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Joined October 2016

INFJ🧩 Geek🤓 Labradoodle Enthusiast🐶 Blogger👩🏻‍💻 Find me on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5123231-irene-mchugh
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Third and last 🎧book that my husband and I listened to as we drove across 🇨🇦 on our epic road trip! Well worth the read. Part I gets technical with the details of how the electric grid works, including vulnerabilities. A little dry in places. Part II focuses on how unprepared the US is for a cyberattack or EMP that takes out the whole grid. Scary stuff! Part III was the most interesting. Features interviews with preppers + LDS church members.

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If you‘re looking for a book that showcases the results of toxic masculinity, this one could be an exemplar. Posturing everywhere. Well researched and well written, but way too much grandstanding. Events do occur before and during the 2016 election of the Orangutan. I‘ll be giving 4 stars on GR. Removing a star because the first third of the book felt drawn out. Not repetitive, but plagued with extraneous details.

Hudson Goes to Depot | Sean McCabe
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Just a few of the children‘s books we‘ve bought on our epic road trip across Canada🇨🇦

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Highly engaging audiobook for a road trip. Temple thoroughly covers how the mega-clinic American Pain began and follows them all the way through the prison sentences for most, but not all, of the oxycodone drug dealers. Truly disgusting how complicit the doctors were in feeding the habits of addicts, and how much money the idiot felon made running his pill mill empire in Florida. Of course in Florida.

One Second After | William R. Forstchen
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So many problems with this macho flag waving genuflecting prepper porn story. Narrator was awful reading any female or any dramatic moments. Will give props for making realistic + brutal character/plot decisions, but to be expected in a book whose purpose is to scare people into prepping for an EMP attack. Worth reading as a thought exercise, but be prepared for narrow minded world views.

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Shocked that this is the same author who wrote The Circle, which I really didn‘t like…at all. Middle grade animal book that gives all the feels. Johannes, a free dog, and his park animal friends will entertain readers of all ages. The illustrations are paintings where Johannes has been added, so they‘re just a beautiful addition to the story.

One Second After | William R. Forstchen
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2009. That‘s the publication date for this book. 2000 freaking nine🤬 Who still writes this kind of sexist crap?

Putting down the audiobook for now. Everything I‘ve heard about this book stresses how informative it is and sparks a prepper mindset. I‘ve been shoring up my family‘s preparedness, esp after Covid, so I want to read this book, but he‘s already going overboard on Southern gentility, Apple pie, guns, god, and scientific ignorance.

Ruthiella Yikes ! 🙄 12mo
tjwill 😬 12mo
RaeLovesToRead 🤨 12mo
SamAnne 🙄🥱😵‍💫🤢🤮 12mo
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One Second After | William R. Forstchen
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😡Listening to some prepper porn. How does the US fare after an EMP attack? Genuinely want to know different takes on this subject. Opening chapter clunkily sets up lots of electronics that will be wiped. Sounded similar to Cory Doctorow‘s awkward plots to explain technology. OK with that. But then there‘s a “patriot bear” Beanie Baby. There‘s a female mayor who‘s written as an idiot. Oh, and there‘s this lovely hint of climate change denial!

PaperbackPirate Thank you for sharing! That‘s a pass for me. 😬 11mo
DogMomIrene @PaperbackPirate Yeah, there were some circumstances handled incredibly realistically, but the overall right tilt was just too much. I‘m passing on the sequels. 11mo
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If I Go Missing | Brianna Jonnie
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Graphic novel - highlights the open letter that Indigenous teen Brianna Jonnie wrote to Winnipeg Police Force. Original letter included at the end. Effectively makes point that many other missing teens receive immediate attention from police, media, and public. She applauds that attention; she recognizes how necessary it is. But I could feel her pain that Indigenous women do not receive the same treatment, and are actually negatively labeled.

Sugar Falls: A Residential School Story | David Alexander Robertson
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The illustrations in this graphic novel so strongly support the story. Such contrast in the beauty and light found at Sugar Falls, and the darkness surrounding the Catholic priest who sexually abused the girls at the Residential School. The panel depicting him as this shadowy faceless evil canoeing to abduct Betty was perfect foreshadowing. Going to be reading more by David A. Robertson.

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Sugar Falls: A Residential School Story | David Alexander Robertson
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I‘ve been distracted recently, so trying to jumpstart spending more time reading with a few graphic novels. This one about the horrors of the Residential School system has already grabbed my attention with the Foreward written by Canadian Senator Murray Sinclair.

Parkland | Dave Cullen
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Traces birth of March for Our Lives in the aftermath of the MSD school mass shooting. David Cullen‘s the media go-to analyst for school shootings, but he recognized that fewer people are concerned with the motive of the shooter. Instead, people are searching for solutions. Sadly, I don‘t think sensible solutions will be implemented in such a divided America. Still a powerful listen.

Dark Roads: A Novel | Chevy Stevens
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Liked this book, but didn‘t love it. Opening scene grabbed my attention. Like wowza! Thought I would be reading a dark tale about the pursuit of a serial killer. Not so much. The story focused on the two younger women, Hailey and Beth. I didn‘t connect with either character, and a few pieces of dialogue reeked of YA drama. The plot was also slow going. I kept reading because I wanted resolution, and the dog…Wolf was a total badass! Loved that dog!

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🌟Final thoughts from The Light We Carry

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There were several statistics shared about how skewed the representation is in memorials to old white men. The mermaid stat really stood out to me though.

wanderinglynn That‘s crazy! (Even if mermaids rule) 🧜🏻‍♀️ 13mo
DogMomIrene @wanderinglynn I know! Like I like mermaids, but how many statues of them do we have? 13mo
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Such a breath of fresh air. Perseverance strategies presented through memoir-type writing, but generalized just enough to inspire and provoke thought. If you‘re going through a rough patch, highly recommend this audiobook, read by the author, to remind you of why progress will triumph.

KathyWheeler Is it necessary to have read Becoming before reading this? 13mo
Sparklemn @KathyWheeler I'm about halfway through it, and I would say no, you don't have to read Becoming first. 13mo
DogMomIrene @Sparklemn @KathyWheeler Not at all. She mentions Becoming a few times, but I have not read it. 13mo
KathyWheeler @DogMomIrene Thank you. 13mo
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Dark Roads: A Novel | Chevy Stevens
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We‘re moving! Condo living on Vancouver Island is just not the best fit for me or my husband or our two dogs. Going to miss this reading view, but we‘re working on making an even better view happen. Our stuff has already been packed, moved, and put into storage, so thank goodness for libraries! Now we‘re just waiting for a buyer⏳

candc320 Congratulations on the move!! 13mo
Sleepswithbooks Your pups are so beautiful 🥰🐶🐶 13mo
Bookwormjillk Good luck! With a view like that you should find a buyer soon! 13mo
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dabbe Dose sweet pups! 💙🐾🐾💙 13mo
DogMomIrene @Sleepswithbooks @dabbe Thank you! The only kids I ever wanted were fur kids. 13mo
DogMomIrene @Bookwormjillk We‘re crossing our paws over here. 13mo
DogMomIrene @candc320 Thank you! Ready for a change😊 13mo
UwannaPublishme How adorable are those pups! Wishing you a smooth move into a wonderful new home. 🤗❤️ 13mo
DogMomIrene @UwannaPublishme Thank you! We‘re getting new photos taken tomorrow to update our listing. Hoping for blue skies🤞🏼 13mo
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Meh. Don‘t feel like I got much out of this read. My mind kept wandering as I was listening, which is not like me. There‘s a lot of self reflection that‘s better suited to a print or digital copy for easier reference, but aside from feeling like I have a really thorough overview of HSPs in a variety of environments, I haven‘t walked away with any strategies that I feel are really useful to me. Going to try a different audiobook on this topic.

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Dark Roads: A Novel | Chevy Stevens
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Thought I‘d start a new library book before breakfast. Now I have a problem. I‘m supposed to clean up the condo for an Open House we‘re having tomorrow. I‘m putting the book down. Going to try to get the things done… because I would like for this place to sell… but I know I‘ll be thinking about this first page the whole time!

Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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Really satisfying climate-fiction dystopia here! Story alternates through multiple perspectives of characters, including different times within their lives since oil production was banned. Saw some events coming; others not so much. One scene involved 4 dogs that I didn‘t like, but it‘s not gratuitously described. Themes and resolution were pretty optimistic for this genre, but kept me wanting more.

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Tatouine | Jean-Christophe Rhel
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Spent almost 2 hours listening to this One eRead Canada Selection and I can‘t seem to find a plot. Summary says it‘s relatable, and captures “daily struggles and small triumphs of modern existence with humour”. Umm, I couldn‘t find any of that. Reads like the stream of consciousness of an ADHD person who doesn‘t know they‘re ADHD. Way too overstimulating of an interior monologue on someone‘s dreary life. Just bizarre. #DNF

Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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Switching back to my print library book. This quote was one of the first things I read, which just makes me want to know more!

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Thoroughly enjoyed listening to Tom Felton narrate his first acting roles and many wizarding adventures. But the final chapters where he shares quite frankly his own mental health struggles really impressed me. The world could use more Toms.

Toasty_Applejack Going to try to get this today from my library 13mo
DogMomIrene @Toasty_Applejack Yay! I never thought I‘d be an autobiography/memoir kind of person, but #BlameItOnLitsy has me thinking otherwise. 13mo
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Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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Good reading day, which included a brain break walk over to Bosley‘s for some chews for the pups. Ordering dinner from our favorite restaurant right next door, and snuggling back into reading mode! Really loving this book, but want to savor it. #dogsoflitsy

dabbe Da sweet pups! 💚🐾🐾💚 #loveyourview 14mo
Leftcoastzen So cute ! Sounds perfect! 14mo
AlaMich That‘s a beautiful view from the window! 14mo
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DogMomIrene @AlaMich @dabbe Thank you! I love our view too. 14mo
DogMomIrene @Leftcoastzen It has been🌟 14mo
Toasty_Applejack Interested to hear your take on Camp Zero, I didn‘t enjoy it at all.. I was very bummed 14mo
DogMomIrene @Toasty_Applejack I get it. I tried reading Station Eleven and didn‘t get far. Just didn‘t grab me. Some people felt same way, but others freaking loved that book. Guessing Camp Zero is similar. 14mo
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Camp Zero | Michelle Min Sterling
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Pretty excited about picking up these library holds! #TBR

Just started Camp Zero since I know more people have it on hold, and chapter 1 has me hooked! Prediction: today will be a reading day📚❤️

TracyReadsBooks The best type of day! 14mo
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🎨 Gorgeous illustrations and lettering

📖 Majority of the 2-page spreads feature one animal with several blurbs of information about that particular creature

🐘 Serious variety in the animals - many unusual choices from all over the world

💡 Perfect book for students who like reading fun facts books!

Thank you to NorthSouth Books and #NetGalley for providing me with an #ARC of #GeniusNoses in exchange for my honest review.

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Perfect book for middle grade dog enthusiasts! As a 52-year-old woman, there were several times during the story where I desperately wanted to go to Kennel Club with Jillian and Pal. Full of affirming lessons about positive reinforcement and building a bond with your dog, this first book in the Junior Handler series has me looking forward to the next installment. #dogsoflitsy

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A fun distraction. Swapping around the timelines of characters like present day Paris to child Joey and others kept the pacing quick. The technique does make it easier to guess the twists, but even so, the twists kept me entertained and wanting more.

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I‘m going to be sharing more and more dog book reviews on Instagram with Bernie & Lizzie‘s Labradoodle account. I‘d love to follow some #Bookstagram accounts who are creating awesome original content in their Stories and Reels for some inspiration. So I‘m much less interested in the genres they‘re sharing. I get my book recommendations here, Duh😂 But if you follow some #Bookstagrammers who just make cool stuff, please share their account name.

swishandflick crimebythebook is great for crime fiction and thriller content! 1y
swishandflick bookapotamus is another great one! 1y
swishandflick I'm also always fascinated by pieladybooks - so creative! 1y
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DogMomIrene @swishandflick Thank you! I definitely need some creative inspiration. Will be following all of these folks😊 1y
marleed I love the way jordys.book.club posts a review or comment. I know his posts way before my eyes fall on his acct name. @swishandflick - haha you just gave me two new accounts to follow! (edited) 1y
DogMomIrene @marleed Thank you! Now I can fall down another rabbit hole… looking at the accounts these accounts follow😂 But I‘m loving finding more bookish accounts to follow on Instagram! 1y
marleed @DogMomIrene That is a fun rabbit hole. I notice authors will sometimes leave comments on Jordy‘s posts - I think he‘s a recipient of many a free book! 1y
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Healing/Heeling | Sassafras Lowrey
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💔 Memoir - equally broke my heart & lifted my spirits. Cried more than once! From losing hir first dogs after a trusted adult kicked hir out after discovering that Lowrey was queer to hir current Newfie who helped hir return to competitive shows, Lowrey doesn‘t hold back hir feelings, fears, & hopes. Highly recommend for YA reluctant readers. 100 pages will draw them in, but emotional pull of Lowrey‘s stories will keep them engaged.

Healing/Heeling | Sassafras Lowrey
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Really related to this quote. We‘re currently living in a condo that‘s making them anxious and definitely not meeting their needs. But we‘re moving! To meet their needs! Cannot wait for the next leg of our journey together!

PaperbackPirate Good luck with your move! 💙🐕 1y
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Short book that could have been shorter. Like a blog post. All of her advice is great, but she tells these looooong anecdotes around the advice. Many of these anecdotes visit Tangentland with an over-the-top attention to detail.

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🎨 Beautifully illustrated. Bright colors sure to appeal to children.
👩🏻‍🎨 Lili Chin‘s attention to detail gives adults a real opportunity to ask children about the differences they see in the body language of the different dogs.
🎵 Good balance between explaining dog body language cues to look for while still having fun with the rhymes.
📖 Last two pages give additional information about dog body language. Language here is still kid-friendly.

Hell Bent | Leigh Bardugo
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Galaxy Stern competes with Lizbeth Salander for toughest female MC kicking ass in a male dominated secret society. Freaking loved this story even though there‘s a bit of a cliff hanger… again. Will be eagerly awaiting book 3. May the muse shine upon Leigh Bardugo.

dabbe Da sweetest sleep puppies! ❣️🐾🐾❣️ 1y
DogMomIrene @dabbe They are pretty cute, even if they‘re preventing me from extending my legs😂 1y
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Hell Bent | Leigh Bardugo
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This book is kind of intense! Not that that‘s a bad thing. Thankfully, Bardugo interjects, what I consider, just the right amount of humor. Now I need to go finish this book. It‘s majorly overdue and I can feel the wrath of the librarians bubbling. No joke!😈

The Hunting Party | Lucy Foley
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Liked the story idea, but not the characters. I think the ensemble cast of voice actors probably made this book work better for me. I guessed who the murder victim was, but didn‘t identify the correct murderer. I have The Guest List as an ebook, and it‘s on my 2023 TBR. Going to put some time between Foley books because I keep reading that she‘s basically recreating the same set of circumstances for each book - just new setting and new characters.

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I‘m not clinically depressed, but I do consider myself an imaginative pessimist who gets pissed at the world sometimes, moreso post-2016. But also, people, how hard is it to follow a common set of rules for overall harmony? Not the target audience. I think if someone were on that edge of suicidal ideation then this book might be more helpful. Doesn‘t hurt to read it. Typical advice that may be overlooked if depressed. Did enjoy Sytes‘ humor.

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Tough read. Glad I listened to this one. There are details of the shooting, but it‘s the stories from the families that truly broke my heart. Focusing on how Alex Jones and his BS machine harassed these families for years. Even with the consequences ALex Jones faces, there are still no happy endings for any of these poor people.

Readergrrl Alex Jones is the most vile smear of 💩scraped from the bottom of Life‘s boot. But, worse, even after everything that was said at his recent trial, that abomination of a human still has plenty of followers and fans. Yuck! 1y
Amiable It‘s a horrible, heartbreaking story, but the book is very well written. 1y
DogMomIrene @Readergrrl yes! All of this. And reading about some of these followers was so disgusting! Like remove head from butt people! 1y
DogMomIrene @Amiable Agree. She‘s really thorough too in following some of the misinformation tangents. I wondered how many families she actually spoke to, and how much of her research and interview notes didn‘t make it into the book. 1y
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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 The audiobook performance was ah-may-zing! Every character sounded precisely the way they were written. Such an uplifting, inclusive, and funny story about the family you choose. Extremely Upper Management may not approve, but I sure do!

Wishtree | Katherine Applegate
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A short and sweet book narrated by an Oak tree who has nurtured relationships in its neighborhood for over 200 years. Its stories center around kindness, love, and acceptance. Throughout the book are gorgeous drawings featuring critters who live in the tree‘s hollows, and many Oak leaves falling.

Wishtree | Katherine Applegate
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Too many sweet life affirming quotes to choose from in this story narrated by a tree, so I‘m going with a vocabulary lesson Applegate just sneaks into her story💙

RobES Beavers are crepuscular too 👍 1y
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Decided to cook some yummy baked potato soup so I could keep listening to this one. Even though I own the print version, the library had the audiobook available. Sweet surprise, especially since my next audiobook hold is ~7 weeks out.

Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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So much fun reading this one. Many murders. Details aren‘t Patricia Cornwell gruesome, but the assassins do employ techniques I found really interesting, sometimes surprising. Lots of humorous banter between these friends as well. Thank you #BlameItOnLitsy for this recommendation 🙌🏼

Hooked_on_books I loved this one! 1y
rockpools I appreciate knowing where it sits on the gruesome scale! 1y
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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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This quote definitely stood out to me. Thought it‘s a great example of how a fun, sometimes funny, mystery or maybe light thriller genre novel can still add a little solid food for thought for the reader.

Hooked_on_books Internalized misogyny is real. Too real. 1y
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Really surprised by how much I loved hearing his stories. I liked Nirvana & Foo Fighters, but I‘ve generally been indifferent about music. Would not have picked this one up without Litten‘s recs. Last section was my favorite. Numerous stories about meeting so many musical legends, but Grohl‘s self-deprecating sense of humor keeps the stories from being over-the-top. Great example of the happiness you can achieve when you let your freak flag fly.

RebL I liked that he wasn‘t afraid to be uncool about his fandom. 1y
DogMomIrene @RebL Yes! He shared so many uncool moments. Many about being a fan, but some were just uncool moments…and he had such a great sense of humor about whatever the circumstances were. He‘s one cool uncool dude. 1y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Excited that my new book light arrived this morning. I‘ve tried book lights before and I‘m not a fan of clipping them to my book. I‘m always behind on print books, so I decided to search for solutions and found this one that rests around my neck. Anyone using these? Thoughts?

Leftcoastzen I‘ve been curious about this style too! 1y
DogMomIrene @Leftcoastzen they feel good around my neck, but I just wore them for a few minutes. They‘re charging right now for tonight. 1y
SamAnne Love this idea. 1y
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ElizaMarie Ooo please update with a review after you've used them a couple of times, I have one that you clip but it doesn't sit right on some books, and then doesn't really provide the light evenly.
DogMomIrene @ElizaMarie Will do😊 1y
MicheleinPhilly My wife bought me one of these recently. I like it better than the clip but if you‘re lying down, it‘s not very comfortable. You need to be somewhat propped up for it not to dig into your neck. 1y
peanutnine I have one of these and I love it! 1y
DogMomIrene @peanutnine Excellent. Playing with the types of light and brightness levels, and I think it‘s going to work well. 1y
DogMomIrene @MicheleinPhilly Good to know. I usually use one of those reader pillows to prop myself up, so I think this may work well. 1y
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January #WrapUp —-> 😮Cannot believe I‘m on track with my reading, especially since I‘ve been getting several projects done this month too.

🧟‍♂️Favorite Book: Rise by Mira Grant
🎧Three audiobooks
📱Two ebooks
📘One print book

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Quick read. Appreciate White‘s perspective on clutter and cleaning. I‘ve always been an organized, neat, and clean master of my domain, but I got married to a man who struggles with clutter. He likes clean and neat, and he likes the idea of minimalism, but achieving that goal is really hard for him. I‘m hoping White‘s ideas may resonate with him. Need to ease him into her mindset, most importantly her Container Concept🧺🧽🫧

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Killers of a Certain Age | Deanna Raybourn
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tpixie 😂😂😂 13mo
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