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Not as good as the first, but still important issues discussed (in comments). I didn't get the culprit this time.

#52bookclub24 #publishedbyhachette
#aty24 #bookwithsimilarcoversbook2

jenniferw88 HIV/AIDS epidemic, Lockerbie, Hillsborough disaster. 1mo
kspenmoll Just added both to audible- they are free to members! 1mo
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1979 | Val McDermid
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I did manage to work out the baddie in this one (which is very rare for me to do), and yes, I like this series too!

#52bookclub24 #partofaduology #nevergonnaletyoudown #aprilminichallenge (Val is one of my favourite authors, so I knew she wouldn't let me down with a new series)
#aty24 #bookwithsimilarcoversbook1
#ukroadtrip #lanarkshire

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Another series started, and I loved it! I didn't get the culprits in this one, and looking forward to reading the next one.

#52bookclub24 #roadcycling #arevengestory
#pop24 #abookthatwasturnedintoamusical (well, it may have helped write Six!)
#aty24 #abookbyanauthorknownbytheirinitials

dabbe Yay! I can't believe how much I didn't remember; it's like I'm reading it for the first time! Discussion in 10 days! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Librarybelle I‘m seeing so much love for this one. I think I‘ll have to stack it! (edited) 1mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I posted my review yesterday. So good! 1mo
Megabooks So glad you loved it!! 1mo
squirrelbrain Glad you enjoyed it! 1mo
BarbaraBB Glad you‘re a fan too! 1mo
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The Goldfinch | Donna Tartt
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dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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The Wall | Marlen Haushofer
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A woman in the Austrian Alps is suddenly surrounded by an invisible wall. Behind the wall the world seems to have come to an end. She lives on in her own little world, surviving with her animals. Despite the apocalyptic setting this book felt somehow soothing. I loved how the woman lives with nature and her animals. Thanks for bringing this to my radar @batsy

sarahbarnes Great review. I loved this one too and felt the same. 🩵🩵 2mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I loved your review and couldn‘t wait to read it too! 2mo
BarbaraBB #52BookClub24 - Land-locked country #ATY24 - Relates to “Raining Cats and Dogs” (edited) 2mo
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Hooked_on_books Oooo, that sounds good! 2mo
Lcsmcat Sounds intriguing. Stacking. 2mo
Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 2mo
Tamra I enjoyed the screen adaptation. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Tamra I need to check that out 2mo
Cathythoughts Sounds good. Stacking. 2mo
Anna40 I love Haushofer! She also wrote short stories. I even translated one but the Austrian publisher didn‘t want to give me permission to send it to a literary magazine for publication. Unless they translate her whole collection it will probably remain untranslated :(. She was brilliant. 2mo
batsy Nice review! Yes, there was something soothing and ultimately hopeful about it in a way. Happy you liked it. 2mo
BarbaraBB @Anna40 That is so cool! And such a pity you couldn‘t publish it. I‘d love to read more by her. 2mo
jenniferw88 This was my #blinddatewithabook book last year from Gladstones! 2mo
Rissreads I think I‘ll bump it up my list! Great review! 2mo
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Librarybelle It sounds like this could be pretty dense 3mo
Hooked_on_books Uh-oh! I just got this one from the library. We‘ll see how I do with it. 3mo
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The Wild Laughter | Caoilinn Hughes
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It might be the excitement around the nominations for #CampLitsy but I can't get invested in this book and am putting it aside for now. The language, the fact that nothing much happens in the first 100 pages.. I call it quits for now.

#ATY24 - Sound related word in title

JenReadsAlot All the posts are exciting and distracting!! 3mo
squirrelbrain I can‘t concentrate either… 🤣🤪 3mo
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Christ on a Bike | Orla Owen
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Cetus inherited a significant fortune from a total stranger but she is legally unable to share it with anyone else. This is a reality with which she has to deal while enjoying her inheritance. It‘s a compelling setup and the book raises so many questions about greed and wealth and happiness. Quite an original plot! Thank you for bringing it to my attention @TrishB !

#ATY24 - Going for the gold

slategreyskies I‘ve never heard of this book. It sounds really good! 👍 3mo
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Megabooks Lovely pic! I hope you‘re having a good weekend! 3mo
Hooked_on_books Quite an original title, too! Sounds really interesting. 3mo
squirrelbrain Looking forward to this one. 3mo
julesG Sounds interesting. 3mo
Suet624 I‘ve already stacked it. Can‘t wait to find it! 3mo
TrishB I‘m glad you liked it 😁 I thought it was really original too. 3mo
Librarybelle That definitely does sound like an original plot line! 3mo
Cathythoughts Nice review. I thought it was good too. I liked it , as we say , but didn‘t love it 👍🏻 3mo
BarbaraBB @Cathythoughts I didn‘t know you read it too! I liked it a lot, love? No I guess I didn‘t love it either 💕 3mo
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