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Provenance | Ann Leckie
Following her record-breaking debut trilogy, Ann Leckie, winner of the Hugo, Nebula, Arthur C. Clarke and Locus Awards, returns with a thrilling new story of power, theft, privilege and birthright. A power-driven young woman has just one chance to secure the status she craves and regain priceless lost artefacts prized by her people. She must free their thief from a prison planet from which no one has ever returned. Ingray and her charge will return to their home world to find their planet in political turmoil, at the heart of an escalating interstellar conflict. Together, they must make a new plan to salvage Ingray's future, her family, and her world, before they are lost to her for good.
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I so enjoyed Translation State that i jumped into Provenance, another stand alone novel in the same universe. Again we‘re getting to know other cultures and species - this time its the Hwae and the Geck. Im kinda fond of the Geck - aquatic aliens who stay in water on their ships and interact with humans on land by piloting mechanical spidery things. Theyre kind of grumpy and demand humans stay consistent to their stated ethics 😂 ⬇️

Centique The main characters werent quite as compelling as the ones in Translation State but it was still a great story. Image is of a fish that looks like an alien but probably isnt 🤣 2mo
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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This is a bit of a treat: posh white tea and Ann Leckie's Provenance, bought new with my own money, which I don't do very often (I mostly use the library) 😁

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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This author just knows how to tell the stories I like. The pace of this one is great and really feels like an excuse for world/universe building that I can‘t get enough of! The story is cool, still full of tensions and intrigue, but don‘t expect DeathStar like mega climaxes, just expect a bunch of awesome!

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I loved the trilogy this book follows, though I can understand why someone would not—it's written in a style that could be considered flat. I like it though—this underhanded, unostentatious treatment of emotions. The style is the same here, and, even if the plot is less intricate, it's still a win in my book.


#SF #SpaceOpera #lgbtq #Standalone #StandaloneSF #LGBTQSF #SFWrittenByAWoman

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Loved the trilogy and was very excited to see there was a stand-alone written in the same universe.

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Provenance | Ann Leckie

A simple story with a wonderful take on pronoun usage, as Leckie does.

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Provenance | Ann Leckie

More to love with new species and a return to a mysterious place from the first book. Loved it

Provenance | Ann Leckie

In the hope of outsmarting her brother and impressing her mother enough to be made her heir, Ingray Aughskold jailbreaks a politician's son hoping e will tell her where e hid the loot.

I did not enjoy this as much as the Raadch trilogy despite it being set in the same universe. It was only in the last third or so when Ingray's mother and some schoolchildren are taken hostage in a museum by invading forces that the story became interesting.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Bk4 of April & Bk1 of my #EasterExtravaganza #readathon is done. This is set in the same universe as her Ancillary series(which I loved!) pretty much immediately after the last book in that trilogy. While it wasn‘t quite up to the brilliance of that series, it was still a good solid SciFi adventure, though the MC did cry way too much for my liking. But she‘s perfect for the #Booked2020 prompt of #MCWhoWhines👍 Oh it‘s also 438pages done of 2,000.

Cinfhen Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Also doing well on the pages. (edited) 4y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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My goals for the #EasterExtravaganza are:

🥚- Read at least 2,000 pages
🐰- Read at least 1 book from 4 different genres &
🥚- Clear at least 4 books from my #MountTBRShelvesOfDoom

Starting with Provenance by Ann Leckie, a book that‘s been on my TBR shelves for 3yrs. I loved her Ancillary series completely & this is set in the same universe. I‘m 60pgs in and loving it so far♥️

Andrew65 Great to have you with us. 🥰 Good luck with getting to your targets. 😊👍 4y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Today‘s #AudibleDailyDeal looks interesting. Can anyone recommend?

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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A young woman seeking to secure her place in her family's dynasty takes a huge risk to one-up her brother. That risk ends up changing her life but not in a way she ever envisioned. A part of the Imperial Radch universe, this stand-alone focuses on family, politics, culture, and statesmanship all set within an alien universe. Leckie is a force to be reckoned with in the SciFi world and now I know why I need to move Ancillary Justice up my TBR list.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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This was my first Ann Leckie book and it was really good. I don‘t know if I should have started with this book, but I didn‘t feel lost at all while reading it.

Ingray goes out to try and beat and trick her brother and ends up on an exhausting, wild adventure. I was sucked into the book and didn‘t want to put it down.

#ReadingUSA2019 - Missouri (Author)

Librarybelle Great review! 5y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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My latest book haul!! I love #ThriftBooks

I am so excited to read all these wonderful books. I actually started reading the tagged book last night. Already hooked! (My first Anne Leckie Book)

And 2 of those books are for @juliegumdrop from my #50kBookRecGiveaway - Julie - I‘ll send out your package as soon as I can! 😊

#bookhaul #latestbookhaul

juliegumdrop @Laughterhp I‘m thrilled! Can‘t wait! 5y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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4/5⭐ Leckie's strength is creating such complex, believable worlds that they feel alien. I never felt like I knew what was going on completely, but that off-kilter feeling was never strong enough to limit my enjoyment of the book. It's a serious balancing accomplishment. I enjoyed the adventure. Most of all, I adored the relationships between Ingray, Garal, Tic, & Taucris. I'd love to see more of their shenanigans. #projectSAMS #TIABchallenge

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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One of my #NewestBook s 😋 (One of many new Christmas gift books 🎄❤️) and my #CurrentRead #ANewChapter 🥂

#BookNerd 💙📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚 5y
vkois88 👍👍👍👍👍 5y
scowler1 Windows 7 💻🖱️⁉️ 5y
JuliaTheBookNerd @scowler1 hospital work computer 😬 gotta use what they give us 5y
scowler1 Ha! At least you're doing better than the U.S. Navy. $150 million for a jet fighter - WindowsXP. 5y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I read lots of new-to-me authors this year. Here‘s a few.

Ben Aaronovitch
Ann Leckie
Rachel Hartman
Alyssa Cole
Victoria Thompson
Tiffany Reisz
Richard Hull
Tommy Orange
Grace Burrowes
Sy Montgomery
James Mustich
Daniel Keyes
Arundhati Roy
Rick Yancey

SilversReviews Thanks for sharing. 5y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Fabulous, set in the same universe as the Ancillary trilogy, but from an entirely different perspective. Prison break, struggles over succession, sibling rivalry, murder, the importance of relics to a culture, thievery, and always political intrigue! High jinks and mayhem and in all this a vulnerable heroine who finds her strength which is considerable, plus the best mech rider in the universe; perfect for a gloomy Wednesday. And, love. Woo hoo!

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Provenance | Ann Leckie

This was a fun read. Leckie's world building is wonderful, but the story got bogged down in politics a lot. The main character is a delight, and the book is light-hearted compared to the Ancillary series that is set in the same world.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Man, I did not enjoy this. It was never interesting, the main character was a bore, and the narrator was grating. Maybe it‘s my own fault for not reading Leckie‘s trilogy before this one. I tried really hard to bail on it but I only had an hour left at that point.

plaidchuck Sorry to hear that. I really enjoyed Ancillary Justice, but i haven't read this yet. 6y
Geeklet @plaidchuck There‘s a good chance you‘ll enjoy it. I felt a little lost because I knew nothing about the universe and I‘m sure that was a big factor to the book not grabbing me. 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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If you want to be wowed by a super hero that strives and thrives on fame and fortune, then do not read this book. If you want a read a sci-fi novel about characters using their quiet intelligent and lovely stubbornness to be incredibly empathetic, brave, sneaky and heroic towards the vulnerable and to those less deserving alike during a political storm , then I strongly encourage you to read this beautiful book.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Another book read/listen for #SummerOfScifi!! This book was SO much fun! I absolutely recommend it to anyone looking for a fun space romp, especially if you enjoy the movie Titan A.E. as a kid like me 🚀👾✨

Provenance | Ann Leckie

Provenance is a solid Leckie book, and a solid Hugo nomination. And yet I find myself not being wowed. It's good but not in an aw yes putting it at the top of my Hugo ballot way.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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26 books in June. Ann Leckie‘s writing is fantastic & I loved returning to Radch space. If you don‘t already read Robert Crais, you really should—great characters, fantastic dialog, mystery, & LA. The Poppy War is a great start to a new fantasy series, Fence channels angst & competition into a tension filled comic, American Marriage is incredibly well written, frustrating & heartbreaking, The Changeling is a creepy & wonderful modern fairytale.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Leckie is fast becoming a personal favorite! #authorcrush

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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These books have been sitting in my closet for two weeks. Used my Mother‘s Day gift card. All (except Career of Evil) were from the used Reviewer Copy section of Barnes & Noble and in perfect condition.

Samplergal There is a used reviewer section at B and N? I must investigate. 🤪 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf The Barnes & Noble in Paramus NJ has a huge used books section. @Samplergal (edited) 6y
ItsAngel I loved Career of Evil (entire series) and Emma in the Night. 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Just starting Provenance and really enjoying it so far.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Politics & mayhem, archaeology & identity, heritage & history, rivalry & jealousy, mystery & murder not to mention a thief or two. If you‘re thinking these are the ingredients that make up a good story, you‘re correct. Set in the same world as the Imperial Radch trilogy, this is the story of Ingray who breaks a thief out of an inescapable prison (that‘s right) to help make a name for herself & recover a lost treasure. Love this world! Great read.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I love that moment when you‘re reading a book and it‘s good and you‘re enjoying it and then WHAM it blindsides you and you giggle a little, ok more than a little, because suddenly it‘s gotten REALLY gooooood and you resent anything that distracts you from finding out what happens next. Yeah, I love that moment..and may have experienced one such moment recently. Provenance does not disappoint. In fact, I really, really like it.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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From a mystery about an ancient Egyptian tomb and a mummy‘s curse to the politics of archaeology in space.


Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Archaeology & the politics of archaeology feature prominently in the newest addition to my TBR pile. Definitely looking forward to this one. I loved the Imperial Radch trilogy and am excited to return to that world.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I loved Ann Leckie's Ancillary books, and this book set in the same universe did not disappoint. It reminded me in some strange way of a science fictional Agatha Christie novel as protagonist Ingray sets out to solve one mystery after another and surprises herself in the process. Good stuff!

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Quite simply, I love Ann Leckie. Provenance didn't blow me away quite as much as the Imperial Radch trilogy, but once again, Leckie provides layers of political moves and counter-moves that boggle the mind. The world building adds to her earlier trilogy.

I'd actually love to see Leckie try her hand at a heist caper - I think she'd keep you guessing till the end as to everyone's motivations!

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Leckie's attempt to write a Vorkosigan saga novel. Very delightful and much less serious that her Radcha'i (sic? I listened to the audiobooks) trilogy.

2018 Hugo Ranking: The Stone Sky >>> Raven Stratagem > Provenance

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Been listening to audiobooks and cross stitching all day (almost finished!).

This is such an amusing book and reminds me of The Vorkosigan Saga (may this series be just as long). Happy to listen a book with good-hearted characters who care about others for a change.

Lcsmcat Beautiful! 6y
Velvetfur Gorgeous cross stitch! 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I'm excited about all my holds that came in this week, but a little worried I won't be able to finish them before they're due back. And that's not even including the e-books I have out! It's going to be a great weekend! 😁 #librarybookhaul

Soubhiville Good stuff!!! 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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I am so in love with Ann Leckie‘s universe 😍 I can also highly recommend her Imperial Radch series!

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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A space opera set in a different part of Leckie‘s Ancillary universe. Contains political scheming, a murder investigation & interplanetary unrest, yet it‘s basically character-centred with lots of dialogue. Issues of gender pronouns (the third gender on planet Hwae uses e/eir/em), adoption/family, & culturally specific values. Adjoa Andoh is a fabulous #audiobook narrator, especially with all the dialogue. #LGBTQ

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Provenance | Ann Leckie

The audio book was great, I loved the narrator. The story was more on the line of the long way to a small angry planet than on the Ancillary trilogy, although the book takes place in the same universe. If you want a powerful space opera you will be disappointed in this book, but as a stand alone it is great fun and excellent writing.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Adjoa Andoh is the #audiobook narrator and Ann Leckie is the author: it took less than 10 minutes to immerse myself in this story, ready for a long bus trip to my book club.

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Loved this! Big fan of her Ancillary books too, and this is one of those books that tells a completely original story while still connecting you to the feeling you loved about another one.

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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My contacts at the bookstore I used to work at still love me! #Furyborn #ClaireLegrand 5.22.18

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Just finished #17 on the @bookriot #readharder challenge! Awesome sci-if book with a female protagonist, written by a female author. Loved the world building, mystery/drama, and face paced action in this one!

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Not too shabby. A lot of re-reads, graphic novels, and re-reads of graphic novels went into that 45, though. I finally got through The Grace of Kings, which was great, although the sequel, The Wall of Storms, is even more intimidating (880 pages!). Fun fact: all of these covers are done by John Harris, spaceship painter extraordinaire. #january #stats #endofthemonthrecap #readingrecap #januarywrapup #wrapup #readingresolutions

Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Well, I was trying to read... (sorry for the poorly framed picture. Taking a picture of my work computer is illegal.)

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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A friend gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card as a going away present. What should I get?

What‘s the best sci-fi or fantasy novel you‘ve read in the past few years (or ever)?

#fantasy #scifi #help

2BR02B B&N has a beautiful hardback edition of Parable of the Sower I picked up recently. 6y
TrishB Fantasy - Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb- first one - Assassins Apprentice 😁 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai Have you read the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson yet? The 3rd book just came out and boy oh boy I love this series. Start with The Way Of Kings and have yourself an adventure. 👍 6y
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ThatNerdyBookwyrm Jim Butcher‘s Codex Alera, John Gwynne‘s The Faithful and The Fallen, Joe Abercrombie‘s Best Served Cold. 6y
laurieluna What @trishB said! 6y
BookNAround The Rook. Very fun and totally engrossing. Plus there‘s a sequel and the rumor of a possible third book. 6y
BooksAtNight I second any Robin Hobb. I am also loving the Patricia A. McKillip books I‘ve read this year. 6y
TaylorMay Such a good book. And it's a series! The second is even better too. 6y
dylanisreading @2BR02B Oh that sounds really cool! Putting it on my tbr. @TrishB That‘s been on my tbr forever! 6y
dylanisreading @GrilledCheeseSamurai No, I haven‘t! My uncle recommended The Way of Kings, and it‘s on my wishlist. I‘ll definitely pick up a copy if I don‘t get it for Xmas. 6y
dylanisreading @BookyBookwyrm Putting them on my tbr! Thank you! @BookNAround I LOVED The Rook! I haven‘t read Stiletto yet, but I did hear that The Rook might be getting a tv series. 6y
dylanisreading @BooksAtNight Ohh I haven‘t heard of that before. I‘ll check it out. Thanks! @TaylorMay I‘ve heard such good things about it! It‘s going on my tbr. Thank you! 6y
drokka It's also got a bit of mystical too 6y
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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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My dad gave me this as an early Xmas gift! I didn‘t realize it would be a hardcover when I put it on my wishlist, but the font is huge. Can‘t wait to dive in.

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Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Beautiful day, and gosh this audiobook is fun! I loved Ancillary Justice but this has a much different tone and I‘m INTO it. I wasn‘t expecting it to be so funny and delightful!

Provenance | Ann Leckie
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Started a new audiobook! I was unsure about doing this one on audio, as there‘s no way I could have processed Ancillary Justice in this format. Though this book is set in the same world, the style is very different and doesn‘t take the same amount of focus to comprehend. So far it‘s great on audio!