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What Stands in a Storm
What Stands in a Storm: A True Story of Love and Resilience in the Worst Superstorm in History | Kim Cross
10 posts | 11 read | 17 to read
Enter the eye of the storm in this gripping real-life thrillerA Perfect Storm on landthat chronicles Americas biggest tornado outbreak since the beginning of recorded weather: a horrific three-day superstorm with 358 separate tornadoes touching down in twenty-one states and destroying entire towns. April 27, 2011 was the climax of a three-day superstorm that unleashed terror from Arkansas to New York. Entire communities were flattened, whole neighborhoods erased. Tornadoes left scars across the land so wide they could be seen from space. But from terrible destruction emerged everyday heroesneighbors and strangers who rescued each other from hell on earth. Armchair storm chasers will find much to savor in this grippingly detailed, real-time chronicle of nature gone awry (Kirkus Reviews) set in Alabama, the heart of Dixie Alley where there are more tornado fatalities than anywhere else in the US. With powerful emotion and captivating detail, journalist Kim Cross expertly weaves together science and heartrending human stories. For some, its a story of survival; for others its the story of their last hours. Crosss immersive reporting and dramatic storytelling catapult you to the center of the very worst hit areas, where thousands of ordinary people witnessed the sky falling around them. Yet from the disaster rises a redemptive message thats just as real: in times of trouble, the things that tear our world apart reveal what holds us together.
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I‘ve been MIA on here for a while. This book has taken me so long to finish. This was so emotional and terrifying I had to keep taking breaks and it made it hard to want to keep going. I‘m not a huge fan of non fiction so I think that‘s part of what made me like this so much. It‘s written in a way that you still feel like you‘re reading a story.

#LMPBC #BookSpinBingo

magyklyXdelish @TheAromaofBooks this is a free space 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Lauranahe It‘s such a difficult book. I loved it, but I had to take breaks to. I‘m sorry! And I agree, it‘s not written like many non-fiction; it feels like you‘re reading a scary book. 3y
magyklyXdelish @Bookish_AF mailed this out to you today. Sorry for being late!! 3y
Bookish_AF No worries! I was actually going to ask you just to make sure my post office didn‘t screw anything up (our previous office lady retired and it‘s all new people in there now!). I will keep an eye out! 3y
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Next up!! #LMPBC with some of my fave girls ♥️ our little group feels like a sisterhood 💪🏼

I‘m really excited for this one and also to hear some of your stories, Amanda ♥️

Diving in!

Also I like to match my pen colors to the books and I finally can bust out my brown pen that everyone makes fun of me for 😩🤣

Lauranahe I forgot to write a story in there from a friend of mine. I‘ll send out an email, cuz I thought it was interesting. 3y
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5⭐️ This book had me hooked from the very beginning. The stories of these people who faced such a terrible day and suffered great losses yet remained resilient and in many cases hopeful filled me with emotions. I will admit I cried multiple times during this book. Great pick for #LMBPC

Lauranahe I‘m so glad you liked it! 3y
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Y‘all this was AMAZING. It was just…so good. I remember this storm, since I lived in Memphis when it hit. We didn‘t get nearly the tornadoes that Alabama did, but we got some PLUS the Mississippi River flooded part of our downtown. The first half of the book is buildup and the storm; I learned a lot! Second half is recovery and aftermath. I cried several times and had to put the book down for a while. Read it!!

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I'm only about 30 pages in but this is electrifying, a stormy ride of emotions, fear, and anxiety about tornadoes.

Tornadoes? Tornados? My autocorrect seems to think both are right.

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Wow, I really struggled to find a book in my collection that had #loveinthetitle ... Perhaps a throwback to when I used to only pick sweet valley high books without love in the title, so my mum wouldn't notice I'd started raiding the teenage section of the library... Anyway, this book's subtitle is "a true story of love and resilience in the worst superstorm in history" really fascinating mix of science and true story #17booklove @jess.how

howjessicareads I struggled too! 7y
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I was expecting a scientific, distant reporting type book about the 2011 Tuscaloosa tornados. I was not expecting an emotional roller-coaster of a book that has managed to somewhat restore my faith in humanity. Sad but also hopeful. Really needed a book like this right now.

shanebeth that was such a terrible, scary day. 8y
jessberk13 Tornados scare the bejeesus out of me! 8y
Hoopiefoot It sounds like I had he same experience reading it as you. What a well done book. 8y
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A tearjerker from the start, this book had me completely enthralled the whole time. As close as you can come to being in a tornado (and I have) this book places you in that space in that time in the peoples' perspective. A tornado is a complete and utter tragedy in any community but what this state went through that day is beyond words.

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A heartbreaking and fantastic read. When these tornados were happening I didn't know the truth of the devastation. Cross does an amazing job of getting into individual stories and humanizing the whole catastrophe. It's a truly compelling story of a horrific event.

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"But the same forces that destroy the walls that protect us also bring down the walls that divide us. And when everything else is stripped away, what stands is a truth as old as time: The things that tear our world apart reveal what holds us together."

Margali_Claire Great quote! 8y
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