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Fall On Your Knees | Ann-Marie MacDonald
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The Women's Prize longlists have delivered some of my favourite reads over the past couple years. So, inspired by @vivastory and the #BookerDozen, I decided to look back at my top twelve reads from the history of the Women's/Orange Prize (Longlists, Shortlists, and Winners). Feel free to play along!

Margaret Atwood - Alias Grace
Ann Patchett - Bel Canto
Nicole Krauss - The History of Love
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half of a Yellow Sun


TheKidUpstairs Madeline Miller - Song of Achilles
Hannah Kent - Burial Rites
Pat Barker - The Silence of the Girls
Louise Kennedy - Trespasses
Becky Chambers - Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Jhumpa Lahiri - The Namesake
Ann-Marie MacDonald - Fall on Your Knees
TheKidUpstairs Tomorrow, maybe the Giller for a good dose of #CanLit? 6mo
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TheBookHippie The History of Love one of my all time favs! 6mo
BarbaraBB Another great list! I have to find an overview of all nominated books but that shouldn‘t be too much of a problem! 6mo
BarbaraBB How weird that we don‘t have any similarities (just posted my #womensdozen)! 6mo
TheKidUpstairs @BarbaraBB true. Speaks to the strength of the selection! My original list was about 40 books to narrow down to these 12. 6mo
ShelleyBooksie Fall on your knees - what a book! Bell Canto has been on my shelf.for several years but I've not picked.it up 6mo
Chelsea.Poole I love these lists! Some here I haven‘t read so I‘ll have to add to my ever-growing list 😆 I also have really enjoyed several of your selections, namely 6mo
TheKidUpstairs @ShelleyBooksie I've been meaning to do a re-read of Fall on Your Knees since I saw the stage adaptation in Toronto last year. Such an exquisite gut-punch of a novel. And Bel Canto was my first Patchett, I fell in love with it. It was always my favourite of hers (but Tom Lake just may have passed it - it was as near to perfect as a book can get, IMO) 6mo
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole Ah, the joys of a never-ending, ever-growing TBR! 6mo
Ruthiella Great idea! 6mo
vivastory This was such a great idea! 6mo
CarolynM Great idea. I will get on to it🙂 6mo
ShelleyBooksie I'm listening to Tom Lake on audio right now (my first Patchett). Meryl Streeps voice is an amazing narrator. 6mo
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