I put this audiobook on to fall asleep and i gotta say this is some of the dumbest stuff i ever heard
I put this audiobook on to fall asleep and i gotta say this is some of the dumbest stuff i ever heard
I have PLENTY of criticisms but ultimately this was really fun and does get you thinking. It‘s crazy that this became somewhat dated in 9 years when sex/self pleasure hasn‘t really changed but the way we talk about it really has.
This was ok. The last half made up for the first. Some of these chapters, I side eyed.
the only thing this has in common with crazy rich asians is they‘re both about rich asians 😭
I loved this! I think it fizzled a bit at the end but her writing is addicting.
This book is destroying me. I love Gyasi. This is about a lot of thing but partially about how being a kid when your sibling dies means you aren‘t granted the same grace as adults. I don‘t know how much work my mom missed but it was a lot. I went to school a week later. I had exams.
Gotta say i‘m a little surprised everyone i follow on goodreads gave this 5 stars - it‘s pretty good but Zevin‘s style annoys me. I would call this 3.5/5.
It‘s very hard to read this and remember it is not real, because it feels so real, so plausible, like a foretelling. I am scared of what is to come. I am glad I didn‘t read this in spring of 2020, although part of me wishes I had read it then.
A few years ago my book club picked this and I thought the first few pages were boring and didn‘t read it. Then last month my new book club picked it and i decided to try again. It‘s fine.
My very first audiobook, I‘m still on the fence about “counting” it, but it was pretty good. I probably won‘t do many more but they‘re fun. Hard to focus.
i love how many of the goodreads reviews are like “I hated this, it was gross” it was gross. But being a person is gross!
I enjoyed a lot of this but i really wouldn‘t call it “good”
Pick, pick, pick, pick, loved this so much. Couldn‘t put it down.
This must be what it means to be an animal, to look at another and say, I am so much that other thing that we are part of one another. Here is my skin. Here is yours.
💖 Tries to do a lot, does a lot of it well, but the plot is messy in some places
I definitely want to read more Woodson. There‘s a slight twist at the end that was risky and I found it a little odd, but her characters are fascinating, and the voice of this novel is so distinct. I read this in like two days.
Sometimes going insane is actually a really valid reaction to the shitty way people treat you
Heartbreaking + as good as everyone says it is. Wish I had read this before I saw her last year.
Bound towards and bound by.
This got me. Multi-genre, images, graphs, fictionalized imaginings and quotes from 100+ year-old articles. Personal history is also the history of a people.
I actually really like a lot of this but i thought it was slightly too slow. It sucks to be an enemy of the state but sometimes there‘s nothing else to be.
i wouldn‘t say i‘m Kingsolver-pilled but this was kinda fire… May or may not pick up another 👁️👁️
The writer and his partner were annoying and toxic and I don‘t relate at all to wanting to live in the past. The 1890s seem unattractive to me (plumbing, racism, etc) and they are so constantly irresponsible and wasteful in service of this obsession. Some parts are fine but tbh this book pissed me off
very typical pick for my book club. It‘s fine! I had lucy dacus stuck in my head the whole time, real ones know why
If you read the copy with the pictures in the middle, wait to look at them / read the captions until you finish, they really should be at the end (but I‘m guessing it‘s a printing limitation). This is good, I wasn‘t amazed but I liked the story. It took me a long time to finish.
very sad. It is hard to remember we must care for those who have nothing else, because we also must care for ourselves.
My 36th book of 2022. Meeting my goal right at the buzzer. 🎉
I don‘t think I really enjoy TJR‘s writing at all but I‘ve read so much of this universe she‘s spun that now I feel invested. I always find her dialogue corny. I think this is the one of hers I‘ve been least interested in. But a lot of people like it so good for her
This took a long time to get through because it is a lot of history (really cool history tho). It‘s inspiring, tho it‘s hard to imagine these kinds of radical actions not getting squashed today (tho I shouldn‘t discount the amazing work people are doing right now). A great Haymarket purchase and won‘t be my last.
This has convinced me of what many have told me before - that Le Guin was a genius
I have some issues and I think this would have had to have been a much longer book to resolve them. But i liked it. It‘s very sad.
Disappointed in the dialogue again. A lot of this reads like it‘s a fan fic ripped from ao3, like, really really bad. I enjoyed a lot of it but god, I rolled my eyes a lot. My relationship with TJR‘s work complicates further.
A lot of this is good, a lot of it is..Trite? Narcissistic? I think this is a study on the psychological terror of life during the Reagan admin - not politically, but culturally. A great case for the form of memoir, an interesting voice, but she‘s so annoying. And I could be missing context 30 years later, but so much of what she says about the details of her life just don‘t make sense.