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The Shack. Film Tie-In | William P. Young
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4-28-24: My 11th finished book of 2024! The Shack is very religious which I am not. I put that aside to look under that layer to see a family in turmoil. A father on a camping trip with 3 of his children saves one while another is taken. Four years later, Mack, the father, receives a note, from God, to meet him at the shack where the scene of the crime occurred. What a weekend Mack had at that Shack. The beauty and compassion he is shown save him.

GidgetsTreasures75 ⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ 3mo
Leftcoastzen Awww!😻 3mo
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The Mind of the Maker | Dorothy L. Sayers

5/5 ⭐️s // an absolutely incredible book, about not only God, but the creative mind and the very fabric of human nature and society. I‘ll be pondering Sayers‘ words for a long time; it definitely deserves a reread.

The Shack | William P. Young
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I‘m on a ladies‘ trip with my mom and sister. Our air b&b has an adorable “Take a book. Leave a book” shelf and mom thinks I should read this because it talks about God. Have any of you read it?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes, years ago! Great book! 3y
peanutnine Yes, it's very thought provoking! 3y
282Mikado It's not the god of the Bible. It's so full of tripe I had to put it down after 106 pages. ☠ 3y
smalldogs_bigbooks2419 @282Mikado there are infinite different versions of God. The one in the Bible is just that. One of them. 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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A man goes through a horrible family tragedy which eventually leads to a conversation with God.

I've read a lot of reviews and it really seems to be a love or hate situation and I find myself rather in the middle.

The story was engaging and entertaining and the ideas presented in the theology side were great! But nothing life changing for me. And honestly I found that the story side got lost during the theological side.
Worth the time to read.

fredamans My mom read it and had my sister read it as well as myself. We all loved it. I didn't find it life-changing, but I did see the valuable teachings in the story. I'm not a 'religious' person either.... (edited) 3y
Buchbeeg @fredamans Exactly! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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I went from "Haunted" to "The Shack" I needed some religion after that first story...
Anyways, love finding notes from previous readers in books. It's fun to see what they found important, or offensive.

Littlewolf1 Love this book 3y
fredamans Fantastic book!! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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Library book fair haul 😍 30 bucks for loads of happiness.

Ruthiella Nice! 😀 3y
aperfectmjk Our local book fairs have been canceled 😫 3y
Buchbeeg @aperfectmjk :( Bummer! This is our second one. But they are really cautious and strict on the rules, which is great. The more people that feel comfortable the better. 3y
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CaffeineAndCandy Yay 😀 looks like a lot of fun 🤩 3y
Reagan I am so jealous you got a book fair! Top on my list of things I miss. 3y
Tera66 Wow!!! This is great! 3y
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The Shack | William P. Young
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The Shack seems to have a similar feel to this movie although I recommend the movie version of The Shack over the book.

Klou Brilliant! 3y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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1. In South Africa Halloween isn't really a thing. But there is Christmas decorations on display already. 😉
Also it's Spring here and I can't think of a single tradition we have for Autumn right now.

2. The Shack by Paul Young

3 .Goodreads, Readmore app, and a spreadsheet.


Thanks for tagging me @EadieB

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EadieB You‘re welcome! Thanks for playing! 4y
Eggs Thanks so much for joining in 🍁📚🙏🏻 4y
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The Shack | WM. Paul Young
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Loved this book! The story was really heart touching and the way it‘s described just gets you into it.