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Absent in the Spring
Absent in the Spring | Agatha Christie
22 posts | 18 read | 14 to read
Traditional Chinese edition of Absent in the Spring, a novel by Agatha Christin under the name Mary Westmacott first published in the 1930's. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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That cover on the right—😂

While traveling back to England, self-satisfied Joan Scudamore is stuck at a remote desert waypoint for several days. She quickly runs out of reading material 😱 and is left alone with her thoughts. The characterization here is masterful. Christie leaves us inside Joan‘s POV but gradually reveals the gap between Joan‘s view of self and the reality of her character. This was excellent—one of my top reads this year.

dabbe That cover rocks! 🤩 5mo
Ruthiella Great review. Those paperback covers are something else! 😂 This is also my favorite so far from the bunch. 5mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Joan Scudamore takes a terrifying introspective journey when she is stranded at an Iraqi train station for several days. This capable, conventional British mother is shocked to realize that she has cut herself off emotionally from her family by seeing them only as she wishes them to be. Agatha‘s astute psychological insights and keenly subtle writing make this a tragic masterpiece of re-examined life, akin to Ishiguro‘s Remains of the Day.

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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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This was pretty great, if rather sobering and a bit sad. But very honest and true, even as these qualities are not ones Joan can embrace for herself. Christie's pride in this one is, I think, entirely justified.

#LMWBR #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead #westmakittens

IndoorDame Love this cover design! 6mo
Ruthiella Agree, this one was fantastic. Just the right length, just the right reveal. 6mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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We all know this would be the true horror for Littens!

This was my second reading, and I enjoyed it even more this time. It made me sad (and a bit annoyed) that Joan was never able to grow beyond Miss Gilbey‘s assessment of her.

#LMWBR #westmakittens

@ruthiella @KathyWheeler @quietjenn @Librarybelle @kspenmoll @BarbaraJean @peanutnine @Roary47 @willaful @batsy

batsy This book sounds lovely. I need to make time for the Westmacott novels at some point. I was planning on joining the buddy read but I can't seem to manage it at the moment. 6mo
CarolynM 😱😆 6mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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We all know this would be the true horror for Littens!

This was my second reading, and I enjoyed it even more this time. It made me sad (and a bit annoyed) that Joan was never able to grow beyond Miss Gilbey‘s assessment of her.

#LMWBR #westmakittens

@ruthiella @KathyWheeler @quietjenn @Librarybelle @kspenmoll @BarbaraJean @peanutnine @Roary47 @willaful @batsy

Ruthiella I thought of that too when reading! The horror to run out of things to read! 😱😆 6mo
willaful @Ruthiella .... it isn't because... we're hiding things in our brain we can't bear to face, right? Surely not! 😂 6mo
Ruthiella @willaful 😂😂😂 6mo
BarbaraJean 😂😂 I thought the same thing!! 6mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Over the past three weeks, my library hold for this book has gone from “Pending” to “Unknown” to finally “In Transit” a couple of days ago. So I finally started reading it via Internet Archive. I got to chapter 5 just now and found this vodka ad. And on the next page, coffee. ?? 😂

#LMWBR #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead

Bklover back in the 80‘s romance books always had ads in the middle. I‘d forgotten that! 6mo
BarbaraJean @Bklover I did not know this! And that Internet Archive went ahead and included the ads is super interesting. Authenticity! 6mo
Ruthiella Love it! I think my grandparents drank Sanka coffee. 6mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Ruthiella I was surprised at the end (though perhaps it was inevitable) and I liked the twist and the switch to Rodney‘s narration. This novel made me think of Christie‘s mysteries and how they often hinge on the psychological. 6mo
willaful It's deeply sad, and I think Rodney's pov shows us it may actually be the most sad for Joan herself. He has the self-knowledge to find some peace for himself and to pity her rather than hate her. 6mo
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willaful Re the ending, I've been thinking about it and I think it's not inevitable, in the sense that Joan chooses, and we see her choose. But it has a narrative inevitability. 6mo
BarbaraJean I wasn‘t surprised by the ending—but I was hoping she‘d make a different choice. It didn‘t feel completely inevitable—as @willaful notes, Joan does make a choice. But there are hints at what that choice will be. Her talk with the Russian woman made me think she would follow through with her resolve, but when she had a few more days to talk herself out of it, I thought I could see what was coming. I wonder if things would have been different if ⤵️ 5mo
BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) … she‘d had less time & distance from her self-revelation before returning home. I thought the ending through Rodney‘s POV was excellent to wrap things up. It confirmed my impressions of Joan that she herself can‘t face and talks herself out of. Although the ending made me so frustrated with Joan, it was also weirdly narratively satisfying. I think this is my favorite of the Westmacott novels so far—it‘s just so well done. 5mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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She considers what Jesus went through when he spent 40 days in the desert.

At one point, she realizes she has prayed like the Pharisee in Luke 18 - “I thank thee, Lord, that I am not as this woman.” She (temporarily) experiences humility.

The Russian on the train compares her dedication to a “new life” to a saint‘s epiphany. #LMWBR #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead

Ruthiella I thought this was effective. I got the feeling that Joan was a fair weather, Christmas and Easter attending Christian and that she‘d never ever thought that her religion had any place in her real life. Her intense experience in the desert/solitude changes that. 6mo
willaful I'm not a Christian so I don't know if I got all the overtones, but I agree with @Ruthiella . 6mo
BarbaraJean Finally getting back to this discussion! 🙈 I wasn‘t particularly struck by the religious/spiritual allusions as I was reading, but feel silly that I didn‘t. The desert/wilderness parallels are striking, given that the desert is so often a place of self-revelation or for dedicated prayer/self-denial. Joan enters the desert unwillingly, not for devotion, but certainly has an experience of self-revelation! In retrospect, these parallels add a LOT. 5mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Hey #westmakittens! I‘m traveling today, so I‘ll post these for discussion even though I might not be able to respond right away.

What did you think of the narrative technique here? I thought it was so interesting to read about Joan‘s life through her eyes while also obliquely perceiving the other characters‘ contradictory viewpoints. #LMWBR #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead

CSeydel (As always, no pressure — feel free to come back to this post and comment whenever you read the book!) 6mo
Ruthiella I thought it was very well done. At first I accepted Joan‘s version at face value and was intrigued when I noticed the discrepancies. I think readers are inclined to trust a first person narrator. 6mo
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willaful I was fascinated by how Christie used the same storytelling techniques she uses in her mysteries. The red herrings and false leads and very subtle clues. All things that Joan knows without knowing she knows, and the lies she's telling herself becoming clearer. 6mo
BarbaraJean I just started this evening (I‘m only up to chapter 4)—so I will definitely come back to these questions! But so far I‘m finding the narrative technique fascinating. There‘s so much Joan is NOT picking up—intentionally or otherwise. Just the first chapter sets it up so well, demonstrating her lack of self-reflection. 6mo
rubyslippersreads I just started this today, but will catch up with my comments when I‘m done. 6mo
Ruthiella @willaful Good point! Maybe this is why I liked this one better than the previous two we have read - because it resembles how she structured her mystery novels, which I love. 6mo
CSeydel @willaful @Ruthiella I agree. I find that psychological aspect so enjoyable in her mysteries. I think she did a very skillful job of showing the reader things about Joan‘s life that Joan herself doesn‘t grasp, even while presenting everything from Joan‘s viewpoint. 6mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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It had been quite easy to fill her life with unimportant trivialities that left her no time for self-knowledge.

If you loved people, you should know about them. You didn‘t know because it was so much easier to believe the pleasant easy things that you would like to be true, and not distress yourself with the things that really were true.
#LMWBR #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead

Ruthiella This was such an interesting psychological study. 7mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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#MaryWestmacottBuddyRead #LMWBR

A very short read and my favorite of the three Westmacott novels read so far.

A middle aged Englishwoman is stuck in a remote rest house on the Iran/Turkey border as she waits for a delayed train. It‘s just herself and her thoughts for three days and she has a revelation about her life and how she‘s lived it thus far. But will she implement any lessons learned when she returns to her regular, comfortable life?

CSeydel Great review! 7mo
Ruthiella @CSeydel Thanks 😊 7mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m looking forward to rereading this one. 7mo
Ruthiella @rubyslippersreads I hope it holds up for you (I suspect it will)! 7mo
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Two buddy reads for #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead #LMWBR and #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade respectively and one#BlameitonLitsy. Really enjoying all three.

Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Our November book for the #MaryWestmacottBuddyRead is ABSENT IN THE SPRING! This is the one I‘m most looking forward to reading. Agatha Christie described it as “the one book that has satisfied me completely - the book I always wanted to write.”

Tag me and #LMWBR in your reviews whenever you read it. I‘ll plan to post questions, but I am traveling Nov 18-23 so I may post them before I go.

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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Today got up to 108 degrees F 🥵! It finally cooled off enough before dinner for me to paint a wall in the backyard and this audiobook kept me company while I applied the first coat.

This isn‘t what I was expecting, but Christie‘s style is all over it. Getting a lot of Hagar Shipley (from The Stone Angel) and Undine Spragg (if she were middle aged and had a conscience, from Custom of the Country) vibes from the MC. Not entirely pleasant 😬

LeahBergen Oh, Hagar? I may like this one. 👍 2y
sarahbellum @LeahBergen so far, it‘s a very introspective journey through a middle aged woman‘s realization that her life is not perfect and she‘s largely to blame for her family‘s miseries 2y
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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Having pretty much read all of Agatha Christie's novels in my teens and early 20's, I decided to read the novels she penned as Mary Westmacott. This one, Absent in the Spring, is an interesting exploration of this question, "If you'd nothing to think about but yourself for days on end I wonder what you'd find out about yourself." I enjoyed getting lost in Agatha Christie's writing again. Always a great distraction!

Freespirit I love her crime books but have read none of her others. 4y
BekaReid @Freespirit I hadn't either. C 4y
BekaReid @Freespirit (oops, hit send too early!) Currently working through another one now. While not mystery genre, they definitely have an Agatha Christie flavor and style exploring human nature. 4y
Freespirit I shall have to investigate them. Thank you for sharing 4y
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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I flew through this -- picked it up after work and finished it at 10pm. This was a Shedunnit-inspired purchase and a fascinating read. I'm not surprised that Agatha Christie was proud of this book, it's quite something.

Absent in the Spring | Agatha Christie
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The most wonderful #achristieswapisannounced package from @rubyslippersreads !! I cannot wait to read all the books and also display the gorgeous edition of Miss Marple Stories. Love the tea, bookmark, and pin (“I do not approve of murder”), and the card is 👌. Thank you, thank you! My first order of business after this post is making a cup of Agatha ChrisTea and choosing which book to read first! 👇

Ajessgirl @rubyslippersreads LOVE that we got each other the same Dorothy Sayers! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Great gifts, luck girl! 💖😊 6y
LeahBergen I received this tea in the swap, too, from @DGRachel ! 😍 The Folio Society Miss Marple is a really lovely edition (I own it and love it). Great gifts! 6y
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Sophoclessweetheart The folio and tea are perfect! 6y
rubyslippersreads So happy you liked everything. I had fun picking it all out. 6y
mabell Great pin! And love the card! 6y
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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For #agathachristielove, some of her books written under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. I've only read the tagged book, but would like to read some of the others. #autumnreads

LeahBergen I like the cover of The Rose and the Yew Tree! 7y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen I feel another collection coming on. 😂 7y
LeahBergen Yep. 😬 7y
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Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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This book is not at all what I expected. I always heard Agatha Christie's book under a pen name were romances. Either I heard wrong or the definition of romance in the 1940s was totally different. This reads more like I imagine Mad Men or Breaking Bad would in book format...namely, you're not supposed to like the main character, and she was AWFUL.

Absent in the Spring | Mary Westmacott
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AMiudaGeek Também gostei muito deste registo da Agatha 7y
cristiana_de_sousa @AMiudaGeek não tava nada à espera deste registo mas gostei muito 7y
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