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Zorrie | Laird Hunt
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Zorrie is a beautiful example of quiet kindness and continuing to move forward, despite tragedy, sadness, loneliness and disappointment. Written in lovely prose, this novel is reflective and thought-provoking. Meant to be savored - a quick read would not do it justice. A wonderful selection for #SundayBuddyRead, @TheBookHippie . You really manage to find the gems! 👍💙
#Pantone2024 #ReadTheUSA2024 @aperfectmjk

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OK, I think this will be my May pick for #SeasonalCozies as it is set during Memorial Day. It also meets my criteria for being first in a series (Nantucket Candle Maker Mystery) & cheap/free (it‘s on Kindle Unlimited).

Still finishing up April‘s pick.

julieclair Oohhh… I need a Massachusetts book for #ReadTheUSA2024, and this looks fun! Added to my stack. 1mo
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Wow, reading the GR synopsis made me realize that my 1931 edition is LITERALLY an entirely different story from the later version! Maybe that's because this one didn't have a super cohesive mystery. It's mostly Nancy and her friends riding around mountains getting almost eaten by wild animals 😂 I was cracking up at the way some of the situations resolved themselves at the end (wife of husband with amnesia perfectly happy he's coming home with a ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) random little girl he adopted who is also an heiress and is going to have no complications or difficulty establishing who she is and I guess they'll just hand over the kid and all her money to this couple?!?!!? LOL)

BUT it's still great fun, even if I apparently missed out on a great phantom horse mystery in the later edition!!

(edited) 3mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 3mo
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Librarybelle That sounds so different from the 1960s version! 😮 3mo
bookandbedandtea I've been thinking the same thing! Others have mentioned aspects of the story that bear no relation to what I'm reading! I'm hoping to finish this today and then read the 60s version real quick. 🤞🏻 @Librarybelle 3mo
BarkingMadRead Oh wow! I have the 60s version, that‘s crazy! 3mo
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Irish Parade Murder | Leslie Meier
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The Lucy Stone books always make me feel like I‘ve plopped right down into the middle of her life. This one centers around the town‘s upcoming St. Patrick‘s Day Parade, and includes work problems, a death in the family, possible corruption, a potential long-lost relative, and of course, a murder. Very entertaining!
#SeasonalCozies #ReadTheUSA2024 @aperfectmjk

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Not the tagged book, but by the same author. This horse story has languished on my shelves for decades, and I'm not sure why I've never read it. Published (and set) during the Korean War, a young man leaves for the armed forces. His younger brother, who has a club foot and is ineligible to fight, stays behind and raises the colt they're convinced can be a champion harness racer. While fairly typical horse book fare, I still really enjoyed this ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this one and was rooting for Star the whole way.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#ReadtheUSA2024 - Florida
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I complained about this book at length on Goodreads, and on my blog. Short version: Emma Gatewood was amazing. Ben Montgomery's writing sucked, and the entire rhythm of this book made no sense. What I actually need are Emma's diaries.

#BookSpin - February
#ReadtheUSA2024 - Maine
#GottaCatchEmAll - Nature Featured Prominently @PuddleJumper

Librarybelle Thank you!!! I completely agree with you on this, and honestly, people thought I was horrible for not thinking it the best book in the world. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - He just sounded so condescending and smug the entire time. I hated the parts where he talked about “following in her footsteps“ and all about HIS feelings blah blah blah. Like I care haha It just felt like he didn't actually like or respect Gatewood and was just here to make a buck on her accomplishments. And I couldn't stand the way he handled the sections about her husband abusing her - the way he would always end it on a ⬇ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) “cliffhanger“ - like “her husband beat her ten times that month“ CUT SCENE - Now we're in Maine, back on the hike! Ugh. He also had unlimited access to her diaries, and barely quotes them at all?? The format jumping all over the place in time was hard to follow and didn't really make sense. I just. Ugh. It made me mad because I am genuinely interested in Gatewood as a person - I'm from Ohio and have hiked the Buckeye Trail section ⬇ 3mo
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TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) named for her many times. There was a lot of potential here, but his sneering attitude just grated on me on every page. /end rant 😂 3mo
Lcsmcat Good to know. I‘m interested in her, but maybe I‘ll look for another source. 3mo
Librarybelle I was on a committee with individuals who thought his work was so good, and I was just flummoxed. I kept thinking I must be missing something - the writing was not engaging, & you bring up several of the points I thought. I also saw a shift in the writing style where I felt he almost went a little over the top with “fanboying” and the tone went very weird. Not a chronicle, per se, but something else. I‘m glad to find someone else who found issue! 3mo
ImperfectCJ Just popping in to say that I'm really enjoying reading this exchange. I haven't read this book, but it sounds like it hits one of my pet peeves---an author who centers their own experience while they're supposedly writing someone else's story. I will have to hike the Buckeye Trail section named for Gatewood next time I'm in the heart of it all. 3mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 💚💙💚 3mo
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Celine: A novel | Peter Heller
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I had some trouble rating this book because the book itself can't quite seem to decide what it wants to be. It‘s also not exactly a novel, but somewhere in between. A novel with some thriller aspects. A slow-paced suspense with a lot of backstory. A spy story not about the spy at all. A missing person case with a long explanation as to why the detective takes on missing person cases. Something like that. The point is, I really enjoyed it. But⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I'm also not sure exactly why 😂

Great #LMPBC pick @bookandbedandtea !! @Jerdencon @robinb
#ReadtheUSA2024 - Wyoming
#WickedWords - Couple @AsYouWish
#100YearsofBooks (2017)
Susanita My book club liked it more than I did, but I want to try the Dusty Miller sundae. 3mo
bookandbedandtea I like your analysis, Sarah. I can't properly describe the book, and couldn't nail down a genre for it, but I really enjoyed it. 🤷‍♀️ 3mo
robinb I enjoyed it as well, but it was definitely different. And I get what you say about the genre thing. At times it felt like a cozy, at times a book more about the mysterious Celine than a thriller/mystery. Celine was the focus, all else took a backseat. 😂 3mo
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Escape Into the Night | Lois Walfrid Johnson
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I originally read these back in the early 90s when they were being published and I was close to the same age as the middle grade protagonists. Libby has been living with her aunt and uncle since her mother passed away, but now her dad, a steamboat captain on the Mississippi in 1857, thinks she is old enough to come live with him again. Libby learns about the evils of slavery (a topic she's never thought deeply about) and finds out that the cabin ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) boy is a conductor for the Underground Railroad. This is the first book in the series - they'll spend the books helping a young slave their age rescue his mother and siblings from slavery, all while eluding his exceptionally evil owner. While not groundbreaking, these are good “starter“ books to introduce some concepts. I remember enjoying them as a kid, although they're pretty predictable as an adult haha Soft pick. 3mo
TheSpineView Well done! 3mo
sblbooks This looks good! You should join us for #middlegrademarch. 3mo
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This was a sweet YA romance, lots of high school angst and drama, and a bit cheesy at times, but still a fun read. The main character, Mim, has a super-elevated sense of smell, and can actually smell people‘s emotions. She and her mother come from a long line of aromateurs - “love witches” who make elixirs that can open the path to love. Listening to Mim describe the scent various emotions was interesting!
A fun #SundayBuddyRead selection!

julieclair #Pantone2024 (Horizon Blue) @BarbaraBB #ISpyBingo (“Secret”, Grass, Pink Font, Purple Font) @TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick #ReadTheUSA2024 (California) @aperfectmjk 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3mo
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Upgrade: A Novel | Blake Crouch
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I had mixed feelings about this one. Overall, it was engaging and interesting, but the pacing felt off sometimes. I also didn't care for the ending exactly (spoiler below). The author also seemed to feel like he had to mention that climate change is killing everyone on basically every page. Okay, I get it already. Sheesh. Still a fun thriller and I can see myself trying Crouch again sometime. Soft pick.

TheAromaofBooks Literally the entire book is telling us about how genetic engineering is sketchy and has unintended results, yet his solution was... genetic engineering?! Releasing a “virus“ out into the world without telling anyone or giving them option?? “it's a good virus that makes everyone a better person!!!“ ... a good option you've known about for like 2 seconds have no idea what the long-term results are?? It just felt SO hypocritical! 3mo
Zuhkeeyah @TheAromaofBooks I had a similar issue with the ending. After decrying all the manipulation mankind is doing…he goes and does he same. It was still a fun read though. 3mo
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julieclair Yay! Glad you have read it, and are now sending out into the world to find a new owner. 😆 3mo
bookandbedandtea I had the exact same thoughts at the end! How hypocritical and irresponsible! 3mo
MatchlessMarie 💯❤️ 3mo
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