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The Nine Tailors
The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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In the world of Lord Peter Wimsey, even bell-ringing isnt free from murder. Chance car troubles leave Lord Peter stranded in the small town, and when he discovers that a theft of emeralds from a family twenty years earlier was never solved, his detectives curiousity is piqued. But unsurprisingly, things turn out to be more complicated as Lord Peter could have suspected, as he begins to uncover a web of murder, conspiracy, and false identity. Penguin Random House Canada is proud to bring you classic works of literature in e-book form, with the highest quality production values. Find more today and rediscover books you never knew you loved.
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I finished this Lord Peter Wimsey mystery at the beginning of March, and it has now been thoroughly eclipsed by Gaudy Night, but I‘ll try to review it on its own merits.😆 Lord Peter & the faithful Bunter get stranded on New Year‘s Eve in Fenchurch St. Paul‘s, a village in the East Anglian fens (the setting immediately endeared me to the book!). The bells of Fenchurch St. Paul‘s play a major role in the life of the village & in the story itself.⬇️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) I knew very little about the practice of English change-ringing, and Sayers goes into a bit more detail on the topic than I really wanted! But even so, this mystery was complicated and interesting and thoroughly satisfying, and the life of the village and its personalities is all fleshed out so well. Sayers is a master and it‘s all on display here. This completed my 1934 slot for #192025. @Librarybelle (edited) 2mo
dabbe @BarbaraJean You gave the review I wish I had! I even youtubed some bell-ringers with those types of bells, and it was incredible to watch! 🤩 2mo
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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The official prop bets for Dorothy Sayers' The Nine Tailors are up! For those unfamiliar, we have a list of things that we think may happen in the book and you can bet on them like you would with sports!


Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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Just released a new Patreon episode! We select a Golden Age mystery to read and talk about some random books, including the two that are pictured. And, just a reminder, new patrons will receive a fancy mug!


The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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#MARCHMAGIC #involvesmusic

This Sayers' novel involves an old church with ancient bells in the tower. And there is a LOT (LOT, LOT, LOT) of bell-ringing going on in this detective story. It made me look up old-fashioned bell-ringing just so I could figure out what was going on! I loved learning about it!

Eggs Brilliant 👍🏼👏🏻 1y
Lynnsoprano I used to teach handbells, and tried doing some basic change ringing with my students. It‘s HARD! Loved seeing the bell ropes when we were in English churches, but didn‘t have a chance to hear any ringing. 1y
dabbe @Lynnsoprano I watched a youtube video to see how it was done, and it looked unbelievably challenging but sounded so beautiful. Seems to me you would have to have a perfect ability to keep the tempo so that you would strike your specific bell perfectly. #amazingmusicn❣️ 1y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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I really enjoyed this clever murder mystery set in the bleak Cambridgeshire fens! The untangling of the mystery is so well done - I didn‘t guess the ending (but neither did I feel cheated by it). I‘ve read quite a few Wimsey mysteries - one day I really should try and read them in order 😂

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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My reading of this novel was enhanced by going back and forth between the print edition (for the spellings, especially of the names) and the audio (for the accents and pronunciations), as well as watching a few YouTube videos on change ringing. This is a complex mystery that unfolds slowly, with a cast of thousands (or at least dozens) and so many nuanced motivations. I enjoyed the story even though I'm not a fan of bells rung this way.

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Unwinding after spending the early afternoon with 8-year-old boys who kept farting at each other while ostensibly learning division. I'll have to make dinner soon, but I am pretty sure I've earned this respite.

dabbe That made me snort my drink through my nose. 🤣🤣🤣 Get ready for some bell-ringing with this book; I loved it! ❣️ 1y
Texreader Bwahahaha!!! 😂 1y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 Boys! 1y
Amiable Mom of boys here. I feel (and smell) your pain. 🙄😖 1y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Back at the vet with a new book and the other cat. Silo is very good at hiding. I don't blame him...the vet says he needs to have two of his remaining four teeth removed. Poor little man!

dabbe Hang in there, sweet Silo! ❣️🐾❣️ 1y
Texreader 😣 poor baby 1y
Jari-chan Lots of cuddles for Silo ❤️‍🩹 1y
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Bette Poor kit. 🐱😩❤️ 1y
Ruthiella Poor guy! 😿 1y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I‘m so glad I went back and gave this the chance it deserves! I found it really hard to get into, I think I was expecting the writing to be light and it‘s definitely not, but once I finally did I loved it! It‘s rich and dense and filled with that wonderful wry English humor so characteristic of the genre.

dabbe I felt exactly the same way! We should go ring bells together at a church! 🤣❣️🤣 1y
IndoorDame @dabbe 🤣🤣❤️❤️ 1y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I rediscovered my love of psychological thrillers and classic detective stories a few years back, and now I‘d say about 30% of my reading lists are usually #Murder! #JanuaryJazz @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Murder mysteries are great!! 1y
kspenmoll My go to books- any mystery 1y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I kept thinking about bailing on this because the descriptions are dry and I was having trouble concentrating on them. But the dialogue is so much fun! I was loving the droll humor so I just kept on reading. Last night I realized I was halfway through and was missing a lot that I needed to really appreciate the story. I probably should have bailed at that point, but something is still drawing to this so I decided to start over instead! Am I nuts?

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Perhaps having the base knowledge will make it more enjoyable this time around. 1y
IndoorDame @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick that‘s what I‘m hoping. In college we are always told to read literature twice. I only still do it with poetry, but it was such a good experience, the two readings were always so different even back to back. 1y
MaGoose I have similar issues with Dorothy Sayers. I plugged away through one of her books - Gaudy Night, I think, but I'm not sure. I can't even remember the plot now. Found it rather dry and boring. 😴 Not sure why she gets such high ratings. But keep plugging. I'll maybe try her again, too, sometime this year. 1y
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IndoorDame @MaGoose I have 2 of her books lying around my house. I‘m hoping to get to the other one this year too, partly so that if I have the same reaction to it I can feel confident that she‘s just not for me 😂 1y
LiteraryinLawrence I did bail on this. I thought it was just me but maybe not. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
IndoorDame @LiteraryinLawrence I think not. We‘ll see if I do any better going forward or if I end up bailing anyway 1y
Lindy It‘s not nuts to make an effort with a challenging book because the reward is often worth it. Even if you decide in the end that it wasn‘t for you, or even if you bail, you will have extracted something from the experience. 1y
IndoorDame @Lindy thank you. I really appreciate that. 1y
dabbe You have described EXACTLY how I felt reading this. I learned more about bell-ringing than I ever wanted to know. The mystery is good, though, and like you, I stuck with it and was glad I did. Hang in there! 😅 1y
IndoorDame @dabbe glad to hear it‘s worth sticking with! 1y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I always like seeing reminders that old books have lived interesting lives before they passed into our hands.

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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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For some reason, this one took me a while. I had to look up a lot about England's love of bell ringing, and I had NO IDEA how involved it was. I even youtubed some people doing it ... fascinating. I enjoyed the mystery, loved the characters and would probably read another Peter Wimsey book, but I do not consider Sayers one of the number one mystery writers IMHO. She's an acquired taste, similar to P.D. James. I still prefer Holmes overall.

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers

Too many descriptions of bell ringing for my taste, but besides that, a good mystery. This is the second Lord Wimsey book I have read, and I do enjoy them. Will read “Murder Must Advertise” for my next one.

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I actually read this once years (decades?) ago, but I couldn't remember anything apart from lots and lots of bell ringing, so I prepared by reading the wikipedia article about change ringing (not a thing here in Germany, and the book made much more sense afterwards!). The plot starts slowly, but it has a powerful ending.

readordierachel I like your book sleeve! (If that is indeed what it is?) 3y
PickwickPlockPlock @readordierachel It is actually my kindle sleeve, but now that you say it, a slim book would fit in there, too! 3y
shanaqui I really should read something on change-ringing before my next reread. Everything I know about bell-ringing I know from this book! 3y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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I am posting one book a day from my large collection of random books. No explanation as to why I have this book. #tbrpile. Day #9

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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Started this mystery reread the other night because I was in the mood for more Christmas stories. Turns out I misremembered and this story begins at New Year‘s, so I have a little more time with it 😂 There‘s a lot of detail about churchbell ringing that I‘m not sure I completely understand, but I‘m just here for the seasonal mystery... 🔔 💀 🔔

paulfrankspencer Don't ask for whom the bell tolls... 3y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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#TBRPile 📚 A disfigured body, a long-missing emerald necklace, and bell-ringing prove to be an irresistible mystery for Lord Peter Wimsey when he finds himself stranded in the seemingly idyllic village of Fenchurch St Paul.

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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers

While this is said to be one of the best Lord Peter Whimsey books, I really didn't think it was all that.. There was an over abundance of detail about bell ringing, peaks, etc, and I found the pace of the book a bit up & down.. And I found the ending a bit lacking. Murder Must Advertise was much better IMO. Gaudy Night is next in the series but I think I need a break from Miss Sayers

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Continuing on with Lord Peter, started this one over the weekend.. I probably could have done without the very detailed description of the bell ringing; but so far so good

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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The blog post today from @annebogel aka Modern Mrs Darcy grabbed my attention.It is about mysteries that keep you turning the page and when you get to the revealing part you look back and think, “How in the world did the author do that!”Then you start to see the important clues that you read all along not realizing they were important. I ADORE books like that!She shared 12 books that fit this category and I thought I would share them with you 👇🏾

BookaholicNatty This is the first book on the list! It is said to be one of the greatest detective novels ever written! I‘m anxious to find out. It‘s from a series of detective novels called the Lord Peter Wimsey Series. I hadn‘t ever heard of these before, maybe because they are an older series. Have many of you read this book or are you familiar with this series? 5y
IndoorDame My parents had a set of those when I was a kid. Old paperbacks from the 70s? maybe? I read a few when I was in middle school. Thanks for reminding me of them - they didn‘t completely capture me then, but that‘s something I‘d LOVE to read now! 5y
Crazeedi Thank you for increasing my TBR list, isn't die till I'm at least 150, lol 5y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers

I loved this mystery! The writing and the narrative felt surprisingly modern, the mystery was well constructed, and the characters were all interesting and on the right side of quirky. My only issue was with the circumstances that brought about Lord Peter‘s final realization - I found that it was a bit of a convoluted way to get to the resolution. Otherwise, I was utterly delighted by this story and really recommend it.

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Work day is done and I‘m about to start my first book of the year! Keeping my fingers crossed for a better reading year than I had in 2018 (and better year in general, to be honest). If December is any indication, my wish might come true 🤞🏻Now to read or not to read the introduction 🤔 - I‘m always scared of spoilers 😬😬

Slajaunie Sounds like an interesting series. 5y
mllemay @Slajaunie I‘ve never read anything by her before. Loving the writing style so far 👍🏻 5y
batsy I love Sayers and haven't read this one! And I know what you mean; where mystery novel intros are concerned, I save them for the end 😅 5y
mllemay @batsy I don‘t normally read historical mysteries but there was something intriguing about this one. I‘m really enjoying it! 5y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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A nice New Year‘s Eve #bookhaul from Old Books on Front Street. Happy 2019 to all in my favorite reading community!

Booksnchill Love Lord Peter and The Nine Tailors! 5y
saresmoore @Booksnchill I‘m reading my first Sayers now and loving it so much I had to look for more at the bookstore! 5y
Booksnchill @saresmoore gaudy night is my favorite mystery book- I love it- great adaptation on BBC with Edward Petherbridge 5y
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saresmoore @Booksnchill Ooh, good to know. Thank you! 5y
Booksnchill @saresmoore the Harriet Vane‘s are my favorites- Nine Tailors predates Harriet but is my favorite of that set! Happy readings! 5y
Suet624 Happy New Year to you and your sweet family. 5y
saresmoore Happy new year, dear Sue! ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
JennyM Apply new year lovely 😊 5y
LeahBergen Happy New Year, my friend! 😘😘 5y
saresmoore @LeahBergen 🥂to 2019, the best year yet! 5y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers

In some ways I think of this as the best of the series. It certainly has some very memorable moments! It's always a little weird when people you kind of like are truly under suspicion in a book like this, and Peter's struggle with feeling like a cuckoo in the nest because he MUST suspect people he'd like to help is vivid.

imyril Always my favourite, this one 5y
shanaqui @imyril I think it's mine too. I love Harriet, but this one... I couldn't say quite what it is, but it's so good. 5y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Not that my tbr shelf has room for anything else, but I just couldn‘t resist the booksale room at the library this morning. At $1-2 a book I wanted twice this many! Planning on reading the tagged book first - a vintage volume of detective short stories seems like just the thing to curl up with over the holiday break.

The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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The only book I could think of in which 🔔 bells 🔔 feature prominently. In fact they help the sleuth solve the mystery! The Nine Tailors are not #jinglebells but church bells which weigh hundreds of pounds.This book is the first mystery to feature Lord Peter Wimsey. Highly recommend for readers interested in Golden Age mysteries. Sayers is one of the best from that era.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🔔🔔🔔 5y
Centique 😍😍😍 5y
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vkois88 Pretty! 5y
Ruthiella @vkois88 Thanks 🙏 5y
Ruthiella @Centique ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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Spoiler: not actually about tailors 😉

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The Nine Tailors | Dorothy L. Sayers
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I am on schedule with the PopSugar Challenge! Here are my choices for a book involving a sport, with lyrics in the title, a gift, involving a heist, about time travel, with a color in the title, the next one in a series and one with an anti hero. Love this challenge!

#Pop18 #PopSugar18

emilyhaldi Nice!! Which one is for the heist?? I think i still need a book for that prompt 🤔 6y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi The Luminaries. You should read that anyhow if you haven‘t yet. So good! 6y
emilyhaldi Ahhh yes that one is on my list! I‘m a little intimidated after seeing the comments from the readalong a few weeks ago but still intend on giving it a try! 😬 good to know that it works for this prompt! 6y
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BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi No need to be intimidated, it is only the first pages, when 12 men are introduced. Once you know who‘s who, you‘ll fly through! Ask your sister 😀! @Reviewsbylola 6y
Reviewsbylola Yes, I think you‘d like it. @emilyhaldi It‘s very well written. 6y
Billypar I just picked up The Luminaries this weekend- looking forward to it, in spite of the length. 6y
BarbaraBB @Billypar Enjoy! I think you‘ll love it! 6y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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Sadly I found this to be the least engrossing Peter Wimsey novel I've read so far. Ian Carmichael's voice is great though!

Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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The title refers to the nine strokes of a church bell to announce the death of a man. And a man is found dead, in the grave of another in a small English village. Fortunately Lord Peter Wimsley happens to be around and soon he is part of the investigation. A lot is happening, many questions need to be answered. And I learned a lot about ‘change ringing‘, the British art of ringing a set of tuned bells.

#Booked2018 #CozyMystery #1001books #192019

Wilkie Great photo! Is that the Westertoren in the background? 6y
Cinfhen Great photo and sounds like a really good #cozy 👍🏻💚 6y
BarbaraBB @Wilkie Yes it is! It goes well with the bells in the book, I thought 😀 (edited) 6y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers
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#Riotgrams day 10: #BookAndABeverage

Nothing beats a book and a white Bourgogne on a Saturday afternoon 😍

Starting this oldie, off the shelves of my father. #1001books

Cathythoughts The simple pleasures .... 6y
Hollie Looks lovely. I don‘t have a book but I‘m about to go have a spa day and couples massage with some peach champagne, so my afternoon is looking pretty good! 6y
BarbaraBB @Hollie Wow, that sounds perfect. Enjoy! 6y
Leftcoastzen Love those old clean covers 6y
LeahBergen Pretty edition and pretty wine. 😆😆 6y
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Nine Tailors | Dorothy L Sayers

this was my first completed read of 2017. thoroughly enjoyed it. loved the motif of the bells. my favourite Lord Peter Wimsey, just by a smidge over Busman's Honeymoon.