Neat look into the past, but a little cheesy/fluffy for how deep it could go
Neat look into the past, but a little cheesy/fluffy for how deep it could go
I saw the play along with reading it. Such a classic story of friendship but gosh it was hard to finish because of the sad ending!
She makes some good points but there is a lot of fluff. I‘m not a huge fan of fluff.
Very sweet book of mother/daughter relationships and girl friends and not to take them for granted!
Crazy how high school drama can be so intense, but McManus took it there. I don‘t know why I read this book because who-done-it books always make me mad, and this one did too, but that‘s just because I wanted to know who-done-it.
Kinda long and drawn out, but I also wouldn‘t know how to shorten it because I loved the details
Good reminder not to beat yourself up when you mess up
Hard to relate to in a way because her lifestyle is very not average
Makes me want to live in a small town and pull some fun pranks like this
Terrible story but neat to see it through her eyes!
So relatable! Can‘t wait to read again in a few years and see what sticks out to me this time compared to next time.
Loved stepping into the rich life, but didn‘t enjoy the “gossipy” parts of the who‘s who.
Great historical fiction. Not the easiest of reads because it is not fun to read about how badly people were treated under Hitler‘s reign
Easy and cute summer read about a girls trip. I always love a good girls trip!
Really cute story with a good life lesson on not making quick assumptions
Neat look into the thought of a person with mental illness and how they are lovable even if they don't love themselves.