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The Cosmic Embrace and Other Stories
The Cosmic Embrace and Other Stories | Randall DeVallance
12 posts | 1 read
In the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse, a group of nomadic tribesmen abandon the bleak mining town in which they had been forced to live and journey into the desert to found an independent nation of their own. Thus was born the tiny, breakaway principality of Hayal Gurunu. The only problem – no sooner was the existence of Hayal Gurunu declared than its fledgling citizens forgot where it was. The resulting search for their missing homeland forms the backdrop to The Cosmic Embrace, the title novella from the new story collection by Randall DeVallance.
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Even more surreal than coming across one of your own books in a used bookstore is coming across it in Barnes & Noble. 😳 Not even the Local Authors section, just general Fiction. What a nice surprise. (And no @RaeLovesToRead I did not put it there myself. 🤨)

RaeLovesToRead I love the way you assume I would accuse you of such a thing 😅 *shifty look* Well done, DeVallance. That must feel good. 4mo
IuliaC Congratulations!! 4mo
Ruthiella Nice! 👍 4mo
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Yuki_Onna Wow - That must be the best and most surreal feeling!👏🎉 Congratulations! 4mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
TheBookgeekFrau Yayyyy!!!!🤩🤩 4mo
Suet624 Wonderful! 4mo
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

1. I suppose "author" suggests a writer executing their own, unique creative vision.

2. Why yes, thank you for the opportunity to shamelessly self-promote! ?



Tag @RaeLovesToRead @IuliaC @Therewillbebooks

TheSpineView No shame is self promotion! Thanks for playing! 2y
paulfrankspencer That strikes me as an apt distinction. 2y
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Look what came through my letterbox this morning 😊💕 @The_Penniless_Author

Suet624 Love that cover. 2y
The_Penniless_Author Find a nice space on your shelf for it. Preferably next to something classy 🙂 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Suet624 Cute, isn't it? 🥰 2y
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RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author You mean I'm not allowed to read this one either?! 🥺🥺 (Probably going to read it anyway, my friend ❤) 2y
The_Penniless_Author @Suet624 Thanks, Sue. 🙂 I found a designer on this site, 99designs, that's sort of like etsy for graphic artists. I liked his stuff a lot (much more than my publisher's in house designs, honestly), so I contracted out. I'm happy with it 😊 2y
Suet624 @The_Penniless_Author that‘s great to know. 2y
The_Penniless_Author Rae Louise, I would never be so presumptuous as to tell a strong, independent woman such as yourself what she can or cannot do. 😇 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Good to hear, Randy-D 😋 2y
Branwen That cover is gorgeous! 💕 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen I like it too 😊😀 @The_Penniless_Author You've got some more cover love, Randy! 😊 2y
The_Penniless_Author Thanks @Branwen ! I love cover love 😊 2y
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Suet624 Thank you for offering amazon alternatives. 2y
paulfrankspencer Got mine through indiebound.com 2y
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Release day is here! You can now order The Cosmic Embrace & Other Stories in both paperback and Kindle formats:


Available at other, non-Amazon outlets soon (will provide links). Thanks for all the kind words and support I've received so far!

paulfrankspencer Purchased! Excited to give it a read when it comes in. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @paulfrankspencer Thanks so much! Hope you enjoy it. (Also, I like the tree pic you posted. Looks like a nice backyard.) 2y
paulfrankspencer It's getting nicer all the time. My girlfriend is making it into a garden, and I'm getting the deck set up with furniture and all the necessary accouterments. It's small and the pic definitely shows its best side, but I'm happy with its development. 2y
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The_Penniless_Author @paulfrankspencer Same here. Our entire property is less than a quarter-acre, but the backyard still manages to fit a deck (with furniture and a grill) a swing set, a couple lilac bushes, and a maple tree, with just enough room left over to run around and kick a ball. That's all you really need 😀 2y
RaeLovesToRead Congratulations! 😊💕 Just googled the title and Waterstones to see if I could order it... the first thing that came up was a book of the same name with the tagline: An Illustrated Guide to Sacred Sex 😶 (Ooh err.) Don't worry... I ordered the right version 😂 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead I noticed you didn't say which one you consider the "right version" ? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Well it was tempting, there was one very satisfied customer for the illustrated sacred sex version, according to Amazon... Haha, just messing, of course I have ordered your version 😁 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Well, hopefully you enjoy it as much as that very satisfied customer enjoyed the other version 😄 Thanks for the support. How are you doing? Feeling any better? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author No problem. Look forward to reading it! Aww, thanks for asking. Still struggling, but fingers crossed over the next couple of weeks I can pick myself up again 🤞 Everyone on here has been so supportive and it's really helped keep me afloat 💕 (I'm sorry to be vague, by the way. Just very aware it's a public forum 😊) Wishing you lots of luck with the new book!! 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead No worries, I'm not much of a social media user and try to be careful about what I post. I like Litsy more than most sites, but the only drawback is you can't PM anyone. I wouldn't discuss anything personal on here either. Well, I hope you're right and things start looking up soon. Thanks again for the good luck wishes. I'm sure it'll sell like the last book and I'll make literary HUNDREDS in royalties 🤑 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Yeah, I only have Litsy & Goodreads nowadays - book people are the best! I've got a few Littens on email & WhatsApp too, but doing a pretty decent job of not boring everyone with my woes! 🙌 😁 I think it must be amazing to see your work in print... one day maybe I'll see my poetry published too. Its not the money that's important, it's like you said before.. just want to see your work with other book-friends! 😊 2y
RaeLovesToRead If you suddenly start bearing your soul on here, we'll know you've been hacked! Haha 2y
RaeLovesToRead *BARING 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead I wasn't going to say anything 😉😂 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead And yes, you're right, it's enough just to see your work in print. I'm fine with selling a few hundred books; this was never going to be a career for me anyway. Are you sending your stuff out to any publishers or are you still writing/editing it? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author A few hundred people reading your words must feel good! I've written/completed my first collection. Sadly, most publishers don't accept poetry manuscripts except from agents, so I'll need to look for representation first. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Absolutely! I like the idea that my books are out there on people's bookshelves, in libraries, in used bookstores, at rummage sales, etc. Maybe someone will stumble across a copy 50 or 100 years from now and be like, "Who was this weirdo?" ? It's tough finding any publishers who will take unsolicited submissions nowadays, but especially poetry. I wish you luck. Have you looked at any university presses in the States? 2y
RaeLovesToRead I love that! Hipsters of the future may start a new cult based around your "teachings" having found a copy in an old attic ? So far, I've not looked very far. It's on my to do list. I'm still at the stage of badgering my friends into reading it and sending out a few curious tentacles in email form... A lot of poets perform their pieces or create an online presence and that's not really me. 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead Unfortunately, it seems like "creating an online presence" and self-promoting are standard expectations that publishers have for writers now. Which is ironic, considering most writers are solitary types who take to writing because they aren't comfortable with expressing themselves in more performative ways. I despise being the center of attention, and especially hyping myself ? 2y
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Are you sure you aren't secretly British? 🤣 As a doctor, I have to be careful how I present myself... don't want to go bringing the profession into disrepute by writing anything too raunchy or violent, for example. So I'd build an alter-ego if I was taking things online 🤔 (I do love attention though, haha) 2y
RaeLovesToRead Anyway, enough about me! This is your publication day! Enjoy it 🥳🥳🥳 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead That's right, you're a doctor! I think I remember you mentioning that in a book review once, and how it makes it difficult to read fiction that includes any sort of medical/scientific references. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think people will continue availing themselves of doctors, no matter what sort of violent smut you churn out 😉🤣 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead As to whether I'm a secret Brit, who knows? I'm a typical American Euro-mutt - mostly French and Italian, but there could be some English in there too. I did spend my morning watching Premier League matches. I love Monty Python, The Young Ones and Black Adder; the Kinks, the Fall, and Joy Division 😄 I hate attention-seeking, like a Brit, but will share extremely personal info with people I just befriended, like an American 🤷 2y
RaeLovesToRead If you like Blackadder, you're definitely an honorary Brit. Even we don't like the first series ? The Young Ones, haha... you're showing your age now ? I also do immediate, intimate oversharing with strangers, but I think that's just a Rae thing. (Be that as it may, I still don't want any of my patients turning up and being all... "I really enjoyed your poem about the whipped cream & handcuffs, Doc...") 2y
RaeLovesToRead (I am kidding by the way. That poem doesn't exist 😆) 2y
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead The first time I ever saw The Young Ones was in college in the late 90s, so not quite old enough to watch it when it first aired. Anyway, I accept my honorary induction into the Order of the British Empire. (Also, that poem totally exists 😉😂) 2y
RaeLovesToRead I guess you'll all have to wait until my "after dark" collection finds a platform ?? 2y
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ARCs everywhere! My book is now available on BookSirens as well as Booksprout for anyone willing to give their honest review:

BookSirens: https://booksirens.com/book/GVQNL01/C241UD9

Booksprout: https://booksprout.co/arc/86266/the-cosmic-embrace-and-other-stories

Thanks for suffering my shameless plug! :)

paulfrankspencer Keep the plugs coming! 2y
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I've never tried Booksprout before, but if anyone is interested there are a limited number of ARCs of my new book available for review:


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Just heard from the publisher that the Kindle version of my third (and most likely, last) book is now available for pre-order!


The_Penniless_Author These were stories I worked on while I was finishing up my novel, Memoir of a Doomsday Prophet, last year, and the publisher liked them enough to put them out as well. Given how hectic work and life have been I can barely find time to read a book these days, let alone write, so if this is my swan song I'm happy with how it turned out. 2y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Aaaaah!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! ❤️😱❤️ 2y
The_Penniless_Author @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I'm going to use that as a blurb if you don't mind 😉 2y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 🤣😂🤣 I‘d love to see that! 2y
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