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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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When thirteen-year-old Mitch finds himself at odds with everyone in his life: brother, sister, friends, teachers, and coach, he worries that the situation will never change.
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This is the 3rd year in a row I‘ve experienced a reading slump in late spring/early summer. This year was better. I DID read every month. I finished 4 books in June, even though none of them spoke to me enough to be worth highlighting for #12Booksof2023. But I clearly need to be more intentional about my reading at this time of year. Does this happen to any of you? Do you have suggestions for me about staving off these expected slumps?

AnnR I think sometimes a reader just has to go with a book slump. Sometimes I reread a favorite children's book or something light. Other times I just take a break and watch movies or a favorite TV series instead of reading. 5mo
Billypar I just checked my Goodreads, and it looks like I'm currently in my longest stretch of the year without a 5 star read (last one was November 6th). Still plenty of 4-star reads though. I think I'm just too easily pleased, but if it goes on much longer I would seek out something more out of the ordinary with a bold style or unique story. 5mo
dabbe I find I need something really easy and lighthearted to get back in the serious reading mode. That's when I turn to my PEANUTS and MUTTS comic books. I feel the book in my hands, I can get through (and enjoy) each book easily, and it usually spurs me to dive deeper. 💙🖤💙 5mo
IndoorDame @dabbe I do like the lighthearted idea. Peanuts seems like a wonderful break between more serious reading! 5mo
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I have been in such a reading slump for the whole of September and actually in a Litsy slump too. There always seems to be something else I should be doing. Yesterday was this little dudes 8th birthday. The last in a long line of events I needed to get sorted. This morning I woke up feeling excited to pick a new book, catch up with my Litsy friends and lean into my autumn reading 😊🍂 📚

LiteraryinLawrence Good to see you again! 8mo
MaureenMc 👋 8mo
marleed Welcome home! 8mo
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna

Literally in one of the worst book slumps of my life. I pick up a book, and I feel nothing. Not excitement, no joy. Is this what it‘s like to lose a love?
Gosh I‘m dramatic- I‘ll be fine

mom_of_4 I know that feeling. Just had a reading slump 11mo
AkashaVampie Try doing a reread of one of ur favorite books 11mo
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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It‘s been really hard to get through books lately. I‘ve got a massive tbr of books I want to read, but I‘m struggling to feel interested enough in anything. I‘ve also been experiencing issues with staying focused. It‘s frustrating because I just want to finish something. I‘ve never perfected a way to get through reading slumps so I‘m curious to hear what are other Littens experiences and advice?

Ruthiella I usually read something familiar and comforting-for me that‘s Agatha Christie or I read the next book in the Ladies No. 1 Detective series or the Amelia Peabody books. 1y
Smrloomis I usually find children‘s books or graphic novels or audio work well for me 😊 1y
BookwormAHN Try an audiobook by a beloved author. 1y
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CaitlinR Cozy Mysteries are my go-to when life zaps my reading energy. 1y
julesG Try a re-read of a favourite. 1y
AllDebooks I struggled with this during lockdowns. I beat it by listening to audiobooks, and switched to short stories or essays. This shorter format really helped. I used BBCSounds to listen to their back catalogue, episodes only 15 mins long. Good luck x 1y
Gissy A graphic novel, a short story, a short novel and then watch the movie adaptation. It also works for me to to read something light, silly and funny. 1y
5feet.of.fury I always have 3 books going so this never happens to me 😅 but I agree, a shorter book, graphic novel, or something out of genre 1y
IndoorDame If I‘m in a slump because of brain fog type issues I‘ll usually try a graphic novel because the pictures will help me focus and finishing something short will help me feel accomplished. If it‘s more because I‘m depressed I‘ll gravitate towards an old favorite with a happy ending, maybe a romance or something similar that will get me excited again. 1y
Soubhiville I usually pick up something light, or something by a favorite author who‘s work I always love. Good luck!🍀 1y
KateReadsYA I struggle with focus and my therapist told me to start setting timers. So I'll set 30 minutes and feel proud of myself to reset the timer again and see my progress. 1y
KateReadsYA Also reading with others has helped me as well because I'm excited to talk about the books and I'll also feel obligated to keep pace with everyone else. I hope you find what works for you 💖 1y
Suet624 I tend to read an article that sounds interesting in The New Yorker. That gives me a jumpstart and I move back to books. 1y
JamieArc For me, I usually go for graphic novel or mildew grade/YA read - something I know I get get through fast. 1y
Prairiegirl_reading Sometimes taking a break and relieving that pressure is the only thing. So not reading and not searching for that one book that will break the slump. Do something completely away from reading for a bit. 1y
DivineDiana Don‘t worry. The spark will return when you‘re ready. ❤️ 1y
dabbe Wow. All of the advice above is excellent! I took a snapshot so I'd have this handy when I needed it! Thanks for asking a question @MadelineMcCrae that benefits everyone! ❣️

I usually return to my Complete Peanuts edition books because each has the “feel“ of a book, and they make me happy. That or a return to a Sherlock Holmes short story. I feel success just reading one story.
RosePressedPages @dabbe @DivineDiana @Prairiegirl_reading @JamieArc @Suet624 @KateReadsYA @Soubhiville @IndoorDame @5feet.of.fury @Gissy @AllDebooks @julesG @CaitlinR @BookwormAHN @Smrloomis @Ruthiella Thank you everyone for all of the amazing advice! I know reading slumps aren‘t uncommon, but I feel better hearing about all of your experiences and what you do to push past it :) I‘m excited to see what will work for me! 1y
mandarchy This is a great list. This has been on my mind this week - we had a tragic event in my town and I am thinking about our students who probably can't concentrate. It's important to take a break. Give yourself a quiet moment and explore what you are feeling when you think about starting a book. Then stay in that quiet space and explore what your brain needs. Nonfiction books that have information in chunks are great for low commitment. 1y
RosePressedPages @mandarchy I‘m sorry to hear about a tragic event happening in your town. I hope you and your community are able to heal over time. Thank you for the amazing advice! 1y
UwannaPublishme Hope you‘re getting over your slump. So many great suggestions here. Do what you enjoy most! Reading humor, YA, kids classics and my fave authors usually work for me. 1y
CBee I‘m late chiming in, but graphic novels have helped me in the past! Saga particularly, but I also highly recommend Lore Olympus! 1y
BkClubCare Where‘s the “care” emoji when I need it? 🤗 I usually let myself DNF or put-aside-til-late when I am in a too-many-books!! -shutdown; and power through with gentle grace and patience. 🌸 1y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I feel way short on my reading goals this past year because of a massive reading slump I fell into. I don‘t know if it‘s because the first part of the year I studied for my exam or if I was just going to overwhelms in general. But I don‘t hold it against myself, I just take it as time needed. I look forward to a great year of reading and connecting with other readers.

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I don‘t know if it‘s because I‘m pregnant or if it‘s because we‘re house hunting in this horrible market or both but I‘m drained and in a reading slump and reading is my only source of entertainment at the moment, I‘m asking Litsy for help, I‘m going book shopping today, can I get recommendations?? Something easy that doesn‘t need to many brain cells? Maybe Dark fantasy/ lgbt/ contemporary, horror, anything! Maybe something not so long? Idk😢

HeathHof Recently finished Man, F*ck this house. Which I think would check all the boxes on your list. Plus it's only $2.99 on kindle 😬 2y
reading_rainbow @Mynameisacolour lmao adding to the library 👍🏼 2y
Larkken I‘m reading the tagged book and it is fast and satisfying. I like Kingfisher prodigiously, so anything by her might be nice. There‘s one with a sentient sourdough starter… 2y
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reading_rainbow @Larkken ok this sounds good! 2y
Larkken @reading_rainbow tagged has the sourdough starter 😊 2y
Smrloomis Just finished the first two books of the Thursday Murder Club and it fits exactly none of what you mentioned 😂 but I really enjoyed them. Also hope you can get some really good rest. House hunting and pregnancy are a lot at one time! 2y
reading_rainbow @Smrloomis thank you! Definitely going on my list! 2y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Y‘all, I‘m in a serious reading slump. I can‘t seem to focus for more than a few minutes. I think it‘s all the stress with moving and church assignments. I just want to read! 😭

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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After January, which was my best reading month ever, I‘ve been in a serious reading slump for the last two weeks. I haven‘t finished a book all month. I think it‘s seasonal (I last posted this pic in February 2019) and abating, but I hate the feeling of not wanting to read.

BarbaraBB Maybe it‘s the pressure of all these challenges and the ToB. Just read something you really feel like reading right now?! 😘 4y
Tamra It will come back. 😌 4y
Megabooks I had to switch to all nonfiction. Maybe it‘s a February thing?? 4y
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thebluestocking @BarbaraBB It May well be. I‘m having a hard time pushing myself to read my last #ToB book, The Testaments. Thanks for the encouragement! 💙 4y
thebluestocking @Tamra Thank you for the timely reminder. It‘s hard to wait! 💙 4y
thebluestocking @Megabooks Maybe so! I‘m glad you found a work around. 💙 4y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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#BFCR3 CHECK IN -- #goteam - I had a terrible workout week, too much happening and my anxiety got the best of me (even though working out is good for anxiety 😖). I can say though that this is the first time I've fallen off since the very first #bfc started, and I didn't like it at all! My nutrition did improve this week, but I'm ready for a good workout week again! #bfcr3 #bookfitnesschallenge

Megabooks Yay for nutrition!! I totally get the anxiety conundrum. It helps, but you get anxious thinking about doing it. At least that‘s how it works for me. I hope you feel better soon!! 5y
BlameJennyJane But you never got off the horse! Anxiety is a b*tch sometimes- it got me some this week too. 5y
cobwebmoth *hugs* I hope next week holds less anxiety for you. 5y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Guys.. I‘m in the biggest reading slump ever.. with just a week to go in March, I have only completed 10 books. And SEVEN are audiobooks that I listen to during my commute. I thought it was just my choice of books slowing me down, but I picked something Fun and light and I still can‘t stick with it. Someone needs to shake me out of this funk!

Hestapleton It could just be book burnout! It happens. Maybe binge a TV show or indulge in another hobby. Sometimes your brain just needs a reset before diving into more reading. Rereading a favorite book is also great for slumps. 5y
Djspens Wow that's a lot of books in one month!! Lol I'd be happy with the 10 in a month! It's ok to take a break, I'm sure you'll get back in the groove. 😃 5y
britt_brooke I‘m kind of in a funk, too. I think it‘s just because I‘m busier than usual which is (mostly) nice. Don‘t be so hard on yourself! 🤗 Ten at this point is an amazing month even if it‘s less than usual. 5y
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Literary_Siren I‘ve been in a slump too. I started a Darcy Coates book yesterday and I haven‘t been able to put it down! I only read 3 books in February and this will be my first book of March. 😕 5y
MelissaSue81 @britt_brooke - yes busy-ness is definitely a part of it. I usually have some down time when I work in the evenings but I‘ve had projects to work on, and have been doing a lot of driving my daughter around.. but I am definitely having trouble focusing too. 5y
ravenlee Maybe it‘s time to reread a favorite book? 5y
Palimpsest I‘ve only read ten books this year, although a few of them have been chunksters, so your accomplishment is amazing. Have you tried a short story collection or perhaps a poetry collection? Sometimes reading shorter stories/ poems keeps me focused and is a happy break from a longer investment in a novel. I also will switch to a non-fiction if I have been reading fiction etc. I‘m sure you‘ll be back slaying it soon! :) 5y
DGRachel I feel your pain. February was a bad month for me and the first half of March was terrible, too. I'm picking up a bit now, but not nearly where I'd like to be. You've gotten tons of great advice already, so I have nothing to add to that, except to echo @britt_brooke "don't be so hard on yourself". :) 5y
CouronneDhiver The less pressure you put on yourself, the better. 😊 5y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Oh man, I feel a reading slump coming on 😖

I love Beatriz Williams' books, but I find myself putting this one down more than I'm picking it up. Is it a slump? Does this book really suck as much as it's appearing to? Is it a full moon? What the hell? 😐

Trashcanman Get in the convertible, we'll Thelma and Louise off the cliff. But before we hit the ground promise you still won't say your name 5y
TheBookgeekFrau @Trashcanman 😂 It's a promise! I swear my name isn't Ohhhhhhh Shhhiitttt 5y
Trashcanman Lol, ha! Or we can swallow Cyanide pills and shoot ourselves in the head like Hitler did. 5y
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TheBookgeekFrau @Trashcanman That's doesn't sound nearly as fun 5y
Trashcanman @C.Perone or we can drink a full bottle of whiskey each and go swimming in a pool and die like Brian Jones did 5y
TheBookgeekFrau @Trashcanman Oh boy! It'll be like a day at the beach! Can we? Can we?! 5y
Trashcanman @C.Perone you're awesome. 🤗💖 5y
TheBookgeekFrau @Trashcanman Why thank you, sir 🤗☺️💞 5y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I seem to be going through and audiobook slump. I‘ve started 3 over the last 2 days and haven‘t been interested in a single one. ☹️☹️☹️

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Due to various outside stresses, I‘m in a bookish slump. I just don‘t want to read. I‘m sure it‘s temporary, but it‘s frustrating.

Does this happen to you? Any suggestions?

cobwebmoth I hope the slump(and the stresses) go away quickly! 5y
Literary_Siren More than I‘d like it to that‘s for sure! I just got out of one. I find that picking up an old favorite usually fixes the problem. If it doesn‘t then you just have to wait it out. 5y
BookNAround I liked this but more to say you aren‘t alone in suffering this than because I actually like it. For me, when I hit a reading slump, I need to do something other than read for a bit so that I truly want to be reading when I go back to it (and not just wanting to want to read if that makes any sense). 5y
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Karkar Yes totally! I usually give it a week and then try to get out by reading YA or Graphic Novels. Sometimes it takes two weeks then I get out. But you are not alone. 5y
thebluestocking @cobwebmoth Thank you! ❤️ Me too. 5y
thebluestocking @Literary_Siren An old favorite is a good idea. I could do with a Fangirl reread. 😉 5y
thebluestocking @BookNAround That is the funny thing about likes. I think giving it time and not putting pressure on myself to read is a good idea. It totally makes sense! ❤️ 5y
thebluestocking @Karkar Thank you! Time may be what I need, but a graphic novel is an awesome idea. Low commitment and easy win. 💕 5y
BarbaraBB Is it the ToB shortlist that you don‘t want to read? I am at the point that the ones I still need to read aren‘t appealing to me. To get out of the slump I can recommend my January favorite, 5y
BarbaraBB And I loved the book I read most recently. I literally couldn‘t stop reading 5y
RaimeyGallant I'm sick, and all I want is to sleep. No more words! 5y
IamIamIam When I get into a slump, I either go back to an old favorite, try short stories or go for middle grade book. Roald Dahl is great for breaking a slump!! 5y
Megabooks I do well with a short book, graphic novel, or a book with short chapters. An old fav can work too! I‘m sorry you‘re going through a stressful time!! 💕💕 5y
GypsyKat This definitely happens to me! I usually play video games or watch movies until it passes. Sometimes audiobooks can help get me on track. 5y
Anitareads Just re-read one of your favorite books, this usually works for me. Or If I'm really not in the mood to read I wait couple of days without reading and do other things (like watching TV). 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego My go to is YA. Quick, easy, fun, feel good reads. 5y
Weaponxgirl All the damn time! If I try to force myself to read I just make it worse. For me the best thing is short and sweet and then looking at book blogs ect. Eventually I‘ll be inspired by something and pick it up again. 5y
Reggie Read something super brain candy. Whether it is 100 pages, Ya, last year romance, even if it was bad, dug me out of some slumps. But if you wanna read a sweet funny one try Josh and Hazel‘s guide to not Dating. Hilarious. 5y
jenni_elyse Yep. Welcome to my past 8 months. 😕 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Hi Jessica! I just wanted to let you know there's a package from me that I'm sending to you from Amazon directly, in addition to the #CupidGoesPostal package you already receive :) I saw it online and thought of you! So just open it at the same time as that :) 5y
thebluestocking @BarbaraBB Thank you for the recommendations! I will definitely check those out. I do think the #ToB books are part of my stress. I may just call it for this year, bough I think I‘ve only read six. 5y
thebluestocking @RaimeyGallant I get that. I hope you‘re feeling better! 5y
thebluestocking @IamIamIam Those are all great suggestions. I really ❤️ Ronald Dahl. 5y
thebluestocking @Megabooks Thanks for the suggestions! A graphic novel is one I hadn‘t thought of. Those are easy ones to finish. 5y
thebluestocking @GypsyKat Diversions are a great idea. And I did manage to get through an audio book of an old favorite. Thanks for responding. 5y
thebluestocking @Anitareads Rereads can definitely work, and I did get through one last week! 5y
thebluestocking @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Ooh. That‘s a good idea. Thanks! 5y
thebluestocking @Weaponxgirl I‘m glad I‘m not alone! I agree that not forcing it is key. 5y
thebluestocking @Reggie Good call. I will definitely check out that recommendation. I could use some humor. 5y
thebluestocking @jenni_elyse It sucks, doesn‘t it?!? I‘m sorry that yours has lasted so long. ❤️ 5y
thebluestocking @Jee_HookedOnBookz Thank you so much!! That is super sweet of you. I‘ll let you know when it shows up. 5y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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So my classic sign of a reading slump is that I start numerous books, but can‘t finish any, and I dive into book reviews, blogs, videos without actually reading! This almost never happens in the new year but the signs are undeniable!! Do you all have any recommendations??? How do I stop this before it turns into a full on reading slump???

nudibranch A short, fun/fascinating book is how I get out of a slump. The emotional reward from quickly finishing it boosts my confidence, and usually whets my appetite. Good luck!! 5y
Jas16 I usually reread an old favorite. I hope you manage to avoid the slump! 5y
Suet624 Ugh. My sympathies. No advice but just know it will pass eventually. 5y
janeycanuck I start in on all the odd jobs that need to get done but I‘ve been putting off cause I don‘t wanna do them. That usually gets me wanting to read again pretty quick! If you need some tasks, I‘ve got about 15 windows that need to be rescreened! 5y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Littens. I‘m in the worst reading slump. What was the last book you read that sucked you in away from everything in the world? Genre does not matter. I‘m desperate!!

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CoffeeNBooks The Hazel Wood, The Alice Network, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 6y
BooksBikes12 The Godsend. Its not for the weak stomach reader though...Really scary ! 👻☠💀 6y
MeganAnn Two Dark Reigns which is Book 3 in the Three Dark Crowns series - the whole series actually has had me completely enthralled. Also, this one is a new favorite: 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Oops, that came out backwards, sorry 6y
CoffeeK8 I third Trail of Lightning and if you think a good cry might get you out of it, I‘d say A Little Life. It worked for me. Or 6y
Zelma Station Eleven was so good that I gave it to a friend and then we talked about for hours when he finished. 6y
Zelma Or for silly romance that I couldn‘t put down 6y
Zelma Although my go-to authors for a reading slump are Bill Bryson or Stephen King. They never fail me. 6y
xicanti I wallowed in K.J. Charles last month, and it was probably the most wallowsome reading I've done all year. THE MAGPIE LORD, A FASHIONABLE INDULGENCE, and AN UNSEEN ATTRACTION are all good starting points with her. 6y
KT1432 This one had that effect on me. I highly recommend the Audible performance 6y
BookishBeth @lele1432 @sprainedbrain @shadowspeak17 @xicanti @irre @Zelma @CoffeeK8 @JanuarieTimewalker13 @Moray_Reads @MeganAnn @Books_Bikes_12 @CoffeeNBooks @Rachel.Rencher @OrangeMooseReads @emilyhaldi THANK YOU!! Now that I have all of these wonderful suggestions I now have to narrow all of these down to figure which one to read first! This is one of the things I love about Litsy. Oh so much! ❤️ 6y
Rissreads This book blew my head off! Go in blind. You won't regret it. I'm posting my review today. It's fantastic on audio (accents are Australian). Best book I have read in ages! @Zelma I also loved Station 11, I didn't want it to end, a fascinating original book. The audio is also great. (edited) 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Instead of reading I‘ve been doing a lot of couch potatoing. I don‘t feel guilty today because it is a gray, rainy mess but I REALLY hope to get my mojo back this week.

vivastory I love Criminal Minds, still several seasons behind though. I think I'm on season 9. 6y
LeahBergen We all need days like this. 😘 6y
CouronneDhiver Me too. I‘ve done lots more TV time than book time lately... sometimes you just have to go with it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ 6y
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MicheleinPhilly @vivastory I think it‘s losing some of its luster for me but I am an unabashed Paget Brewster fangirl so I‘ll stick with it till the end. I do enjoy the old re-runs more though. 6y
TrishB Watched 2 footie matches today....on super sad Sunday!! 6y
DivineDiana You are not alone on this gray Philadelphia day! I just told my husband that we need to do take out tonight! Lots of time spent prowling Litsy. 😉 (edited) 6y
MicheleinPhilly @LeahBergen @CouronneDhiver I don‘t feel badly about it. I‘ve gotten to the point where I know I‘ll get my mojo back. I just need to veg out and not stress about it. 6y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Not a bad day! 6y
MicheleinPhilly @DivineDiana I was supposed to go to the grocery store today. Not happening! 6y
DivineDiana Ha Ha! As was I ! 😉 6y
TrishB It was the ironing of work clothes that spoiled it..... 6y
LauraBeth 👋😘 6y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Thankfully I don‘t have to worry about as I work from home. 💃🏻 6y
MicheleinPhilly @LauraBeth 😘😘😘 6y
TrishB Work in pjs is the best! I love those days. 6y
Megabooks #relatable (that was all of June for me) I hope you get back in your groove soon. I‘m just a call away if you want to talk. 💜😘 6y
MicheleinPhilly @Megabooks Thanks doll! I‘m back in my groove now. I think it was really just a prolonged post-vacation funk. Now that I‘m fully immersed in my “normal” routine, I‘m feeling much better. 😘 6y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly Fantastic!! 👍🏻👍🏻📚 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Ugh! I think I'm going into a reading slump. I'm finding everything else to do including looking at recipes and I hate cooking. 🙁😟😬

KathyWheeler Oh no! I hate those slumps.😞 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai 'This too shall pass.' Hang in there! 6y
Eelijah “Allll!” 6y
CoverToCoverGirl 😳 Eek! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I had a bad reading day today. I let life‘s annoyances get to me and couldn‘t focus. I played many games on phone and read very few pages. Wine will help. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Branwen Tommorrow will be much better! ❤📚 6y
KristinaRay I had a similar day. Here‘s to a better reading day tomorrow! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I am in a totally reading slump. I have been audioing a little but tonight is it knitting and binge watching Riverdale.

hermyknee My mom and I watched ALL OF RIVERDALE that was on Netflix when she lived with me last month 😂 She texts me every time she meets another person who watches it. Feel no guilt! It‘s such a fun show!! 6y
MicrobeMom Thanks @hermyknee! I think it is fun!!! 6y
ashley_o13 @MicrobeMom I love Riverdale! I am actually currently wearing a South side serpents tee shirt 🐍 6y
rather_be_reading i love Riverdale! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Definite extrovert 🤗 equal sleep and doing things (I‘m a teacher so I‘m always on the go OR sleeping lol) I like audiobooks more than a movie, definitely clean I hate cooking, best advice would be to try something totally outside your comfort zone or normal genres, or ask my mom what to read lol

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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Do more, usually
Actually, take a break from reading. After a few days, I really miss it.
#bookslumpblues @hermyknee

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Do more
Watch an episode of Gilmore Girls- that always sends me running to my tbr pile ☺
@hermyknee #bookslumpblues

rather_be_reading great advice! gilmore girls is ALWAYS inspiring! brb gonna go watch it rn haha 6y
hermyknee Yes! 😂 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Um, I don't like either but I'll go with cook. 😁
Go back to an author who hasn't let you down. 📚

tracey38 Oops! Missed one! I still have some issues with audiobooks so I'll go with movies. 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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#bookslumpblues @hermyknee
🌵Introvert. Though I like socializing, spending my time with a book is much better 📗
🌵Sleep, of course, never get enough of this 😴
🌵Movie. It's difficult to keep my attention while listening for a long time, so I read only printed editions
🌵I wouldn't choose either if I could, but I like cooking once in a while
🌵My bookslump needs to linger for 2 or 3 days, and then I choose some new book on a hunch and I'm back!

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I‘d like more sleep, please.
Both, depending on circumstances
I rearrange my library, or read book reviews. #bookslumpblues @hermyknee

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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A bit of both 😄
Do more
Read some Agatha Christie 😘
#bookslumpblues @hermyknee

MaleficentBookDragon Yes, Dame Agatha will cure a slump! 6y
Smarkies I agree! I read Agatha Christie and other mysteries in the similar vein to get over my slumps. 😁 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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1. Introvert
2. Do more
3. Probably audiobook
4. Cook!
5. Give comics a try. Or reread a childhood fave!

Hope you get over #thebookslumpblues

Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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📚depends on the situation- teaching or with close friends/family I am extroverted but it tends to take a lot of me bc I‘m an introvert at my core
📚I tend to sleep more but doing more is more effective lol
📚I‘ve never listened to an audio book!!! 😬
📚Neither- but clean if I must
📚Ride it out- stalk Litsy, listen to podcasts (about books lol), Netflix- eventually it will pass!!!

@hermyknee hope you unslump soon!!!

Weaponxgirl I've found myself listening to audiobooks more regularly now, I find them great for nonfiction stuff but I don't really follow fiction in the same way. 6y
Weaponxgirl I have insomnia again, wanna share these chocolate sticks with a hazelnut filling? 😉 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Weaponxgirl I‘m just so easily distracted, I think it would take me forever to get through one!! In the car I love my podcasts though- so it makes sense that nonfiction would be easier to follow, kind of like listening to the news... YES! I would love to share- that sounds delish! It‘s only 10pm here so I‘m hoping to not be up all night...we shall see lol 6y
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Weaponxgirl @TheFunkyBookworm I love podcasts too and now that I've gotten into a groove with audiobooks they don't take me too long to finish. That is a nice time, 3am for me and woken up by a neighbour. I'm doomed I tell you 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Weaponxgirl woken up by a neighbor at 3am?! Ahhh hell to the nahhhhh! You need to exact revenge- I‘m thinking a cacophony of pots and pans around 4:30am! 😜 6y
Weaponxgirl @TheFunkyBookworm I would but the walls are thin here and I don't want to disturb any of the nice neighbours instead. Tbf I'm a very light sleeper and I think they were just getting a snack but they opened that cupboard one to many times 😆 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Weaponxgirl oh no 🤦‍♀️ hahaha that is one of my fav things about living in a house vs apartment- not having to share walls! It was too close for comfort for me- almost too intimate- overhearing arguments, smelling dinner being cooked (often curry) and the last straw was when we all (including my dog) got stoned off the weed wafting through the vents 😂 6y
Weaponxgirl @TheFunkyBookworm I can only afford this place but it's actually quite nice. Omg on the getting stoned 😂 6y
Skyrimir Another introvert teacher! I‘m the same way, it does take a lot of energy. 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I‘ve been in the worst #Litsy and book slump. I‘ve been staring at this stack for like ever but can‘t get past the first couple pages of any of them.

I had the stomach flu all last week and am just now feeling better so I‘m hoping that‘s it. Also I found this game called Choices. It‘s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. However, anything worth choosing costs money which I totally don‘t have. Anyways, it‘s wasted time. #bookandlunch

cobwebmoth *hugs* 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better soon ❤️❤️ 6y
CouronneDhiver It‘s ok... take it slow. It can be hard to get back into the swing of things after being sick 6y
BibliOphelia After a book slump, it takes finding the right book for the moment, and then IT. IS. ON! You‘ll get there! 6y
Samantha.1020 Try something completely different and maybe that will help? 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This is me lately. I still havent finished Fellowship of the Ring & then I started a new book but am only about 5% into it. My audio book has been getting more action, but I have to rewind a lot when I start listening again bc I keep forgetting where I left off. I'm in a slump & it sucks but I think it's bc my house has been battling strep which means at the end of the night, 1 pg & I'm out for the count.

Eggs Hope everyone recovers soon 💐🌸🌺 6y
cj82487 @Eggs Thanks! We're just trying to make it thru the last month of school without anymore school germs making their way home. 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Last year I read 14 5 star books. This year so far I have read 2. I admit I‘m stingy with my stars but lately I haven‘t read anything that I‘ve really loved. The last few books I‘ve read have high rating on Litsy and on goodreads but I didn‘t enjoy any of them! 😞 I don‘t know what to do! Reread something I love? I‘m getting frustrated!!

TheBookHippie I usually reread a middle grade well loved book..good luck 📖 6y
Prairiegirl_reading @TheBookHippie I thought I might try something like that but I‘m also reading Forever... and I‘m not into that either. 🤷🏻‍♀️😞 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This week has really not been a good reading week, and I can‘t say it‘s because I‘ve been busy because I really haven‘t! But tomorrow is a new week so hopefully I can get something new started and get back into reading mode

Sg1224 How are your stats looking this week?!? 🤞 6y
ReadingRuby @Sg1224 not great! 😩 I‘ve only been reading on my lunch break at work. I sat down to read for an hour last night and only managed about 10 mins. Don‘t know what‘s up! 6y
Sg1224 @ReadingRuby is that because you fell asleep?!? Maybe you should switch up books...?!? 🧐 6y
ReadingRuby @Sg1224 no my family interrupted me. I‘m really enjoying the books I‘m reading just my life/mood is getting in the way! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Look at this stack of greatness! That's a Circe arc that I've had for over a week and haven't even started. How can I be slumping this hard?

Graywacke It‘s a really nice pile little pile of books. Reading slumps stink. : ( 6y
everlocalwest @Graywacke I know, right?! I'm trying to graphic novel my way out of this slump! 😺 6y
thevictoriousone I just got out of my own reading slump! They‘re the worst!! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This has been an awful week!
My son has chicken pox, im in a horrible reading slump and i've been binge watching Brooklyn 99 and now i have a crush on Andy Samberg 😣😁😆

cobwebmoth Sorry! Hopefully next week will be better. I love Jake Peralta!😊 6y
azulaco Ugh, I remember chicken pox. I hope he‘s over it soon. At least he‘ll never get it again. Silver lining, I guess. 6y
mrsh62010 He's so cute ugh 😍 6y
IMASLOWREADER such a funny show 😂 6y
GypsyKat Sorry you‘ve been having a tough week, but binge watching does help! 🙃 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna

Everyone seems to be going into book slumps, you poor souls! ❤️ There really is nothing like wanting to read but not having the desire to 😑
I've been in one myself for the past month or so, that's why I've been somewhat vacant from Litsy. Hoping to drag myself out of it soon!

TommieMarie74 Whenever I get in a slump, I try reading something really light, like a cozy or a romance. Basically something with some humor and very little emotional investment. Usually one or two of those gets me through the slump. 6y
Cinfhen Book slumps suck 😔sorry you‘re suffering through one 6y
HelloImJez @TommieMarie74 I've resorted to reading easy read comic books myself! Or just super short books. I'll have to give your method a try! 6y
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HelloImJez @Cinfhen Ahhh thank you, I feel myself slowly pulling through so I should be back on the reading cart soon! 6y
TommieMarie74 @Hellolmjez Short stories or anthologies where you can pick and choose might be worth trying too. I love the idea of comics and super short novels. I‘m adding those to the bag of tricks. 😊 6y
HelloImJez @TommieMarie74 Ohhh that's a good idea. And glad to be of inspiration! 😉 I recommend the tagged book! It and it's sequels got me through a bad slump a while back. 😊 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This is what a book slump looks like for me. In the middle of too many books and feels like zero progress on any of them.

Soubhiville If you do audio, I suggest Hedgehog that way- it‘s beautifully narrated, and I fell in love with it. 💜 hope you find something that grabs you soon! 6y
CareBear @Soubhiville thanks for the suggestion! I‘m actually enjoying it (and the others as well!), but I think I started too many and now I can‘t settle into one; I always feel like I should be reading one of the others, lol. 6y
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SqueakyChu @CareBear I hate when that happens to me. I often pull out all the bookmarks and start reading an entirely new book. I then vow to only read one book at a time. However...slowly I start adding books without finishing the first one...until the cycle repeats. Like right now...in which I am reading four books! (edited) 6y
CareBear @SqueakyChu are you me? lol. It‘s harder this time because these books are on a timeline (buddy read, book club, etc.) 6y
SqueakyChu @CareBear You make me laugh! That‘s why I won‘t do group reads or book clubs! :) 6y
CareBear @SqueakyChu I probably shouldn‘t do them either, because this is what happens. But then I‘m like oooo another book club/buddy read/etc. Maybe someday I will learn. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I was trying to friend you on LibraryThing and I think I accidentally blocked you!! I can‘t figure out how to fix it 😩🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
CareBear @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks lol!!! I just started being active again on LT, so I don‘t know how to help! Maybe I can find you? Are you in the Litsy group over there or what‘s your handle? Maybe @SqueakyChu can help, I hear she‘s a pro at LT! 😉 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CareBear I think I figured it out!! LibraryThing is very “busy!” I‘m on a laptop so that I can see it better! Do you have numbers after your name on there? 6y
CareBear @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yep. Got it and accepted! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CareBear thank you!!! I‘m still trying to figure all of that out! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I think I finally need to admit to myself that I'm in a slump. I know that ditching all my current reads and starting fresh will probably help but I'm more than half way through some of them! 😩 I really need to stop reading so many at once. Just going to battle my way through my current read pile then possibly take a break. 😧

LeeRHarry I feel your pain, I've had a pretty shoddy start to my reading year - let's hope things pick up for us both ! 😊 6y
CherryPie I feel your pain! 😲😆😕🍻 6y
laurieluna @LeeRHarry @CherryPie I had an amazing start to the year, but I've crippled myself with picking too much up at once this month I think. Rather than being enjoyable I've created a mountain for myself to climb and can never decide which one to read! 😣 6y
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Cathythoughts It will get better again- It always does. My new rule, inspired by Littens , is that if I‘m not looking forward to my book ( after giving it a 100 pages) I‘m bailing. Reading should be a pleasure ❤️ (edited) 6y
laurieluna @Cathythoughts it's not that I don't look forward to the books themselves, once I get reading I'm all set. It's the deciding what books to read. I'm trying to clear all the backlog of books (I think I've doubled my library in the last year alone! 🙈) and a 900 page book just arrived in the post 😂 I only have myself to blame....😬 6y
Cathythoughts You can do it 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 6y
laurieluna @Cathythoughts thanks! 😄 6y
YouReadMyEyes @Cathythoughts I love that idea. 6y
YouReadMyEyes @miralunasbooknook Hope things turn around for you soon! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks Ugh. Maybe just focus on one? And keep doing it until you‘re finished with all the ones you‘ve been reading. I‘m feeling like I‘m not making progress in the book I‘m reading and it‘s making me frustrated too! Good luck!! 6y
laurieluna @ElishaLovesBooks trying to, but the others suck me back in. I'm terrible at focusing! They're all quite different and I'm such a mood reader. I don't have time to sit and read a lot during the day so it takes me longer than most to read a book and my mood always changes before I finish one! 😂 6y
laurieluna @ElishaLovesBooks good luck with yours! 6y
ElishaLovesBooks @miralunasbooknook I hear ya! I‘m such a mood reader too but once I‘m sucked in I pretty much stick with one book. Last month I read so many books at a time and I think I didn‘t really like it. But now I‘m reading one and going nowhere fast! Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Cortg I‘m in the same boat! 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This is how I feel right now. I now have 4 books on the go and can't pay attention to any of them. I've been neglecting my #litsypenpal @Melissa_J (I promise I'll have something out soon!!) and I'm even getting #shopblocked on Amazon for the upcoming #potterheadswap. I don't know what is going on....but I think I need a vacation 😔
#lifeslump #cantfocus #stupidsquirrels

TrishB 😔 hope things improve soon! 6y
Sace 😂 But I'm sorry things are nuts. 6y
Dulcinella Go on vacation? Buy a vacation book?😉 6y
Cinfhen Feel Ya! 6y
Ddzmini Wait wait I can‘t stop 🤣😝 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Omg I think I am officially in a reading slump 😢😢 Everything I have tried to read today I have hated. I am sad because today is the only day this week I have actually had time to read. What do you do when you fall in a reading slump/rut?

Tamra Right now I‘m not in a slump per se, but I have too many good TBR so having difficulty picking & sticking. I keep changing my mind, which is the same result like you. I recommend picking something short and different than your last good read. Maybe a comfort read like a series you love or even a reread. 6y
Dolly I check my attitude & state of mind. It's not always the case but sometimes it's me not the books. 🤔 6y
KVanRead I agree with @Tamra A reread could do the trick. Or sometimes I have better luck with audio. 6y
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ghosthost I‘m sorry you are in a slump. When I get stuck in a slump, I usually do something else for awhile or try a different format. If print books aren‘t cooperating, I try graphic novels or take a walk with an audiobook. 6y
brennahawleycraig I‘m in the same boat!!! 6y
Moray_Reads I'm a re-reader too. Pick something you love and it should help get you back on track 6y
silentrequiem Oh no! I do audiobooks when I can't do print books. It helps that I can do other things while listening. 6y
Nebklvr Do you have any Graphic novels or off the wall quirky books? 6y
mgallo1968 I do audio too and if you like short stories those are good for a jumpstart or a change of pace. There is something satisfying about being able to read a complete story in a short period of time. A sense of accomplishment or something. 6y
Dogearedcopy Sounds counterintuitive, but I actually walk away from reading. I‘ll binge watch movies, go hiking, whatever... Sometimes I need my reading breakers to reset. (edited) 6y
Bookcation74 We are in the same boat today! I will say I but aside all my half started books and started this one new and it may be my slump breaker (🤞🏻) 6y
TricksyTails I've been in a reading slump for a while. The only way I've been able to get in any stories is through audio, either podcasts or audiobooks. When you find the cure, please let me know! 🤗 6y
Christine11 I sometimes reread an old favourite! Hope you get out of your slump soon 😊 6y
Kaye I really despise Reading Slumps, because that is just about the only hobby or entertainment I choose to have ( unless you count going to the gym, but that‘s more of a Torture Chamber than Fun. ) I usually try to find a True Crime I haven‘t yet read that starts off with a really great beginning, or a humorous book of some sort. If those don‘t help, I just bumble along til I‘m in the mood to read again. 6y
Captivatedbybooks Usually what i do is avoid books (or anything to do with books) for about a week. Than i grab a book totally different to what i have been reading (usually a memoir) and this usually works 6y
Book_in_hands I'm in a reading slump also, it's weird but all I want to do is clean. My boys are in Florida and so I have lots of time to clean. I have lots that I want to read and books that I want to buy just no feeling to read 😢 6y
Teafiend I feel like this often in winter. I tend to reread my favorite romance series. Don‘t have to think too much, quick reads and very entertaining. Good luck! (edited) 6y
Brenda I've had success with audiobooks when I haven't been able to read. Occasionally I will even listen to the book and read along at the same time. 6y
Nafiza Try graphic novels or manga. Those work for me. 6y
ReadingSusan @Tamra oh that‘s a great idea! 6y
ReadingSusan @Dolly yeah I haven‘t really enjoyed reading since my cat died on Friday 😢 6y
ReadingSusan @KVanRead that is also a great idea. I am listening to podcasts right now hoping when I turn back to books I won‘t be frustrated. 6y
ReadingSusan @ghosthost great ideas 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Umm... did your kitty usually read with or near you? Maybe go for a massage or a walk instead, plant a memorial tree for her or do something completely mindless like staring at the sky or flowers & take it easy? Your favourite foods, a nice cup of tea & brainless TV after a bracing walk then ... ease into reading light stuff (I lean towards novellas, Sherlock Holmes or highly trashy romance myself). Take care though. ❤️ 6y
ReadingSusan @brennahawleycraig it stinks 😭😭 6y
ReadingSusan @Moray_Reads I have been rereading the Betsy Tacy books but I never read the last one so maybe I will do that! 6y
Tamra @ReadingSusan well, no wonder! It‘s hard to concentrate.😑 6y
ReadingSusan @mgallo1968 that‘s a great idea!! 6y
ReadingSusan @Dogearedcopy that sounds good. I am listening to podcasts now. I may go watch tv for a little bit too. 6y
brennahawleycraig @ReadingSusan I‘ve started like 5 different books and none have stuck. It‘s the worst! 6y
ReadingSusan @Bookcation74 yeah that‘s probably what I need to do! Just pick a completely different book. 6y
ReadingSusan @TricksyTails sorry 😭😭 it‘s such a frustrating feeling for someone who normally loves to read everything. 6y
ReadingSusan @Christine11 thank you!! 6y
Dolly So sorry to hear about Dizzy 🌈😟💖 6y
ReadingSusan @GlassAsDiamonds no she lived with my sister so I only saw her when I was over there. But my other kitty who died last year did read with me and I think Dizzy‘s death has brought back a lot of feelings from that time. 6y
ReadingSusan @Tamra 😢😢 6y
ReadingSusan @Dolly thank you 😢😢 6y
ReadingSusan @Kaye yeah I am just so frustrated because I usually use Reading as my therapy and comfort! I don‘t have any other hobbies either. 6y
ReadingSusan @Book_in_hands I never want to clean 🤣🤣 6y
ReadingSusan I also have Bout of Books this week and I don‘t want my slump to carry over! 6y
ReadingSusan @brennahawleycraig yeah it is the absolute worst! 6y
Tamra @ReadingSusan might try bookish podcasts. Their enthusiasm is contagious - you might find a book you really want to read and order it with anticipation. 6y
GlassAsDiamonds @ReadingSusan 😭😭 maybe just a few hours taking care of yourself then? They leave such a huge hole in our hearts, you might just need a break? Many many hugs. (Or... trashy romance novellas ... I read a bunch at the end of last year when things got really difficult... a little like fairy floss for the brain..). 6y
Jenshootsweddings Audiobook + bath 6y
readordierachel I usually reread something quick and easy that I loved. 6y
bio_chem06 I do graphic novels when I get in a slump. It really helps. 6y
TricksyTails It started after losing my #souldog and then lost a few loved ones soon after. My brain just refuses to cooperate now. Thinking of you and sending hugs. ♥️ 6y
Reviewsbylola I usually just try not to force it, which is so hard. 😩 I would take a few hours to do something else, even if it‘s just cleaning or laundry, and then try again later. 6y
ReadingSusan @Tamra can you recommend any good ones? I have been having the hardest time finding one I like. 6y
ReadingSusan @Jenshootsweddings ohhh that‘s a good idea! 🛀 6y
ReadingSusan @TricksyTails you too my dear ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Tamra @ReadingSusan right now there are lot of best of ‘17 lists out there so my TBR has exploded - again. Those episodes are great for ideas. Fellow Litten @ReadingEnvy has the Reading Envy podcast that is excellent, Book Cougars, What Should I Read Next, All the Books, Adventures with Words, The Readers, Get Booked.....etc. 6y
Tamra @ReadingSusan also try booktube channels on YouTube. Lots of yearly wrap up lists. Start with Simon Savidge (Savidge Reads) and his channel will also send you down a rabbit hole to lots of other booktuber channels. 6y
ReadingEnvy I read something that I can finish fast like a thriller or a graphic novel. 6y
ReadingSusan @Tamra awesome thanks! I forgot about the Readers! I used to listen to that all the time. 6y
LiteraryinLawrence I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💗💗 There‘s no question it would be really hard to focus after that. 6y
Reggie I read something easy breezy like a romance or horror. Easy to judge and maybe eye roll but will finish cause you wanna know how it turns out. 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Ugh..I guess I‘m definitely in a reading slump. Or just a general slump....I‘ve been lounging around all afternoon pretty much doing nothing at all, kind of like the past few days! 😩😩😩

We fly to NY tomorrow, and all I want to do is lay on the couch and veg. Sorry to #LMPBC, I won‘t be mailing on the next book till at least Jan 5, and I hope the #dystopiantravellingbook is where it should be, because I am really flaking right now. So sorry!

Bookzombie I just posted a similar post. I‘m so unmotivated to pick up a book and have been veging out to Friends. 6y
blondie I am too! I'm in my pajamas watching TV. :( Zero motivation to read or do really anything. 6y
alisiakae @Bookzombie @blondie I feel better knowing I‘m not alone, but I‘m sorry you‘re in the same boat! Candy Crush has been my friend, lol. I hate cold weather. 6y
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ghosthost I just got out of one. I hope your slump passes quickly. 6y
Zelma I‘m right there with you. Lately I‘m forcing myself to do anything and I haven‘t been reading much. All I want o do right now is eat holiday food and watch Gilmore Girls. 6y
ephemeralwaltz I won't be completing any of my challenges this year because I'm taking forever to finish anything I start. Hoping 2018 brings us all less slumps! 6y
Amandajoy I spent an hour today just completely wasting time. I think sometimes it‘s needed. 6y
TricksyTails I've been in the worst slump that's been going on for too long. I hope you kick yours soon! 🤗 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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I'm reorganizing my tbr-bedroom shelves in an attempt to get me out of my slump (also to get my October "spooky reads" in order). I hate slumps!! Nothing is holding my attention!

CoffeeK8 They are the worst! I was in one for all of September (new school year slump). Good luck! 7y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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These lyrics - I think we've all been there...

🎶I can't read shit anymore
I just sit back and ignore
'Cause I just can't get it right, can't get it right
I can't read shit, I can't read shit 🎶

Angsty complaint rock for reading slumps 😂

#ICantRead #SeptemBowie

LazyLibrary Ugh, isn't that the worst??? 7y
riversong153 If you like tv, binge a show with a short season. It usually helps me! (edited) 7y
Marchpane @riversong153 that's a great tip! 7y
BarbaraBB Love these lyrics! 7y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Slumpy slump sluuuump. Grrr 😡

kspenmoll 😱😂😂 7y
KellyMuser Love this pic! 7y
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drokka If I did that, the chair would slide and I'd fall off. 😂 7y
Read.Em.And.Eat @drokka me too lol just my luck! 7y
Megabooks 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 7y
britt_brooke Oh no! 😬 But I love this photo. 😆 7y
TheBookStacker I feel it too. Only thing I pick up is GoT and put it down after a chapter idk what's wrong with me 7y
Redheadrambles Oh no ! It happens for sure. 7y
minkyb Sorry about slumping but it is a great photo. 7y
Cathythoughts This slump too will pass. 😉 7y
UwannaPublishme Hilarious photo! 😂😂 I felt slumpy too this month. Maybe it's the weather. Hope you snap back into a good book soon. 7y
AmyG AHHHHHH. The slump. 😪 7y
Cortg L❤️be the photo! No buenobfor the reading slump. 7y
sisilia I've been in a slump since June 😰 7y
Mimi28 I'm in a slump also 😏 7y
diovival That sucks. Here's hoping there's a slump buster in your near future. 7y
SilversReviews LOL!! I wasn't laughing at your being in a slump, I was laughing at the photo...so funny. (edited) 7y
Marchpane @SilversReviews it sums up how I was feeling pretty well 😂 7y
SilversReviews @Marchpane awwww. Hope you are better. 7y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Reading slump? Is that you??
Feeling a little slump creeping on me since finishing Gone With the Wind.

StacksNShelves Same here. 😞 7y
Books88 @StacksNShelves it took our reading wind with it! 7y
britt_brooke That coffee though. Yum! 7y
Books88 @britt_brooke it was so good! 7y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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It's official. I'm in a reading slump.

Sace And it's all my own fault. 7y
ItsAnotherJen Is it this time of year maybe?? It seems everyone has a bit of a slump as the weather gets nicer. I have more to do outside of the house these days. (Just a thought🙄) 7y
Sace @JenFowler it could be time of year. The closer we get to the end of the school year the less structure there seems so be to the day. It affects my ability to focus on anything more than TV. The weather here was nice for 3 days. We've gone right into hot and humid, so I spend a lot of time indoors (but not reading.) 😕 7y
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BestOfFates All of last month was a slump for me, so I sympathize! Hope you find something that interests you soon! 7y
Reviewsbylola Noooooooooo!! 😱😱😱😱 I hope it's over ASAP! I feel like I'm always in fear of an oncoming slump! 7y
stargazerblue49 I feel like this needs a hashtag for everyone who is in slump-mode. #litsyslumpclub 7y
Sace @BestOfFates I feel like I could get some uninterrupted time I could maybe get over it. I think I'm gonna try some Manga or graphic novels. 7y
Sace @Reviewsbylola I don't think I fear slumps, it's just that when I am on a reading roll I forget that "this too shall pass" and a slump just hurts more... If that makes any sense. 7y
Sace @stargazerblue49 we totally do! 7y
Dragon If anyone understands it's your fellow Littens! Slumps do end. Hope yours is a short one 🤞 7y
moranadatter I'm sorry to hear about the slump. Here's hoping it's brief! 7y
bitterbear Graphic novels help me get out of my reading slump... 7y
bitterbear 😘😘😘 7y
diovival @Sace sounds like a good plan of attack. Good luck! 7y
minkyb 😢 7y
kmell33 I've been feeling slumpy also. Hope yours doesn't last long. 7y
Sace @Dragon @moranadatter @bitterbear @diovival @minkyb @kmell33 Thanks for the support! I did finish Princess Jellyfish but I'm still feeling mighty slumpy and unfocused. 7y
BibliophileMomma Hope you get out of it soon! 7y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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This smiley audiobook is mocking me. For the first time since my audiobook conversion, I'm in an audiobook slump. Nothing is working for me. New narrator, trusted narrator, or even my favorite genres are coming up dry. I've suffered through many print reading slumps, so I know this will pass. That being said, audiobooks are my traveling companions and this feels unnatural.

I plan on not forcing the issue. I'll listen to music, etc. Still, BOO!

Megabooks I'm having the same problem ☹️ 7y
prowlix Have you tried listening to favorites you've read in print form? I've done that with a couple classics and really enjoyed it. I hope your slump ends soon 7y
CherylDeFranceschi Sorry! I'm having that problem across all different platforms. Just can't settle in. 7y
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Yeah_I_Read Whenever I get in a slump I switch up the genre that I've been reading most prominently. There are some amazing books out rn across all genres. Good luck 😊 7y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders I took almost a year off. Nothing was working for me. I'm just back at it now but I have low tolerance for crappy narration so I stop them quickly if I'm not into it. It is hard tho to just listen to music! 😊 7y
Marchpane Maybe fill the gap with some good podcasts until the slump passes? Good luck 🤞🏻 7y
LitHousewife @Booksandcooks I'm thinking #ArmchairAudies might be playing a role. 7y
LitHousewife @prowlix It's been a while since I've done that. I'll have to give that a try. 🙂 7y
LitHousewife @Yeah_I_Read That is definitely worth a try. Something new might engage me in just the right way. 7y
LitHousewife @Penny_LiteraryHoarders I'm hoping this won't last that long. Actually, I'm going to see U2 in 3 weeks. Maybe that's part of it. I'm too excited. 😂 7y
LitHousewife @Marchpane I do keep forgetting about podcasts!!! 7y
whatsjennareading When this happens to me, I go back and listen to an old favorite. Good luck!! 7y
Megabooks @LitHousewife Agreed. I'm having trouble writing my last few reviews. Writer's block. 7y
LitHousewife @Booksandcooks If it makes you feel any better, the only reviews I've written have been on Litsy. I just can't. 7y
Megabooks @LitHousewife glad I'm not alone. 😕 7y
BethFishReads Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 7y
Ruri_kaichou I second @Marchpane 's suggestion. Podcasts are great, bookish or not. Sometimes I need to completely step away from whatever slump I'm in for a bit and then I come back with fresh eyes/ears. Hope it will pass soon for you! 7y
Penny_LiteraryHoarders @LitHousewife lucky you!!!!!!!! I won't tell my husband!!! He belongs to the Church of U2 and would love so much to go!! 7y
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