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Like @TheAromaofBooks I might have a Book Outlet problem. 🙈 All purchased before 2024... Because this year, I'm serious about the book buying ban. 🤪

Tamra Love a stack of new books! 😍 5mo
BarbaraJean 😂 I usually do some Christmas shopping on Book Outlet and inevitably several for me end up in my cart. They get me every time with their free shipping threshold. “I can pay for shipping or I can get some books for me, and then get free shipping… so it‘s like those extra books are free!” 😆 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Oooo I got The Time of Green Magic, too. I couldn't resist that cover and @BarbaraJean gave it a warm review! 5mo
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jlhammar Battleborn is really good. Hope you enjoy! 5mo
sarahbarnes A good looking stack though! 5mo
janeycanuck The Knausgaards look like a series, though, so that only counts as one book! #bookmath 5mo
merelybookish @Tamra The best! 5mo
merelybookish @BarbaraJean Oh I know! It's hard not to keep piling in the books. 💸 5mo
merelybookish @TheAromaofBooks Yes, I just discovered Hilary McKay! And the cover is beautiful. 💚 5mo
merelybookish @jlhammar so glad to hear that! I've had it on my TBR for eons! 5mo
merelybookish @sarahbarnes Thanks! I have a thing for Knaussgaard. 🙈 5mo
merelybookish @janeycanuck Excellent math skills! 😁 5mo
sarahbarnes I just got The Morning Star from the library. The review from @batsy intrigued me. 5mo
batsy I really liked the tagged book! Hope you find it worthwhile. 5mo
batsy @sarahbarnes I hope you like it! It was such a strange and disconcerting read, in the best possible way. I've placed a hold on the follow up 5mo
sarahbarnes @batsy I‘ll be interested in what you think of the follow up! 5mo
BarbaraJean I hope you enjoy The Time of Green Magic! I was enticed by its cover... on Book Outlet... probably at last year's after Christmas sale. 😂 I LOVED Hilary McKay's Casson family series, and this one has a similar feel. 5mo
merelybookish @BarbaraJean Looking forward to it! I just finished her collection of fairy tales 5mo
merelybookish @batsy @sarahbarnes I haven't read any of his fiction outside of My Struggle which is auto fiction. So maybe I d never read any of his fiction ... 5mo
sarahbarnes I read this one years ago and liked it 5mo
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Love and Let Bark | Alanna Martin
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I don't have a Book Outlet problem, YOU have a Book Outlet problem! 😂 All of my goals re: TBR reduction seem to be... not working already 😆

IndoorDame I have also had more books arrive from Thriftbooks this year than I‘ve read from my shelves (like I intended) 🤫🤣 5mo
Bookwormjillk Maybe you just didn‘t have the right books on your TBR and these will be the ones you read? 😁 5mo
TheLudicReader There is no such thing as a BookOutlet problem. #enabler 5mo
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ju.ca.no January is basically last year, so it doesn‘t really count for 2024, right? 😂😂 5mo
merelybookish Lol. That is not helpful @TheLudicReader 😂 5mo
TheLudicReader @merelybookish the problem is that I spent my snow day putting so many books in my Bookoutlet cart…and I like the comfort of knowing I have kindred spirits. 5mo
BarbaraJean Book Outlet is a terrible and wonderful place! I was proud of myself this year—while Christmas shopping, only one book for me snuck into my Book Outlet cart.🥇Also, I bought The Time of Green Magic from Book Outlet in a previous binge, so: solidarity! 😁 5mo
marleed They are like tiny kittens in a box out side a grocery store - you have to save them! 🐈📚 5mo
Gissy I wish I could buy in bookoutlet as I used to do for a couple of years, not anymore 😩They have amazing prices. Buying books and reading them are two different activities because we are book collectors📚😜 5mo
MaureenMc Y‘all are my people. 😂 5mo
janeycanuck Is that a series I see? Only counts as one book! You‘re doing great! #bookmath 5mo
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Chess Story | Stefan Zweig
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Not everyone has voted, but with 11 votes Zweig's Chess Story is the clear winner. What a difference from last month's voting! Thanks again for submitting three great choices Jenni!

Theaelizabet Looking forward to it! 5y
Rachel_nyc All three were great choices. Looking forward to this one! 5y
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BarbaraBB Great choices indeed! Thanks for nominating @sprainedbrain 💕 5y
Theaelizabet Yep, good choices @sprainedbrain! 5y
Reviewsbylola This makes it easy on me. Now I don‘t have to decide what to vote for. 😆 5y
Cathythoughts Oh great .. this is July‘s choice then ?! It‘s 99p on kindle 🎉 5y
Cathythoughts Does the translation need to be by this translator on the book in the post ... 5y
vivastory @Cathythoughts This is July's choice & if you found a different translation that is fine 5y
sprainedbrain Yay! I‘m excited about this one. 😃 5y
saresmoore Awesome! 5y
LeahBergen Yay! And I own this one already. 👍🏻 5y
vivastory @LeahBergen Same here. Obviously that just means an extra book next time we're NYRB shopping 😄 #bookmath 5y
sisilia Yay! Now it‘s time to hit Book Depository again hahaha... 5y
GatheringBooks nice! great choice! i am afraid tho that i will skip this one, given our #womenreadwomen2019 theme this year, Sadly. but do enjoy, and i will stalk your discussion about this title! :) 5y
emilyhaldi So excited for my monthly excuse to place a new #nyrb order 😜👏🏻 5y
vivastory @emilyhaldi I'm looking forward to your haul! 5y
Prakash6 Nice 5y
Dragonfairykats Is there anything I need to do to join in? What does NYRB stand for? 5y
vivastory @Dragonfairykats The selections & discussions are open for anyone on Litsy, but nominating the selections & voting is for the group. The group will open for new members once we've gone through every member. We'd love to have you join in the discussions! 5y
vivastory @Dragonfairykats NYRB stands for New York Review Book Classics 5y
Dragonfairykats @vivastory awesome! My library doesn't actually have a copy of this so I'm going to check out a used bookstore or have to buy it 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I‘ve never read any Zweig, but his work was the primary inspiration for The Grand Budapest Hotel (I know this ‘cause I‘m reading the Making Of right now). 5y
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#librarylove post 3 I returned 4, intended only to check out 2, and checked out 15. Sounds about right. 🤣🤣

DGRachel That‘s my kind of #bookmath. 😂😂 6y
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#TuneIntoNovember Those BookOutlet people are #EvilFriends 😜I couldn‘t pass up the 30% off entire site deal🤑5 books for me ( You Know, to get free shipping) 4 for my #ssgp and 4 more other books for gifts....that‘s right 13 items for a total of $35.40💥🔥☄️💥🔥💥☄️Honestly God Bless #BookOutlet 🙌🏻❤️Better go clean up my Litsy TBR

Kalalalatja I just promised my bf yesterday, that I wouldn't buy anymore books until after Christmas. With all the Black Friday deals popping up, even here in Denmark, I'm beginning to regret that promise 😂 7y
TrishB Bargain 😀 7y
Cinfhen I know @TrishB I‘m not a maths person but I think it‘s like $3.00 an item... btw @Kalalalatja my hubby is about ready to explode...he‘s not very pleased with me 🙄 7y
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LeahBergen How could you pass on this? It would be inhuman. 😉 7y
TrishB Definitely can‘t pass up on that! 7y
batsy Your #bookmath is 👍👍👍 7y
Pogue When dose this sale end? 7y
Kalalalatja Maybe we should be nicer to our non-bookish partners. My bf is starting to get a tic around his eye everytime I talk about buying books. It can't be healthy! 7y
Cinfhen I think the sale is through Sunday..maybe even Monday @Pogue ?! It‘s a really good deal! (edited) 7y
Cinfhen Why doesn‘t hubby see it the way you geniuses do?! @LeahBergen @batsy @TrishB #MEN (edited) 7y
BarbaraBB Did you ship them to your daughter 😂😂? I am checking the site out right now... 7y
Cinfhen Yes 🙈 @BarbaraBB another family member who's ready to strangle me!! 7y
BarbaraBB 😂😂 7y
Bourriquet76 My parents live about 40 minutes from the actual store! I go every time I visit. 7y
Cinfhen Wait??? There's an actual store????? Where @Bourriquet76 I NEED to plan a #ROADTRIP 7y
Robothugs 😂😂 look what you‘ve done @Bourriquet76 ! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm My maths is rubbish but my book-gut feeling tells me it‘s a bargain as soon as I see ‘sale‘ ‘discount ‘. And buy more for free shipping? Evil! 7y
Tamra Awesomeness! 7y
Cinfhen Gotta trust a book gut feeling @erzascarletbookgasm 😂😂😂😂 7y
Reviewsbylola I placed an order recently but such a good sale is hard to pass up!! 7y
Cinfhen TRUTH but I'm seriously in a time -out @Reviewsbylola I've been put in the naughty chair 🙈 7y
merelybookish Now I know what I'm doing this evening!! Maybe a few for the kids for Xmas to justify. 😬💸💸 7y
Cinfhen Definitely, I bought for my nieces & nephews 💝 @merelybookish 7y
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Now this is the kind of math I like.
I am feeling some #TBRtemptation. Do these equations add up? *ba dum tss*

#Audible #audiobook #BookMath

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#septemberwrapup #bookstats

Excellent month in that they were all great reads. Only snafu is that while I read 8, I bought/got 17 for the TBR.
That's just #badmath.

wen4blu Actually, that's #bookmath! 8y
elkeOriginal @wen4blu HA. Touché. 8y
Twocougs Thank you for that TBR #. It's nice to know I'm not alone😉 8y
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elkeOriginal @twocougs These are books on the shelf - not just tagged online. It's a delightful sickness👍 8y
[DELETED] 1409720085 ME TOO. Only eight read this month and I bought 40(!!!) on my kindle. I'm a grab bag of emotions about this-impressed, embarrassed, thrilled, anxious. WHAT IF I DIE BEFORE I FINISH??? 8y
elkeOriginal @emilydecato Isn't that the fear we live with everyday? I am not sure how, but we seem to go on under the weight of that question...🙂 8y
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Imagine Me Gone | Adam Haslett
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A good dog + a good book = a great Sunday

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