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Ice | Anna Kavan
In this haunting and surreal novel, the narrator and a man known as the warden search for an elusive girl in a frozen, seemingly post-nuclear, apocalyptic landscape. The country has been invaded and is being governed by a secret organization. There is destruction everywhere; great walls of ice overrun the world. Together with the narrator, the reader is swept into a hallucinatory quest for this strange and fragile creature with albino hair. Acclaimed upon its 1967 publication as the best science fiction book of the year, this extraordinary and innovative novel has subsequently been recognized as a major work of literature in its own right.
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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The greyscale miniature edition 😂
I didn't actually realise when I ordered them that White Nights was such a slim volume or that I was colour coordinating my purchases 😆

TheBookHippie Brilliant. 2mo
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Not sure what to think of this book, it was hard to keep reading. A narcissistic narrator chasing a pale woman and abusing her, I couldn‘t tell what was real and what was hallucinations. I had high hopes for it.

Ice | Anna Kavan
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Yeah nah! Couldn‘t figure out wtf was real and hallucinations. Not invested enough to continue. Just didn‘t like it. NEXT!

Ice | Anna Kavan
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This one had been on my radar for a long time so it‘s a shame I didn‘t enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Most of the story is told from the perspective of one hell of an unreliable (and unlikeable) narrator, whose terrible actions brought me close to quitting more than once. And yet there are some things to be enjoyed here, such as …

nosferatu ... the ambiguous plot (“the unreality of the outer world appeared to be an extension of my own disturbed state of mind,“ p. 62) that seems to take place in the aftermath of the release of Vonnegut‘s ice-nine. There is also some beauty in the apocalyptic description of frozen landscapes in the second half of the book, framed by scenes of pointless abuse and violence. … 1y
nosferatu … I do understand the sci-fi is used as a metaphor here, but for me it just doesn‘t work all that well. 1y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Rather tempting display in my local Waterstones.

Ruthiella Very tempting! 😍 2y
charl08 @Ruthiella on my xmas wishlist! 2y
Liz_M Ooooh! So many new Coralee covers! 2y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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📚I Am Legend/Ice/If Beale St Could Talk/If On a Winter's Night a Traveler/In a Lonely Place/In the Freud Archives/Invisible Man (Wells & Ellison)/Island of Dr. Moreau/Iza's Ballad
🎬 Invasion of the Body Snatchers ('78)/Inception/I Saw the Devil/Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
🎧It Seemed the Better Way (Cohen)/Insane in the Brain (Cypress Hill)/I'm Going to Break Your Heart (Moon Vs Sun)/ICU (P. Bridgers)/👇

vivastory I Love Rock N Roll (J Jett)/In This Hole (Cat Power)/I Need You (N. Cave)/In My Life (J. Cash)/It's a Crime I Never Told You About the Diamonds in Your Eyes (BHP)/Interstate 8 (Modest Mouse)/It's Oh So Quiet (Bjork) #manicmonday @cbee (edited) 2y
CBee Another Cypress Hill 🙌🏻 - I feel like I should apologize for the f-bomb flavor in Illusions 😂😂 they sprinkle that everywhere 😂🫢 (edited) 2y
CBee And Bjork!! Swoon ♥️ 2y
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vivastory @CBee I I 💙 Debut & Post (especially Post). No worries about the f-bombs, I know that the RTJ songs I've included have had a few 😂 2y
CBee @vivastory sometimes that word is just the best way to get the meaning across 🤷‍♀️😂 2y
BarbaraBB Did you know Björk just released a new album? It‘s good! 2y
vivastory @BarbaraBB I noticed her name appearing more online recently, but wasn't aware there is a new album. Thanks for the heads up! 2y
CBee @BarbaraBB I‘ll check it out too! 😊 2y
Librariana Björk is brilliant! I may not be very familar with her body of work, but she's always struck me as such a visionary. I'm always mesmerized by her! 2y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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I fully expected to love this book, but it actually left me rather cold (sorry 😔). The main character is a narcissistic abuser who repeatedly terrorises the woman who is the target of his obsession, vindictively punishing her when she has the temerity to object.
Yes, it is surreal and has a kaleidoscopically shifting viewpoint in which the characters may actually be aspects of the same fractured personality, but I found it hard to get past the...

Bookwomble ... ugliness of the central theme of abusive persecution. Perhaps that was Kavan's intent, to depict the brutality and sterility of abusive relationships. Actually, reflecting on that I'd shift it from so-so to a low pick, but I don't think I'll be wanting to re-read it. 2y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 2y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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From the real-life dystopia of Nazi Europe to the imagined dystopia of glacial climate change. Contrasting the icy conditions of the book with a sunny afternoon tea 🌞

Ice | Anna Kavan
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A glacial glimpse into an unnamed girl‘s fear, isolation and lost innocence. Almost certainly mirroring the author‘s own fractured persona. The description of a world succumbing to slowly encroaching ice, and society breaking down, is a haunting, hallucinatory dystopian vision.

Ice | Anna Kavan
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A singular book – the most surreal, dreamlike apocalypse you will ever experience. The narrator on returning to his home country fixates on a childhood love, a frail girl dominated by her mother, now a husband, and then the Warden. As the world is slowly encompassed by ice-age glaciers, the narrator abandons duties to “save” his love. The story slips from “reality” into visions and back again, unsettling any hope to force a plot or storyline.

Liz_M Favorite (atypically amusing) quote: “I had never before met anyone who owned a telephone and believed in dragons“

3.5⭐ #BookSpinBingo, @TheAromaofBooks, @Clwojick, #MerryReaders #WinterGames, +1 participation
+25 Winter; +120 for 4 hrs reading for #ReadYourWay, @TheSpineView, #AVeryMerryBingo, (Snow on Cover) @Jadams1776, #FestiveFlicks, (Fantasy) @Traci1
(edited) 3y
Traci1 That sounds really good. 3y
Liz_M @Traci1 The set-up is fantastic - I loved the opening section. It somehow seemed more ordinary once the Warden enters the story and it becomes more adventure-ish. 3y
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TheSpineView 👍📚📖 3y
vivastory I loved this one & found it's placement in the recent adaptation of I'm Thinking of Ending Things effective artistic statement 3y
Clwojick ❤ Way to go! 🌲 3y
Liz_M @vivastory Oooh, interesting! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! 3y
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Ice | Anna Kavan

After a nuclear war, a nuclear winter sets in. As the icesheets spread the narrator (nobody in the book has a name) pursues and attempts to rescue a woman who he considers is in an abusive relationship. Is she? Well, since he sees her get killed or stumbles across her body several times, only for the pursuit to continue in the next chapter, who knows? Some beautiful descriptive writing but I'd've appreciated a much clearer storyline. So-so or pan?

Reggie Ya still make me want to read it. Lol 4y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Reggie A friend just recommended this to me earlier tonight. What a coincidence! Looking forward to what you think about it. 4y
rwmg @Reggie I'm about half way through and I have no idea what is going on. I see the woman who wrote it was a drug addict and I think she must have been as high as a kite when she wrote it. 4y
Reggie Lol, hmmmmm I haven‘t decided whether that attracts or repels me yet. 4y
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Ice | Anna Kavan

I do not know how I missed this through my undergrad and grad career. Unsettling in the best possible manner.

Ice | Anna Kavan
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“Anna Kavan's Ice is a book like the moon is the moon. There's only one.“-Jonathan Lethem
Our unnamed narrator travels across various landscapes as walls of ice are slowly encroaching, leveling cities & killing millions. News blackouts, secret police, massive civic denials & unrest in the (so far) untouched cities lends them a paranoid & surreal quality that as Lethem writes in the introduction of the book called to mind the mutually assured 👇

vivastory destruction of the Cold Ware era when Ice was published & for the contemporary reader will call up images of the random violence of terrorism & the global chaos of our current pandemic. Ice is more than speculative fiction, cli-fi & a road trip through through an impending apocalypse. If you're looking for an underrated tale that defies easy categorization, I def. recommend Kavan's novel. 4y
Reggie This sounds great. 4y
batsy Great review! This still reads unread on my shelf 🙈 4y
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vivastory @Reggie It's def. a memorable experience! 4y
vivastory @batsy I know how that goes. Looking through old posts of this I had posted about this when Penguin reissued it with the Lethem intro 3 yrs ago & only now read it 😂 4y
NikkiM5 This is right up my alley. added to the stack, thank you. 😊 4y
vivastory @NikkiM5 I hope you like it! 4y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Still TBR, here is a brief summary from the back cover, "A novel unlike any other, Ice is at once a dystopian adventure shattering the conventions of science fiction, a prescient warning of climate change & totalitarianism, a feminist exploration of violence & trauma, a speculative literary dreamscape, & a brilliant allegory for its author's struggles with addiction..." Sounds pretty remarkable! #ShesSoCold #AnglophileApril

Cinfhen Oh wow!! What a discovery❣️❣️ This book sounds amazing & it works for multiple #Booked2019 challenge prompts 👍🏻 5y
vivastory @Cinfhen I was just thinking of how it would be a great book for cli-fi 5y
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Weaponxgirl This sounds amazing! Stacked! 5y
gradcat Wow—this sounds soooo good! Thanks for this—stacked! 5y
emilyhaldi Damn! This book is packing a lot in! 5y
ephemeralwaltz Sounds interesting!! 5y
Mdargusch That covers quite a few social issues! 5y
Suet624 Goodness! Quite the load to carry. 5y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Another one on my TBR. Praised by Doris Lessing & Ballard, sounds promising!
@Cinfhen @Billypar

Cinfhen Looks good 🧤🧣 6y
Emilymdxn I just finished this one! It‘s definitely weird. Good, but very odd 6y
RadicalReader @vivastory gorgeous book cover 6y
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Rissreads This does sound good!!!!! 🧡 6y
batsy I want to read this too! 6y
Billypar Oooh...never heard of this, but sounds great! Stacked 6y
BarbaraBB This sounds like a Ballard book! 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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I was in two minds about whether to mark this as a pick or not, honestly it was very confusing and brutal and I spent a lot of it not sure if I was enjoying it or not, but I went for calling it a pick because I was so engrossed while I was reading it, it truly sucked me in, it was so original and the ending made me feel so much. So so weird bleak and nasty, but beautiful in places, I *think* I recommend it? Would love to know what others thought!

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Ice | Anna Kavan
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This is such a bizarre book. I‘m reading it very slowly for such a short book, and I have no idea if I like it or not. It‘s very engrossing, very dark and it really throws me off to read something so strange, unique and disturbing. I have no idea what‘s going to happen which is a nice feeling

rwmg It's on my wishlist and I was just wondering earlier today whether to spend a voucher on it but in the end chose something else 6y
Emilymdxn @rwmg I do think it‘s worth reading it‘s just very unusual - incredibly thought provoking, a bit odd to read in tiny sections in my lunch hour in a canteen! 6y
SaraBeagle I bought this, but I‘m waiting to see if I can talk my book club into reading it. 6y
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Sarah83 Love the bookmark 💖 6y
Emilymdxn @Sarah83 it was a swap goodie from @quietjenn so all credit to her! 6y
Emilymdxn @SaraBeagle I think it‘d be fascinating to discuss with a book club!! So much there to talk about, but probably too dark for me to suggest to mine! 6y
SaraBeagle @Emilymdxn Oh, we‘re definitely dark. We just finished 6y
Emilymdxn @SaraBeagle it‘ll suit you down to the ground again!! I‘d love to be able to pick this one apart in person, there‘s a lot in there to discuss 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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It was clear that he regarded her as his property. I considered that she belonged to me. Between the two of us she was reduced to nothing; her only function might have been to link us together.

Ice | Anna Kavan
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This is an amazing book I‘m reading, but the thing I wanted to share even more is how much happiness and peace I‘ve found making homemade chicken spinach sandwiches and reading library books on my own at lunch. Like everyone else I‘ve been thinking about climate change a lot today, thinking about how I‘m prepared to live differently and work harder, but in the middle of the panic I found a lot of comfort doing my small cheap relaxing thing.

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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Birthday #bookhaul arrived today. Which one should I read first?

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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Eating a chocolate croissant thing from Paris Baguette and seeing what's on my Libby. I'm currently listening to Hunger and flirting between the other two books (Ice is very surreal and strange and I need a breather in between)

Kalalalatja That croissant 👌👌 6y
mdemanatee Can‘t go wrong with some Meg Cabot on the TBR 6y
RealLifeReading @Kalalalatja it was yummy! 😀 6y
RealLifeReading @mdemanatee this is actually the first time I'm reading her books! 6y
mdemanatee @RealLifeReading this is a series I‘ve held in reserve for when I need it. But I grew up in the Princess Diaries generation and she is still my most read author by a long shot. I actually marvel at how many of her books I‘ve read in context to the fact it is far from all of them. 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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An after-lunch treat of affogato (nespresso with Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz)

Leftcoastzen BuzzBuzzBuzz indeed! Looks yummy 6y
TheLibrarian I need this ice cream in my life!!! 6y
quirkyreader I love affagotos. And when I talk about them in Michigan coffee houses I just get odd stares. 6y
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Cortg I‘ve never had it but it looks amazing 😍 6y
Thndrstd This has been on my TBR for awhile. Let me know what you think. 6y
well.read.panda The perfect combination for an affogato!! 6y
janeycanuck I love affagato - my preferred form of coffee any time of day, including at breakfast!! 6y
RealLifeReading @Leftcoastzen @TheLibrarian it's got espresso bean fudge chunks in it! So good! 6y
RealLifeReading @quirkyreader bring your own ice cream along! 😀 6y
RealLifeReading @Cortg if you're a coffee fan it definitely is! 6y
RealLifeReading @Thndrstd it's very strange... 6y
RealLifeReading @well.read.panda @janeycanuck affogato is the best! 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Snowstorm going on outside... Definitely in the mood for some winter reads! Any recommendations?

Jabberwocky I love Farley Mowat‘s books set in the Arctic for winter. 6y
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Lylah @Andrew65 @Jaberwocky @Nat_Reads thank you for the suggestions!! 6y
Lylah @KarenUK that was on my tbr but I didn't know it was winter-y! 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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cariashley Jonathan Lethem wrote in today‘s NYT Book Review about this one 7y
vivastory @cariashley The Saturday edition? 7y
cariashley @vivastory the weekend edition - the one dated tomorrow. (edited) 7y
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vivastory @cariashley Excellent. I will be picking it up tomorrow. Thanks! 7y
batsy Yes, on my TBR! With any luck, I'll get a review copy. 7y
vivastory @batsy Nice! Have you read 7y
vivastory @batsy I have it, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. It sounds really interesting 7y
batsy @vivastory I haven't! Yes, it sounds great, thanks for bringing it my way 🙂 #TBRexplosion 7y
vivastory @batsy NYRB Classics add an entire mountain range to mount TBR 😂 7y
readinginthedark This sounds so good! 6y
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Ice | Anna Kavan
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Penguin is publishing a 50th anniversary edition on November 14th. With a foreword by Jonathan Lethem & an afterword by Kate Zambreno, this is the perfect time to read a book that's been on my TBR for far too long.

saresmoore Yes, please! This sounds great. 7y
Leftcoastzen Looks very interesting! 7y
vivastory @saresmoore I've only heard great things about it 7y
vivastory @Leftcoastzen I'm really looking forward to it 7y
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