Look what I found while trying to clean up my bookshelves today. I totally forgot about having this series: The Caroline Years. They're a prequel to The Little House series. I'll have to find time to re-read these soon. #juvenilefiction #middlegrade
Look what I found while trying to clean up my bookshelves today. I totally forgot about having this series: The Caroline Years. They're a prequel to The Little House series. I'll have to find time to re-read these soon. #juvenilefiction #middlegrade
I mean, as a lover of the Little House series, and living my whole life within a 2 minutes drive to Brookfield, how could I not read this? A simple story featuring Caroline Quiner‘s 5-year-old life in 1845. A speedy read, it‘s making me want to fall down an Internet rabbit hole looking for locations and drive around to them tomorrow. Recommended for fans of the original series.