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Joined January 2024

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King
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The Odyssey by Homer
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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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The Bodyguard: A Novel by Katherine Center
Untitled | Unknown
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1. Finish one of my current reads and go out to lunch with some good friends
2. I love Rapunzel! My favorite colors are purple and green and it's always been a not-so-secret dream of mine to have hair as long as hers!

3. I‘m excited to travel with my family! ✈️ #MotivationalMonday @Cupcake12

Cupcake12 No.2, my daughter loved Rapunzel growing up. Thank you for joining in and have a great week x (edited) 5mo
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The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald
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“At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and felt it in others—poor young clerks who loitered in front of windows waiting until it was time for a solitary restaurant dinner—young clerks in he dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life.“

Leftcoastzen Just amazing 5mo
Just_Peachy8 @Leftcoastzen Yes I am loving it so far! The writing is so descriptive and paints such detailed pictures in my mind! (edited) 5mo
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The Hawthorne Legacy | Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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Avery and the boys delve more into the mysteries and riddles left behind by “the old man” and his son, Toby. It was a good read and tied up a lot of loose ends from the last installment while still leaving puzzles to solve later on. The love triangle is starting to annoy me a bit though, so hopefully Avery makes a decision soon. Overall, this book was a nice sequel and I‘m glad that I have the next book so that I can continue the series! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Circe is a daughter of Helios who rebels and is banished to an island for eternity. She develops her skills as a witch and also comes into contact with many characters from Greek mythology.

The writing flows well and is easy to read while still conveying the idea that the story is from a different time period. Circe herself is relatable but still has some distinct flaws. The various characters from Greek mythology gave the story more depth. 4.5⭐️

Circe | Madeline Miller
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“He was quiet for a long time. “You are wise,” he said.
“If it is so,” I said, “it is only because I have been fool enough for a hundred lifetimes.” -Telemachus and Circe, page 374

If He Had Been with Me | Laura Nowlin
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Not a huge fan of the ending. I already suspected Finny would die, so I was just waiting for it to be spelled out. The pregnancy I was not expecting but I think it was a good ending for the path the plot took. Autumn was a good main character and I related to her a lot but I liked Finny more. However, I must admit the author did a great job of making me tear up a bit.

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