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Winter Solstice: An Essay
Winter Solstice: An Essay | Nina MacLaughlin
4 posts | 2 read | 5 to read
A celebration and meditation on the season for drinking hot chocolate, spotting a wreath on a neighbor's door, experiencing the change in light of shorter days. All aspects of Winter, from the meteorological to the mythological, are captured in this masterful essay, told in wise and luminous prose that pushes back the dark. Winter begins with the shortest day of the year before nightfall. As in her companion volume, Summer Solstice, the author meditates on both the dark and the light and what this season means in our lives. "Winter tells us," Nina MacLaughlin says, "more than petaled spring, or hot-grassed summer, or fall with its yellow leaves, that we are mortal. In the frankness of its cold, in the mystery of its deep-blue dark, the place in us that knows of death is tickled, focused, stoked. The angels sing on the doorknobs and others sing from the abyss. The sun has been in retreat since June, and the heat inside glows brighter in proportion to its absence. We make up for the lost light in the spark that burns inside us." If Winter is a time you love for its memories and traditions, if you love writing that takes your breath away with lyrical leaps across time and space, Winter Solstice is an unforgettable book you'll cherish.
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Winter Solstice: An Essay | Nina MacLaughlin
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it may be 70 and sunny right now, but next week is likely to be in the 40s, so my recent library acquisition of WINTER SOLSTICE still feels seasonally appropriate

Winter Solstice: An Essay | Nina MacLaughlin
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steph_phanie I recently added this to my TBR! How was it? 7mo
TieDyeDude I enjoyed it. It was very poetic; I rarely feel confident reading or reviewing something like this. It is her musings on the solstice and light and dark. It was an enjoyable read. 7mo
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Winter Solstice: An Essay | Nina MacLaughlin
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It‘s my first day of a short break from work & I‘m spending my #WinterSolstice day by taking a long-ish scenic drive to a botanical garden with an audiobook & my mellow holiday/solstice playlist & either walking or driving through (you can do both & it‘s been pretty rainy so we‘ll see when I get there). Then I‘m going to have lunch (right now ramen is calling & there‘s some good places near the gardens) & then just wander for ⬇️

DebinHawaii …before driving back to open up my #Naturalitsycardswap cards & relax, journal & read tonight. Mainly just a quiet, relaxing, contemplative day getting out & appreciating nature (rain or not) & the beauty of this island I call home. 💙❄️ #MidWinterSolace (edited) 7mo
Chrissyreadit I love everything about your plan 💙 7mo
TheBookHippie Oh I love this!!! 7mo
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MittenGirlPeach What a beautiful way to spend the day! 7mo
Eggs That sounds wonderful 💚🌳🌺🌴🌺🪴💚 7mo
AllDebooks What a wonderful day x 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 7mo
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Winter Solstice: An Essay | Nina MacLaughlin
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Love this collection of essays on winter, darkness, and nature. It‘s very short and a quick read. A perfect fit for the season. 🕯️

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