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Adeline | Norah Vincent
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On 18 April 1941, twenty-two days after Virginia Woolf went for a walk near her weekend house in Sussex and never returned, her body was reclaimed from the River Ouse. Norah Vincent's ADELINE reimagines the events that brought Woolf to the riverbank, offering us a denouement worthy of its protagonist. With poetic precision and psychological acuity, Vincent channels Virginia and Leonard Woolf, T. S. and Vivienne Eliot, Lytton Strachey and Dora Carrington, laying bare their genius and their blind spots, their achievements and their failings, from the inside out. And haunting every page is Adeline, the name given to Virginia Stephen at birth, which becomes the source of Virginia's greatest consolation, and her greatest torment. Intellectually and emotionally disarming, ADELINE - a vibrant portrait of Woolf and her social circle, the infamous Bloomsbury Group, and a window into the darkness that both inspired and doomed them all - is a masterpiece in its own right by one of our most brilliant and daring writers.
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Adeline | Norah Vincent
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Thank you Emma love the dog theme ? #jbuk
and look forward to reading this!

I brought the book Adeline book after a review by @River_Voice 80p (hardback!) and Qa postage- looks brand new!

Oryx You're welcome! 🐕 6y
Caroline2 Oh that book sounds really interesting!! 😯 6y
rubyslippersreads I would buy Adeline just for the cover. 😊 6y
Cathythoughts Beautiful gift 💝 6y
quietlycuriouskate Nice find!😃 6y
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Adeline | Norah Vincent
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Psychologically acute and a remarkable ventriloquist act (despite one or two Americanisms that slipped past the editor), nevertheless it took a while to become absorbing. Woolf's books require (and amply reward) a kind of reaching, floating leap: this one took effort. I'll want to read it again, though, when I am not brain-fried and sleep-deprived by this wretched heatwave.

(And, wholly irrationally, part of me hoped it could end differently. 😩)

Cathythoughts Sounds good 👍🏻 6y
TrishB Intrigued by this one 👍🏻 stacked. I‘m not sleeping either!! Could we just stop the thermometer at 22...... 6y
eraderneely @TrishB I‘m loving this heatwave (or what Americans call “summer”) 6y
TrishB @eraderneely it‘s too hot 🌞 As you know this is not normal for summer here!! I can‘t get used to not carrying my coat and brolley 😁 6y
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Adeline | Norah Vincent
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Lovely Sunday morning, reading in the garden while I still have the shade (I have the sort of enthusiastic skin that burns in minutes) and before the sweet sounds of sparrows and wood pigeons give way to the inevitable lawnmowers and strimmers.

Cathythoughts That‘s lovely! I love the shade too & bought one of those big golfing umbrellas for shade so I can sit out even when the sun takes over ☂️☀️ 6y
Bookwomble That's been my morning, too. The mowers are out now, so I might as well add mine to the cacophony. 6y
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Adeline | Norah Vincent
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This might just be the best thing I have ever ordered from etsy! Its a handmade book necklace that is personalized with the first line from my favorite book of all time, Mrs Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf! 😍📚 It also happened to arrive the same day I checked out a book about Woolf from the library! What a perfect friday! 😁📖💞

Jess7 Awesome! 6y
Branwen @Jess7 Thank you! 😃❤ 6y
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