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Half Baked Harvest Super Simple
Half Baked Harvest Super Simple: 150 Recipes for Instant, Overnight, Meal-Prepped, and Easy Comfort Foods | Tieghan Gerard
3 posts | 6 read | 4 to read
From the author of Half Baked Harvest comes her second cookbook with 125 show-stopping recipes made simple: fewer ingredients, fool-proof meal-prepping, easy entertaining, and everything in between. Tieghan Gerard is known, both on her blog and in her debut cookbook, Half Baked Harvest Cookbook, for her stunningly beautiful meals and thoughtful recipes that taste even better than they look. Half Baked Harvest Super Simple takes what fans loved most about her debut, and promises all of those comfort-food forward, freshly-sourced recipes distilled into quicker, more manageable dishes using trending techniques that sell--from the almighty Instant Pot to night-before meal prep. Super Simple is the compendium for home cooks who are just starting out or pressed for time. It teaches the most important cooking basics and delivers sometimes good-for-you, always hassle-free meals without sacrificing taste. Whip up everyday dishes like Cardamom Apple Fritters, Spinach and Artichoke Mac and Cheese, and Lobster Tacos to share with your family, or plan stress-free dinner parties with options like Slow Roasted Moroccan Salmon and Fresh Corn and Zucchini Summer Lasagna.
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On a roll with #MtCookbook! These brownies are ridiculously easy - essentially Nutella, flour, eggs, butter. Voila! No added sugar, because of course Nutella is a sugar bomb.

I will say this challenge is definitely helping me to explore my cookbooks before hopping on Pinterest & Google. 👍🏾

mabell That sounds so good and easy! Does the hazelnut flavor come through? 5mo
Tamra @mabell no, not that I can tell. It‘s just the convenience factor that is so appealing. I think some strong coffee would be good flavoring too. 5mo
mabell I‘m all for convenience 🤣 Coffee sounds like a great addition! 5mo
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In the quiet of the “day after” spending some time alone with a cookbook and coffee feels decadent. Wishing you rest and quiet today if you need it. And this cookbook is amazing, filled with easy, delicious recipes where the bulk of the ingredients come from your pantry.

Librariana I love the sentiment ❤️ Thank you for wishing us rest and quiet. May your day be filled with warmth and cozyness as well! 2y
annahenke I adore this cookbook. I got it last year and everything I‘ve tried has been incredible. This author is a great Instagram follow as well and her third cookbook just came out - I‘m determined to pick it up in the new year! 2y
Tamra I like this one too, but haven‘t broken down and purchased it yet. 😅 I do like her blog. 2y
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Honored to be the first to post about this epic new cookbook! I love Gerard‘s hyperbolic writing style and how she makes all the recipes here seem very approachable. Everything looks utterly mouth-watering and I‘m so excited to dive in!!

Ericalambbrown Looks awesome! I need to check that out 3y
Tamra 😬 I just promised not to check out more cookbooks! 3y
ICantImReading I love this cookbook!! 3y
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BennettBookworm @ICantImReading I seriously can‘t wait to make these recipes! 3y
ICantImReading @BennettBookworm I‘ve made quite a few and can vouch that they‘re very tasty 😋 she‘s so creative and her photography is stunning! Her first cookbook is wonderful, too! 3y
BennettBookworm @ICantImReading I‘ll need to check that out, too! 3y
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