I'd bailed. #tob2023

BarbaraBB I know what you mean! 1y
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB I have had such bad luck with books published by Tor in the past few years. If it weren't for The House in the Cerulean Sea, I'd swear off the publisher entirely. 1y
BarbaraBB I haven‘t read Cerulean Sea, it‘s way out of my comfort zone. I have heard many good things about it though 1y
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ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB Interesting! I'd never thought about that particular book in terms of comfort zones. 1y
BarbaraBB Lol I might have made that up. I am thinking of it as a bit of fantasy/YA but I really can have made that up myself. 1y
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB Ah, got it! Well, fantasy fits, I think, although it's kind of fantasy rooted in the "real world," not like dragons or anything. It doesn't read as YA to me, although my teens love it. It's got some romance but it's not overly romantic. But certainly won't be for everyone, like all books. :-) 1y
BarbaraBB It sounds much better than I thought! 1y
ImperfectCJ @BarbaraBB It took me a while, but I just remembered that there's a little bit of dragon in Cerulean Sea. I'd forgotten about that, and I didn't want to misrepresent the book. 1y
BarbaraBB You liking it means a lot. 1y
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB - I just want to say that Cerulean Sea has many merits and if you find yourself in a situation to read it, you will likely find it tolerable in a good way. I wanted to dislike it but… I couldn‘t! 😊. (Opposite of all these tob books. Ahem) (edited) 1y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the heads-up 😘 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Not remotely the biggest problem I have with this novel, but the narrator keeps saying "wore-chester" and it's like nails on a chalkboard. If a novel is set in Massachusetts, you really need someone to check the town name pronunciations on the audio. So far none of the characters has visited Billerica, thank goodness.

Aimeesue Lol. I'm from Berkshire County, and it definitely ain't pronounced "Bark-shur" ? 1y
Amiable OMG, YES! I lived in Northboro and worked in Worcester for 14 years —makes me cringe when I hear “Worchester.” 1y
LiteraryinLawrence That seems like such an easy thing to check before recording a book! Major oversight. 1y
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ImperfectCJ @Aimeesue @Amiable @LiteraryinLawrence Characters just referred to Leo-minster. 🙄 1y
Amiable @ImperfectCJ Ugh! Hopefully the characters will stay far away from Leicester, Gloucester or Scituate! 1y
ImperfectCJ @Amiable Someone should have sent the narrator Seth Meyers's "Boston Accent" trailer. https://youtu.be/rLwbzGyC6t4 1y
vlwelser That's terrible. That would drive me insane. 1y
Amiable @ImperfectCJ H ha, right!?? Somebody should have made Blake Lively watch this before she started talking in “The Town“ -- every time she opens her mouth in that movie it gives me a headache! 😄 My kids love Casey Affleck in the Dunkin “commercial“ on SNL, too: https://youtu.be/FSvNhxKJJyU . Because his accent (and attitude) is spot on! 😄 (edited) 1y
ImperfectCJ @Amiable Yep, that's a good one, too! I forget how ubiquitous Dunkin is until I go back to MA...people give me directions based on the location of the Dunkin Donuts and I need to count to make sure I've passed the right number of them. (Or they give directions based on the location of places that used to be there but aren't anymore, something that annoyed me but that I've started doing, too.) 1y
Amiable @ImperfectCJ Very true! I grew up in New England (live in CT now) and it still cracks me up when people give directions like “take a left where the Ames plaza used to be“ or “go straight past the old A&P“ (that hasn't been an A&P in like 20 years). 1y
BkClubCare Love!!! New England accents in audiobooks often trigger me!!! (I‘m listening now and CRINGE on many odd accents and … whatevers.) I have yet to notice THIS - more than half way in? 1y
BkClubCare @ImperfectCJ LOL! 🤣. . . 😳 1y
BkClubCare @Amiable - so true. Yep 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin

I read this in prep for Tournament of Books and as my bookspin. It is a dystopian horror story of trans characters hunting feral men and harvesting their organs. It was very disturbing and raw. The author definitely did not hold back. #bookspin #tournamentofbooks @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 1y
BkClubCare I am abt 1/3 in. Not sure if I will make it without a sampling-jump thru to the end. Will I really miss anything if I skip to the end? 1y
Kempfme @BkClubCare not that I can remember besides more graphic sex and dismemberment. 1y
BkClubCare @Kempfme - ty! I made it to 60% and then high-sped to the last 30 minutes or so just to see how it ended 😁 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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If there were no other books waiting for me I would have spend more time with this one but since there are a zillion books out there calling my name I read this one diagonally. I think I got the point anyhow. Revenge indeed and a lot of anger. And that repeating and repeating.

#pop23 #QueerLead #Booked2023 #TransPerson #52Booksclub23 #SurvivalStory #ToB23

sarahbarnes I do think I‘m going to skip this one… 1y
Chelsea.Poole Agreed. Repetitive…and I was only 17% in when I bailed! 1y
britt_brooke Skipping this one based one that hideous cover alone. 1y
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BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole I reread your review and couldn‘t agree more! Life‘s too short! 1y
BarbaraBB @britt_brooke I didn‘t realize what I was looking at until I started the book 🤣 1y
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes There are people who enjoyed it so I would surely read their reviews too! 1y
batsy I'm both intrigued and wary by the mixed reviews. A most Marmite book, it seems like! 1y
TrishB I have never been drawn to this one yet! 1y
BarbaraBB @batsy definitely a marmite book. But if I don‘t automatically think it is your kind of book 1y
BarbaraBB @TrishB I guess you won‘t ever be and never mind! 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I'm glad I didn't pick this up last week on my shopping trip. Perhaps I'll see if the library has it, just to give it a try. 1y
Deblovestoread Everything I‘ve seen makes it a hard no for me. Too many books I‘d rather read. 1y
Ruthiella I‘m super curious now to see what the TOB commentariat makes of this in March! It really does seem to be a marmite book. 1y
squirrelbrain Oh dear…! 😬 I‘ll see how far I get when I eventually get round to listening to it. 1y
Liz_M How do you read diagonally? 1y
Suet624 @Liz_M I had the same question. Clearly not the same as reading horizontally. 🤪 1y
Suet624 This was a no-go immediately but thanks for trying. 1y
merelybookish Haha. It is definitely one note! And yet, maybe I appreciated just how unapologetic it was about that. Like a campy B movie. 1y
Hooked_on_books This book disappoints me. I loved the beginning of it and feel like it could have been a nuanced exploration of gender vs biological sex and to stop defining people by their parts. But sadly it missed out on doing that. 1y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M @Suet624 omg It is probably a Dutch expression that I translated literally into English. In college we needed to read many, many books and we read them “diagonally” which meant we read just enough to get the point and to know what was important to remember for an exam… does that make sense????? (edited) 1y
BarbaraBB @merelybookish I hoped I would feel the same but unfortunately I didn‘t 1y
BarbaraBB @Hooked_on_books Yes! I liked the start but it never got beyond that 1y
RidgewayGirl Well, I am a ToB completist and I think the cover art is brilliant, but I can't say I'm looking forward to this one. 1y
RidgewayGirl Well, I am a ToB completist and I think the cover art is brilliant, but I can't say I'm looking forward to this one. 1y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB I will say it doesn't belong in the TOB! That is for sure. 1y
BarbaraBB @RidgewayGirl I will definitely read your review! How are you doing with the shortlist? Any favorites? I read so many good ones that were longlisted but not shortlisted that I am a bit disappointed with the shortlist to be honest 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
RidgewayGirl @BarbaraBB I really liked Sea of Tranquility, Mouth to Mouth and Dinosaurs. I'm listening to Babel now and I think I like it more as an audiobook than I would as a paper book - it's very straight-forward and the characters are almost YA in their simplicity. But there's interesting stuff about translations and the impact of colonialism. Also reading Rabbit Hutch now and it's ok but not great. 1y
Librarybelle Yikes! The wine looks good, though! 😂 1y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB ? I was wondering if it was an autocorrect error or a Google translate error. ? I think the expression is equivalent to "I skimmed the book" in American. (ie to read really fast, "skimming the surface"/ speed-read) 1y
Megabooks I love that Dutch expression!! Agree with @Liz_M about the (American) English equivalent. I think you and @Hooked_on_books made good points about this being a revenge fantasy more than something more nuanced about gender, which is more what I‘d expect from a tob contender. It‘s still a pick for me though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Suet624 The translation makes total sense and I kind of dig it. 1y
BarbaraBB @RidgewayGirl your three favorites are mine as well along with The Rabbit Hutch, that I loved! But I still have 8 more to read, one of them being Babel. 1y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M @Megabooks @Suet624 It is skimming indeed! When I tried to explain it to you I was looking for that word but it didn‘t came to mind! 1y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks The revenge point came from @Hooked_on_books and I agreed completely. I had hoped for a bit more nuance too, it now was almost predictable in its absence of it. I am glad it is a pick for you and @merelybookish , it makes for a more interesting Litsy ToB! (edited) 1y
Cinfhen I love that it knocked off so many prompts for you!! I was stuck on a transatlantic flight without too many options so I finished this one but it wasn‘t enjoyable. 1y
RidgewayGirl @BarbaraBB I don't know if you do audiobooks, but Babel works very well on audio since it's a straightforward, chronologically told story with a strong, but not complex plot and the characters are sort of YA in their simplicity. 1y
BarbaraBB @RidgewayGirl That is a good idea. I might just do that. 1y
84 likes39 comments
Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I guess it's a pick?
This book turns the battle between TERFs & Trans women into a literal war. Oh, & America's a dystopia & men have gone feral because of a virus. They are hunted so their balls can be harvested for testosterone.
This is not a nuanced look into gender, identity, or internalized misogyny. It's a campy B horror movie in book form. Felker-Martin is a film critic & it shows. It's fast-paced (I whipped through it) & cinematic. 👇

merelybookish There's A LOT of violence, graphic sex, and gore. Like A LOT. I eventually started skipping past scenes. What saved it for me was how propulsive the writing is. Why bail when I'm flying through? It's good at what it does but there's not much substance to it. @Hooked_on_books noted it's a revenge story and that pretty much sums it up. A weird choice for #tob. 1y
BarbaraBB Great review though! And encouraging! 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘m glad it worked for you! If it had been reworked into a bit of a different book, I would have loved it. It‘s a great premise. 1y
See All 9 Comments
squirrelbrain I‘m very intrigued by this one, and rather worried! 😬 1y
batsy @merelybookish They seem to be exploring genre fiction for ToB as opposed to their usual litfic this year? Even The Violin Conspiracy was very much a mystery in terms of its plotting/structure. 1y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB Thanks! It's a ride! I look forward to hearing what you think! 1y
merelybookish @Hooked_on_books I think by the end of the review I felt like I should change it to a so-so but I decided to honour the experience..not sure it stands up to a lot of analysis. 1y
merelybookish @squirrelbrain Good luck! I think it helped I listened to it on audio while untrimming the tree, etc. It didn't demand a lot of effort. 1y
merelybookish @batsy This is absolutely genre fiction, which I might have some snobby views about. And this book didn't challenge them. It doesn't do anything to "transcend" the genre beyond casting trans women as the heroes of the story. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Things I don't really like:
😨graphic sex

Things this book has:
😨graphic sex

And YET, I haven't bailed. It's like I cannot look away. 😳 #tob2023

jlhammar Ha! Love this. I am kind of scared of this book, might give it a pass, but can't wait for your final thoughts! It will also be very interesting to see what the TOB judge(s) think. 1y
squirrelbrain Makes me feel a bit more confident about this one 🤞😬 1y
Ruthiella Sometimes it works. I‘ve loved a few books that on paper would normally be not for me. 1y
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BarbaraBB I love this too. I‘m going to read this next! 1y
Megabooks Interesting!! I usually don‘t like graphic sex or that much gore, but I enjoyed it too. (edited) 1y
Liz_M 🤣 Great review (so far) 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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#WeeklyForecast 01/23

Another year, new challenges! I am about to start The Night Shift because I really want to and I can use it for many challenges. The tagged one is for the #ToB23. I need to read one a week to finish them all in time.
The She-Devil is for #ReadingTheAmericas2023.

Happy new year 📚 📚📚📚

Cinfhen Night shift was a fun thriller and I can‘t wait to hear what you‘ll make of 1y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I keep my expectations low 😉 1y
TrishB Enjoy 😁 1y
squirrelbrain Have a great week! 1y
Megabooks I‘m with @Cinfhen re: Manhunt! 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Initially, I loved this primal scream of “trans women are women, dammit!” But it eventually became very one note and has far too much graphic sex for me (I don‘t care what parts anyone has, I‘m not a fan of erotica). I also feel like it‘s a revenge fantasy, and while revenge can initially feel good, it‘s ultimately a negative, bad place to go. #tob2023

Ruthiella Oof, sounds like I might have similar reservations. 😕 1y
BarbaraBB I love your review although I‘m dreading the book more with each review I read about it. 1y
Cinfhen Excellent review!!! I agree, it just became TOO MUCH 1y
See All 9 Comments
Suet624 Great review. Definitely one I‘m avoiding. 1y
squirrelbrain What @BarbaraBB said! 😬 1y
BkClubCare This sounds like a book that one can just “know about” and not have to truly read every word. Thanks for the tip, I will likely skip. 1y
MicheleinPhilly @Suet624 @BkClubCare I‘m definitely skipping this one. Life is too short and I‘m not getting any younger! 👵🏼 1y
Aimeesue Thanks for the review. As I've aged, I've learned that some things will stick in my head, and it's best to avoid the very graphic scenes if I don't want them to be running through my mind years hence. This sounds like a good one to avoid. 1y
Megabooks Great point about revenge. Fantastic review! 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Today is my 35th birthday, reminding me life is too short to read books I‘m not enjoying. So I bailed on this horror novel from the #tob2023 shortlist. I got to 17% and it‘s just not my style. I don‘t want to listen to any more of the same. Not necessarily a critique of the book, just me knowing what does and doesn‘t work for me. And this is a nope.

rockpools Happy Birthday! 1y
Soubhiville Happy Birthday! I hope it‘s a good one! 1y
See All 26 Comments
Patchshank Happy birthday! 1y
CaitZ Happy Birthday!🎉 1y
Ruthiella Happy birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 Fair enough to DNF if it‘s not working for you! 1y
Suet624 Happy birthday! I decided to not attempt this one. 1y
sarahbarnes Happy Birthday! I think I‘m going to skip this one, too. 1y
TheKidUpstairs Happy Birthday! 1y
Megabooks Happy birthday!!! 🥳🥳 1y
Addison_Reads Happy Birthday! I loved this one, but it's graphic and a bit repetitive, so I understand anyone skipping it. 1y
wanderinglynn Happy, happy birthday! 🎉🎂🥳 1y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 1y
Hooked_on_books That‘s an important thing to know about yourself! Happy birthday! 🎈 1y
squirrelbrain Happy Birthday! I can get this one on Scribd audio, but I‘m leaving it until last, as I‘m not convinced it‘s for me either. 1y
BarbaraBB Happy birthday! A wise decision I think! ❤️ 1y
Cinfhen Happy Birthday 🎉❣️😘This was not an enjoyable listen - glad you listened to your inner voice!!!! Hope your bday was wonderful 1y
SamAnne Life is too short to read books not giving joy or enlightenment‘ 1y
LeeRHarry Happy birthday 🥳 1y
IndoorDame Happy birthday 🎂🎈 1y
Tamra Happy Birthday! 😃 1y
fredamans Happy Birthday! 1y
ravenlee Happy birthday! 1y
Reggie Happy Belated Birthday!! 1y
The_Book_Ninja Same birthday as my son! He was born in 2000. I saw this was in the top 20 horror books on Goodreads and put it in my wish list. I may revise that decision 1y
MicheleinPhilly Happy Belated Birthday! I‘m definitely skipping this one. 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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@forestandcrow thank you so much!! I can't wait to read this and the chocolate is delicious! @MaleficentBookDragon #jolabokaflod

forestandcrow So glad you love it. That chocolate is one of my favourite brands! 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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#TOB23 I get why this book was chosen- it‘s in your FACE - every page meant to SHOCK & leave you uncomfortable but I honestly found it hollow for those reasons. I tend to think less is MORE & maybe if this book toned down the violence, graphic sex & language it would have left an impact on me. I just didn‘t enjoy this book at all. Not a pan but a book I only stayed with because of the shortlist & the fact that I was on an 11 hour flight ✈️

Cinfhen Cover is 🙌🏻 1y
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Cinfhen Am I forgetting to tag people??? 1y
Cinfhen The premise was actually good but the execution 🙄 1y
BkClubCare Thanks for the tag 🏷️— my preliminary thoughts are 1) not sure I will read this, 2) more likely I will get a copy and flip through it, and 3) whatever way I go will be fine. 😊 1y
squirrelbrain I think this one may wait until the last of my audios for #tob and if I can‘t fit it in then 🤷‍♀️. Thanks for your review! (edited) 1y
MicheleinPhilly I think I‘m skipping this one. 1y
BarbaraBB I probably will agree with you but I‘ll try to go in with an open mind! 1y
Ruthiella I‘ll give it a whirl, but generally I am also in the “less is more” camp. 👍 1y
Cinfhen Definitely keeping an open mind is the best approach @BarbaraBB @Ruthiella @BkClubCare @squirrelbrain but I also think skipping or skimming is PERFECTLY acceptable!! I don‘t like when author‘s try so hard to “push boundaries” 🙄 @MicheleinPhilly (edited) 1y
Megabooks I definitely liked this more than you did, but it is v violent and v sexually graphic. Idk if I‘d want to do it that much if I were under the stress they were supposed to be under!! A bit fiddling while Rome burned if you ask me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Hooked_on_books I was excited about this one, but now I‘m going to go in with more measured expectations. I generally don‘t live purposefully provocative books. 1y
Cinfhen @Hooked_on_books Roxanne Gay LOVED it! Her review gave me a different perspective….but I still didn‘t “enjoy” this one - just TOO MUCH. Again, curious to see what you‘ll make of it 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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This is an interesting choice for the final #ToB2023 brackets. This horror novel turns the world upside down as transgender and other LGBTQ+ folks battle TERFs for supremacy when all the XY men have fallen victim to a virus that turns them into beasts. This was sort of brilliant but filled with graphic violence and sex. Like literally if they weren‘t fighting the TERFs or zombie men they were f***ing. A wild ride for sure!

MicheleinPhilly I‘ll likely skip this. Doesn‘t sound like my thing. 1y
BarbaraBB What a review! Like @MicheleinPhilly it doesn‘t sound like my thing but greedy and impatient as I am I already purchased a copy because it is shortlisted! 1y
RebelReader I‘ll most likely skip this one too. Too many books…….😜 1y
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MicheleinPhilly @BarbaraBB 🤣🤣 We really have no self control when it comes to books, do we? 1y
squirrelbrain It doesn‘t sound like my thing either @MicheleinPhilly @BarbaraBB - but I can get it on Scribd audio so I may give it a go. 🤷‍♀️ Great review Meg! 1y
Suet624 I believe I remember @Reggie reviewing this and I thought to myself “no way am I reading that book.” 1y
BarbaraBB I remember @Reggie ‘s review too 😱 @Suet624 1y
Ruthiella I‘ll definitely give it a go. That‘s what I like about the TOB, it makes me read books I otherwise wouldn‘t. 1y
Deblovestoread Think I‘ll have to pass on this one. 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I‘m really interested to see what you think. Graphic but highly thought provoking!! 1y
Megabooks @Suet624 @BarbaraBB @reggie ‘s review first put this on my radar, and I‘m really glad it did! The idea behind the novel and its execution were both very interesting. He‘s right that if you have a book club that likes horror, this would be a good choice. (edited) 1y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly @RebelReader it‘s definitely not for everyone! 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella I 💯 agree with you! So many great book on the short and long lists. 1y
Megabooks @Deblovestoread I can understand that. 1y
Reggie I‘m glad you liked this Meg. 1y
Reggie There‘s a podcast, Talking Scared, where Gretchen is a guest and it totally gave me the bookclub feeling I longed for with this book. 1y
Megabooks @Reggie oh fantastic! Thanks for letting me know. 1y
Hooked_on_books This is one from the longlist I was excited to read, so I‘m happy to see it on the short list. It‘ll be interesting at least, even if I don‘t like it! 1y
sarahbarnes Great review! I‘m not sure I‘ll read this one, but who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
BkClubCare Well, maybe not one for my book club …. 1y
Cinfhen I‘m not really drawn to it but I picked it up on Audible Sale today - your review is excellent 1y
Cinfhen @BkClubCare hahahaha …..same!!! 1y
Megabooks @BkClubCare @Cinfhen lol! Definitely not every book club! 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen there‘s an audible sale?? 🤔🤔 1y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I got a early access email today / I only scrolled through the first 4 pages!! 1y
Cinfhen There were 28 pages!! 1y
Addison_Reads I'm so happy this one made the shortlist. I loved it, but yes, it's a very graphic read. 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen what?!? Are my 800+ titles not enough audible?? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Megabooks @Addison_Reads agreed! 💯 1y
Cinfhen Truth @Megabooks !!! I‘d think you‘d be top priority on Audible!!! 1y
Centique @Cinfhen maybe they‘re scared you‘d buy ALL 28 pages Meg! @Megabooks 😆 1y
Megabooks @Centique 🤣🤣 1y
Cinfhen Hahaha @Centique so true!!! And you just reminded me I need to scroll the rest of the pages!!! And THANK YOU for the wonderful holiday gift 😘😘😘 1y
Centique @Cinfhen 😘😘 1y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I had too high expectations for this one.. It read a lot more thans/homopbilobic than I think the author intended, and the ending was so/so. Kinda disappointing.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Man this was a trip. I only learned after the fact that it has garnered some controversial attention. It's a really good actiony horror. But be forewarned, the easiest I can compare it to would be the gore of Edward Lee, if you know, you know. But honestly I thought was a fun read. It really picks up at the halfway and gets out of its own way.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I can honestly say that I have never read anything like this before, and I know many people aren't a fan of this book but I really liked it.

It's violent, grotesque, sexual, and the mix of dark humor throughout was great. There's so much more here than just horror. I listened to the audio and I really want to get a physical copy and read it again sometime.

#Scarathlon #Scarathlon2022 @Clwojick #TeamSlaughter #LittenListen

Reggie The part that has haunted me this whole year was when the terfs went to that house where 4 people lived, where there was that list of chores on the fridge, and what happens to those four people. 2y
Clwojick I‘m glad you liked it! I didn‘t get much past the 30% mark… I found it too slow for me. 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Crying about Feather again 😭😭😭

Bertha_Mason Next on my schedule is crying about Fran. 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Society collapsed when testosterone producers all turned into feral zombie-esque creatures. Then there are TERF‘s starting war caused by fear that trans-women are time bombs if they are unable to take hormones. Cool premise, I was all about this horror book!

But it comes off as very transphobic. The witty banter between the main characters is just mean, the relationships are all toxic, and the communities/safe havens formed are all full of hate

EvieBee What a cute doggo! Brussels Griffon? 2y
AFrostCauseReads @EvieBee I have no idea, he was a rescue from a hoarding case. He was listed as a chihuahua, lol 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin

Add Gretchen Felker-Martin's other books to the database, you cowards. I've been submitting them for over two years.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Have you all seen this one? It sounds bizarre & disturbing & awesome! #PRIDEmonth horror read? Yes, please!!

Synopsis in link ⬇️


Twainy This is on my list of new 2022 books to read! 2y
FelinesAndFelonies @Twainy I saw the synopsis & added it to my cart immediately! I hear it's one heck of a ride! 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I wanted to like this book but, to be honest, the rampant, graphic sex completely took away from the fascinating and often heartbreaking world the author was building. I‘m not squeamish or prudish but I ended up rolling my eyes constantly because the characters never seemed to stop. When the characters weren‘t screwing each other it was fascinating seeing how they interacted and survived this new world. I just wish there was more of that. 🌟🌟

ChaoticMissAdventures This is how I felt about one I just bailed on. I kept wanting to assure everyone I am not a prude, but men masturbating every other page was just too much. I couldn't even concentrate on the story line because I was just waiting to turn the page to another man and his hand. 2y
candc320 Ahahhaaaa @ChaoticMissAdventures yes!!!! It definitely wasn‘t what I was expecting or wanting and just distracted from the actual story. 2y
candc320 I just realized this got me my 1st bingo for #bookspinbingo of 2022! Yay! @TheAromaofBooks 2y
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TheAromaofBooks I honestly feel this way about romances sometimes, too. Like some smutty stuff, okay but... I also need a story???? I need to care about WHY these people are or aren't screwing and who it's with?? 😂 2y
candc320 @TheAromaofBooks yes! I am not a fan of romance books in general because of this and I really wasn‘t prepared for a horror book to have this issue too 🤣 2y
TheAromaofBooks It does feel like you should have been safe on this one! 😆 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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A dystopian horror with a LOT of graphic violence. It is raw, visceral, & intended to shock. The writing is decent & primary character construction is fairly well executed. However, the good things get overshadowed by a heavily angry undertone. The plot is very intense without any variation in tension. This made it overwhelming & resulted in a kind of numbness. It came off a bit too heavy handed. Good underlying message, but lacks balance.

Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin

If you don't like this book, then fuck you. I mean it. 😘🥰💖

Bertha_Mason If you don't like this book, I fucking hate you 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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The goriest, most violent book I've ever read. Its concepts and world-building are terrifying: both the idea of this virus that turns humans with a certain testosterone level into raging homicidal rapist zombies and the TERF army that emerges as a result. This book has a lot to say about transmisogyny (today and in a post-apocalyptic setting) as well as relationships between trans women. The characterization left me a bit wanting though.

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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Treated myself to a little book splurge for my 30th birthday 🎉 (as if I don‘t do this once a month anyways)

Guess the horror section was calling to me 😂 💀 Good thing I don‘t fear aging 😅

sprainedbrain Happy birthday! 🎉 2y
AmyG Happy Birthday 🎈🎂🎁 2y
wanderinglynn Happy, happy birthday! 🎉🎂🥳 2y
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Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 2y
AFrostCauseReads @sprainedbrain @AmyG @wanderinglynn @Ruthiella Thank you!!! 😊 I love this little Litsy community 🤗 2y
Nute A belated Happy Birthday wish to you!🎂🥳 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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I got this based on the cover.

It's full of gore, graphic (sexual) violence, cannibalism,...

Not exactly sure what put me off. Maybe that dystopian books with gore and violence aren't what I'd call horror? Maybe it was the writing style?

StaceGhost I agree with this! Violence doesn‘t make a horror novel anymore than a sex scene makes a romance— and too much feels gratuitous! 2y
EvieBee @julesG @StaceGhost Low hanging fruit, maybe? Couldn‘t resist! 🫣🥹🤣 2y
StaceGhost @EvieBee hahahaha!! Ew and also lol 2y
julesG @EvieBee 🤣🤣🤣 2y
GingerAntics The cover is… interesting. I can see why it would draw attention. I‘m going with @EvieBee on this one. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2y
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Manhunt | Gretchen Felker-Martin
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Interesting premise, and I like that trans and non-binary characters take center stage. I couldn‘t finish it, though. The gore was too much for me, and there was some brutal sexual violence that didn‘t do anything to further the story; it came across as being gratuitous. I found it disturbing. Some of the characters seemed underdeveloped as well. If none of this bothers you, give this book a chance; you‘ll probably like it. It just wasn‘t for me.