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How did you feel about how the story wrapped up: with “Mr. Aladdin,” with Rebecca‘s aunts, and with Rebecca‘s family at Sunnybrook?

Would you want to read sequels to Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, or a series about Rebecca?

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheAromaofBooks Just as an aside, this graphic is the same as the last one, so not everyone may realize that you actually asked a different question haha

I actually would be interested in reading sequels to Rebecca. I think the whole book would have been better if it had been two separate books and we could have devoted more time to her at school. I would totally read another book about her teaching adventures (if she has some). Apparently, Wiggin's nephew ⬇
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Hahahaha—thank you!! Changing the graphic now!! 16h
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) or someone rewrote the book/added stuff/created a sequel, although the GR reviews seem to agree it's terrible 😂 So I'll probably take a pass. 16h
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lauraisntwilder I would not want to read a sequel. In the absence of literally any other options, I have a feeling Rebecca would end up marrying Mr. Aladdin and I'm not interested in that. 16h
lauraisntwilder Oh, and I thought the ending, especially the actual last lines, was a letdown. It felt very much like the book didn't go anywhere. "There once was a family with too many kids, but then a aunt died and left them a house and they were all fine. Also, one of the kids went to school, but I'm not telling you about it." 16h
lauraisntwilder *aN aunt. 🙄 16h
rubyslippersreads I‘m actually reading the next book in the series, but I wouldn‘t call it a sequel. So far, it‘s just more stories set in the same time frame as the original. 12h
rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks I think I saw those. They seem to be retellings of the book with an emphasis on religion. I‘ll pass too. 12h
rubyslippersreads @lauraisntwilder I agree about Dean Priest, oops, I meant Mr. Aladdin. 🤣 12h
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads - It's weird because while this book felt as religious as most books of that era (that is to say, the characters go to church, believe in God, and try to live up to “Christian morals“) it didn't feel like Rebecca was an especially church-focused character. So that seemed like an odd direction to go since it seems like you would have to kind of rewrite her character?? 10h
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Please join us to discuss the second half of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm! #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead2024

What did you think about the second half of the book, focusing on Rebecca‘s school years in Wareham? Any favorite scenes or quotes?

What growth and change do you see in Rebecca during her time at Wareham? (Or does she change?)

lauraisntwilder The second half moved too quickly. It felt like we were rushing to the end. And I didn't particularly like the ending! 17h
TheAromaofBooks I definitely liked the first half better than the second. The second half felt a lot choppier and less cohesive. I actually usually really enjoy school stories, but it almost didn't even feel like Rebecca was at school half the time?? It felt weird that all this time and money was spent without much of a goal (I guess so she could be a teacher) and then she just comes back and starts nursing various family members instead of using the education ⬇ 16h
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) that the aunts sacrificed so much for?? I don't know, it was just kind of odd. I also definitely like Adam should be marrying the teacher instead of waiting for Rebecca to grow up, ick. There were parts and characters that I enjoyed, but overall the second half felt jumbled and rushed, and the ending seemed really abrupt. Like @lauraisntwilder I didn't really care for the ending. 16h
sblbooks @lauraisntwilder @TheAromaofBooks I agree. The ending did feel rush they tried to pack too much into one book this could have been a series for sure. The "age gap"romance in these books...why is that a thing? ? 14h
rubyslippersreads I wanted Adam to marry the teacher too. I agree that the first half of the book was better than the second. 12h
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I enjoyed a lot this at first but once Rebecca got to high-school I really lost interest. I skimmed most of the last 30 percent.

#ChildrensClassicRead2024 @TheBookHippie

Edit- This was my #bookspin for this month too. I'm feeling pretty successful right now because I finished both this month. Yay me! @TheAromaofBooks

UwannaPublishme It did get a little slow toward the end. 6d
Sace @UwannaPublishme I started out really liking it at first but I got less and less interested as it went on. 6d
TheBookHippie I agree, the end dragged a bit. 5d
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Sace @TheBookHippie the discussion has prompted me to pull out my copy of Anne of Green Gables again. Actually reading it is the challenge 😂 5d
TheAromaofBooks Uhoh, I'm about halfway through, so I'll prepare myself 😂 5d
rubyslippersreads I agree that the end dragged somewhat. It seemed that one burden after another was piled on Rebecca, but she could handle everything cheerfully. Of course, I think some of that was children‘s literature of the time. Remember Anne facing duty as a friend, and Pollyanna‘s missionary barrel. 4d
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I enjoyed the narrator‘s subtle sense of humor. Rebecca, Heidi, and Anne of Green Gables all have a happy, great outlook on life. I loved Miranda, the curmudgeon- and watching her evolve as well as learning her back story at the very end of the book. The Cobbs were such a sweet couple. Thanks @TheBookHippie for another great #ChildrensClassicRead2024 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAAdjacent Fun to join in with @BarbaraJean

UwannaPublishme Agreed! I really enjoyed Rebecca too, but Heidi is still my favorite. 😊 6d
tpixie @UwannaPublishme yes!! I did enjoy Heidi more as well! 6d
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Red Trailer Mystery | Julie Campbell
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#Naturalitsy #Litsolace #HyggeHourReadathon

Starting my #HyggeHour a bit early because I‘m not sure how long I‘ll last tonight. Still recovering & mostly sleeping & thankful to have tomorrow off as my work week will be slammed.

So it‘s Trixie for #BobWhiteBuddies& if I finish, some Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm for #ChildrensClassicRead2024 tonight, on the couch with hot tea with honey (not shown). Mood is tired, froggy & foggy. 😉🤧😷😵

TheBookHippie I hope you get better soon!!! 6d
Chrissyreadit Hope you feel rested and Having today helps ❤️ 6d
mcctrish I loved Trixie and I hope you feel better soon 6d
AllDebooks Wishing you well x 5d
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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I‘m not sure I‘ve read this since I first received a print copy as a kid. I enjoyed it then and I enjoyed listening to it now, but it‘s not a favorite. The beginning is great as Rebecca arrives at the home of her aunts and we read the details of that new life, but as the story goes on it moves very quickly and without so much descriptive detail.

#ChildrensClassicRead2024 #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent
#reread #audiobook

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“I‘m glad I said just what I did.”
“I dare say you are,” remarked Jane, with what might be described as one of her annual bursts of courage; “but all the same, Mirandy, it wasn‘t good manners,
and it wasn‘t good religion!”

I loved this exchange between Miranda and Jane—which later leads to the first softening we see in Miranda!

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead2024

julieclair I loved this exchange, too. And I‘m hoping that Rebecca‘s presence will give Jane a burst of courage more often than just once a year. 😂 1w
sblbooks Great quote! 1w
rubyslippersreads I just started this (though I know I‘ve read it before). The aunts remind me a bit of Aunt Elizabeth and Aunt Laura in Emily of New Moon. 1w
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BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads I was thinking that as well. I think the aunts' relationship with each other as well as with Rebecca is very similar to the relationships between Emily/Aunt Elizabeth/Aunt Laura. There are also elements of the Miranda/Jane relationship that remind me of Aunt Chatty and Aunt Kate in Windy Poplars. 1w
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads @BarbaraJean - I do see some similarities between these two aunts and various aunts in LMM's fiction, but I also think that the grumpy+overbearing/secretly sunshine pairing is not uncommon, especially in stories set during an era when single women didn't just go off and live alone. As a side note, I definitely like Marilla better than Miranda! 7d
BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Yes, absolutely—it's not like the grumpy + happy pairing hadn't been done before, especially with the “maiden aunts“ or “maiden sisters“ trope. That's one of the things I'm having a hard time with over supposed “plagiarism“ or borrowing. A lot of this stuff wasn't new when RoSF was published. But there are a LOT of similarities all over the place in AoGG!! And yes—Marilla shows a sense of humor early on. Miranda not so much. 5d
lauraisntwilder @rubyslippersreads @TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraJean I thought of Emily, Elizabeth, and Laura, too. 4d
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What do you think of Rebecca as a character? Is she believable? Do you find her likable?
Which of the secondary characters are your favorites—either to love or love to hate?
What are your favorite scenes or quotes from the first half of the book?

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead2024

julieclair I adore Rebecca! As a child, I would have loved to have her for a friend. I think my favorite character is Mr. Cobb. The scene where he convinces Rebecca not to run away, and then devises a plan to get her back home unnoticed, was so heartwarming. I just wanted to hug him! 1w
sblbooks @julieclair same here, all my favorites as well. 1w
TheAromaofBooks I was horrified when Rebecca threw her parasol in the well!!! I'm really enjoying this story overall - I'm still surprised that this is the first time I've read it! 1w
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BarbaraJean @julieclair @sblbooks I loved that scene with Mr. Cobb as well. Her relationship with the Cobbs is so sweet--I love the little description of when they take her to Milltown, and when they're so impressed by her poetry! @TheAromaofBooks Me too about the parasol!! It was such a prized possession!! That episode reminded me of the way the kids in Rainbow Valley decide to take on punishments in order to improve themselves. Another LMM parallel! 1w
rubyslippersreads I love the Cobbs. They remind me of Elnora‘s kind neighbors, the Sintons, in 1w
rubyslippersreads @BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks Isn‘t there a similar “sacrifice “ scene in one of Louisa May Alcott‘s books? Maybe 1w
julieclair @rubyslippersreads I had totally forgotten about Limberlost! That‘s another one I never got around to reading. Stacked! 6d
BarbaraJean @rubyslippersreads I've never read Girl of the Limberlost OR Jo's Boys!! They're both on the never ending list... 5d
lauraisntwilder I like Rebecca, but I think reading this book with LMM isn't doing it any favors. I find LMM to be the better writer. Too much of Rebecca's charm is being conveyed in the narration and by other characters talking about her. When Rebecca does talk, she's charming. 4d
lauraisntwilder @julieclair @rubyslippersreads @BarbaraJean @TheAromaofBooks I haven't read Jo's Boys or Girl of the Limberlost either. More for my list! 4d
TheAromaofBooks @rubyslippersreads @julieclair @BarbaraJean @lauraisntwilder - I thought Girl of the Limberlost was okay, but I actually liked her earlier book set the Limberlost better. I just reread my old review of Limberlost (8 years ago!) and it kind of came back to me that I loved the main character, but her mom was rather dreadful haha (edited) 4d
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“When Joy and Duty clash,
Let Duty go to smash.”

😂 I just love Rebecca‘s personality!!

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #LMMAdjacent #ChildrensClassicRead2024

TheBookHippie I have to say I had no idea how lovely this book is. I‘m really enjoying it. 1w
rubyslippersreads @TheBookHippie I‘m rereading it, but had forgotten how good it is. 1w
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Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Kate Douglas Wiggin
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“Miranda Sawyer had a heart, of course, but she had never used it for any other purpose than the pumping and circulating of blood.”

It‘s been a long time since I‘ve read this one, so I‘m fitting in a reread on audio. This quote made me smile as I started listening. It‘s so much better than saying something like a heart of stone.

#LMMAdjacent #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead #ChildrensClassicRead2024
#reread #audiobook #quote

julieclair Yes! This quote stood out for me, too. 💙 1w
TheBookHippie I loved it too!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1w
BarbaraJean Ha! Yes—such a great description! 1w
tpixie This was a wonderful quote!!! 6d
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