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Flashback | Dan Simmons
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The United States is near total collapse. But 87% of the population doesn't care: they're addicted to flashback, a drug that allows its users to re-experience the best moments of their lives. After ex-detective Nick Bottom's wife died in a car accident, he went under the flash to be with her; he's lost his job, his teenage son, and his livelihood as a result. Nick may be a lost soul but he's still a good cop, so he is hired to investigate the murder of a top governmental advisor's son. This flashback-addict becomes the one man who may be able to change the course of an entire nation turning away from the future to live in the past. A provocative novel set in a future that seems scarily possible, FLASHBACK proves why Dan Simmons is one of our most exciting and versatile writers.
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Flashback | Dan Simmons
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A dystopian thriller set in a future where the U.S. is near total collapse, and most of the population is addicted to a drug called Flashback.
The tone of this story was heavy. It took a bit to get through. It was well written. The murder investigation conducted by the MC, Nick Bottom-ex detective and flashback addict-kept me going to the end.


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DieAReader 🥳Great!! 3mo
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Flashback | Dan Simmons
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This full length is based upon a shorter Novella with the same title in #Lovedeath collection:

"Reeling from nearly total...collapse, the United States some twenty years from now is a shadow of it's former self. But 85% of population doesn't care: they're addicted to Flashback, a drug that allows it's users to reexperience the best moments of their lives"

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Flashback | Dan Simmons
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Dan Simmons is another great horror writer, and this book is right up my alley. This is set in a distant future where America is in thrall to a drug called flashback, and it seems eerily possible so i wanna read this!! #horror #horrorfiction #booknerd #horrorstory #read #booklover #bookaddict #read #retro #litsyreads #booknerd #love #books

TheNeverendingTBR Interesting! 🤓 6y
tessavi I enjoyed this book 😊 6y
vivastory Wasn't aware of this one. I loved The Terror, will definitely be checking this out. @sprainedbrain I know you loved The Terror, are you familiar with this one? It sounds like you might dig it. 6y
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MStew @vivastory I wanna read the Terror! This book sounds pretty crazy but really good!! 6y
vivastory I've heard that the miniseries adaptation of The Terror was excellent. I'm planning on checking it out when it's released on DVD next month. 6y
MStew @vivastory I need to read Terror soon then so I can watch it!!!!!😄 6y
sprainedbrain @vivastory I wasn‘t familiar with this one, but will definitely check it out. The Terror was so good! 6y
RadicalReader @meghan2714 I have now successfully added another sensational suspense novel to my TBR list you‘re a ravenous reader by all accounts and have heavenly taste in horror novels 6y
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