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Commissaire Dupin faces another wild & wildly complicated investigation in Brittany. He speaks of his love for the Breton artist, Maxine Maufra,a painter I have never heard of. I love when I discover something new in a book & the excitement I feel as I delve into that subject.

Cuilin I love when that happens, I had to look up some other paintings, they‘re quite beautiful. Thanks for posting. 3w
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Another glorious morning. Blue skies, a scattering of white clouds,soft breeze, bird song. I can hear a nearby house finch. My chimes are gently clanging.The grass was just cut. I love the fresh cut grass smell! I am full of gratitude. #porchlife #grateful #birdsong #ABrittanyMystery #coffeeandbooks

Tamra Reminds me of the grandfather in Bradbury‘s Dandelion, he was adamant about not having the new fangled short grass that would never need mowing bc he loved that smell. 😁 Me too. 4w
dabbe 💙💚💙 4w
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Cloudy, soft breeze, some humidity. Savoring quiet & coffee & a book before the day starts. Cooking with Robert, Fiesta Chicken, for our annual soccer Chicken Bake Off tournament. The prize? The winner gets to keep our golden rooster for 1 year,until the next season‘s Bake off. We have this tournament at our last home game. It‘s such fun! 🐓 🏆 ⚽️🏟️ #coffeeandbooks #chickenbakeoff #HCFC #HartfordCityFootballClub #AgentsofHale #porchlife

julieclair What fun! I hope the rooster comes home with you. 🐓 4w
kspenmoll @julieclair We did not win the chicken but it was such fun- so many chicken dishes! 4w
julieclair Oh too bad, but glad you had fun. I have never heard of an event like that, but it sounds like a hoot! 4w
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Tonight I am traveling to the Forest of Broceliande,the land of King Arthur and his Round Table with Commissaire Dupin. Aren‘t the end papers pretty? I love the white stag superimposed on the green of the forest. #ABrittanyMystery #KingArthurlegends #librarybook

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Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d. It‘s ridiculous how long the second chapter was. I was still reading the second chapter today at the park when I was walking my dog and the investigation for the murder is still going on so I decided that I had enough.

Release date: 4/29/24

#netgalley #netgalleyarc #bookspinbingo #hailthebail

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The chapters in this book don‘t have chapter numbers. Instead, they are labeled The First Day, The Second Day, The Third Day, The Fourth Day and The Fifth Day. I‘ve already read The First Day. Now, I‘m reading The Second Day. I‘ve been reading this chapter all night and I‘m still not done yet. Will this chapter ever end? If it doesn‘t end, I‘m going to DNF this book because this is ridiculous. It shouldn‘t take all night to read 1 chapter.


Lol. The detective is talking to someone else and then his phone started ringing. They weren‘t finished talking to each other yet.


Lol. The detective went to ring the doorbell at someone‘s house and his phone started ringing.

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I just started this book. It‘s another Netgalley ARC. I‘ve been laughing since I started this book. Every time the detective in this book is talking to someone, his phone starts ringing and it interrupts the conversation he‘s having. When he answers the phone, he says to the person on the phone,”This really isn‘t a good time right now.” Why do people always call him when he‘s talking to someone else?

Deblovestoread Or why does he answer and not just let it go to voicemail? 😂 3mo
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