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Forest | Edward Rutherfurd
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Based on real life Aimee Crocker who Wikipedia says " . . .was a mystic, Bohemian, and author. . . . known for her cultural exploration of the Far East, for her extravagant parties in San Francisco, New York and Paris, and her collections of husbands and lovers, adopted children, Buddhas, pearls, tattoos, and snakes." #histfic #historicalfiction Release date August 6! Can't wait!

All Our Yesterdays | Joel H. Morris
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If you enjoy the Scottish Play, this is its prequel in novel form. A very enjoyable read if you‘ve ever queried why Lady Macbeth became so ambitiously ruthless. Though it lacked some energy in the middle the ending was fantastic. I shall be pulling out my copy of the play soon for a reread.

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The Maiden | Kate Foster
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Gritty, powerful and at times darkly humorous. Really enjoyed reading this one #pick #themaiden

The Forty Elephants | Erin Bledsoe
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Via @thebookhippie


All welcome 💕

The Forty Elephants | Erin Bledsoe
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August 4 Ch 1-5
August 11 Ch 6-11
August 18 Ch 12-17
August 25 Ch 18- END

Everyone welcome 💕



vlwelser Where the heck did you find this one? It sounds spectacular. 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘ve had it on my wish list since 2022 and thought hmmm this would be fun to read together. Initially I was looking for female mob books 😅😱🤣🖤. I am always hunting for books for us. 💕😄💕 I‘m excited. I hope it‘s good. I‘ve seen zero press, but I didn‘t look either. (edited) 2w
vlwelser It doesn't even seem to have a litsy rating 2w
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TheBookHippie @vlwelser 😬🤷🏻‍♀️😅 I‘m a good researcher. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I get a lot of my book ideas from reading reviews from the Jewish Book Council -not too many peeps reading those. 2w
vlwelser I'm going to keep leaving that source to you. Though whoever you got that Dorothy Parker book from hadn't read past the first half 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser that was an Amazon rec based on my Dorothy love but man 🥴😭😬😵‍💫 2w
vlwelser Amazon recs are trash. 2w
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I know lesson learned 😬😵‍💫 2w
vlwelser I trust the Jewish Book Council. This one is bound to be good. 2w
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Light and Air | Mindy Nichols Wendell
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In 1935, tuberculoses was a fearsome disease. When Halle and her mother both come down with TB, they are sent to the J.N. Adam Tuberculosis Hospital: far from home, far from family, far from the world.


DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 3w
BarbaraBB You‘re doing fantastic with the Pantone colors! 3w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3w
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Eggs @DieAReader 🥰😍🥳 3w
Eggs @BarbaraBB Thanks! I had fun with it last year too. I 🩵 color! 3w
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From Dust to Stardust | Kathleen Rooney
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Colleen Moore‘s Fairy Castle has been my favorite exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry for my whole life, so I was thrilled to hear about this novel inspired by the castle and Moore‘s life as a silent film star. Though well-performed on audio, this fell short of my admittedly high expectations. The blending of fact and fiction felt almost arbitrary & became more of a distraction. The characters felt more wooden than the fairy furniture!

willaful Oh my goodness, how do I not remember that? My grandparents lived in Chicago so I got taken there a *lot*. But I guess the last time was about 45 years ago. 🤯 3w
TorieStorieS @willaful The Fairy Castle has been a permanent exhibit since it was donated in 1949! But I think it‘s mostly been on the basement level, so it‘s not always easy to find in such a huge museum! 3w
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This is a WWII historical fiction inspired by the lives of real women who lived in Berlin before & during the war. It tells the story of those who fought against Hitler in the build up to the war, trying to prevent it from happening. The 2nd timeline in 2010 England serves to break up the tension and complete the life stories of some of the characters. I really enjoyed it & appreciated that it pointed out not all Germans supported Hitler. 4.5/5!

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4✨ This author is one of my new favorites. This new book did not disappoint! The historical event was of the Galveston hurricane, and it also touched on traveling medicine shows. I love that the author brings her knowledge as a registered nurse to her stories. I also like that the main character has flaws that she tries to work through.