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1. Tiny Bubbles by Pine Street Codeworks
2. Spotify
3. Untappd

@dabbe #TLT

dabbe Tiny Bubbles looks like fun! I'll try it this afternoon! I now can't get the song by Don Ho out of my head! Thanks for playing! 💜🖤🧡 11mo
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Revisited this one after a parent challenged it in the library today because the main character has two dads. It‘s a silly and fun adventure highlighting problem solving when plans fail, and super cute penguins. 🐧 🌈 🥳

Dress Like a Girl | Patricia Toht
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This book addresses gender stereotypes in the illustrations while maintaining them in the rhyming. I was hoping for this to push the point that anyone can dress like a girl. But it doesn't. I was underwhelmed.

mandarchy I went to add this to goodreads, only to realize I read and gave it a bad review in 2019. So I updated my bad review. I seriously did not remember it at all when I just read it this week. 2y
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Dog Parade | Barbara M. Joosse
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We finally got out picture back from the dog parade this past Sunday! Gatsby was a Packer fan and Boomer was Santa, we couldn‘t find the Santa hat so he wore a winter hat 😂 Not very spooky but still cute! Of course Boomer is looking the other way and my daughter looks pissed😅 I promise she had a good time, they handed out cookies 🧡🖤🎃 #scarathlon #teamslaughter

Clwojick So fun! 2y
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Every-Day Dress-Up | Selina Alko
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Instead of turning into a princess, when this little girl opens her dress up box she becomes a different woman from stories her mom tells her & pictures her mom shows her of real women who‘ve made a stamp on history. The way this is written invites you to play with it. For readers tell their own stories to listeners, to look up names they don‘t know together & find new ones, to dress up the paper dolls included at the end… #BBRCPictureBookLetterE

LibrarianRyan This looks like fun. You inspired me at lunch to look through some of my lists and start placing holds. My ILL guy is probably ready to kill me. 2y
IndoorDame @LibrarianRyan glad I could be inspiring. That sounds like an excellent reason to have someone cross with you😆 2y
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Fred Gets Dressed | Peter Brown
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5 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 This book is so going to show up on banned lists, and while that sucks, this book is so good. Fred like to run around the house naked. Until he wanders into mom and dads closet. Fred tries on Dad‘s clothes, but they don‘t fit. Then they try on mom‘s clothes. This do fit, and then Fred wanders to the make and jewelry. About the time Fred is making a mess, the parents walk in and join the fun.

LibrarianRyan This book was so awesome. it‘s about play. That anyone can play as anything. Could this be deeper meaning maybe, maybe not. The story keeps things simple so that all kids can see themselves, whether cis gender, trans, or non-binary. 3y
AkashaVampie All I could think of when I saw this pic is "It's naked time!!" It's a skit that Dana Carvey used to do about his kids. 3y
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Harriet Gets Carried Away by Jessie Sima is a F-RA book about a little girl who loves wearing costumes. One day, she goes to the store with her dads and sees some penguins, then follows them all the way to their home! Then, she has to figure out how to get back to New York to be with her dads in time for her birthday party! #UCFLAE3414SP21

melodyp This book integrates diversity because Harriet has same-sex parents, but it is not explicitly talked about in the book - it‘s simply kind of in the background of the story - which is important because this normalizes diverse families for elementary students!
UDL 3.2 (highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships) and EL 3 (encourage self talk) are great strategies to use.
melodyp This website https://duvalliteracyassociation.org/uploads/3/4/8/1/34813284/harriet_gets_carri... has some great extension activities for this book 3y
faithcella19 I‘ve never heard of this book, will read soon! 3y
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neanderc This book sounds really interesting! I love the idea that she has to find her way back and the extension activities look fun!! 3y
MFlowers I love the diversity of the book!! What a great resource for teachers! 3y
Sdemps This sounds like such a great read! I think the theme of the book would be just what students need in the classrooms The Duval Literary Association website also provided awesome activities for teachers to use along side this book. 3y
PatriciaS I loved 👗 dress up as a girl and all children love costumes this would be great for that activity in class, a must for my list, thank you for your review 👍. 3y
DrSpalding I am wondering if your kids enjoy wearing certain things. One of my sons would not take off his cowboy boots when he was three! Text to self connection. Helpful resource. 3y
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Sylvia Jean, Drama Queen | Lisa Campbell Ernst
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Wow what a cute MF book all about a costume-loving girl. Follow Sylvia Jean as we see her in her many different outfits as she prepares for a costume contest. What will she go as? Find out by reading this pig-tastic tale.


Mmurphy I think this would make a great DR since we see her in her many different outfits. We could have a role for every student to act like her in costume as we go through the story. This will highlight patterns and the big idea of the story (3.2)UDL.

For our EL students, I would reinforce the key ideas of Sylvia Jean in her many outfits to create understanding of the lesson (15).

Mmurphy There aren‘t any resources that I could find featuring activities however there is a read aloud available that you can pause as students act out different parts of the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYVt8c6yNF0 3y
DrSpalding You have a nice writing style! Dramatic reenactment after a read aloud sounds like a great idea. Your universal design and English learner strategies align nicely. 3y
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Fancy Nancy | Jane O'Connor
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#springsentiments #dazzled Who is more dazzling than Fancy Nancy ?

Eggs Agreed🙌🏻. She‘s so fancy 3y
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Fancy Nancy | Jane O'Connor
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Eggs 💖📚💝 4y
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