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The Library Of The Unwritten
The Library Of The Unwritten | A.J. Hackwith
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Look what was waiting for me when I got back from my girls week @Avanders and @AmyG . Thank you so much to both of you! And Amy, I‘ll wait to open until my birthday next week because I‘m trying to practice patience. 😁

AmyG Ha! Good luck with that. I am happy you recieved it. 😘 1y
Avanders Yay!! 😘♥️ 1y
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Listened to this fantasy romp while stitching this Xmas gift for my niece and starting a gift for my mom. #audiostitching #litsycrafters

Soft pick. Not sure if I got confused/missed vital info because I zoned out from listening at the wrong times, but there were elements/rules of this world that I didn‘t get/understand the importance of. Also, how many times does someone have to say, “I‘m the librarian!”??? I barely say that and I am one 🙄

sarahbellum This was my July #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks. Better late than never 😄 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Chelsea.Poole Love this cross stitch! 2y
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Catsandbooks So lovely! 2y
sarahbellum @Catsandbooks thank you! ☺️ 2y
bthegood beautiful cross stitch - 2y
sarahbellum @bthegood thank you! 😊 2y
iread2much I think the best fictional librarian portrayal is Evelyn in the mummy 😊 2y
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Hope everyone‘s had a good Monday! 💚

📗 The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith
🖋️ Ursula K Le Guin
🎥 Ladyhawke
📺 Leverage
🎤 Ludovico Einaudi
🎶 Love, You Didn‘t Do Right By Me by Rosemary Clooney

#LetterL #ManicMonday @CBee

psalva Great picks! I love Leverage. 2y
RamsFan1963 Ugh!! I can't believe I forgot Ladyhawke!! 2y
MatchlessMarie My sister has been trying to get me to watch Leverage for forever. I really need to. So many shows so little time. 2y
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So. Much! The amount of plot and characters and action and emotion! It's not that it's TOO much, it's just I feel like I read an epic in under 400 pages. I love the world, the meta take on storytelling, power of books and writers, and librarians! The realms and gateways and souls' determination of their own punishment/reward. The strong, platonic relationships. Love all the hints of things that the next book in series might cover...🤫 Will read!

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"Whenever she read a book in a binge, cover to cover in a day with little break, she always found it stuck in her brain like a haze. The narrative voice stuck with her, and for a bit after, it was always like a waking dream, living someone else's thoughts. The book haunted like a ghost in her head, coloring moods until she shook herself from it."

YES. Exactly how it feels. Latest haunting is Song of Achilles for me.

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A brief summary of my mid-year reading results via Storygraph stats - yay for data! Only real surprise is the ranking of Romance in Genres- I've read maybe four books this year that could qualify, but I guess it also shows up as a subplot in other works? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Multiple tag descriptors for books lead to some interesting results....

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I just realized I neglected to review this — which is unfair, because it was a good read. I love an imperfect character who‘s still likeable, and Claire is very much the unlikely heroine. Lots of twists and turns in a story that is light fun on the surface, but a study of human nature, friendship, and family underneath the pages. Will definitely pick up the next adventure in the series!

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#WyrdAndWonder day 14: a book within a book

I love stories featuring storytelling; but I can‘t go past AJ Hackwith‘s Hell‘s Library trilogy for this prompt. A universe of untold stories and characters stepping out of their unwritten pages to save afterlives.

shanaqui One day, I really will get round to reading that series. >.> 2y
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Awesome audiobook so far. Hell, books, kick-ass librarians. What is not to love?💕

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This will be the last month I track my reading like this. It‘s just exhausting and not a fun way for me to track anymore!

Finished 13 books this month. A lot of audiobooks. I‘ve been doing a lot of rereading in March. Working my way through the HP audiobooks. I‘ll be rereading Veronica Speedwell after that.

Work has been so stressful, that I just need comfort reads.

Eggs I so understand that… 2y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I like rereading. It‘s like a warm hug for your brain 2y
DogMomIrene Comfort reads are essential! 2y
rockpools Your tracking is stunning- but as the world‘s worst tracker of anything, I totally get why you might want a change! 2y
DivineDiana Fabulous tracking! But yes, keeping it simple is my “go to” when I become stressed. ❤️ 2y
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Finished this one last night. It was really good! I‘m glad I finally picked it up. It‘s definitely a #BlameItOnLitsy read.

I really liked this book about Hell‘s library, librarian, demons, unwritten characters, and heaven and angels. I‘m definitely going to continue this series!

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#BeginsWith @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Last day of this fun photo challenge. Thank you to the hosts for another great month.

Eggs Cool cover 👌🏼 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing!! ❤️ 2y
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Got a Barnes and noble gift card for Christmas and finally spent it! The Firefly book is my other #Roll100 book and The Fragments was actually a #NewYearWhoDis book from @BookNAround 2 years ago!

#newbooks #bookhaul

BookNAround Hope you enjoy it. 😀 2y
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From the books I read in January 2021, this was my favorite. #12booksof2021 #1stbookof2021 #january @Andrew65
Come join in, post your favorite of each month during the next week.

Andrew65 Looks good. 2y
Scochrane26 @Andrew65 It‘s the first in a trilogy. The 3rd book came out recently & will prob be my first book of 2022. (edited) 2y
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The unwritten books of all of humanity exist in a single library in Hell. And sometimes, those books can escape. When Claire has to chase down an escapee, she learns that there are bigger things afoot.

Goddamn. I would find my favorite read of the year in the last 2 weeks of 2021. Action packed, a complicated lead, intriguing side characters, twists and turns (only 1 I predicted), and above all, the enduring humanity of storytelling. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

BookmarkTavern I want side novels of literally everybody‘s stories. ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
DieAReader Sounds fantastic! Great job🎉🎉🎉 2y
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SolaRaynor Sounds interesting! 2y
Scochrane26 I‘m trying to get around to reading the 3rd one. Loved the 2nd, too. 2y
wanderinglynn Love this trilogy! 2y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 2y
TheSpineView Awesome! 2y
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And in the warded town have the Hellhounds found our band of merry men, The book, and the elusive B…A relationship forged of blind trust, betrayal unravels with ease…. And speaking of unraveled…


A dual duel you say? Well how late would you fight Bjorn the Bard and Uther the brick wall in the arena of Valhalla? A lovely bout about historical literature. Using word as weapons, spelled with the blood of a god. Most enjoyable and creative 😉


How much guilt does one have to be carrying to buy into the belief that they are an actual demon? How strong the want of home is; how far from Grace one has fallen? What could be enough to pull God from Her watch? And how gruesome a tale must be woven that even Hell itself cannot hold it?

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#selfcare weekend log:
Finished 1 Book, ate awesome food, started new book.
If I can actually manage to sleep more than 2 hours tonight, which I randomly could not manage the last two days, I might actually be less stressed on Sunday. Wish me luck, I am so damn tired 😴

BookwormM Good luck not sleeping is the worst 3y
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I decided to take a break from the patternist series and actually read a SFFBC pick in the month it was chosen for once. I‘m only about 25 pages in so far and curious where it will lead.

wanderinglynn I loved this book. So good! I hope you enjoy. 3y
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“How much easier it would be if everyone knew their role: the hero, the sidekick, the villain. Our books would be neater and our souls less frayed. But whether you have blood or ink, no one's story is that simple.”

“A lie. A dream. Good stories are both.”

“We think stories are contained things, but they‘re not. Ask the muses. Human, stories, tragedies, and wishes—everything leaves ripples in the world.”

“It‘s easy to be brave on a leash.”

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Read: February 2021

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#two4tuesday on Wednesday

1. I‘m not currently in a book club, so I can‘t answer this.

2. If I was in a book club, I‘d love to discuss the tagged.

Thanks for the tag @Eggs @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩📖📚 3y
Scochrane26 That would be a good one to discuss. 3y
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I loved this book! If you are in a reading slump and like fantasy, this book will get you out of your slump! Fast-paced and good character development, I highly recommend at ⭐⭐⭐⭐ and 1/2 stars. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

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3.9 🌟
I always have a weakness for books about anything-on-books, and this book captures a whole new idea of a library where every story unwritten kept in Hell. Why hell I have no idea, but this book is very beautifully written, and I love the snippets of the Librarians thoughts before every chapter.
Too much happening in this book, an everyday job turned into hunting escaped unwritten book on Earth, hunting Devil's bible, expedition to 👇

Weisubei Valhalla, a warded city on Earth to a forgotten realm. Really this book is action-packed, fast paced and there's twist upon twist. Super love it 💚💚 3y
TheSpineView Great job! 👍📖📚 3y
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No story, written or unwritten, is static ✔️✔️

Monumental opening paragraph 📚📚

wanderinglynn Love that book! 👍🏻 3y
Weisubei Almost 20% of the book and lovin it so far @wanderinglynn 3y
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I REALLY enjoyed this. I mean, I was sold on badass pansexual librarian but this book is clever. I love how the author plays with conventional ideas of good and bad, of heroes and villains. I‘ve downloaded the next audiobook straight away.

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When your next book completely understands what it‘s like to have just binged on a book in a day. 😂

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Walk careful in the long shadows of abandoned stacks, for you walk footpaths of restless dreams.

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Posted my 4/365 on the bookshop Instagram earlier, but this showed up, so there is NO WAY I'm not shoving everything else to to the side to start this one tonight! It counts when I finish it, which I hope is not tonight only for my need for sleep. 5/365 @Shakespearience @ads0123 @EliNeedsMoreShelves #LMPBC #GroupL #BookNerdReads

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I liked it. Some portions of the book felt familiar to other stories but I liked the overall concept of the book.

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I'm 20% in and I love it.

Badass librarian. Demons. Unwritten books that change over time. Angels.

Cathythoughts Sounds great ✨✨✨✨✨ 4y
LazyOwl Great book. I enjoyed this one. 4y
CaitlinR I loved it! 4y
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Ok, I am going with my gut here... after going up and down my bookshelf multiple times and trying to find something I think I am going with these four. #groupp #lmpbc #icheatedandiknowit

wisherwishinguponastar I admit... this is 442 pages. I can come up with something else if you wish to call foul. (edited) 4y
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PandaPanda I would love the invisible life of Addie LaRue! 4y
wisherwishinguponastar The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and Deadly Education were in my Book of the Month box this month. They sound sooooooo good. (edited) 4y
PandaPanda Yes! We will be reading some excellent books over the next 4 months! 4y
EliNeedsMoreShelves I'd be up for Addie Larue as well! 4y
Littlewolf1 I am also down for the Invisible Life of Addie LaRue 4y
Littlewolf1 The library of the unwritten is an amazing book though and definitely recommend reading it… I‘m getting ready to read a book two 4y
wisherwishinguponastar Cool! I can‘t wait! I plan to get to Library go the Unwritten soon. I saw the sequel is coming out or came out. One of the two! 4y
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Today's plan is to reread The Library of the UnWritten and start working on the sequel The Archive of the Forgotten

ralexist Love these! 4y
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I‘ll check out the next installment, but this book just reminded me of a lot of other books that I liked better. Now that the world is set hopefully the next one will be a bigger hit for me.

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I read a third of this back in November, and only have until Wednesday to finish it. I‘m going to see if I can start it again where I left off and hopefully not be too lost, because I probably don‘t have enough time to read it all over again before it‘s due. Wish me luck!

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🎧 Apparently I shouldn‘t judge a book by it‘s cover. What a cool cover, right?! I also LOVED the book&library talk! That‘s about it. By hour 6 I had the playback speed at 2X. This book had so much promise & I Really wanted to love it but I didn‘t. Flat characters & excessive religion. This isn‘t Good Omens. I had a HUGE love/hate relationship that left me thinking middle of the road, MEH. This book has an audience!! It‘s just not me. 😫 😢 ⭐️⭐️

BookDragonNotWorm That cover is fantastic, though! 4y
Twainy @BookDragonNotWorm agree! I‘m a sucker for a cool/pretty cover. 4y
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This is the first book in a fun new fantasy series featuring a Librarian who works in Hell‘s library. And it‘s only $2.99!


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5 ⭐

I loved this! Such a great mix of fantasy and mythology, and unlike anything I've ever read. I did the audiobook, which was fine, but I intend to read a print copy soon.

Thanks for the recommendation, @TheLibrarian - I think this is the last of the #newyearwhodis picks. Thanks so much for all the fun 💚

wanderinglynn Sounds intriguing. 4y
TheLibrarian Hooray! I‘m so happy you enjoyed most of my picks. My reading has decreased a lot with everything going on but I need to start reading books off your list again. 4y
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A fun book that‘s a start to a series about a woman named Claire that has been charged with supervising the unwritten wing in Hell‘s Library. Any unfinished book is housed in the unwritten wing and wrangling them in can be a chore, especially considering they occasionally come to life in the form of the book‘s characters and try to escape. It was a fun read and I‘m looking forward to the next in the series.

Texreader Brilliant review! 4y
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It took me up to about 70 pages to get into this book, but then I was hooked.
The Unwritten library in is Hell and the head librarian is Claire. As you can gather from the title if the book the library contains books not finished by authors. So when one character decides to up sticks and leave Claire and Brevity her assistant and a demon called Leto all go to back Hero back.
Well it is not that simple! #bookseries

InBooksILive Ohh this sounds fun! Stacked!! 4y
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#Bookmail is the best mail! Ordered these from my local/nearest indie bookstore when the panic was just starting here. Top three for me, and two Murderbot books to send away 📚📦✈️ to my husband. 🤗 PS: I was too lazy to set up a nice looking photo, so here they are on my Mickey blanket. 😁

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[#BookReview] The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith. I borrowed this book after some of my favorite reviewers talking about it and I am so happy I did!! This dark fantasy is for readers who love stories and morally grey characters. If you like Victoria Schwab‘s book you‘ll love this one! 📖


Mitch Sounds intriguing 4y
HeathersReadingHideaway @Mitch I thought so too! If you pick it up I hope you like it! 4y
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I forgot to review this one! It was okay. I had a really hard time connecting with the main character, and since she was a LIBRARIAN that‘s saying something. I found almost all of the secondary characters more compelling. The book has an interesting afterlife construction, and there were some good pieces that made the world feel interesting. I don‘t know if I‘ll pick up the second one when it eventually comes out though.