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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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A gripping set of stories about the forces that shape girls and the adults they become. A wise and brilliant guide to transforming the self and our society. In her powerful new book, critically acclaimed author Melissa Febos examines the narratives women are told about what it means to be female and what it takes to free oneself from them. When her body began to change at eleven years old, Febos understood immediately that her meaning to other people had changed with it. By her teens, she defined herself based on these perceptions and by the romantic relationships she threw herself into headlong. Over time, Febos increasingly questioned the stories she'd been told about herself and the habits and defenses she'd developed over years of trying to meet others' expectations. The values she and so many other women had learned in girlhood did not prioritize their personal safety, happiness, or freedom, and she set out to reframe those values and beliefs. Blending investigative reporting, memoir, and scholarship, Febos charts how she and others like her have reimagined relationships and made room for the anger, grief, power, and pleasure women have long been taught to deny. Written with Febos' characteristic precision, lyricism, and insight, Girlhood is a philosophical treatise, an anthem for women, and a searing study of the transitions into and away from girlhood, toward a chosen self.
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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7 essays, so many voices. This book made me think hard and I loved it. Newer terms and idea got put into my feminist head. Melissa made me feel less alone in my girlhood and growing up without guidance. I think ever woman should read this!

Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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I think this was the October book for #SheSaid, but I‘m just now finishing it. Some of it was really good and thought-provoking, some parts made me inexpressibly sad, and other parts dragged. I really loved her discussion of “empty consent” — I‘d never heard that before. Her reactions at a cuddle party she attended were also interesting as they forced her to focus on how her very early sexual encounters impacted the rest of her life.

Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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I finally finished this one for #SheSaid. I can't say I loved it because I often had to make myself pick it back up, but parts of it were definitely thought provoking. It may have been a "right book - wrong time" issue as well. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Riveted_Reader_Melissa It‘s ok, I‘m glad you finished, I hope you got something from it. Not every book hits at the right time & place or are right for you. Thank you for giving it a chance anyway. 7mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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This book surprised me with how open, feminist, and raw it was. Debo‘s writing is amazing, every word it necessary and perfect. I listened on #audio and she reads it herself, I think that added to her authenticity. Be sure to check out the CW on this one, there are quite a few painful elements. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 7mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is your weekend going? Another book done way to soon.

So how did you like the last section? The book as a whole?

MallenNC I didn‘t connect that much with the final essay but I‘m still thinking about some of the earlier ones. That‘s how essay collections usually are for me. Some work better than others. “Intrusions” was excellent. 7mo
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Julsmarshall I thought this was powerful, sad, sometimes shocking and so well written. I‘m so glad I read along with you, I‘m not sure I would have picked it up otherwise. (edited) 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Julsmarshall Same here. I hadn‘t even heard of it before it was recommended here. So it wasn‘t even on my radar or my endless to be read wishlist. So thankful to whoever recommended it. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC The final essay was different, but I think it worked well as an ending. The idea that nature could shift so much and gut out a landscape, but what is left is extremely unique and beautiful after that destruction. It reminded me a bit of Wild by Cheryl Strayed… the destruction hurts, but maybe coming out the other side, you have to accept that maybe you wouldn‘t change anything, because you wouldn‘t be who you are without that ⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ that happening. Without going through it. I think the landscape was a bit of a metaphor for her life, a time of gutting and destruction, but creating a unique her that is better after than before. I need to reread Wild soon, it‘s been on my mind lately for some reason. 7mo
vlwelser I loved this. Her writing is excellent. Like she's brilliant but has also experienced some pretty unusual things. But also a lot of the standard female issues. Just thinking about how a decision to say no is such a weighted thing from a female perspective. Like we have to factor in potential violence on top of everything else. 7mo
vlwelser I have read another of her books previously so it was definitely already on my radar. Is Wild a good one for a group read/reread? I haven't read it. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser Oh, I‘d love to read/reread it with the group. I‘ll have to see if the others are interested. Did you see my separate post about the dangers of saying No that came up in the news right after we read about it? Jordan VanDerSloot admitting to killing Natalee Holloway after all these years in part of a plea agreement. They were kissing on the beach, he pushed for more, she said no, he continued anyway, she fought back, he murdered her⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ talk about a tale as old as time, and one I think women know in that hindbrain instinctual subconscious way, even if we don‘t talk about it or say it. Or society thinks we are crazy for saying yes to things we don‘t really want, the go along to get along thing, empty yeses. Truly very sad 7mo
vlwelser That is so sad and horrible. And unfortunately not as uncommon as it should be. I did see your post. I had a best friend that died in a violent interaction with a guy when we were teens. It's still awful. Even all these years later. 7mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Mid-week here #SheSaid!

Anyone see the new VanDerSloot confession in Natalee Halloway‘s murder. Talk about the empty consent we (mostly women give) because deep down we know where a “No” might lead us. Talk about a stark reminder why “No” is tough, and dangerous to say. 😱

diovival I hadn't heard. This is so sad. 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @diovival Basically kissing on the beach, he pushes for more, she says no to more, he persisted, she refused & she fought back, so he killed her. So sad and pointless (even if you believe him, and that‘s up for some debate)…. But ties back into why women often say yes and go along to get along, when they don‘t really want to, because no‘s are not received well…and deep down we know that our “no” could turn very ugly….so we say yes even when ⤵️ 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ we really don‘t want to. And the last chapter of this book was about empty consent, saying yes and being uncomfortable just to make the other person happy. 7mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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This is great. She sort of hits you on the head with how obvious some of her points should be.

#SheSaid @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 7mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes, she does, and I‘m loving it! 7mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Hello #SheSaid!

How are you this weekend?

This book continues to make me think in all the right ways, and regret some ways in which I have not been Taking Care of Myself because I didn‘t feel that it was the right thing to do at the time. Disturbing the more you actually think about it, isn‘t it? That good girl, take care of everyone but yourself syndrome. How do we get out of that spiral of feeling responsible for everyone else‘s feelings?

vlwelser I have so many duh moments when reading her essays. I like that she sort of hits us in the face with the obviousness of the things she is pointing out. 8mo
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa And…anyone else add the book about the girlfriend experiment to their “to read” list? It made me think of a movie I recently saw on Hulu called Robots. Where they make Robots (illegally) that look like them to fulfill all the relationship parts they hate so they can just be present for the parts they like. The guy had his robot show up for all the dating, he just shows up for the sex. The lady shows up for all the dating, sends her ⤵️ 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ robot for the sex. (It‘s rated R, and a romantic comedy, just FYI 😂). Things go astray when their robots fall in love and ditch them both. 🤷‍♀️ But anyway it made me think of this book she mentioned that I added to my “to read” list…sending someone else, a stand in, to do the socially required things that are too much for you. (edited) 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser Exactly! We do much unconsciously, are socialized to do it, that we don‘t even think about how messed up it is really. Then she says it and your like …yes! Wow, that is insane that we do that…and to protect ourselves from something worse most likely. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa It also made me think about the Aziz Ansari scandal that came out after Me Too (the internet version), where an allegation was made by a women saying (if I recall correctly) basically pressured for sex, had sex to avoid anything worse. But it was discussed for a long time after as he didn‘t know anything was wrong because she didn‘t leave. 8mo
MallenNC The essay about the cuddle party rules and her reactions there was really thought provoking. And I had never heard the term “empty consent” before but I think many people have experienced that. In the first essay all I could think about was how sad I‘d be if my mom and I mixed up our trip dates like that. She does a good job of mixing the personal with broader topics. 8mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Hello #SheSaid How is everyone doing this weekend?

Discussion begins below ⬇️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘m still getting a lot from this book. It‘s all good, but what is sticking today is the end of that last essay…a long time ago, I don‘t think about it anymore… but you do this this this and this as part of your routine now. Even the bad things we bury, pretend don‘t effect us, that everyone else brushes off because nothing “really” happened (that child case of voyeurism 🤮 as petty robbery) still effects deeply. 8mo
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MallenNC @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think that last essay, Intrusions, was the best one yet. I think many if not most women have experienced similar “intrusions” into our ability to just live our lives. It made me think about the meme about all the preparations women go though when leaving home, thinking of whether it is the safest time, considering their route, if they have their charged phone, etc. and then it says the man just grabs his keys and leaves. 8mo
vlwelser Intrusions was very on point. She's making me think about this stuff and reflect rather than just accepting it all as normal. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @MallenNC Right…we already know about all the unpaid labor that (usually) women need to do, to make society run… now add in all that mental energy just to go about your daily activities because it‘s all on you…. For leaving your window curtains cracked, living in that house (you need to move ….really how many have moved), what you wear, could it be perceived as asking for it. Just thinking about that is exhausting, and we do it mostly ⤵️ 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Unconsciously every day. Just imagine if all that time and energy was directed elsewhere. And really, where do the men in my life get off expecting me to remind them of birthdays and anniversaries because I‘m better at that stuff 🤪 8mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Hello #SheSaid!

How is everyone doing today?

Ready to discuss this new book?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Hello, sorry for the delay. I got the intro and first chapter read, not the second yet. Sorry. But so far…wow, not what I was expecting, but very good. How is it working for you so far? Shocking? Lots of truth buried in there? It wasn‘t what I was expecting, but those were my first two feelings….what did I get myself into, and wow that is a the division between childhood & girlhood that I‘ve never seen spelled out like that before. ⤵️ (edited) 8mo
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vlwelser This book is so good so far. I really like her writing style. The "slut" essay was epic. I love that she uses different source types to prove her point. A novel, a story, a movie, interviews, history and her own narrative. I probably missed some. 8mo
vlwelser 😂 I hope I didn't ruin the second chapter. 8mo
vlwelser I've read her before and this is exactly what I was hoping it would be. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ that the world suddenly shifts and changes around you and you are sort of left to figure it out all over again from scratch and nothing from before is the same or works the same way. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser nope you can talk about it all! 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser I like her writing style too 8mo
MallenNC This wasn‘t what I expected from the title either. She‘s a good writer for sure and like @vlwelser I appreciate her use of different media for her points. The Mirror Test one reminds me of Word Slut. It‘s a little too much like an English major‘s dissertation in parts but I liked it overall. 8mo
Julsmarshall I‘m waiting on this from the library, as soon as my hold comes through, I‘ll be digging in! 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser all caught up now, and I agree…reminded me of Wordslut too, and I didn‘t mind, I liked that book. I really liked her comparisons of labeling women as “sluts” or “witches” and how that serves patriarchy “society”. I also liked her last line about she didn‘t want to take back that word, because it wasn‘t ever ours. I also liked that she mentioned the current obsessions with things being a “witch hunt” I‘ve thought of that myself a lot⤵️ 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ lately, as it has become a commonly repeated refrain by some. They have no idea 🙄 to what they are referring, accused witches in witch hunts never had the platform, soapbox, listenership, power, whatever you want to call it that the people in power using that please now have. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ I feel like we are watching yet another shift in our language in front of our eyes, as that phrase and it‘s meaning is being co-opted and shifted right now. (edited) 8mo
vlwelser We read Wordslut together maybe? But it was a while ago. That book definitely makes me think about language a lot. Even now. 8mo
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @vlwelser yes, I still need to read her other book too …. And soon 8mo
vlwelser Cultish was also good. But read the print. She doesn't read the audio on it and it's somehow less fulfilling. 8mo
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Up next for #SheSaid!

Put in your library holds and interlibrary loans!

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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos

I really, really enjoyed this book. However, there was just so much that I feel could‘ve been left out. I read another review that said it is very “MFA” and I think I agree with that. A lot of it (but not all of it, which I felt was weird) read as a college academic research paper. But such good writing, and of course VERY important topics. I still think everyone should read it. I think I just expected it to be something it wasn‘t (I guess).

Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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An incredible collection of essays: personal, literary, analytical, and investigative. Her beautiful writing is fiercely feminist, queer, and dedicated to complexity. Febos tackles narratives girls/women are taught that prioritize the comfort, success, feelings, etc of men over even women's safety, let alone freedom or happiness. She discusses consent, voyeurism, slut shaming, beauty standards, mother/daughter relationships, sex work, and more.

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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Went for an #AudioWalk and saw an owl! 🦉🦉

Soubhiville Oh cool! 2y
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Melissa Febos is SO SMART. Her writing is revelatory.

Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Loved this! Author writes about the experiences with boys that had a lasting effect on her as an adult.

Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Well-written and brilliantly articulated. Febos does an excellent job of examining the narratives we've been fed about what it means to be female and the importance of facing them to free ourselves from the weight of expectation that accompanies them.

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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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Last day of my annual girls' trip, this year to Sedona, AZ where unfortunately forest fires are raging and most parks and trails were closed. We still had fun, of course. And the views are amazing even in the smoke.
Back in April, I suggested the tagged book as a group read. Guess who was the only one who showed up without reading it? 😬 Playing catch up so I can participate in tonight's discussion. What I've read so far is really good!

Tamra The west is so beautiful. 😍 3y
Ruthiella Oopsie Whoopsie! Get reading! 😂 3y
merelybookish @Tamra It is! Almost otherworldly (for someone who grew up around waterways and evergreen trees.) 3y
merelybookish @Ruthiella I managed to get half read. 🤓 We still managed to have a good conversation. Lots to discuss and think about! 3y
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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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5🌟Febos brilliantly articulates the things that shaped her own Girlhood. How society pushes its own narrative's about women, even as young girls. I loved how she deconstructs so many issues so perfectly through personal experience and investigative reporting. She really captures the essence of what its like living as a woman in society. This collection is dark but light, tough but tender. I enjoyed it a lot! Such a smart collection. #bookreview

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Girlhood | Melissa Febos
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The events of girlhood can take a lifetime to process. Melissa developed early, leading to nonconsensual run ins with men and boys and attacks from other girls. She weaves these stories together with feminist theory in a dialogue where she explores as an adult what she couldn‘t name as a teen. A really fantastic essay collection that draws on mother-daughter relationships, addiction, and writing as therapy.

merelybookish Sold! 😀 3y
BarbaraBB This sounds very good again, thanks for the tag ❤️ 3y
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kspenmoll Looks great! 3y
Bookzombie I saw her a couple of years ago at our book festival and really enjoyed hearing her speak. It was about her essay in this book 3y
Bookzombie I have this one from the library to hopefully pick up 3y
Cinfhen Your shelf is STUNNING 💕🤩 3y
Megabooks @Bookzombie that essay (revised a bit) is in here (along with several other), and I‘m definitely interested in her backlist too! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen thank you!! I have a bookshelf I want to rearrange tomorrow! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen not that one! I‘m happy with it! 😊👍🏻 3y
Kalalalatja Stacked! Great review 🙌 (I feel like that‘s all I comment on your posts, but you are like a review/recommendation superhero atm 😄👏) 3y
Megabooks @Kalalalatja thank you!! 💕💕 I‘ve been fortunate a) to have a lot more time to read lately and b) to get my hands on some awesome books! (edited) 3y
Cinfhen MORE rearranging??? 😱 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yeah, my TBR books. I haven‘t done those in awhile. 3y
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