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The Poppy War (The Poppy War, #1)
The Poppy War (The Poppy War, #1) | R.F. Kuang
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Bailing at 80%. Too much brutality and violence.

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Onward with #GOT #chapteraday and enjoying The Poppy War.

5feet.of.fury Ooooh I‘ve heard good things about The Poppy War series! 1mo
Bklover @5feet.of.fury So far it‘s really good! 1mo
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I haven‘t been around—haven‘t done much reading—the past couple of days as I work to unpack 100+ boxes of books. The process is…a messy one. Excited to start putting my library back together (after a months long renovation project) and even more excited that the tagged book was in one of the boxes I unpacked today. The Poppy War is at the top of my “I want to reread this one” list so finding it is a definite win!

Gissy 100 boxes of books....you are in paradise🙌Enjoy the process😃 1mo
TheBookHippie Whew. 📦📦📦📦📦 1mo
Ruthiella It‘s like Christmas in April discovering your books anew. 😃 1mo
Soubhiville How exciting! 1mo
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I‘ve been thinking about this all day! I was so excited to come home to open it! Thank you so much @kspenmoll !! Everything is absolutely amazing - I feel so spoiled 😊 I‘ve heard great things about Legend and have been meaning to pick it up. I don‘t know that to do first: read, bake a sweet treat with the cookware or relax with the self care items! Thank you so much for everything! And thank you @KateReadsYA for organizing this!

KateReadsYA Ooo the poppy war is on my tbr list 🥰 2mo
kspenmoll I just opened your box- absolutely fantastic! Perfect bookmark, color pen, sticky tabs, snacks, books! I feel loved! 💛💚💜 2mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Matching socks and reading. We fancy in the new year!

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Everything you‘ve heard about this brutal achievement of an epic fantasy is true—it‘s grim, dark, and will leave you gutted. Inspired by the events of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the most ghastly aspects of The Poppy War are horrific because they‘re based in historical truth. Through following Rin from child to student to soldier to shaman, R. F. Kuang graphically demonstrates the evils of imperialism and war, as well as rage and vengeance.

Leftcoastzen 😻 6mo
dabbe Hello th, sweet kitty! 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
DimeryRene I love this series. I‘m rereading it now and am almost done with book two. So so brutal. 💔💔 6mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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There‘s a line from the TV show M*A*S*H: “War isn‘t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.” It perfectly sums up R.F. Kuang‘s hyper-realistic descriptions of the atrocities of war — so much so that it actually took away my enjoyment of the book and changed my mind about how I felt about the MC. I still overall really like this book.

Awk_Word_Smith Thematically, it gave rise to not only how quickly and completely we lose our humanity in war, but also about our mental dissonance as we lay culpability on others for own own decisions, as if we had no choice and life was happening to us rather than life being a series of good and bad consequences based upon every decision we make. 8mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Apparently my new favorite genre is Chinese military fantasy. Who knew?

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I loved this book in print. I may love it even more on audio. Hearing all the names and places pronounced properly is wonderful.

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I am not a fantasy reader but reading reviews of the Poppy War trilogy saying it is not a typical fantasy series and non-fantasy readers are enjoying this trilogy. What are your thoughts? Are you a non-fantasy reader that read this series? I would love comments as I am considering reading. Thanks everyone 🥰

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I am just unsure about the words I can choose to talk about this book. It's horrifying, devastating, all consuming exactly like the Phoenix it speaks of. It's like a burning sensation I have swallowed. It turns my mouth into ashes. Yet, it was a necessary experience. To feel the pains of war. To know what man can do to man. And the horrors it wreaks.

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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Yes, late to this party 📚. Really enjoyed it, perfect no but went right out and bought the 2nd book in the trilogy. This was a debut 😯 pretty impressive 👏

GatheringBooks Read the entire trilogy a few months back - my best reads this year. 10mo
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#SummerSpecial Day 16: #SnakeDay seems apt for this first novel in the Poppy War trilogy with the betrayal, treachery, deception inherent in such a turbulent fantastical world. Kuang‘s world-building is exquisitely layered.

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 11mo
RebL What‘s for lunch, bestie? 😋 11mo
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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We're having a busy Sunday 📚🐾

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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#MarchMagic Day 28: I am loving everything this brilliant #AuthorOfColor writes. I am reading her backwards - read her Babel first which I could not put down. Now this book has my heart racing like crazy. The plan is to read the trilogy while on Spring Break this week. Halfway through first book. I doubt I would be able to finish all 3 books this week, but good intentions count for something, methinks.

Eggs Happy Spring Break 🥳 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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As a war orphan, Rin has little chance to escape her life as unpaid labor for her opium dealing foster parents, but she is bright & determined. Passing the Keju she earns a spot at the prestigious Sinegard military academy. There she learns military strategy & shamanism. When war threatens the kingdom, even students like Rin must fight. Great start, sags in the middle and arresting ending. Four⭐️s for this first in a trilogy.

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I‘ve literally just started the book I brought today….daughter reading Poppy War. We have booked to go and see Kuang talk in May.

thewallflower0707 The Poppy War is a heavy emotional roller coaster, so jealous you are going to meet Kuang! 1y
batsy That's cool about the Kuang talk! That should be interesting. 1y
Cathythoughts Enjoy your day ❤️ 1y
TrishB @thewallflower0707 @batsy I‘m really looking forward to it. I can‘t believe her output so far and she‘s so young! (Says the old woman over here). 1y
TrishB @Cathythoughts thank you 😘 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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#MarchMagic Day 24: #CurrentlyReading - Rin is the perfect #KickAssFemaleHeroine - I have a feeling I would fall in love with this series. Is read RF Kuang backwards since I started with Babel which I devoured a few weeks ago. Tagged book is paired with piping-hot oven baked cheesy singary prawns. 🦐🍤

Eggs Well done 😋 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Meshell1313 Awesome! 🙌⭐️ 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
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Aelin (ToG series) - The journey she takes from book .5 to book 7 I think would break any other character. Strong, determined, fierce.

Rin (The Poppy Wars) - Quickly becoming a favorite character, Rin is fantastic. Witty, bold and takes no crap.

Tezza (Fate of the Fallen series) - Simply hilarious and strong willed.

#WonderousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs Well done 👍🏼 🙌🏻👏🏻 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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“Pain could make her focus….The day she took the exam, her arms were covered with burn scars.”

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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When you're trying to study but have temptation too close at hand... 🙄
I read this book a few years ago and loved it! Decided it warrants a reread before continuing with the series.

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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Wow there was a lot of book in this read😅 starting off as a lowly shop girl and ending several years later in a war torn country and that‘s all in the first book! Interesting concepts of shamanic power intertwined with Chinese history and mythology. I found I was much more interested at the beginning of the book and lost it a little towards the middle but the ending came back around. Look forward to the next one!

thewallflower0707 If you liked the ending, I think you‘re gonna love book 2&3. This trilogy is effing amazing, brutal and is still on mind weeks after finishing it. 1y
451Degrees @thewallflower0707 awesome! Thank you for that! Sometimes when you get committed to a trilogy you kinda wonder if it‘s gonna be worth it or not 😬 sounds like this one is! 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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This was a beast of a book, but so engaging that it didn‘t feel long. Rin is an excellent heroine, who grows and changes so much during this epic tale. War, gods, shamanism, friendship and everything in between, it somehow didn‘t feel like too much to digest. And a really interesting part of world history that I didn‘t know anything about before, even though through a fictional lens. Can‘t wait to start book 2!

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Absolutely love this book!!! With a great cast of characters and an interesting plot that keeps you interested the entire time. Definitely recommend this one

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang

Wow. That was a lot, but it was wow. Definitely getting the second and third books asap.

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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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"'Take your clothes off.'"



The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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About 150 pages into this one and I'm loving it! The world, the writing, the characters are everything i love to find in fantasy.

Also, pictured above is a toasted marshmallow hazulnut latte and wow. A+.

Read4life That drink sounds delicious 😋 1y
CoveredInRust @Read4life It's so goooood 😍 1y
DimeryRene A+ for your book and your latte!! 1y
CoveredInRust @DimeryRene the latte was delicious. The book is still amazing! 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I am RIDICULOUSLY excited for this one!

BookBr Ah, I just started reading this one too, and so far it is FANTASTIC! 🥰 1y
CoveredInRust @BookBr I haven't gotten very far but I'm loving the writing and how the setting and story are revealed! 1y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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this seasons #bookclub read.. I‘ve been waiting on it from the library so let‘s see how fast I can read it

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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I liked #ThePoppyWar a lot more on my reread. The story seemed to make more sense, and I think I understand Rin a bit better now. I hope I will get to read the sequel soon, before I forget everything again!


Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I started out thinking that this book had a Hunger Games vibe. Was reading along and then by page 300 I didn‘t care what happened. 🥴. I think I needed a human connection in this story and that was not taking place. It‘s just not for me..half reading happens.

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang

Wowwowwoww, this book almost hit the top ten book shelf, wonderful story writing with great character development. Had me reminiscing some of my favorite parts of The KingKiller Chronicles series but with it‘s own unique style. Started this series while waiting for Babel to release, but now looking forward to continuing this series in book 2!

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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I feel...conflicted. i really like the world building and even many of the characters but dang DANG BRO. I also just ended up really disliking some critical characters enough where I'm like "do i even like this book?!" I do but it just mentally exhausting ⚠️ extreme violence ⚠️ not throughout but at some point yeah, like think AoT and GoT #bookspin #bookspinbingo

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'Parallels with modern Chinese history resonate deeply and darkly in this blood-soak epic of orphans and expresses, gods and shamans'

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang

I listened to the audio and oh dang was this good! The narrator does an awesome job handling the large cast and this book is action packed and gory and gritty. It shows the horror of war against the background of a type of imperial culture and it was amazing. Please be aware of triggers!

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang

Was expecting a lot more of this story since I‘ve heard good things about it. Although the characters in dept emotions were described in a real way and the historical background of this made me feel intrigued of the story. I wish the bromance or particularly “romance” would have been more built up. The narrator of the book were truly amazing and made the book more enjoyable during my commutes.
#bookspin #juneread #bookchallenge

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
melzen @TheAromaofBooks thank you 🙏 getting into it now 2y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Continuing with this amazing book, snuggling up with tea 🍵 and the audiobook. My double spin bingo
#bookspin #doublespin #thepoppywar #rfkuang #readingjune

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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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🦋I‘ll give it 3 stars so far it‘s a solid read and I like the world building.
🦋 So far the best is probably daughter of the moon goddess
🦋I am grateful for the time I can spend doing what I want end of my senior year
#wondrouswednesday #challenge
Tagging @KristiAhlers @TheAromaofBooks @BookishRedhead

TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the tag!!! I'm out of town and haven't been on Litsy much!! 2y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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This was a second try book for me. I originally tried in print when it first came out. I listened to it on audio and man did it get dark. Especially when hearing it out loud. It started out as a boarding school book and then turns into a war story. I‘m interested to see where this series is going.

I‘m using it for #ownvoices #sff #pop22 prompt
#marvelousmay #readathon

RedxoHearts I may have to find the audio of this one to try. 2y
Laughterhp @RedxoHearts You should! The audio narrator was great! It was on Hoopla at my library. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen I heard good things about this book/author!!! 2y
squirrelbrain I need a book for this prompt, so may try this one. 2y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 2y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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An anticipated read, I‘ve heard well things about this book so looking forward starting to read it soon . What do you think about it? One of books for my bookspin 📖
#bookspin #thepoppywar #wednesdayread #blurb #rfkuang #historical #fantasy

TheAromaofBooks Love the cover!!! 2y
melzen Absolutely 2y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang

4 out of 5!

The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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This epic fantasy is solidly based in real China / Japan relations during the 20th century. At the same time, the main character has meaningful development as she transforms from a rural orphan to a military neophyte. She‘s charming and smart, if also completely beyond her depth. The fantasy aspects are rooted in Chinese culture and myth. Overall a win!

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2022
#setinchina #booked2022

BarbaraTheBibliophage Decided to go alternate China for this prompt — not realizing how historically based this book is. @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft 2y
Lexeegee Great book. I have read the first two of the series. Looking forward to the third. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Lexeegee My plan is to dive into book two this month!! 2y
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Inspired by Chinese military history and Song Dynasty, Rin applies to an elite military school to get out of dire circumstances. But there is a big war on the horizon, and Rin has a more significant part to play than she even anticipated. If you like books that explore the corruption of power, lust for vengeance, and dark depths of humanity while intensely captivating, this is a book I highly recommend. Told in third person, limit point of view

Esther.Okeh The author chose to stick closely with Rin as the central character but allowed for the reader to know and understand other characters. 2y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Esther!! This looks like a fabulous read! 6/6 2y
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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Overall good book. I though begining was strong, middle fell off a bit for me but the ending was interesting. I think there are interesting themes explored but quite a heavy book that if your not in the mood for can not be enjoyable.