I really like the illustrations and how each page has a picture along with the words
I really like the illustrations and how each page has a picture along with the words
This is an easy read with short paragraphs. There are tough vocabulary words in this book though. Would be a great read for 2nd-5th grade
I like how there is a picture and phrase that goes with each Picture throughout the book
I really like the layout of this book. It looks like a comic book and would be an easy ready for young children
I like how each sentence has a picture for better explanation to the reader
-The Robert F. sibert honor book
This is like a comic book that would catch young readers eye. This book would be good for 2-6th grade.
-award winning
This book would be geared towards older kids (high school). I don‘t like this book because it comes off boring to me. The pictures are black and white and there are too many wordsp
The pictures and words flow throughout the book to keep the reader interested
-auto biography
- children‘s award winning books
I really like how this book goes from drawing/paintings to real pictures throughout the book. The words are split up so it‘s nice to not have to read a full page of words
I love the pictures throughout this book! It blends in with the way the words are placed in the book
I love how the words are scrambled and it attracts the eyes of a young reader
There are barely any pictures to explain the story
-children‘s award winning books
This book seems very boring by looking at its cover and flipping. Rough the pages. There are words that cover every page throughout the book. This would have to be for high school students. The pictures are bland
This book is about a time long ago so the paintings that result as pictures in this book are very old and not exciting
-children award winning book
This book is very long. I think there are too many words for an elementary student and the pictures are bland. I do like how there are captions for each picture, that helps young children do a visual scan through the book with little words
I love the pictures in this book and how it‘s all black and white other than certain things are glowing
-children‘s award winning books
This is a great biography to introduce to kids because it has pictures & little amount of words. It‘s also unique because of what ya about and the uniqueness of glow
I love how the words and pictures are in this book. The pictures are so unique to this biography
- Melissa Sweet a coldecott honor winner
Great children‘s book biography. Most are kind of boring but this book is full of pictures and little writing! Great book to start out showing young kids this genre.
Very easy read with great realistic photos! Would be great for younger kids k-1.
I like how his book acts as a young children‘s picture book but is full of facts. Short/easy read!
I like how the pictures are actual photos not paintings. The passages are long but would be good for a 2nd-3rd grader.
I really like how this book has captions with every picture Incase a little kid wanted to read it, they wouldn‘t have to read the long passages!
Has long passages but would be a great book to look at the pictures.
I like how this book isn‘t an ordinary book. The pages open big which little kids love. It explains how animals blend in with their surroundings.
I like how at the end of the story there is a page that explains all the parts of an owl. Could work as new vocabulary words.
I really like how this book has a before reading and after reading activities to do with the students to grasp their understanding. This is a very easy read and would be good for a kindergarten class to take a “picture walk.”
I like how the author painted these pictures because they are so detailed for the audience. The audience will be pre-k, kindergarten and/or 1st grade!
Interesting story about how these miners survived under the Chilean desert for 69 days