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Persephone Station
Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
Hugo awardnominated author Stina Leicht has created a take on space opera for fans of The Mandalorian and Cowboy Bebop in this high-stakes adventure. Persephone Station, a seemingly backwater planet that has largely been ignored by the United Republic of Worlds becomes the focus for the Serrao-Orlov Corporation as the planet has a few secrets the corporation tenaciously wants to exploit. Rosieowner of Monks Bar, in the corporate town of West Brynner, caters to wannabe criminals and rich Earther tourists, of a sort, at the front bar. However, exactly two types of people drank at Monks back bar: members of a rather exclusive criminal class and those who sought to employ them. Angelex-marine and head of a semi-organized band of beneficent criminals, wayward assassins, and washed up mercenaries with a penchant for doing the honorable thing is asked to perform a job for Rosie. What this job reveals will effect Persephone and put Angel and her squad up against an army. Despite the odds, they are rearing for a fight with the Serrao-Orlov Corporation. For Angel, she knows that once honor is lost, there is no regaining it. That doesnt mean she cant damned well try.
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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This is a well written space opera with a wide array of interesting characters. Saying that, I couldn't keep up with the characters. Every time there was a POV switch I had to go back and check who was who.

It read more like a script which made it difficult to connect to the characters. It would have worked really well as a radio drama.

19 May #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 13mo
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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#ThingsinCommon They are both sci-fi, very different feels though and I'm excited to read Persephone Station


Clwojick Great job! 13mo
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht

3.5stars. It‘s an interesting lesbian space opera. It was a little out of my wheelhouse. I needed the change from dystopian. It includes the owner of a bar that caters to criminals and an ex- marine and a head assassin. Liked the detail to action.

Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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The curse is truly broken! I really enjoyed this actually: it was an interesting take on aliens (well, aliens-to-humans), and I found myself reading it in big chunks. #BookSpinBingo

Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Late to post my #BookSpin list, but I made the list before I saw the numbers, promise!

And though Persephone's Station has persisted as the only book unread on my list since January, I'm happy to announce I actually picked it up a couple of days ago and it should be finished this month. The curse is broken.

I'm about 33% of the way through, and enjoying it. Very curious about a few things...

Clare-Dragonfly Hooray, I‘m glad the curse is broken! 2y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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This is going to be next to impossible, but I‘ll start #12Booksof2021 for #January with the tagged book: Persephone Station by Stina Leicht. This was not my only spectacular read of January, but I excluded rereads. Akashic‘s Speculative Los Angeles short story anthology deserves a special mention.

Andrew65 Difficult to just choose one each month 😬 2y
DGRachel @Andrew65 I refuse to choose just one for September, just FYI. 🤣🤣 2y
Andrew65 @DGRachel I may well be joining you some months. 😬 2y
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vivastory Love the new profile pic 🦴 2y
DGRachel @vivastory Thanks! 2y
persephone1408 Nice name lol 2y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Well this is unfortunately too complex for me to get in audio form, so I‘m going to have to call it a bail for now. Partly it‘s because the narrator doesn‘t have enough inflection for me: unless she‘s reading dialog her tone is pretty bland. Also- lots of characters who all sound the same.

Will I come back to it in print someday? Maybe, we‘ll see.

@TheAromaofBooks this was my #bookspin for December, too bad it‘s a bail.

Megabooks Ah yeah, narration makes a huge difference in complex plot lines! 2y
AmyG I have bailed on quite a few audiobooks because the reader just bugged me. 🤣 2y
bookishbitch It sucks when the narrator is bad. I've bailed on some audiobooks for the same reason. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Hopefully it will be a better fit in print someday!! 2y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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And my December #Bingo is set! Unforgettable Journeys is my #bookspin and Persephone Station is my #double spin. Looks like a great month!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I was right down to the wire to finish this action packed space opera. There was something in the characters that reminded me of the comic The Rat Queens. It was a fun read.

KathyWheeler I love the Rat Queens. I may need to check this book out. 3y
Larkken You‘re right, it did have rat queens vibes! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Excellent feminist space opera with a bit of old-school western tossed in. 💚

Characters in this book are so diverse. Each of them complex, complicated, and badass. I don't want to give away too much with this one, but if you enjoy mercenaries and lots of action set in space, I highly recommend this one. 😀

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Bk2 of July is done. I very much enjoyed this SF which has been described as a feminist cowboy space opera, which sums it up pretty nicely I think. Angel & her band of mercenaries take on a job for Rosie, owner of Monks Bar on Persephone, a small backwater planet owned by Serrano-Orlov Corp. But things go bad & the women find themselves up against a small army of Mech Mercs. Highly recommend. My #Doublespin book of July. #BookspinBingo #Pop21 👇

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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It took me a while to get into the book, but afterwards I really enjoyed it. Especially the witty dialogues. The characters are great, all very different, and interesting. The story arc itself was a bit too ordinary for me. I read a lot of sci-fi, and when it comes to the main plot, this book doesn't add anything new to the genre. But as stated, the characters make up for it.

@TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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The 4th & final book from yesterday‘s #bookmail is another SciFi novel(I‘m really enjoying the genre lately!)When I first bought it I thought it was a Graphic Novel but it‘s actually a 400pg book. This is the cowboy space opera I‘ve been looking for hopefully. Persephone Station is a backwater planet until the Serrao-Orlov Corporation wants to exploit its resources. Angel & her crew are hired to take on the Corp by Rosie, the owner of Monks Bar.

DGRachel I loved this one! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 133.

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Billed as a feminist space-opera, this book is a lot. There‘s gender-fluid space pirates & crime bosses, cautiously-pacifist aliens with god-like powers that have to decide whether they come out of hiding or get used up by the people who know they exist, and rogue AI. Plus, I very much liked the cover art, as well as how startling it was to read sci fi where the norm of having all main characters be cis het men is stood all the way on its head.

DeeLew This looks really interesting. It sounds similar to Saga.. 3y
Larkken @DeeLew hm good call! I need to get back to saga. I lost access to hoopla and didn‘t like the other options I had for reading graphic novels 😭 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I haven‘t been able to buy any new books since November because of finances and such, sure I was able to throw a dollar or two at some used stuff but brand new books, nope. Until this past weekend! I‘m finally done fighting with EDD on getting my extended benefits and all my bills are caught up now and so I did a small splurge as I have been dying to get these! Now back to the no buying ban!

BookmarkTavern Those look like some fun choices! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun reading a Sci-Fi novel. The characters are diverse and entertaining. The premise and world building are great. I loved the concept, the humor, the battle scenes...all of it. This book was a delight from beginning to end. There are heavier moments, too, loss and grief, but Leicht does a stellar job of inserting humor at just the right moment to keep things from being depressing.

DGRachel This is my Science Fiction written by a woman for #Booked2021 (Winter #2) @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage 3y
Cinfhen Great review and fabulous cover 3y
DGRachel @Cinfhen Isn‘t it gorgeous? I read the book via NetGalley, but I really want a hard copy for my shelves. 😍 3y
Cinfhen Yesssss! TOTAL #CoverCrush 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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🪴 Persephone Station, Crown of Midnight, and You Have A Match
🪴 The Hidden Life of Trees
🪴 snake plant!!!

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Binx is making it very difficult to get up and get ready for work 🖤🐾

alisiakae 😻😻 3y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Those eyes say... stay! 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Best decision I made in the past two years was insisting on a soaking tub when I had the master bathroom renovated. Starting this book tonight while enjoy a hot epsom salt bath and an adult beverage. 🥰🛀🏻

Hollie Epsom salt baths are my love language 3y
DGRachel @Hollie Right? So yummy. 🤤 3y
LeahBergen I completely agree on your reno choice! I don‘t know what I‘d do without my huge tub now. 3y
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DGRachel @LeahBergen I‘m only sad that the bathroom is so small I couldn‘t go wider, just deeper, but it‘s more than I expected to be able to do in a bathroom this size and I love it. So much. I‘m so grateful to the sales lady at Ferguson who was able to find the perfect tub when my contractor was a complete waste. 3y
Kalalalatja When I get a bigger bathroom at some point, I need a tub 😍 3y
BarbaraBB I wouldn‘t be able to live without my tub any more 💕 3y
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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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A rollicking space western set on a deadly planet ruled by a corrupt corporation hiding the truth about an indigenous population. Great cast of characters and interesting story. Gets a bit bogged down in battle scenes 2/3 through and I wish the ideas explored in the ending were given more time throughout but a really fun sci-fi read nonetheless!

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Fireplace reading

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I have an abundance of ARCs to read, but couldn't decide which to read next. So I decided to number them and do a random number generator. It picked number 6!

Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Hmm, this one read like a good story wrapped inside a draft that still needs some editing—pacing was the biggest problem. The story takes a while to ramp up, there‘s lots of characters & life forms to introduce, but once it does it really goes. It‘s a story about the aftermath of first contact, redemption, corruption, & more. A real strength is the strong female cast—no men required—& representation. Worth a look for fans of space operas.

Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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Look at this cover! I saw this ARC at work and just had to bring it home with me. It‘s described as a space opera “for fans of The Mandalorian and Cowboy Bebop.” Sounds great, right? And that‘s why it‘s my next read. Can‘t wait to see what it‘s all about.

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Persephone Station | Stina Leicht
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 127 #bookstoread #tbrpile #bookstagram

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