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The first book I finished in January was The Christmas Holiday. I listened an audiobook. The story itself didn't really grab me. It could have been more fleshed out. Both characters are suffering from loss and want to get away from the Christmas holidays. In the end, life offers them a second chance and I think they deserve it.

#bookreview #thechristmasholiday #sophieclaire #audiobook #holidayread

maich #52bookclub a grieving character @BarbaraBB
#popsugar asecond chance romance
#noshame holiday themed @Nessavamusic
#pantone2024 strong blue @Lauredhel
BarbaraBB Glad you can start a new one! Forget about this one soon 😉 4mo
maich @BarbaraBB Probably will forget😀 4mo
Nessavamusic Bummer it was a clunker, but so much more year to find better reads! 4mo
maich @Nessavamusic Already started better😀 4mo
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Neon Gods | Katee Robert
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I've been trying for a long time to disconnect the idea that reading anything is a #GuiltyPleasure (as long as it doesn't harm another person, have at it), so I'm reading smut without any shame. Miley, on the other hand 😬😬. I'm still somewhat embarrassed to admit that I started enjoying her music with Wrecking Ball. Ah well, life's too short to stay embarrassed for too long. Love me some Miley!

#TitlesandTunes @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

Bookzombie I love Miley too! No shame! 12mo
Cinfhen This is another song I love to belt out😀and im all for smut #NoShame 12mo
DGRachel Confession: I have Miley‘s Hannah Montana album and I love it. Yes, I was in my 30s when the TV show was on Disney. Yes, I watched it religiously. Definitely no shame from this corner. 12mo
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gossamerchild @Bookzombie @Cinfhen @DGRachel thanks for the lovely support 😂😂 12mo
Cinfhen I love the confessions @DGRachel 😂wasn‘t Miley the cutest thing on Hannah Montana ???!! 12mo
DGRachel @Cinfhen Yes! I miss 2005-2010 Disney Channel programming. *sigh* 🤣🤣 12mo
Cinfhen Haha!!! The good ole days @DGRachel 12mo
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Death and the Penguin | Andrey Kurkov
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I've not been on Litsy much lately... Now that the Read Harder Challenge has been released, I've been happily plotting and planning for next year. I'm planning to do #AuthorAMonth, #Booked23, #Pop23, #RH23, #52Book, #NoShame, #AuldLangSpine, and #roll100 so far, and I'll also try to do my local library yearly reading challenge 😅 Or at least, I'll spreadsheet the f* out of them 😂 Any of the rest of you getting ambitious?

Larkken In related news: I just figured out I have the tagged book! Good news! Turns out I've owned it since 2015, haha, and thanks to #auldlangspine I can remember to enjoy it! Thanks for the kick in the pants, @jhod and now I have another reminder of just how badly I need #roll100! 1y
Bklover I had to screenshot your spreadsheet so I could see it and it looks absolutely amazing! I do love a beautiful spreadsheet! (Although now that I‘m retired I seem to have lost my spreadsheet skills.). Sometimes planning to read the books is as much fun as reading them. Sometimes it‘s more fun! 1y
jhod No probs on the kick in the pants 🤣 1y
Larkken @Bklover thank you! I love books and lists and lists of books… 😂 and you are right about the planning! 1y
Larkken @jhod 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ 1y
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Unknown Book 4475976 | Unknown Unknown
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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Swaps | Sherree DeCovny
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Hey #SwoonathonSwap participants. I'm checking in as I haven't marked down that you sent your package yet. If I missed your post I'm sorry, please let us know! If you'll be sending soon please let us know as well. Thanks!

@MidnightBookGirl @b00kfairy @Gissy @Ltrueblood @Shadowfat @Chrissyreadit @TheAromaofBooks

Chrissyreadit Yes- I will be sending by Wed (if not me my mom) everything here to send but I am down with COVID and haven‘t functioned since Sat. But worst case my mom will get it put together and shipped (I hope I‘m better by then) 2y
kimmypete1 @Chrissyreadit oh no! I‘m so sorry to hear you have covid and not feeling well. Please take care of yourself first! (edited) 2y
kenareads @kimmypete1 I just sent mine! 2y
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Gissy @Chrissyreadit Oh @Chrissyreadit I‘m so sorry! I wish I could be near to you to help you! I hope you get well soon! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Gissy Waiting for a book since I ordered them online. But I will send my package priority mail to ensure it arrive on time. 2y
kimmypete1 @Gissy Thanks! :) 2y
Ddzmini Sent my package out and it was delivered 🤗📖 2y
TheAromaofBooks I did post last night that I sent mine out yesterday!! Running all kinds of behind lately for some reason! 2y
kimmypete1 @Gissy sounds good, thanks for the update! 2y
kimmypete1 @TheAromaofBooks thanks! Sorry we missed the post! 2y
TheAromaofBooks @kimmypete1 - No worries, it was also a post about our new car, so it was easy to miss 😂 2y
MidnightBookGirl I'm sending mine today- I had to wait for everything I ordered to come in. :)
Chrissyreadit @Gissy thank you my friend❤️ 2y
Chrissyreadit @kimmypete1 thank you- but it will be sent by Monday. and hopefully no mail issues. My mom has said she will pack up and send for me. Even at 50 I still need her help 🤣 2y
Shadowfat @kimmypete1 I was going to send it yesterday but then I tested positive for Covid so I can't go to the post office :( I'm hoping to be able to send it out early next week once my symptoms go away. 2y
kimmypete1 @Shadowfat oh no! I‘m so sorry and hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself first! 2y
Ltrueblood I‘ve already sent my package! 2y
kimmypete1 @Ltrueblood thank you! 2y
StayCurious Sent mine and received mine! 2y
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1. Yes! Going to my in-laws for Thanksgiving day/meal. Hoping to read before we go (and probably while we‘re there. Let‘s be honest - when football is on, my tagged book will be out 😆) and after we get home. Then driving to see my family in Iowa on Friday for the weekend 🙌🏻

2. Green bean casserole & stuffing & mashed potatoes with gravy. Bring on the carbs!! 😂 #noshame

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday - This was a fun one!!

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Thanksgiving 3y
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Rhythm of War | Brandon Sanderson
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10 more 📚

Book Outlet sale … 9 books! Amazon … 1 book.

The HC of RoW was $8! The map on the reversible dust jacket was worth the $!

I like Cussler‘s Oregon Files! There wasn‘t a picture on the website but it was $3. I took it out of the box to find that it‘s SIGNED by Cussler!

25 books/audiobooks purchased in July! (1 hasn‘t been delivered yet)

OK I‘ll stop gushing … I obviously have a book problem …. Oh well … at least I‘m enjoying it! 🙌

vivastory The Ambergris bind up is gorgeous! Although I already own all 3, it's really tempting. Interlibrary Loan sounds fascinating, just added to my TBR 3y
Twainy @vivastory I admit to a few cover buys but this time I read the summaries … they all look great! 2 are for my nephew but I‘ll have to read them first. I saw the author of the Ambergris book wrote a series I liked so 👍🏼 hoping for some winners! 3y
vivastory I *may* have just bought the ambergris collection 😬 😂 3y
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Twainy @vivastory a possible congratulations as it is a very pretty book! 😉 🎉 3y
Aims42 Yay for “The Wee Free Men” 🙌🏻 Loved it!! Looks like a great book haul!! 3y
Twainy @Aims42 I bought the cheap paperback so I could mark it up 😁 nice hardcover for the library. Gonnabe fun!! Love a good pun. 3y
Aims42 @Twainy Nice!!! I have a few of the “nice, never leave my house” books also 😆 #noshame 3y
Twainy @Aims42 I‘m glad I‘m not alone 😁 3y
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18/20 books read for #BookSpinBingo in January. 7/12 Bingos.

I attribute this mostly to make good picks that interested me and adding all of my book club cooks to the board. (This month was 6!) Having 5 free spaces helped as well. #NoShame @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! Fabulous month!! 3y
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Midnight Sun | Stephenie Meyer
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In the words of @Gnora from whom I stacked this, “This is trash and I‘m a raccoon.” It‘s so bad, it‘s good. 🤷‍♀️

I listened to the audiobook which is somehow 25 HOURS LONG?? But I listened on 1.5 speed and got a ton of stuff done around the house. The narrator was alright. When he narrated Bella‘s parts, she sounded really flat but I know a lot of folks feel that way about the character anyway!

Ridiculous, melodramatic, fun. #noshame

Caroline2 How funny! 😆 I totally get what you mean! 👍 4y
underground_bks @Caroline2 grateful for the safe space of Litsy to make all my book confessions 😂 4y
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Shout Your Abortion | Amelia Bonow, Emily Nokes

I can‘t begin to say how amazing this book is! It is so positive, so uplifting! SYA is a great org. We have to have these conversations! #abortionishealthcare #noregrets #noshame #shoutyourabortion
@Come-read-with-me you will love this book!

keithmalek I'm reading a GREAT book called The Outlaw Ocean, and I thought of you. The whole book isn't about this, but there's one chapter about how women get abortions on boats in the ocean since there are no maritime laws preventing it. 4y
JenniferEgnor @keithmalek I want to read the book. What you are referring to is Women on Waves, there is an excellent documentary about it called ‘Vessel‘—highly recommend! Watch free on Tubi. They are also Women On Web and AidAccess.org. So thankful for these womxn! TST is also making clever moves in defending these rights. 4y
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