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Journal of a Solitude
Journal of a Solitude | May Sarton
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The modern American author describes everyday experiences and conveys her feelings of frustration and anger over her attempts to write in solitude
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#BookHaul from The Book Barn in Niantic, CT. Can you believe I visited exactly one structure in their sprawling, 3-location empire before my hands got too cold and I quit? 😅🥶 My wallet gives thanks to Mother Nature.

JamieArc Have you read the tagged? If not, you‘re in for a treat. I really loved it, and while I rarely reread, this is one I definitely want to. 1mo
monalyisha @JamieArc I haven‘t! And yay! You know I take your endorsements seriously. 😉 While browsing, I sat down in a worn orange chair and read the first few pages to make sure I liked the writing. I was sold. 1mo
JamieArc I read it at the height of the pandemic and it was just lovely. I have an orange chair in my office that I use to take reading breaks 🧡 1mo
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slategreyskies I received The Collected Poems of May Sarton as a gift a few years ago. It was a used copy, and when I opened it up to begin reading, we were both surprised to find out that it was signed! I treasure it now, even more so than I would have otherwise. Also, I have so many of her journals as well. Her writing calms me. 1mo
AmyG Other Birds was so lovely. 1mo
monalyisha @slategreyskies That‘s all so wonderful! I know nothing about her, actually. Good to know my instincts can be trusted. 😊 1mo
Tamra The Last Report is one of my all time favorite novels. 💙 1mo
Hooked_on_books You found some good ones! An Immense World is phenomenal. 1mo
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!!! 6mo
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Her sentence about having her “real life” just resonates. Summer is a lovely season. It also tends to be a busy social season. Routine is shifted, personal time is allocated differently, and I find my reading life has to become one I fight for in the summer months. It‘s nice to be able to shift in and out of real life for a bit.

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I am still slowly savoring May Sarton‘s words. She‘s got me contemplating the clusters of my life and finding comfort in the knowledge they occur. I am hoping to embrace a brief cluster of bookish solitude this weekend. 🌻💛

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“Begin here. It is raining”

Aptly, it‘s raining here too. And as May describes the rain ticking at the window, I hear it too.

JanuarieTimewalker13 I love book synchronicity! 12mo
batsy I love this book! 12mo
MaureenMc I just started this book, too! 12mo
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Jess_Read_This @JanuarieTimewalker13 😊 Me too! It felt so right. 12mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy I‘m loving it so much. She makes a comment about not liking people feeling they are intimates with her after a prior book. And so much of what she‘s written in this one has resonated to my core that I fear I‘m falling into that category of admirer that she doesn‘t care for! It‘s my first encounter with Sarton. Have you read other books by her? 12mo
Jess_Read_This @MaureenMc oh wow! What a book coincidence! How are you liking it so far? I‘m loving it quite a bit. Have you read other books by her? I was telling my husband about what I loved so far and he asked how I learned of her. I wish I could remember who somewhere in book social media had posted about her so I could thank the person. 12mo
MaureenMc @Jess_Read_This I‘m not very far into it, but I‘m enjoying it. This is my first of hers I‘ve read. I can‘t remember how I heard of her either! Maybe Nancy Pearl? Or Modern Mrs Darcy/What Should I Read Next? 12mo
batsy @Jess_Read_This I'd forgotten she made that comment 😁 I'm due for a reread I think because I found it very comforting, like a balm, even though she doesn't sugarcoat any aspect of life. This is the only one I've read and I should fix that. I bought it years ago because someone recommended it to read when I was dealing with grief. Not to be corny but it was one of those books that saved me ❤️ 12mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy I don‘t think you sound corny at all about it saving you. I‘m so glad you found it when you most needed it ❤️ I agree so much with you on finding it to be a balm. It‘s been that way for me. I needed this book and after two library renewals in, I know I need to buy a copy. (edited) 11mo
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I didn‘t see any five star reviews on Goodreads for books that started with J, so I‘m going with this one that I gave four stars to when I read it.

#LetterJ #AlphabetGame

JamieArc I love this one. 2y
batsy This was definitely a book I was thinking about for J, too. I love it ❤️ 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Came back to this book tonight. I cannot sleep, thanks to some bad dreams, so I am listening to the audiobook version. May‘s writing is so soothing. Perfect when I need something to fall asleep to.

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My cat Lorelei on a sleepy day.

“I always forget how important the empty days are, how important it may be sometimes not to expect to produce anything, even a few lines in a journal.”

“The most valuable thing we can do for the psyche, occasionally, is to let it rest, wander, live in the changing light of a room, not try to be or do anything whatever.”


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Boots is joining me for an early morning read. #catsoflitsy

“I am not discreet about anything that concerns feeling. My business is the analysis of feeling.”

I keep forgetting that this book was written in 1973 and not in modern times, when we discuss mental health more openly. Great read so far.

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This library book has been circulating since 1981, wow!

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May Sarton is amazing

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"For a long time now, every meeting with another human being has been a collision. I feel too much, sense too much, am exhausted by the reverberations after even the simplest conversation. But the deep collision is and has been with my unregenerate, tormenting, and tormented self...I feel like...a machine that breaks down at crucial moments, grinds to a dreadful halt, "won't go", or, even worse, explodes in some poor innocent person's face."

merelybookish I love Sarton. I read this in my 20s but expect it would land differently now. 3y
Bookwomble @merelybookish I only came across her today, reading an extract from her book in a periodical. I like this quote as a reminder that my anxiety (which thankfully is no longer as limiting as Sarton describes here) is a normal human experience shared by many others. Even when solitude is the necessary balm, it's comforting to feel a connection to others 🙂 3y
kspenmoll I also had my Sarton phase & Gobbled up all her works. 3y
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Bookwomble @kspenmoll Well, she sounds an interesting writer 🙂 Would this book be as good an introduction to her work as any, or do you have a different favourite by her? 3y
batsy I read this at a point when I really needed to read something exactly like this. A gorgeous book. 3y
Bookwomble @batsy I'm glad you found the right book at the right time 💗 It sounds like one that I'd appreciate, so injury the tbr mound it goes! 3y
Kerrbearlib I am currently reading this book and enjoying it. I really relate to this quote, now that I work from home. 2y
Bookwomble @Kerrbearlib Good to hear you're getting good vibes from the book. I've still not read it myself, but perhaps one day ... #tmbtlt 📚📚😊 2y
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I wish I had started this earlier in the pandemic. What lovely reflections not just on solitude, but community and connection, and nature. I took my time with this short book, underlining many lines, letting the passages marinate. One I will come back to again and again. April #Bookspin complete.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Kerrbearlib I wish I‘d read it earlier in the pandemic too! 2y
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Late post - this was my final read of 2020. It was very fitting, considering that I live by myself and went the entirety of December without seeing anyone to reduce my risk of getting/spreading covid. I hope our restrictions ease up and the numbers go down soon because it has been a lonely month 😔 but this book made me feel a bit better about my situation. Sarton writes about solitude in a very empowering way. I hope to read more of her work!

MittenGirlPeach Ahhhh, Journal is wonderful! I bet it was perfect indeed for December. I have all of May‘s work; she was an amazing writer and complicated, fascinating, person. I think my favorite is Plant Dreaming Deep. An absolutely luminous book. (edited) 3y
she.hearts.horror Thank you for sharing. It seems like it should definitely be added to my list as well. I hope we can get through this safely and all resume voluntarily solitude and also socialize as well. That‘s the way it should be. 😃 3y
CaliforniaCay @MittenGirlPeach that's so lovely to hear! I had never heard of Sarton before this. I stumbled upon this book in a used book shop years ago. After finishing it the other day I looked her up and was surprised she has so many other books! I'd love to read them all eventually, I think I'll start with Plant Dreaming Deep 😌 3y
CaliforniaCay @she.epeolatry so glad you agree! I just checked the news and saw that ICU capacity in my county dropped from 19% to 6% in the last few days. And the strict restrictions are predicted to last the rest of the month atleast. So it looks like January will be another lonely month for me. But atleast I'll get lots of reading done, and being on litsy makes me feel less alone 🥲 3y
batsy I love this book. I read many years back during a difficult time and it became like a friend to me ❤️ I keep reminding myself to seek out more of her work! Plant Dreaming Deep is on top of the list. 3y
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‪“I shall be glad for October, when this queer, hot, uncertain September has gone its way.” — May Sarton in Journal of a Solitude‬

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I enjoyed this. I didn‘t expect that I‘d get so much out of reading someone else‘s journal, but I found this book to be quite rewarding. The photo is of the pumpkin tree I have in my living room. 🎃

BookNAround I really, really like May Sarton. 5y
slategreyskies @BookNAround I do too. I‘ve only recently discovered her, but I keep wanting to curl up and spend time with her. I savor her words. It took me weeks to read this journal, since I didn‘t want it to end. 5y
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I'm not sure how to feel about this book right now. I feel like it could be a really good book for me in the future. I'm not entirely sure I 'got it', but feel if I come back to it at another time (maybe when I'm older?) I might enjoy it more. 🤔 I'm just not sure. I think, for now, it's so-so... I think if I come back & try it later, I may enjoy it more.
I will keep it on my shelves and try for a re-read in the future.

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Found the parts dealing with her struggles with depression, being social, and healing the results of her angry outbursts interesting. Other bits not so much. Heard so many good things about this one, but for me it fell short and dragged on.


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This book was completely lovely. My favorite parts were Sarton‘s meditations on solitude, nature, and the ranges in her moods. I‘m glad I savored it over the course of a few months. I would recommend the book both to those experiencing solitude and those completely deprived of it (by young children, for example!).
Thanks to Gretchen Rubin‘s Happier podcast for introducing me to the author!

batsy This book is so nourishing, if that's not a weird word to use! It's good for my soul ❤️ 5y
Suet624 I‘m so happy you found it. A lovely book indeed. 5y
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Besides books about girls named Jane, this was the only other #startswithJ book I could find on my shelf. #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading

UwannaPublishme I forgot about this one. Looking forward to reading it. 😊👍🏻 7y
batsy 🙌 7y
saresmoore I'm reading this now and finding it really soothing and beautiful. 7y
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merelybookish @saresmoore I read it years ago and would like to re-read. But I worry it might fill me with deep envy. 😬 7y
merelybookish @UwannaPublishme I like Sarton a lot! 7y
saresmoore Hahaha! Yes, it is having a bit of that effect, too. Even reading The Blue Castle over the past week made me long for some quiet nature. 7y
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Jinjer I love May Sarton's journals! 7y
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"We are one, the house and I, and I am happy to be alone"

#introverting #maybookflowers @RealLifeReading

LeahBergen Lovely! 😍 7y
LauraBrook Beautiful and so true! 7y
Leftcoastzen ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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RealLifeReading This passage is lovely. Will have to check this out! 7y
batsy @LeahBergen @LauraBrook @Leftcoastzen @RealLifeReading A quiet book to dip into on and off. Her words are like an old friend 💜 7y
merelybookish Oh great pick. I like her poetry too. 7y
batsy I definitely need to get one of her poetry books, @merelybookish 7y
Suet624 I love her writing and particularly enjoyed this book. When I read this book I was living with 4 children and all of their friends. I envied her solitude so much. 😀 (edited) 7y
batsy @Suet624 Oh my, I'm sure you did! That would have been a challenging situation, I'm sure. 😀 Sarton's words are such a balm. Even when she's writing about her anger or depression her writing has so much wisdom. 7y
Suet624 @batsy you're right. I think she helped me to somehow embrace my depression even as I struggled to move through it. 7y
batsy @Suet624 I'm glad to hear that you found solace there somehow. It was the same for me with this book in particular, during a difficult time 💜 7y
Suet624 💕💕💕💕 7y
UrsulaMonarch @Suet624 agreed that this is wonderful to read with small children wreaking havoc 😜😍 5y
UrsulaMonarch @RealLifeReading did you get around to this one? I recommend it too, especially in the winter! 5y
Suet624 @UrsulaMonarch 😂😂😂 ❤️ 5y
RealLifeReading @UrsulaMonarch no I didn‘t but thanks for the reminder! 5y
UrsulaMonarch @RealLifeReading of course! I know TBRs can get overloaded though ☺️ 5y
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Poet and novelist May Sarton retreated to Norton, New Hampshire for a year to write. While she lived alone, she had many visitors and took many trips while there. This lovely journal contains her thoughts throughout the year. She meditates on a lot of issues and often says in few words what I struggle with but would take me pages to say. The book is like talking to an old friend who speaks so beautifully you never want to leave.

BookishMarginalia Lovely review 👍🏼 7y
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The reasons for depression are not so interesting as the way one handles it, simply to stay alive.

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Thanks for the heads-up on today's kindle non-fiction sale! Here's my haul - and believe me, I could've gotten more! #brokebooknerd

JacqMac Ooo... I must go look.... 8y
GlitteryOtters Yay!!! I had a hard time limiting myself, I wanted to order more than the 4 I purchased, but managed to negotiate myself down to the final 4 (it helped that I had already picked up The Lost Tribe of Coney Island--if I didn't already own it, I would have had to buy 5. That one's been high on my TBR for a couple of months, need to get to it soon). 8y
LauraBeth I'm afraid to head over there for fear of what I'll do 🙀 8y
sprainedbrain Oh geez... I suppose I need to check this out! 😜 8y
LauraBrook @JacqMac @sprainedbrain Go and check it out, ladies! 💸 @LauraBeth that's how I was, too. I rationalized that by spending about $20 I've saved myself over $100 since they would all eventually be physically purchased. @GlitteryOtters Major props to only getting 4! I'm impressed. 8y
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This book resonates with me so much, on so many levels! This quote right now is me to a tee.

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