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Joined January 2022

Self-employed philosopher, book illustrator and writer of speculative fiction. All views are those of my employer. https://www.garethsouthwell.com
Slough House | Mick Herron
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Another solid outing from Mr Herron. There are dimishing returns with any formula driven series – which, for all its wit, intelligence and biting political commentary, the Slough House books still are. But the writing improves book on book, the characterisation is exceptional, and while some instalments have more pizazz than others, I've not yet read one that is anything less than very enjoyable. On to Bad Actors next, and then I'm all caught up.

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Interesting application of the left-right brain distinction to writer's block, which Klauser argues is due to the left-brain's tendency to criticise and analyse when what's needed is right-brained free-flowing creativity. A range of exercises help break this tendency, allowing the left-brain its proper role as editor and improver of unimpeded creativity, and there are also useful tips on grammar, writing pitfalls, logical fallacies, etc.


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I'm currently in the process of contacting libraries to stock my novel MUNKi. This is my local, which is one of about 50 or so branches across the UK and Ireland that have purchased copies so far. So check out your local library. If they don't have any, there's usually a form or contact email where you can suggest that they buy a copy. You can read more about my library escapades here: https://garethsouthwell.com/munkis-in-the-libraries/

Titanium Noir: A Novel | Nick Harkaway
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A well executed blend of cyberpunk sci-fi and noir detective fiction. I've not read Chandler or Hammett, but all the tropes seem to be present and correct: the world weary PI, the femme fatale, the corrupt city, and of course the wry, cynical monologue through which everything is portrayed. A bit more cyberpunk would have been nice, and at times the prose is so tightly mannered it sucks away Harkaway's ebullient personality, but well worth a read.

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The Ferryman: A Novel | Justin Cronin
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Lots in this book is well done. The premise is intriguing, it's well written, there are twists and mysteries that keep you reading, and everything comes together in a neat way. But despite all this, it just didn't grab me. Maybe the characters lack depth or some quirk of individuality or something, but I just didn't care anything about them. There were also aspects of the plot that, on reflection, felt artificial. Anyway, decent, but not more.

Vansa Oh no, I loved The Passage trilogy so much! 12mo
GarethSouthwell @Vansa I've not read it - though I hear good things about it. I was a bit disappointed with this, though, and it's put me off reading anything else of his. You'd recommend it though? 12mo
Vansa I can't recommend that trilogy enough! Definitely try it! This is a good review of The Ferryman, I will save myself the trouble if trying that 12mo
GarethSouthwell @Vansa I'll give it a try, then. The Ferryman wasn't bad by any means, but as I said, I just didn't find it satisfying. 12mo
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Pale Kings | Gareth J. Southwell
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I‘ve done another little book list/interview type thing over at Shepherd.com on “The best books on understanding the crazy world of contemporary art”. So if you‘ve ever wondered how people make money from pickling sheep and leaving their beds unmade, then this is the place to go: https://shepherd.com/best-books/understanding-the-crazy-world-of-contemporary-ar...

Inversions | Iain M. Banks
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So, gradually still working my way through Banks's sci-fi/Culture novels. This was interesting, as it's a Culture novel masquerading as a sort of historical/fantasy novel, because the main events take place on a planet that has no space travel (but that doesn't mean it doesn't have space travellers...). Anyway, a quite intense meditation on power, politics and morality, with a dark undertone running throughout. Recommended.

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Pale Kings | Gareth J. Southwell
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Just a little bit of exciting news I want to share. My sci-fi novella “Pale Kings“ is now an audiobook! It's been narrated by Anne-Marie Piazza (whom fans of The Archers may recognise as the voice of Annette Turner). She's done a lovely job and it really brings the comedy of the piece alive.

You can check out a free sample via WoodPig Press: https://woodpigpress.com/product/pale-kings-audiobook/

Little Eyes: A Novel | Samanta Schweblin
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A skilfully interlinked series of stories exploring the disquieting consequences of privacy-invading robot pets. I realy enjoyed this. I must check out her other work.

Read my full review here: https://garethsouthwell.com/little-eyes-by-samantha-schweblin/

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A great book. Rushkoff is an experienced cultural and technological commentator, and here he brings his wisdom to bear on a weird fact: the rich benefit from destructive behaviour that funds ... their escape from the consequences of their destructive behaviour! A well-informed and angry-making book that ends on a positive note with suggestions for change.

Full review here:


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Slow Horses | Mick Herron
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Came across this because the book is now a series on Apple TV starring Gary Oldman (one of my fave actors). Watched the series first then read the book, and enjoyed both immensely. Herron has been christened the new Le Carré, but he's quite a different writer - funny and more accessible, if less profound. The characterisation is great, the plot twisty and satisfyingly complex, the dialogue fantastic. Good modern spy thriller with satiral edge.

MrsK I have this in my TBR. Can‘t wait to read it. The series was great wasn‘t it? 2y
GarethSouthwell @MrsK Yes, that's how I came across it. I'm on Spook Street now. They're addictive! 2y
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If you haven't heard of it, Shepherd.com is a book recommendation site where authors list their top 5 books related to one they've written with little write-ups. I think everyone here will love it.

Here's mine: https://shepherd.com/best-books/why-we-should-rise-up-against-our-robot-overlord.... Or read more in my blog: https://garethsouthwell.com/my-ai-reading-list-on-shepherd-com/

paulfrankspencer I like this idea. Helps writers. Informs readers. Interesting skimming through some of the lists. 2y
GarethSouthwell @paulfrankspencer Yeah, it's a great idea - and growing fast, according to the stats. Very approachable people, too. 2y
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You Are Not a Gadget | Jaron Lanier
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A great little book - one of my faves. Lanier's scepticism to do with modern technology is all the more powerful when you consider his credentials (among other things, one of the early pioneers of virtual reality). Highly recommended.

Full review here: https://fiction.garethsouthwell.com/you-are-not-a-gadget-by-jaron-lanier/

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The Warehouse | Rob Hart
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Started off well but trailed off. Still worth a read. The world-building is subtle and it's a plausible cautionary tale of what happens when Amazon takes over the world. I was sideswiped by a direction one character took later on that undermined the sympathy they'd built up, but it's generally well done and Hart's heart is definitely in the right place. Annoyingly the ebook is marred by paragraphing errors that make it hard to tell who's speaking.

LittlePixels Does it make you want a 🍔? 😉 2y
GarethSouthwell @LittlePixels Absolultely not! :) That was a nice touch, I thought. Lots to admire in the book, just lacked something to take it to the next level. 2y
LittlePixels @GarethSouthwell I felt the same. It was a good read, but not a great one. 2y
GarethSouthwell @LittlePixels Yes, this was my first book by the author. Similar in some ways to Dave Eggers' The Circle, which I found similarly “OK“. Not read the follow up, yet - maybe that's better.
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Le Carré's first novel, and the first George Smiley novel. I think, prior to this, the earliest I'd read was The Spy Who Came In From the Cold (his 3rd). It's a little clunky in places, compared to his assured later works, and a little generic – it's a more run of the mill spy-themed murder mystery type thing. However, enjoyable, very nicely read by Michael Jayston (as usual), and interesting to see the master learning the ropes.

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Randomize | Andy Weir
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I quite enjoyed this audiobook, but slightly less than other titles in this series. It's cleverly constructed and Weir certainly knows his qubits from his spooky action at a distance. The characters are nicely drawn and the whole thing is an ingenious little take on what quantum computing will mean for security in general - in this case, a Las Vegas casino. So, enjoyable, if a little overly technical in places. Beautifully read by Janina Gavankar.

DisneyFan I‘ve never heard of this. Rushing to Amazon now. Martian and Project Hail Mary are among my most favorite books! 2y
GarethSouthwell @DisneyFan Right! I enjoyed the film of the Martian, not read any apart from this. I do like this series though. The Amor Towles one is good, I thought.
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I absolutely loved this short story, and will definitely be reading more of Mr Towles' oeuvre! I listened to it on audiobook and it's read by David Harbour (the sheriff in Stranger Things), who really is a very fine voice actor - the inflection and tone really bring the dialogue (especially) alive beautifully. I may even just hunt down books that he reads just to listen to him! As for the book itself: near future sci fi - I'll leave it at that! :)

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A fantastic book. Full of subtle insight, engaging personal anecdote, as well as providing a clear overview of the general philosophical landscape over the last few centuries. The most fascinating thing is the connection O'Gieblyn makes between transhumanism/Silicon Valley enthusiasm for AI, and medieval theological attitudes to God. Full review: https://philosophy.garethsouthwell.com/book-reviews/god-human-animal-machine-by-...

paulfrankspencer Strong review. 2y
GarethSouthwell @paulfrankspencer Thank you, Paul, glad you liked it. 2y
paulfrankspencer Excited to dig into this one. It will be research for some fiction of my own, and I believe it's going to provide me with some good framing. 2y
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GarethSouthwell @paulfrankspencer It covers a lot of ground, and very well. But there's also a uniquely personal voice. I really enjoy her writing. The link between religion and science has been made before (e.g. Nietzsche, John Gray), but she adds some real insight regarding the theological connections. Great stuff. Good luck with the novel! What's it about? 2y
paulfrankspencer AI, blockchain, faith, doubt, evil, choice. All the good stuff! 2y
GarethSouthwell @paulfrankspencer Sounds ace! Keep me posted! 2y
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New novella out - Mr Wolf. Another Merrywhile book, a sort of standalone followup to MUNKi, which I'm calling a “near future sci fi whodunnit“ - because, well, that's what it is!

Check it out here: https://fiction.garethsouthwell.com/books/mr-wolf/

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Image: Aibo the robot dog! (from Meghan O'Gieblyn's “God, Human, Animal, Machine“)

Listening to this as an audiobook. It's fantastic - she really is a wonderfully astute and subtle writer. And she seems to be following much the same train of thought as I've had regarding “transhumanism“. Her grasp of science and philosophy is particularly impressive.

Warehouse | Rob Hart
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Quite enjoying this. It's been on my kindle for a while, and finally took the plunge.

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A quick self promo (thank you for your indulgence). For those interested, the ebook of my near future sci fi novel MUNKi is currently 0.99 (dollars and pounds).

UK: http://tinyurl.com/munkigb
US: http://tinyurl.com/munkius

#sale #ebooks #scifi #robots

Thank you! :)

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If you're on Goodreads, I'm always looking to connect with fellow book lovers - this is my profile: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/701854.Gareth_Southwell

#goodreads #goodreadsshelves #goodreads2022

Content Provider | Gareth Southwell
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New cover for my ebook short story “Content Provider“. Do people like it better?

Full blurb here, if interested: https://fiction.garethsouthwell.com/books/content-provider/

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Most of the characters are in some way connected to the music industry, but the real theme is time: “Time is a goon“, a heavy-booted thug who's happy to leave the fragile hopes and dreams of youth bleeding in the gutter of middle-aged regret. Each chapter takes a different viewpoint and we get multiple perspectives on the same characters at different times, often in an innovative way. One chapter is a Powerpoint! Sad, funny, clever, interesting.

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The Golden | Lucius Shepard
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A vampire whodunnit, essentially, taking place in a monstrously sized castle at a sort of undead AGM. Shepard manages to blend a dreamlike surrealism with psychological realism and a mystery-driven plot, all delivered in his wonderfully evocative prose style. There is lots of meditation on the vampire condition, metaphysical speculation and other intellectually meaty things, permeated with disturbing vampiric eroticism, violence and horror.

Bigwig Now THAT is a book cover. 2y
GarethSouthwell @Bigwig I know, right! No room for wondering what type of book it is! :) 2y
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Shepard is incredible. He has a wonderful gift for evocative language and a deft feel for characterisation and setting - his travels in South America and Asia furnish the stories with intriguingly rich and believable backdrops. However, the collection is a mixed bag. Some are great - the title story, Shades, A Wooden Tiger, Nomans Land - others fall flat, and a few are bizarre, distasteful or (The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter) just tedious.

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For those still trying to understand the crazy world of high finance, Michael Lewis is still the best guide. Not an easy read (synthetic collateralised debt obligations, anyone?), but what carries it is Lewis's cast of eccentric characters who saw the 2008 crash coming, and it's these lively pen portraits that are as intriguing as the crash itself. TL;DR: you think there's someone at the wheel? There's not - or they're drunk.

CarolynM Such a good book! The first few chapters made my brain hurt, but once the various investors came along it was quite a fun ride (if I didn't think about how much damage was done worldwide) 2y
GarethSouthwell @CarolynM Yes, I had to try a few times to get into it, too. As you say, though, it does pick up momentum, and the backstories are perhaps the best part. He's a great writer, I think - though I'm struggling a bit more with Liar's Poker. 2y
stevesbookstuf1 Michael Lewis is great, I loved every book of his that I've read. If you've not already read his book “The Fifth Risk“you might want to give it a go. Excellent book that doesn't get the attention it deserves. 2y
GarethSouthwell @stevesbookstuf1 Thanks, Steve, I'll check that out. I've read this one, Boomerang, and am half way through Liar's Poker, which I'm struggling with a little. I quite fancy Flash Boys, as I'm interested in computery stuff. 2y
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Can books morally corrupt? Claire Harman traces the scandal surrounding William Harrison Ainsworth's “Jack Sheppard“, a Dick Turpin like story that may have inspired one of the most gruesome and shocking murders of Victorian times. Harman writes beautifully, detailing the background to the crime, the victim and perpetrator, as well as the public debate that surrounded the book, which drew in the likes of Dickens and Thackeray. A fascinating read.

Nute This sounds intriguing. Stacking! 2y
GarethSouthwell @Nute Yes, its great - especially if you like Victorian history. :) 2y
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As I am retiring the old cover of my sci-fi novel MUNKi, I thought it might be nice to offer a giveaway of the three remaining paperbacks I have in stock. Each will come with a little doodle (example pictured), and will be signed and dedicated to the winners. To enter the draw, just sign up to my newsletter, and respond to the welcome email, letting me know you want to enter the draw.

Sign up here: https://fiction.garethsouthwell.com/the-writing/

Byron | Frederic Raphael
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A great book on a fascinating topic. Raphael writes brilliantly, and there are many lovely turns of phrase and witty one liners. He is a little verbose at times, and it can interrupt the flow a little while you look up some Latin or French, or some passing cultural or historical reference, but it's all worth it. As for Byron himself, this is definitely a warts and all biography, but he is no less fascinating and enigmatic a character for that.

CarolynM I loved this one, I still quote the line about his valet's opinion of retsina being not unlike those of modern travellers🤣 2y
GarethSouthwell @CarolynM Oh, you've read it! I had to hunt high and low just to find a copy (the wonderful cover had stuck in my brain from when I was 20, some *cough* number of years ago...). Yes, there are some brilliant turns of phrase, aren't there? 2y
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Voyage of the Beagle | Charles Darwin
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After she finishes this, she'll be moving on to some Dogstoevsky.


Nute Ha! The BEST photo!🐶💜 2y
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Content Provider | Gareth Southwell
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Excuse self-promo:

For a short time, my novella Content Provider is available free. A darkly funny take on future technological trends that people are calling a “darkly funny take on future technological trends“ (I guess those “people“ must be me)

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Content-Provider-Near-Future-Philosophical-Merrywhile-e... or

Gnomon: A novel | Nick Harkaway
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“The corollary is that a book is not finished until it is read. The writing is not complete until what is said has passed from the physical volume which gives it sensory reality into another mind where it kindles thoughts and impressions: a whole understanding of what it means to be, ignited on foreign soil in an act that is either erotic or imperialistic, but in either case miraculous. We become one another.”

GarethSouthwell I guess this sort of encapsulates the novel so far, for me: brilliant, verbose, playful, ingenious, occasionally a bit pretentious, prone to tangential philosophical meanderings - but wonderful. I am very much enjoying it! I guess I must share at least some of those qualities. 2y
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Gnomon: A novel | Nick Harkaway
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Thanks for the tag, @eeclayton!

1. Probably The Dark Heart of Italy by Tobias Jones.
2. Shamefully, I haven't finished a book at all yet this year.
3. Tagged, and just finishing biography of Byron, by Frederic Raphael, as well as listening to Murder by the Book, by Claire Harman (all of which are great).

eeclayton You're welcome ☺️ And there's no shame in not having finished a book yet, life happens, plus sometimes it's just an effing long book! 😁 2y
GarethSouthwell @eeclayton Indeed! And Gnomon is quite long - though I've only just started that. In fact, I think it's so long that I haven't yet got to the end of the kindle sample! 2y
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Peripheral | William Gibson
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1. Yes! (Sorry, old logician's joke.) I would go forward to the future, where they have a machine that lets you see what it was like in Elizabethan England! Is that cheating?

2. Peripheral by William Gibson has sort of time travel - you'll have to read it. Very clever, and a return to form for Gibson. Soon to be a TV series, which I'm looking forward to.

#Two4Tuesday (Hmm, it's now Wednesday, so quite fitting...)

julesG I like what you did there. 😏 2y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🤩📖📘 2y
GarethSouthwell @TheSpineView You're welcome! :) 2y
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The boy is playing the snake game. It‘s pretty basic, really – left, right, up, down; eat the food; avoid the walls; and your own tail. There are other variations – ones with two snakes, ones with mazes, or where things chase you or bounce around – but for some weird reason he prefers the simplest one. It starts off easy, but it gets harder.

[second illustration for the illustrated edition of MUNKi - only another 12 to go... :)]

MeganAnn Very cool illustration! 👏🏻❤️ 2y
GarethSouthwell @MeganAnn Thank you! :) 2y
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Death in a Bookstore | Augusto de Angelis
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Hmm. It seems that it's slightly slipped my mind that I've promised to review this for Big Al's Books & Pals. I shall remedy immediately.

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This looks rather intriguing. Have my finger hovering over the buy button on Audible. Should I?

GarethSouthwell Just looked up who the narrator is, and he is from my home town! I think that's a definite sign... 2y
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Gnomon: A novel | Nick Harkaway
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Ok, we are underway...

Enjoying it so far. Wordy, weird and philosophical - might just be my kind of book!

wanderinglynn This book is on my TBR! I‘ll be interested to hear what you think. 2y
GarethSouthwell @wanderinglynn I shall add you to the Gnomon Group, as I'm coming to think of it! It's definitely a book for those with very specific tastes. I'd put off reading it for a long time because I thought it might be too involved - and it may be, for some - but I'm coming to realise that it may be my type of involved! We'll see - shall keep you posted. 2y
BookwormM Glad you are enjoying it 2y
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sprainedbrain This one has been on my list for sooooo long. 2y
GarethSouthwell @BookwormM Yes, I'm giving it a fairer chance. I think I only read a few pages last time. Will keep you posted. :) 2y
GarethSouthwell @sprainedbrain I'm hearing that a lot! I'll add you to the Gnomon Group! ;) 2y
BookwormM You do know if you hate it we can‘t be friends 🤣🤣just kidding 2y
GarethSouthwell @BookwormM 😲 [That's the “shocked face“ emoji, right?] Wow, this is a tough place. ;) 2y
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Byron | Frederic Raphael
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Byron's house in Venice sounds like a hoot.

By the way, Claire is the mother of his illegitimate child, Allegra.

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Campo de‘ Fiori is relatively quiet, the clear, crisp mid-January morning keeping away all but a few out-of-season tourists strolling idly among the handful of market stalls, mixing with locals on their morning shop. And even so, this is never a particularly busy place; not a rival to many of Rome‘s more striking piazze, to Trevi Fountain or the Spanish Steps.

[Art from illustrated edition of novel, which is still in development...]

Nute Whoa! Is this your book? The premise is fascinating, digitally collected memories defining a type of immortality. Is it still in progress or has it been published? Either way, this is exciting!🤗 I‘ll read through your more recent posts for an update. Oh, the illustration is amazing! Is that your work as well? 2y
GarethSouthwell @Nute Thanks again, Kimberley! Yes, it's out, along with a few short stories and novellas set in the same series. Currently working on another short story and the follow up novel. You can find out more about it on my website: fiction.garethsouthwell.com - thanks for your interest! 2y
Nute Thanks for the website link. Checking it out now! Garett, I love to see it happening for a writer. The whole publishing thing. I would think that it probably feels like a miracle after such an insane commitment to the craft. Good luck! The interest is real for your book. Hmm…does the actual body help shape the experience of the mind? Your take in your story is on my radar. 2y
GarethSouthwell @Nute Thank you! :) 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Anyone have any suggestions? It's been stuck at 72% for almost a day.

#litsywelcomewagon #litsyhelp

Chrissyreadit Are you on StoryGraph? 3y
GarethSouthwell @Chrissyreadit No. Should I be? :) This is an import from Goodreads. 3y
Chrissyreadit I do not know anything about importing on goodreads. I know we can import goodreads onto StoryGraph (if one is getting away from goodreads ) and they are very responsive to problem solving glitches. 3y
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GarethSouthwell @Chrissyreadit OK, thank you. I'll investigate! 3y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🥳📚 2y
C.M.Jones_Artist I never could get mine to import. 2y
GarethSouthwell @C.M.Jones_Artist yeah, i gave up! 2y
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Gnomon: A novel | Nick Harkaway
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Debating whether to start this - have read mixed reviews. It's completely my area of interest, but worried it's a bit rambling and overly complex. And there's only room for one Gravity's Rainbow in my life! Love the cover.

RaeLovesToRead My Dad thought it was OK but a bit pretentious. I haven't read anything by Nick Harkaway but I've got Angelmaker on the TBR! 2y
GarethSouthwell @RaeLovesToRead Yes, that's the feeling I got from reading a few pages. Very interesting, and he obviously has a wonderfully creative intellect, but a bit verbose, and feels a bit like if only he reined things in a bit there'd be more to enjoy. Perhaps I'm wrong, and still may read it. :) 2y
RaeLovesToRead I shall watch out for your review! 2y
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GarethSouthwell @RaeLovesToRead Damn, you sound like you're going to hold me to that! Me and my big mouth... (sigh) 2y
BookwormM This us one of my favourite books of all time 2y
GarethSouthwell @BookwormM Really! That's a big recommendation! As I said above, it is a subject I'm into, and I'm not afraid of complex and unusual books. I'm a huge fan of his dad's work, and they're not easy. It's just whether the effort is worth it, given all the mixed reviews. What makes it your fave? 2y
BookwormM Tough question I just fell in love with it and the ending is amazing 2y
GarethSouthwell @BookwormM OK, I shall take your word for it, and add it to my TBR! Do you like William Gibson too? 2y
BookwormM I have only read Neuromancer and while I enjoyed it I don‘t rate it anywhere near as highly as Gnomon 2y
GarethSouthwell @BookwormM High praise indeed. OK, you and @RaeLovesToRead have convinced me: I'll make a start! :) 2y
RaeLovesToRead And if it's rubbish you'll save me the hassle of reading it 😉😄 haha, just kidding! I didn't realise he was John le Carrés son. 2y
GarethSouthwell @RaeLovesToRead Ha, yes! Though I don't think it will be rubbish. I'm intrigued now. Yes, when JLC died recently, Harkaway completed his unfishinished novel (“Silverview“). I'm a big JLC fan. 2y
RaeLovesToRead Well if it's a must read, it'll be a good excuse to buy a new book! 😄 I've only read tinker tailor... I respected it, but it got a bit technical. I'd definitely try another by him. Is there one you'd recommend? 2y
GarethSouthwell @RaeLovesToRead Depends on your tastes. The Night Manager is excellent, I thought. And easier to get into than Tinker Tailor, which is a bit dense. 2y
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Byron | Frederic Raphael
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Mad, bad and dangerous to know indeed. Very enjoyable biography so far - two thirds of the way through. Witty, well researched and a very acute psychological study. Bit verbose at times. But look at that illustration! Superb cover.

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This is the original cover to the novel, before I changed it.

MeganAnn I definitely like the new cover better. It draws my eye inwards towards the title in an engaging way. Great update! 3y
GarethSouthwell @MeganAnn Thanks. Glad you think it's an improvement! It took a lot for me to changes covers. As you'll appreciate as a designer, something you put a lot of work into is difficult to let go of. 3y
humouress The new one looks like London, so I'm biased in favour of it ;0) 2y
GarethSouthwell @humouress It is! Roughly, the view from Canary Wharf looking out toward the City (with a bit of artistic licence thrown in). 2y
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Red Pill | Hari Kunzru

Read the sample of this on Kindle, and am a bit undecided whether or not to continue. Very nicely written, but somehow it's not really grabbing me. Anyone have any views on it? Should I persevere?

tokorowilliamwallace Have you read Millenium People by J.G. Ballard? I read a sample recently and can imagine you appreciating its concept and execution. 3y
GarethSouthwell @tokorowilliamwallace No, I haven't. I've got about 4 Ballard novels on my TBR pile, but that's not one of them! Is it similar to Red Pill? 3y
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I am completely new to Litsy, so please feel free to advise/correct/chastise/forgive as you see fit!

This is the cover of my near future sci-fi novel MUNKi. I've just redesigned all my covers (I'm also an illustrator/designer). Will post others shortly.

#sciencefiction #scifi #robots #artificialintelligence #AI #virtualreality

BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy! 🎉🎉🎉 #LitsyWelcomeWagon 3y
GarethSouthwell @ozma.of.oz Thank you! It looks great so far. A bit cosier and friendlier than Twitter, it seems. How are you finding it? 3y
BookmarkTavern It‘s wonderful! Much less stressful than twitter. 😂 It‘s a great community to be a part of. 3y
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GarethSouthwell @ozma.of.oz That's lovely to hear. Social media can be so toxic. Nice to be in a place where people love the same thing. :) 3y
eeclayton Welcome to Litsy 🎉 I quit Twitter years ago. Litsy is very different, it's a very friendly and positive place ☺️ 3y
GarethSouthwell @eeclayton Thank you! Yes, I have some good friends that I've made on there, but I can barely bring myself to look at the timeline anymore. So much stress and negativity. 3y
Mrs_B Welcome to Litsy!!! Check out the link in my bio for a bit about what goes on and make sure to follow @LitsyEvents ! (edited) 3y
GarethSouthwell @Mrs_B Thank you! And done. :) 3y
DrexEdit Welcome to Litsy! You're doing it right! 😊 That is an amazing book cover! 😍 3y
GarethSouthwell @DrexEdit Thank you, and thank you! That's very kind. :) I'll share some others in a bit. Just don't want to spam people. 3y
Chrissyreadit Welcome! You‘ve already been given some great resources by @Mrs_B Follow lots of people - this is a great way to see more bookish interaction. This is much more like a very small town where Twitter is a huge city. 3y
GarethSouthwell @Chrissyreadit Thank you! That suits me, I think - smaller and friendlier. One thing I can't seem to find any info on is how authors are supposed to use the platform. I don't want to spam or annoy people with self promotion, but it would be nice to share some of my writing related things/book covers/illustrations, etc. Is there a policy on this that you know of? 3y
Chrissyreadit So I think this is a unique platform for authors- some are engaged as readers and still share their info about publishing. There is no policy about what to do but my perspective is I pay more attention to people who want to genuinely interact and be part of the reading community and also happen to be authors. Other thoughts @Cinfhen @wanderinglynn @Reggie @Andrew65 @Crazeedi @Mitch @Butterfinger @sprainedbrain @MeganAnn @TheBookHippie @4thhouseontheleft 3y
Mitch Hi - welcome to this bookish corner of the internet. Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit I love to see authors floating ideas, using the community of readers to test things out and share great publishing news. Love it when it‘s embedded within a genuine interest to be part of the Litsy community though and Litsy isn‘t used as an advertising platform with no engagement outside of self promotion. Can‘t wait to discover more of your work - welcome! 3y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit 😀 Welcome to Litsy @GarethSouthwell 👋🏻 That cover looks amazing! 💜 And I agree with Chrissy. It‘s fine to promote but you‘ll get more interest if you interact with the community. As you may have noticed, there‘s no kind of direct messaging. It‘s all public comments. We‘re an upbeat & supportive community. I think you‘ll like it here! 📚🥳 3y
GarethSouthwell @Chrissyreadit That's a good point. It's the interaction I enjoy on Twitter, except that there is so little of it there these days. Just endlessly depressing and toxic trends! 3y
GarethSouthwell @Mitch Thank you, Mitch! I've actually been in publishing for many years, in various roles, so maybe I can share some of that. I love books and reading, of course, and I look forward to seeing what others are reading and discovering new books. I moved to Library Thing from Goodreads, because the latter was strangely aggressive. Glad to have found your little book niche! (edited) 3y
GarethSouthwell @wanderinglynn Thank you! :) It seems so strange to find a part of the internet where people aren't trying to score points or shoot each other down! 3y
MeganAnn Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit 😘 And welcome @GarethSouthwell !! I second what Chrissy, @Mitch & @wanderinglynn have said above… I‘m more likely to engage with any promotion posts if I‘ve seen someone have a genuine interest in the community. I would add that I love seeing what authors‘ are reading & what they think of books outside their own. I‘ve found some fantastic titles this way! I‘m also a graphic designer so I love the pretty covers😍 3y
Butterfinger I totally agree @Chrissyreadit I try to support authors as much as I can, but like to know how you feel about other pieces of literature. We become friends here. I feel more comfortable on Litsy than people I know personally on Facebook. Welcome!!! And when you get settled, hop over to @LitsyEvents to see all of our activities. 3y
GarethSouthwell @Butterfinger Thank you! Yes, it's a very friendly space. Wish I'd found it sooner! I certainly will have a look at that. 3y
sprainedbrain Welcome to Litsy! I don‘t believe there are any rules about promoting your own work here… I can say I‘ve read several authors over the years that I probably wouldn‘t have if I hadn‘t interacted with them here on Litsy. I hope you enjoy it here! 3y
Cinfhen Thanks for including me in this discussion @Chrissyreadit and welcome @GarethSouthwell Congrats on your book and beautiful cover illustration. I find Litsy to be friendly, tolerant and a positive place for bookish interaction. It‘s wonderful to share and post your work!! Best of luck 3y
Mrs_B Hey, just catching up on this threading and tagging @rachelm who might be able to help. :) 3y
GarethSouthwell @Cinfhen Thank you! :) 3y
GarethSouthwell @sprainedbrain Thank you. Yes, as you say, the interaction is the nicest feature of the site. I wouldn't want to spoil that. 3y
GarethSouthwell @SolaRaynor Thank you! 😊 2y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 📚🙌🏻 2y
GarethSouthwell @Eggs Thank you! :) 2y
Eggs You‘re welcome! Great cover❣️ 2y
GarethSouthwell @Eggs Thank you! 2y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂
Check out #LitsyEvents for a varied listing of fun-related happenings within this neighborhood of fellow readers.🤗
GarethSouthwell @Nute Thank you! Yes, I'm enjoying being here. I'm still finding my feet but the people are very friendly. 2y
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