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Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd | Alan Bradley
Flavia de Luce is one of crime fiction's most engaging and original sleuths. Growing up in a crumbling mansion with two elder sisters (who are both, in their own way, horrible to her), a father who seems perennially lost in contemplation of the past and haunted by fleeting memories of her mother, who died mysteriously in the Himalayas when Flavia was a baby, her refuge has always been an obsession with chemistry; an interest that has proved very useful whenever unexplained death has come to the otherwise sleepy village of Bishop's Lacey, which is surprisingly often. But the latest mystery to puzzle Bishop's Lacey's eccentric inhabitants is perhaps the strangest and darkest yet, and it will test Flavia's budding investigative skills to the limit - not to mention put her in terrible danger . . .
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The 8th Flavia book and she is back at beloved Buckshaw, only to learn that her father is sick. She hasn‘t been long home either when she stumbles across a dead man, hanging upside down in his own home. Who killed him? Is the man who he has said he is? And what is the connection to the famous author Oliver Inchbald? Flavia has her hands full in this one.

Lynnsoprano Love this series! It haven‘t seen that cover before. 6mo
Aimeesue That‘s a fabulous cover! 6mo
Ruthiella Love Flavia! 6mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😽 13mo
Eggs 🐈‍⬛🥰🐈 13mo
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#TemptingTitles #WithCat

Another series I liked but am behind on.

Eggs These have always intrigued me 🐈‍⬛🐈 13mo
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I finished another Flavia book and I think I only have two left? 😔 What am I going to do when I run out?

This was my #doublespin for April and I was just as charmed by this one as I have been all the others.

rubyslippersreads I need to catch up on this series. 13mo
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The most precocious twelve year old in mystery fiction is back on the hunt for a murderer. She and her trusty bicycle 🚲, Gladys are traveling the icy roads interviewing suspects while her dad lies in hospital with pneumonia. This one‘s bittersweet and I‘m not happy with the author. Loved this audiobook- the narrator is sooo Flavia 🤣

tpixie I‘ve always wanted to read this series but have not …yet. Are they YA or MA books or is the character just a 12 year old? 2y
Dragon @tpixie I consider them adult - even though the main character is 11 then 12. The mystery is adult and there‘s a lot going on that Flavia misses but the adult reader doesn‘t. 🙏💚🐉 2y
tpixie @Dragon thanks!!! 2y
Centique I love Flavia and need to catch up on this series. I‘m up to number 4 I think? 2y
Dragon @Centique I haven‘t read them in order so I‘ve missed a few in the middle 🤣 - I think it‘s better to read them in order 💚🐉 2y
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I managed only 11 hours and 45 minutes for the #24B4Monday readathon, but I did finish the 8th Flavia de Luce book and make progress on a couple of others.

The story was good, but I mainly read this series to spend time with the inimitable Flavia, who was wonderfully portrayed by audiobook narrator Jayne Entwistle.

This is also my 6th book finished for #ProgressItNovember! Many thanks to @Andrew65 for hosting both readathons.

Andrew65 That‘s still a great time, well done 👏👏👏🙌🙌🍾🥂🍾🥂 4y
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This instalment of the Flavia de Luce series as such a curve ball of an ending, you nearly forget everything else that happened in the previous pages. But there is a mystery that keeps Flavia on her toes and it‘s lovely to be back with all our old friends after our brief interlude in Canada.


emz711 Yeah! 4y
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Question 4!


Smarkies I appreciate the evolution even if I did not appreciate the ending of this one. I am still interested in seeing how this event shapes Flavia's path in the future. 4y
BridgetteM I have noticed that Flavia‘s been maturing in the recent books, and I love it. Her more tactful behavior has enabled her to gain the trust of adults around her, which has helped a lot in her investigations. 4y
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Question 3!


Smarkies Oh gosh - that ending slayed me! Initially I thought that her missing the visits to her father were just inconveniences towards them reuniting again... But when the ending hit, I thought it was kind of a cruel twist of fate that she did not get to see him before he passed. 😞 4y
BridgetteM My heart breaks for Flavia and her sisters. I hope it brings the sisters closer together, but I suspect that the two older siblings may blame Flavia for their father‘s death. 4y
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Question 2!


Smarkies The misdirections did misdirect me.😂😂 4y
BridgetteM I was definitely surprised. 4y
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Question 1!


Smarkies I was interested in seeing her relationships with her sisters considering the antagonistic relationship that they previously had. I was wondering if they would be on a better footing after some time away from each other. 4y
BridgetteM Honestly, I loved reading about Flavia‘s friendship with the Vicar‘s wife. Her name is Cynthia, right? At the beginning of the series, I really didn‘t like Cynthia, but that‘s all changed now. 4y
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Coming up - our #Flaviabuddyread for Book 8!

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We follow Flavia through her latest mystery back in England. The usual characters are back but Flavia is left alone most of the novel to do alot of the heavy lifting.
The ending of this book basically made me forget everything about the mystery.... :(

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This week! Book 8 in our #FlaviaBuddyRead. See you there.

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Thoroughly enjoy this series as audiobooks!

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I love the Flavia de Luce books, but they all have strange titles! The tagged book, not pictured, is the best example of a #StrangeTitle But this reminds me I need to catch up on the series! #BiblioMAYnia

TNbookworm Flavia ❤ 4y
vlwelser 😍😍😍 4y
OriginalCyn620 Nice! 👌🏻 4y
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I can‘t read these books slowly. I get lost in them, and this one is no exception. It‘s mood is more somber, and Flavia is maturing, but the excellent storytelling remains. I enjoyed this book more than the previous one, probably because Flavia has returned home, so some of the “regulars” reappeared. The ending caught me off guard, the solution to the mystery not so much. Can‘t wait long to read the next installment.

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#LitsyPartyofOne So glad to see so many of you joining the party early! Some cohost I am: I left my snacks at home when we left early this morning 😕 I‘m now comfortably curled up on the sofa in my son‘s library (pictures to follow), having raided the bookshelf for the next Flavia mystery.


There is a certain type of person to whom a closed door is a challenge—a dare, a taunt, a glove thrown down—and I am one of them. A closed door is more than a mystery to be solved: It‘s an insult. A slap in the face.

charl08 Great quote! 4y
Smrloomis Welcome to Litsy! 🥳🥳🥳 4y
Elizabeth2 Welcome to Litsy! Hope you enjoy it here! 4y
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Rissa1 👋 Welcome to Litsy! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy 🎊🎊🎊 4y
BehindthePages Welcome to litsy! 4y
bookaholic1 Welcome aboard!!📚📚 4y
starlight97 Welcome to Litsy! 😊 4y
wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 4y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 4y
DrexEdit Yes! Flavia! 😊 💜 👍 4y
jillrhudy Great to have you on Litsy! 👋🏻 💐 4y
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Wonder if I can get by with doing absolutely nothing today? I want to just lay about and read! I love Flavia and her ways to solving murders!

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Found this for 85 cents today!

BookishMarginalia Great buy! 4y
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Flavia de Luce is such an absolutely brilliant character: she's brilliant, and Alan Bradley is brilliant in creating such a precocious, snarky, amazing pre-teen. In Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd, the eighth in this mystery series, Flavia is back in England but not reunited with her father, who is sick in the hospital, felled by influenza. ⬇️

UnabridgedPod Flavia is thus trying to re-acclimate to her home after her brief time in Canada with her less-than-supportive sisters and new addition to the family, Undine (here's where I point out that I have NO idea how to spell her name--I listened to this on audio, narrated by the amazing Jayne Entwistle). ⬇️ 4y
UnabridgedPod Of course, as the narrative progresses, Flavia finds a dead body, and mystery ensues. The balance of mystery and family drama here is perfect, and the cliffhanger makes me want to download book 9 immediately.⠀ Have you met Flavia de Luce yet? What other novels do you love because of their first-person narrators? 4y
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“I do not encourage early morning chirpiness, even in those whom I know and love. It is generally a sign of a sloppy mind, and is not to be encouraged.“ [101]

Flavia, girl, you crack me up! You are not wrong.

Prairiegirl_reading 🤣🤣🤣that is hilarious and accurate!! 5y
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I almost always feel like Flavia books go by too quickly. I suppose that's better than allowing them to wear out their welcome. 😉

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DrexEdit This book made me 😭. So much has changed for Flavia. (edited) 5y
DarcysMom @DrexEdit Me too! I am taking a small break from the series. I need time to recover from the last few books 5y
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Turns out, my personal library is severely lacking in black cats. Our neighbours across the road have a couple that like to sit on top of their cars but it‘s rained all day and the cats haven‘t been out. So I must content myself with this black ink drawing of a cat for #fallisbooked

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😽😽😽 5y
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Overall, I would say that “Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd“ is a good book for anyone wanting to begin reading mystery/detective stories. The book has good qualities such as; excellent usage of setting, solidly written characters, clever writing, and a well-connected story. This book also is connected to an entire series of books, so if you were interested in this book, try the other books in the series!

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inthegreensandblues I just love the title of this book! Have been meaning to check out this series - I imagine it's good on audio. 5y
DarcysMom @inthegreensandblues It is fantastic on audio! 5y
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I gobbled up “Curious Case of Copper Corpse,” “Chimney Sweepers,” & “Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mewed” in a mere month. I do TRY to stretch out my time with Flavia, so I listen to the audiobook. And then often read it too. (I admit to having heard “Sweetness” perhaps a dozen times b/c xoxo Jayne Entwistle) This one and “Chimney” show Flavia growing up. I hope Alan Bradley never stops writing her & I can watch her grow up over many years! Yarooo!

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As always, a fun read from Alan Bradley! Flavia's precocious adventure occurs at Christmas this time, but it's still as wicked as ever.

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Cinfhen Great line❤️ 5y
TiredLibrarian 💜👍🏻❤ 5y
readordierachel Love that ❤ 5y
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Current read is my second for #Booked2019 !

raeintheworld Flavia for the win! 5y
Cinfhen Seems like a popular choice 😁 5y
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WanderingBookaneer @Cinfhen : The new book is coming out soon. Maybe we all want to catch up. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen I didn‘t know a new Flavia was on the horizon ~ there‘s gonna be LOTS of happy Littens 🥳🥳🥳 5y
alisiakae I love the titles of the Flavia books! 5y
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Also, having Flavia's father die off screen without her even seeing him after her return from Canada was a bizarre choice by Alan Bradley, not to mention a cruel one. Frankly, if the whole book was revealed to be a dream I wouldn't complain.

rabbitprincess Agreed! I was disappointed with how that was handled. 5y
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I didn't love this one. Great start, but the investigation didn't seem like it was going anywhere and then suddenly the book was over with Flavia revealing the details of the whodunnit in a pretty unsatisfying conclusion. With so little being done with the folks of Bishop's Lacey this time out, I'd rather Flavia had stayed in Canada for another book or two. Maybe this series has run for too long, or maybe it will bounce back with book nine. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

rabbitprincess I did find The Grave's a Fine and Private Place to be more like the Flavia of old. 5y
Anton @rabbitprincess That's good to hear. 5y
WanderingBookaneer This is my current read and I only picked it up because the new book is coming out soon. The truth of the matter is that I have been disappointed with Flavia for a while, but @rabbitprincess ‘s comment just gave me hope. 5y
Anton @WanderingBookaneer I enjoyed the one set in Canada but that might just be because I'm from Canada. 5y
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"There is a certain type of person to whom a closed door is a challenge -- a dare, a taunt, a glove thrown down -- and I am one of them."

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In hopes of getting caught up on the Flavia de Luce Mysteries series before the next book is released, I started reading Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd. But when I searched for this image (all the book covers to date) I learned a tenth installment is coming next month.

Laura317 I‘ve read the first 4. Flavian is delightful, isn‘t she? I can‘t wait to see what that girl will do next. 5y
rabbitprincess I'm 10th in line at the library for the new one! I creep the On Order section of the catalogue most weekdays, so I was able to jump in quickly 😄 5y
Anton @Laura317 @rabbitprincess I kept up through the first 4 or 5 then fell behind. Originally Bradley said he was going to write 7 but he just keeps churning them out! 5y
rabbitprincess @Anton Yeah it was a surprise to see him continuing the series. But I'll take it! 5y
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“Daffy had been sluggish at breakfast ever since she learned to read. Midday to her was three o‘clock in the morning, tented beneath the blankets with her trusted Eveready torch [a flashlight] and something fat by Dickens.”

🧡Poor Daffy🧡

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This is simply the next book in the series for me, and though it is set at Christmas time, it has a surprisingly appropriate Hallowe‘en feel to it.

From the Macbeth quote, to witches, cats, and maniacal seagulls - to its striking orange and black cover, I feel like I hit the seasonal jackpot.

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I love this series. Even if they are sort of similar, and I figure out the mystery. (Or at least parts of it). Flavia is a character I will read about again and again. And who ends a book like THAT? Cruelty, Mr. Bradley!

Mdargusch 💗💗💗 Flavia! 6y
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A treat for myself since I made it through this impossibly tough week! 📚📚

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I still think the character of Flavia is a lot of fun, and I love Jayne Entwhistle doing her voice for the audio books. To be honest, I‘ve never thought much of the mysteries themselves. I keep going for Jayne‘s version of Flavia. With most audio books, if my mind wanders too much, I rate it lower – usually a 3 or less. With this series, Jayne/Flavia have been propping it up for me. Cont in comments...

LibraryCin I think this one actually kept my attention a bit more, but not much more. Surprising to me, I‘m actually debating whether or not I should try the next one NOT in audio format – just to see if I might enjoy the mystery/plot a bit more without a wandering mind 6y
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Now this one is getting back to the Flavia de Luce I love. You have a mystery of a dead woodcarver that intersects with that of a dead author, rumors of witches, & Flavia doing what she does best. I liked seeing Flavia back among our old friends in Bishops Lacey & we still get Ms Bannerman (the only new character from the last book I liked). But that ending 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I need my hold on the next book to come thru ASAP!!!!

Redjewel_7734 If there was anything missing, it was the family dynamic that delighted me so in the early books, but the story does make it apparent why that is 😭 6y
CGKOENS I loved this series in the first 3 books or so, but then they started feeling a little bland. I might need to give it a try again with this one. 6y
Mdargusch I‘m starting this tomorrow! I‘m so glad she‘s back home for this one. 6y
Redjewel_7734 @CGKOENS @Mdargusch I can't wait to see what you think of it 😊 6y
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Each time I encounter Flavia it warms my heart👌🏻

EadieB I have read all the Flavia books! Love her! 6y
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Six days after our move, #YetiCat finally feels comfortable enough to jump on our bed — and she promptly curled up and went to sleep.

JSW 😍❤️😍 6y
AmyG Awww. Hope all went well with your move. 6y
Jennick2004 What a beauty 💜 6y
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tammysue 😻 6y
ns510reads Awwww 😍❤️ 6y
GlassAsDiamonds ♥️😻 6y
Bookzombie 💕🐱 6y
MrBook 😻😻😻 6y
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