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Amazing Grace Adams
Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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*Ferocious, funny and tender, and available to pre-order now!* 'I just adored this ... an unforgettable read' Liane Moriarty *** 'Sometimes I have so much rage it scares me . . .' Grace Adams is one bad day away from saving her life . . . One hot summer day, stuck in traffic on her way to pick up the cake for her daughter's sixteenth birthday party, Grace Adams snaps. She doesn't scream or break something or cry or curl into a ball. She simply abandons her car in traffic and walks away. But not from her life - towards it. To the daughter who won't live with her anymore and has banned her from the party. To the husband divorcing her. Towards the terrible thing that has blown their family apart . . . Today she'll show her daughter that no matter how far we fall we can always get back up again. Because Grace Adams was amazing. Her husband and daughter once thought so. They and the world might have forgotten. But Grace is about to remind them ... Amazing Grace Adams tells the story of a life, a marriage, a family, set against a single north-London day. A rollercoaster ride of redemption and discovery, it's a powerful celebration of womanhood.
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood

A woman at the very end of her rope spends the day struggling to get to her estranged teenage daughter, no matter what ridiculous or horrible roadblocks stand in her way. I generally hate “After Hours“ type narratives, and this is a rough read, especially for a parent, but it resolves beautifully.

Ruthiella I hate “After Hours” type movies too. I‘m not sure I‘ve quite encountered one in book form or if I have, it didn‘t register. 1d
willaful @Ruthiella I don't remember ever having done so before, except maybe in science fiction short stories. 1d
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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I thought I would find this light & funny like reviews suggested, or even quirky and sentimental like the comparisons led me to believe (“Ove”) it really this is a middle aged woman in the middle of her worst day, a complete crisis and her attempt at saving any relationship to be had with her teenage daughter and estranged husband. It gets a little over the top in parts, and is deeply sad in others, and is overall a generally ok story.

LiteraryinLawrence I totally agree. I think the cover/marketing did it a disservice. 2w
Karisimo Thanks, I was wondering about this one. 2w
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood

I wanted to like a book about a nerdy translator but I just can't with this one. The writing style is just not for me.

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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Oof. This book was a gut punch. I‘m glad I read it, but I don‘t see the humor that other reviews seemed to talk about. It was about the unraveling of a woman in her 40s- her body, her marriage, her relationship with her daughter. I found it hard to read at times and wish I had borrowed it from the library rather than buying it.

Sharpeipup Just started it and this sums up my feelings too. 3mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Some of her antics tested my interest, but overall very good. Def recommend, especially to perimenopausal women or anyone who wants to understand what we‘re dealing with. The bittersweet end won me over for sure. One particular sentence did me in. Beautifully written.

Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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While I‘ve never had a day quite like Grace is having in this book, and I don‘t have kids, I found her relatable. And, quite frankly, I ended up loving this book. I liked the nonlinear structure, really enjoyed the characters, and did not want to put it down.

CBee I loved this book too! She is so relatable and real 👏🏻👏🏻 5mo
CatLass007 Sounds great. Who‘s your buddy? 5mo
Hooked_on_books @CatLass007 That‘s Bindi! She‘s my (not so) little maniac. 😂 She‘s a lot of fun. 5mo
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CatLass007 Animals are the best!!🐶 5mo
Hooked_on_books @CatLass007 That is so true! All the dogs i have had and currently have (just her for now) have made my life so much better. 5mo
Megabooks Agree! Great review! I am totally here for more middle aged characters like her. 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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A low pick. I feel like there was a bit too much going on, the ‘reveal‘ near the end sort of threw me and it got a touch monotonous in the middle. I really loved the ending and the beginning though and the relationships between all of the characters especially that between Grace and her daughter. Also liked the way it portrayed how chance encounters and decisions can make/change your life.

squirrelbrain Great review! Definitely sounds like a #borrownotbuy. 7mo
TrishB I think I got for 99p so sounds fine 👍🏻 7mo
youneverarrived @TrishB ah perfect! 😁 7mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Well, I loved this. We absolutely NEED more books about perimenopausal women! I‘ll be reading any I can get my hands on because, solidarity 👊🏻
Sure, there was a lot going on, but for a debut novel, this is solid and it just resonated with me on so many levels.

jdiehr Don't even get me started on the perimenopause crap! #solidarity 7mo
CBee @jdiehr same, Jen. Same 🤪🥵🥱🤕 7mo
AmyG Good times. It does get better when you are through it….but….still. 7mo
CBee @AmyG I certainly hope so 🤪😂 7mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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As others have said already, I was drawn to this cover, and to a MC in her 40‘s dealing with big life changes.

While I love the premise of Grace being fed up with circumstances that feel out of control and just abandoning her car in a traffic jam, I agree with other reviews that in the middle the story lost some momentum and dragged a bit.

Overall I did like it though. It discusses quite a few difficult topics. Life is messy, well reflected.

Soubhiville We‘re having cold snap and Venkman is glad to be warm on my lap wrapped in a blanket. 7mo
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7mo
dabbe Hello there, Sir Venkman! 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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squirrelbrain A cold spell? What is that for you - 70 degrees?! 🤣 That reminded me that I‘ve been meaning to tell you the dates for next year‘s Gladstone‘s retreat. It‘s 10th Oct for 3 nights. I know you said you wanted to come in summer, and it won‘t be warm then, but they do put the fire 🔥 on in the evenings. ☺️ 7mo
Soubhiville @squirrelbrain we were at 38 F last night, high of 48 F today. It feels colder with the wind. We actually do get a bit of winter here 😆. Freezing temps even in Jan and Feb sometimes. Thanks for letting me know the dates! I‘m not sure if I can make it happen, but I‘ll try! ❤️ 7mo
squirrelbrain That‘s slightly colder than here! 🤷‍♀️ Let me know if you think you can make it and I‘ll tell you how to book. (They are completely booked up next Sept already, hence having to move to Oct) 7mo
ShelleyBooksie Venkman ♡♡♡♡ 7mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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I absolutely picked this up because of its cover. Grace has a lot to be angry to about as she ditches her car in traffic on a quest to bring a birthday cake to the daughter that is currently not speaking to her. We are given glimpses of those reasons in flashbacks as she wanders London having misadventures. I think I would have liked this book more if it had a little less going on. By the time she picks up a golf club I felt my interest waning.

Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Misty! I love this pretty little bookmark, thank you!
(Reading the tagged book.)

peanutnine So cool! Love the stained glass effect 😍 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m happy you like it! How is this book? 7mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s really cool 7mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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It dragged a bit in the middle, but I really liked Grace's pilgrimage through London and her memories.

youneverarrived Currently reading this! Not too far into but enjoying it so far. 7mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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This was slow to start but compelling enough to keep me reading. Grace is a complicated woman with a complicated life and she is having a very bad day. Going through “the change” while trying to parent a daughter she‘s lost touch with and come to terms with a loss she‘ll never get over is a lot for anyone and today is the day she‘s had it. I related to Grace in so many ways but this was not a easy read. #BookspinBingo #ARC @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 8mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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I loved reading a book with a complex main female character in her mid-forties! I was rooting for her the whole time to find her way. While there is wry humor in Grace‘s story, there is also darkness, which might not be expected from the way it is marketed as a feel-good read. It is, however, an engaging tale of reclamation and redemption. 🎧

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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Looking forward to this one! This cover is awesome! 💚💚


Aims42 Love that aardvark is using the “full finger” cover 😆 I‘ve heard the publisher had to have an alternative cover made with the cover blurb sticker covering the finger so it could be a Jenna‘s Pick 8mo
marleed Hahaha. I hadn‘t noticed their were two American published versions of this cover. That really is funny. 8mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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As a woman in her late 40s, I have never felt more seen by a book in my life. I could totally relate to everything Grace was going through as you look back at your life and see every moment that has made you into the person you now are. The facet of this book that struck me the most was the idea that Grace, who literally can interpret dozens of languages, can't understand the language of her own daughter's generation.

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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Peri menopausal women raise up!! 🙌🏻🙋🏻‍♀️🙌🏻 I am loving these strong middle aged female characters and Grace is no exception. Fed up, she leaves her car and takes off across London on foot to her daughter Sophie‘s 16th birthday. Two other timelines follow recent events that made her daughter angry and the arc of her relationship with her ex-husband and Sophie‘s childhood. Strong pick! Nice job @AardvarkBookClub 🫶🏻

Cinfhen Sounds fun! I‘ll look for the audio 😍 9mo
BarbaraBB Sounds fun! 9mo
squirrelbrain Sounds good - stacking! 9mo
youneverarrived I have this reserved at the library, it sounds brill! 9mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Major week for #RecentAcquisitions! I made my monthly #LibraryHaul trip, and I‘ve already finished the Williams and enjoyed it just as much as My Murder! Also how can you not love the Grace Adams cover?? I‘ve started it too, and it‘s the mid-40s book I need. Lots of other books to look forward to. I‘m especially excited for Year of the Tiger and Angel of Rome. The other @AardvarkBookClub picks are really tempting!! #aardvark

Cinfhen Fantastic!! 9mo
Megabooks @Cinfhen 😘😘 9mo
Soubhiville I picked the Donoghue and Amazing Grace too 🙂. Terrific stacks! 9mo
KT1432 I got Bridge and Amazing Grace too! I almost got Learned by Heart but went with Perfectly Nice Neighbors instead. Can‘t wait to start them! 9mo
BarbaraBB What a stack. And I haven‘t heard of any of them 🤦🏻‍♀️ 9mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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I packed my #aardvark box this month! I‘ve seen some promising reviews of MM from the august picks, so I threw that in, too. I know I‘ll be reading the new Emma Donoghue, but I‘ll get that from my library. And the Beukes looked interesting but just a touch too weird for me.

Soubhiville Woohoo! I‘ve really been enjoying Aardvark. 9mo
Soubhiville I got Amazing Grace too, and Learned By Heart. 9mo
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville I‘ve been enjoying it overall, too, but was wondering after the august picks, which didn‘t excite me much, if I might cancel. And then they go and drop a bunch of books that excite me! So I‘m still in. Plus it‘s amazing how fast they can ship to me. I‘m very impressed with that. 9mo
Megabooks I think you‘ll love MM! 9mo
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Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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This debut novel did not live up to the hype for me. Let me count the ways. . . . Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#amazing-grace-adams

Publication is expected September 5.

#NetGalley #MacmillanAudio #Goodreads #HenryHoltandCo #AmazingGraceAdams

Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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I think this book should have been called Annoying Grace Adams. I just could not warm to this character.

Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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Amazing Grace Adams is a moving novel about determination and perseverance, even when nothing is going according to plan. It‘s not a laugh a minute, but it is deeply felt and poignant. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/amazing-grace-adams-fran-littlewood/

Amazing Grace Adams | Fran Littlewood
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The Goodreads Giveaways Gods are still shining down on me! Whoop! It's kinda fun when you don't get (or miss) the email and #bookmail just shows up. Also... definitely digging this cover, it's a vibe 😂

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