This incorporates the vast space of a child‘s imagination and ties in the life of Albert Einstein. I would definitely include this in my future classroom as it relates to my students while inspiring them to go further and stay curious.
This incorporates the vast space of a child‘s imagination and ties in the life of Albert Einstein. I would definitely include this in my future classroom as it relates to my students while inspiring them to go further and stay curious.
“Albert turned ideas in his mind, taking them apart, putting them back together. It was his favorite way to think.“
On a Beam of Light is an enchanting picture book that illuminates the genius of Albert Einstein. Through vivid illustrations and engaging prose, Jennifer Berne takes readers on a journey through Einstein‘s life, exploring how his boundless curiosity and unconventional thinking transformed our understanding of the universe.
This book introduces readers to the life and mind of Albert Einstein, painting him as a curious and imaginative figure who reshaped our understanding of the universe. It conveys complex ideas with simplicity and charm, making it an inspiring read for both children and adults.
“Questions lead to answers, and answers lead to more questions.”
“A journey through the wonder-filled mind of a scientific legend.“
A poetic and beautifully illustrated biography, this book explores Albert Einstein‘s boundless curiosity and imagination, making his genius accessible to young readers.