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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
William Kamkwamba was born in Malawi, a country where magic ruled and modern science was mystery. It was also a land withered by drought and hunger, and a place where hope and opportunity were hard to find. But William had read about windmills in a book called Using Energy, and he dreamed of building one that would bring electricity and water to his village and change his life and the lives of those around him. His neighbors may have mocked him and called him misalacrazybut William was determined to show them what a little grit and ingenuity could do.Enchanted by the workings of electricity as a boy, William had a goal to study science in Malawi's top boarding schools. But in 2002, his country was stricken with a famine that left his family's farm devastated and his parents destitute. Unable to pay the eighty-dollar-a-year tuition for his education, William was forced to drop out and help his family forage for food as thousands across the country starved and died.Yet William refused to let go of his dreams. With nothing more than a fistful of cornmeal in his stomach, a small pile of once-forgotten science textbooks, and an armory of curiosity and determination, he embarked on a daring plan to bring his family a set of luxuries that only two percent of Malawians could afford and what the West considers a necessityelectricity and running water. Using scrap metal, tractor parts, and bicycle halves, William forged a crude yet operable windmill, an unlikely contraption and small miracle that eventually powered four lights, complete with homemade switches and a circuit breaker made from nails and wire. A second machine turned a water pump that could battle the drought and famine that loomed with every season.Soon, news of William's magetsi a mphepohis "electric wind"spread beyond the borders of his home, and the boy who was once called crazy became an inspiration to those around the world.Here is the remarkable story about human inventiveness and its power to overcome crippling adversity. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind will inspire anyone who doubts the power of one individual's ability to change his community and better the lives of those around him.
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

“I try, and I made it.“

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind' by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer is an inspiring true story of a young boy's ingenuity in bringing electricity to his village in Malawi. With themes of resilience and innovation, it encourages students to think creatively about problem-solving. This book is suitable for discussions on renewable energy, African cultures, and the power of determination.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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I watched this movie last week then pulled this book from my shelves. As much as I like the movie (I mean Chiwetel Ejiofor!) the book is better. The two hour movie couldn‘t capture the devastation of the famine or the authors own thoughts and words better than the book. The Malawi folklore is more vivid on the page, and his relationships with his father, with Gilbert and Geoffrey have more impact in the book.

JoyBlue I 💙 Chiwetel Ejiofor! 1y
marleed @JoyBlue Me too! 1y
theliteraryagenda I‘ve been interested to watch the movie, but the book sounds great too! 1y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

I try, and I made it!

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

This book is not only inspiring, but can also be used as an introduction to STEM and can spark ideas for projects to do in the classroom.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a true story about co-author of the book William Kamkwamba. The story is about a time when Kamkwamba's village was struggling due to a drought. Kamkwamba discovered how to create a windmill and used scraps to build a functioning windmill that provided electricity.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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What a great book about a boy helping his community by applying the things that he learned in school to build a windmill. I would definitely check this one out!

SW-T It was a good read. 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Loved Williams optimism, despite his many setbacks. And super interesting all the info about life in Malawi.


The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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A truly #FeelGoodRead that‘s full of inspiration and admiration for young William Kamkwamba. A boy with a vision to help his family & community. The descriptions of #Malawi were so evocative and I enjoyed learning about his extended family as well. I listened to the audio, which was a little difficult to follow at times but I enjoyed the melodic authentic tone of the reader. Will definitely watch the short film. #ReadingAfrica22

Cinfhen Ooops, totally forgot @TheAromaofBooks this is my March #BookSpin 2y
Megabooks I need to get to this. I keep getting sidetracked. Listening to this now, which I had been waiting for at the library. 2y
Librarybelle So much love for this one on Litsy! 2y
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Cinfhen Ohhhh, that book sounds phenomenal @Megabooks 🎊🎊🎊 2y
Cinfhen It‘s just a really nice story of perseverance and determination @Librarybelle ❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB A feel good book, that‘s the right word! So was my most recent read for #ReadingAfrica2022, which is short and I can recommend 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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I‘ve had the young reader‘s edition of this book in my library for a while, but I hadn‘t read it yet. This past week I listened to the original audio and then flipped through the illustrations and photos in my print copy this morning. It is an inspiring story of family and hard work that also gives a real sense of place.

#ReadingAfrica2022 #Malawi #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld #MsDsLibrary #Nonfiction

BarbaraBB I read the same edition. It didn‘t feel that young reader-ish! (edited) 2y
Daisey From looking through it, I would say that it‘s much shorter and probably doesn‘t include quite as much wide ranging or technical description. The unabridged also had a section on the impact of HIV and preventative education that I don‘t think is in the YR edition. 2y
Librarybelle Excellent - and so cool to listen to the audio and look through the images in a print edition! 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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A big thanks to @Texreader for putting this terrific memoir on my radar! William‘s family in #Malawi is poor but managing until the 2001 famine arrives, devastating his community and country. He ends up being unable to attend school and educates himself instead in the library, achieving marvelous things. This was so, so good.


Texreader I‘m thrilled you liked it! It‘s one darned inspirational book! 2y
BarbaraBB Glad you enjoyed it. It is an inspiring book I think 2y
Librarybelle So much love for this one!! 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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What a great book, and gives a real flavour of life in Malawi and how tough it is. Next country completed for #ReadingAfrica2022 with #Malawi.

Librarybelle Yay! 2y
Crazeedi Can't wait to read 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Started listening to this one on my commute today, which I am reading as part of #ReadingAfrica2022 for #Malawi

Early stages of the book but giving a real flavour of life in Malawi.

Librarybelle Hope you enjoy! 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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This is the impressive and admirable story of a boy in #Malawi who, despite famine, hunger and a lack of education manages to invent windmills and electricity for his village. When he has been “discovered” by the world and becomes a protégé of international sponsors it is touching to see how he learns about the internet and elevators and all those things he grew up without.

#ReadingAfrica2022 ?? #19822022 #2009 #Booked2022 #WeatherTermInTitle

Suet624 I remember reading a children‘s book to my grandson about him. 2y
BennettBookworm I was fortunate enough to hear Kamkwamba speak in person! I love this book and the children‘s book, as well! 2y
squirrelbrain Sounds great - stacked. You are doing *so* well with #readingafrica2022! 2y
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BarbaraBB @BennettBookworm That is awesome, he seems such a kind boy. I read a young readers edition (accidentally) but I don‘t think this is a children‘s book. The parts about physics were still hard for me 😊 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain The first months are always the easiest- as you know 😉😘 2y
Librarybelle That photo! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Cinfhen Stunning photo and great use of challenge prompts!! I have this one for #Malawi too (edited) 2y
bibliothecarivs Was pleased to meet Kamkwambe a few years ago when he spoke at our local university. 2y
BarbaraBB @bibliothecarivs I can imagine, he seems like a real kind and intelligent man. 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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A kid in #Malawi, frustrated with famine and ignorance in his village, and unable to afford the fees to go to school, visits the library instead. He learns to build a windmill that powers electricity to his house for the first time using finds from the scrapyard, hard work, & ingenuity. He overcame a country‘s superstition to become a highly successful African entrepreneur aiming to improve his world. I love this book! This kid is my hero! ⬇️

Texreader I love #litsy challenges. I get to read books I‘d never read otherwise. These books give us so much hope! Thanks @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB for hosting #readingafrica2022! This was an amazing story! @BarbaraBB I think your version must be for youth or young adults. (edited) 2y
Librarybelle Hooray!! And thank you for participating!! 😁❤️ 2y
BarbaraBB Yes that is right! I had no idea when I bought it online! But I am listening on to the original on audio. It IS good! 2y
Texreader @BarbaraBB Oh good I‘m glad you like it. What a great person he is and an example he set. 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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This is the windmill the author built to add electricity to his house. He had to drop out of school due to lack of funds to pay school fees, so he read all he could in his local library and built this. Now he‘s come to the attention of #Malawi media, who‘ve traveled hours to his village to interview him. I‘m loving these stories about African heroes‘ tenacity changing their world! #readingafrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Can you guess the year this superstition made the rounds in #Malawi? Believe it or not this was 2002! #readingafrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Hooked_on_books Sadly, based on what I see going on in the US, I‘m not all that surprised. 2y
Texreader @Hooked_on_books Yea I tend to agree 2y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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ShelleyBooksie So interesting 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Not a Malawian delicacy I want to try. But I do like the saying!

#readingafrica2022 #Malawi @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Read this for #readingafrica2022 Set in #Malawi. It was a good and interesting story, but I found myself skipping some of the technical stuff about electricity.

Itchyfeetreader Same when I read this one - did think it is a love story to the power of books though! 3y
BarbaraBB I‘m reading this one too for the challenge. 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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#twofortuesday Thanks @TheSpineView for the tag!

1) and 2) I read all my ebooks on my phone. I got a kindle paper white for Christmas but we are returning it. I really didn‘t like it. So I‘ll just be upgrading my phone and continuing to use it to read my ebooks

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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alisiakae I love this book! 3y
curiouserandcurioser @Texreader love this!! Have you seen the movie? Its so good!! 3y
Catsandbooks 😂😂 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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BarbaraBB I just started this one too. I read one chapter and am wondering if it‘s YA? 3y
Librarybelle Nice! It has a high rating on Litsy! 3y
Daisey I have the young reader‘s edition in my class library and am planning to finally read it this year! 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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The true story of William Kamkwamba, a young boy who brought electricity to his village in Malawi when he built a windmill.

An inspiring story in the face of unimaginable adversity and an intense read that mostly takes place during a horrific famine & drought. His curiosity and passion for knowledge result in a remarkable story, but also addresses what is lost when people, especially children, don‘t have access to basic human rights. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

curiouserandcurioser @ozma.of.oz have you seen the movie? Its really good. 3y
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BookmarkTavern @curiouserandcurioser I have not! I will put it on my list! 3y
curiouserandcurioser @ozma.of.oz it was on netflix when i saw it:) 3y
keys_on_fire This sounds really neat! 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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More planning ahead, this time for #readingafrica2022 hard to beat this sale so I nabbed it! #Malawi @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Librarybelle Thanks for posting! 3y
TheBookHippie I heard him speak he was amazing! 3y
Texreader @TheBookHippie How awesome! His story sounds like it will be incredible to read 3y
Texreader @Librarybelle Absolutely! 3y
BarbaraBB I take notes for next year! 3y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer

Started and finished in one day! Such an inspiring book!

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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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This B written by William Kamkwamda and Bryan Mealer will put you through a rollercoaster of emotions from tears to smiles to laughter. This little boy has to overcome so many different challenges and despite having to do so he learns to build a windmill in his small town, the news of this goes all around the world. I would use this B as part of an AS. #ucflae3414su20

marissamaddox UDL 3.3- Guide information processing and visualization- I think this is important to properly comprehend the book.
ESOL 6- Continually monitor students‘ comprehension- I think this ties nicely with the UDL I selected, to ensure the student is understanding the B as you read.https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-boy-who-harnessed-the-wind-lesson-plan.html
This website includes a very detailed lesson plan with a group activity and a lesson quiz
Mazzole18 As a future science teacher I have this one on my to read list. I know it has gotten excellent reviews. However, I have been cautioned that there are two different versions depending on what grade level you teach. My mentor teacher used it in 7th grade and the kids weren't fans. I think its all about presentation and being excited about what you are reading. I look forward to trying your suggestions and checking out the group activities.
gpraytor I really love the activity that your paired with this book, very well done! 4y
DrSpalding Late 4y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Is there really an appropriate caption for this beautiful thought? I think not.


This is an awe inspiring book! Truly a pleasure to read!

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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I just saw my first #NewYearWhoDis read was on sale! I just bought it on Apple Books but I think it's on sale for #Kindle as well. 🤗

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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This memoir was about so much more than just a disadvantaged Malawian boy creating a windmill for electricity. At its core is a tale of ingenuity in the face of adversity, coupled with the power of friends, family, and strangers who believe in you and your potential. 4⭐️s! Other topics tackled included: scarcity, famine, effects of hunger on the brain, predatory price-gouging during famine, school fees and the cycle of poverty,👇🏽

KT1432 “Magic” and superstition used as a scapegoat for HIV/AIDS and famine, deforestation aiding in flooding and drought, farm livelihood dependent upon weather and fertilizer, and government corruption. It packed in a LOT and I admit some of the technical parts went over my head. But overall, an inspirational story I‘m glad to have read! Thanks @RachelO! (edited) 5y
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KT1432 #PopSugarReadingChallenge #PopSugar2020 #Pop20 Written by an author in their 20s 5y
KT1432 #Nonfiction2020 Something about climate change, energy or environment @Riveted_Reader_Melissa (edited) 5y
KT1432 #JanuaryBookBingo recommended by a friend. I'm tired. 😬 5y
Cinfhen Nice one 🙌🏻💜That‘s the way to play!!!!! 5y
alisiakae I really like this book too. And, wow! #PromptQueen 👏 5y
rockpools Your prompts!! Brilliant! 🤣😂🤣 So glad you enjoyed it - he really did pack a lot in there. It shouldn‘t have, but the school fees thing really shocked me - it had just never occurred to me that the family would need to pay for his education in those circumstances. 5y
KT1432 @RachelO yes! I know here in the States we really take free primary/secondary education for granted. The school fees situation creating this cycle of poverty despite his obvious talent and ability to learn was heartbreaking. But it had a happy ending! 😊 5y
KT1432 Ah! Forgot #LitsyAtoZ for letter B! @BookishMarginalia 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Finally able to start back my book reports & forecasts after a few very busy weeks!😫
#BookReport: Finished The Memory Police & continued my #NewYearWhoDis book, tagged. It started off detailing Malawi folklore, then the narrator‘s father‘s life as a young trader & marrying his mother. I just finished the famine part & whew was it fascinating but brutal! Pets usually aren‘t a trigger for me but I must admit the dog going thru famine choked me up!

Cinfhen I‘ve seen the tagged book on so many best lists but I‘m not sure I‘m up for it 😬 and you already warned me that Memory Police is weird weird!!!!!! 😊😁 5y
rockpools Aah yes, I‘m sorry. It‘s told in such a matter-of-fact way, it makes it all very real 😞 5y
rockpools But there‘s definitely sunshine from here on in! 5y
KT1432 @Cinfhen lol yeah I think Memory Police is an acquired taste.😆The tagged is a really good and interesting story of ingenuity in the face of adversity, but the level of poverty is indeed tough to learn about, and the corruption is pretty infuriating. 5y
KT1432 @RachelO oh it‘s okay! I‘m almost done and was so happy when his windmill worked and he proved everyone wrong lol.😊 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Finally started my first book from @RachelO‘s #NewYearWhoDis list! Hoping to get through more of it today. Yesterday work got in the way! 🙃

rockpools Yay - I hope you enjoy it - and enhanced audio sounds fun! I expected it to be interesting but dry, but found him a really engaging enthusiastic character. And yeah, work does that! Currently in the depths of a very large politics book for work, and frankly I can think of many places I‘d rather be... (edited) 5y
KT1432 @RachelO yes I am enjoying it! And a large politics book for work sounds...pretty dreadful lol. 😕 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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#booked2019 all wrapped up now! Tagged book was my final read, for diverse middle grade task 18. Enjoyed the challenge, now on to planning for 2020 challenge

AmyG Congrats! This is such a fun challenge. 5y
alisiakae Great job!! 🎉🎉 5y
Cinfhen Congrats 🎊🎈🎉 looking forward to seeing your #Booked2020 reads!!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!!! 🎉🎉♥️♥️📚📚 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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I was wind-turbine spotting my entire journey home while reading this the other day. Such a good book!

William grows up in #Malawi, helping on the farm, curious about everything, and with a desire to learn. I don‘t think I‘ve ever read a description of famine from someone who‘s lived through it, the fact that you knew it was coming and could do nothing to avert it. And after, his desire to educate himself, & his persistence to build his windmill.

rockpools Absolutely loved it. A fascinating story well-told. Belated #readaroundtheworld #Malawi, plus #BBRC #GrownUp #nonfiction and #nfnov #booked2019 #booktomovie #nonfiction2019 #aboutsurvival 5y
rockpools Can you tell it‘s the wrapping-up-challenges time of year?! 5y
Cinfhen Well played!!! And the fact that you loved it....makes it even BETTER😁 5y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa It‘s a great book! 5y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 5y
BookwormM You are really on a roll with SA any options for Togo 5y
rockpools @BookwormM Think it‘s going to be tough to find anything - the library usually has something tucked away in the stack, but apparently has made an exception for Togo. So far, this is the option: 5y
rockpools @BookwormM ... but I‘m not sure I really want to tackle it. Have you found anything? 5y
Clwojick 🙌OH my gosh! Look at all those challenge tags! Love it! well done 🙌 5y
rsteve388 6pts 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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This is very much what my weekly #bookreport looks like. Hanging out with niece, oh look, my kindle appears to be upside down!

What I have read this week is firmly set in Southern Africa.

🌼Evening Primrose - finished and will review sometime. Very impactful, tough, short read.
🌬The Boy who Harnessed The Wind. I expected a feel-good, change the world-type story. It‘s full-on autobiography, experiencing famine from the inside. V well-written

Curiouser_and_curiouser The movie was awesome! 5y
Bklover I love this photo! 💗 5y
batsy ❤️❤️ 5y
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charl08 Such a cute picture. And your reading sounds great. I saw evening primrose in the bookshop last weekend and was very tempted. 5y
rockpools @charl08 I really think you‘d like it. 5y
rockpools @Curiouser_and_curiouser I‘ll look out for it! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Aww ❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Awwwwww.....who needs to read?!?!!! Enjoy quality time with your precious niece 💕💕💕 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba was what drove my heart to want to teach abroad. This novel will make you laugh, cry and have hope. This story is about a boy who over comes challenges and makes a huge environmentally impact on his town which is heard about all over the globe. I highly recommend this Biography (B). #UCFLAE3414F19

haleyklein This is a great book for AS due to this whole story being about the author himself!Attached is a lesson plan to illustrated how we can all dive deep in this story and into Williams life! https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-boy-who-harnessed-the-wind-lesson-plan.html. The UDL that aligns are 3.1 & 6.3 these both illicit further understanding through out the lesson. 5y
haleyklein My EL strategies are 6 & 29. These will allow for more support and better understanding through out the lesson! 5y
Jewelwinkler I‘ve heard great things about this book and like you said it would be perfect for an author study. 5y
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KristenScala Haley I‘m so excited to read this book! Thanks for sharing it. I like the lesson plan that you attached, it contains great information. 5y
BRaulerson It‘s so great to hear about stories of young people who change lives! Can also be great to inspire the young readers today! 5y
JennaMichelleCohn Sounds like a really neat book! Autobiographies always interest me! 5y
DrSpalding Slightly late 5y
DrSpalding Make sure you identify the English learner strategy as well! I agree that this would make a wonderful book to include in an author study. This book has received a lot of attention. 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Short children‘s book from Malawi author and Ivory Coast artist regarding problem solving and determination. Loved the cut paper art work. #malawi #readingaroundtheworld

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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Congrats on the milestone, and thanks for the giveaway @Megabooks 🎉🎉!

The tagged book is one of my favorites of summer 2019. I‘ve read a lot of middle grade with Maya recently for our #motherdaughterbookclub, and I really loved this Young Reader‘s Editon.

Megabooks This looks interesting! #stacked Thanks for entering! 5y
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This is the summer reading book for Maya‘s middle school, and what an excellent choice! I‘m currently reading another book about the importance of resilience and grit, both of which William has in spades! A powerful story about never giving up and thinking creatively...even when people think you‘re crazy.

#BBRC #MGME #ReadersChoice

#nonfiction2019 - this could fit 3 prompts: uplifting, from another country or survival; I‘ll pick which one later.

huntersmom1977 Oh look WINE 😬✌️ 5y
alisiakae @huntersmom1977 😂 It‘s actually a dessert wine that has chocolate in it! So yummy. 5y
LibrarianRyan Vey cool. It‘s been made into a movie. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I didn‘t know there was a young readers edition of this one, it‘s an excellent book! 5y
alisiakae @LibrarianRyan We will be watching the movie today! 🎥 🍿 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa They did a great job with the YRE. 5y
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The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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More #teaandbooks today to manage the post-vacation fatigue. 😂 dipping into Maya‘s 6th grade school summer reading project book.

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This would be a good book to teach students about survival and the times of survival. I also loved the photos included in the middle of the book.


I love how this book shows the love one has for there family. William and his family lost all their crops and struggled with money. For the love of his family and to change their lives, he built a windmill. This book displays who even the worst of times can be lifted up by one person. Genre: Biography; Published: 2015; Illustrator: Anna Hymas

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind | William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer
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#needstobeatvshow #septinbooks18 @bookisglee This would make a great biopic /documentary/miniseries