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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Mara Bazterrica
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Where to start ! - this book is grotesque, brutal , hideous but utterly compelling - I could not put it down ! A virus wipes out the animal population leading to an industry of cannibalism - and just when you think there is a flicker of goodness emerging ….
It‘s an Argentinian translation - short and very disturbing - not for the faint hearted - I think it will stay with me for a long time .

Cathythoughts Great review. I still remember it and that ending. Great book. As you say , not for the faint hearted 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
emmasm08 @Cathythoughts so glad you‘ve read it Cathy if I need some post read counselling I‘ll come to you 😂- the end 🙈I don‘t think I‘ll ever forget it ! Xxx 3mo
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Eggs Perfect 🦌 3mo
Suet624 I used to get the shivers when I drove over the Donner Pass. 3mo
dabbe @Eggs 💙🩵💙 3mo
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dabbe @Suet624 Just being in Lake Tahoe did that to me. What a story. 😱 3mo
Eggs I‘ve read some versions of Donner Pass story - would you recommend this one? @dabbe 3mo
Leftcoastzen Now that‘s a party I wouldn‘t want to go to . 3mo
dabbe @Eggs I would! I thought it was well-crafted and historically accurate. 🤩 3mo
dabbe @Leftcoastzen 😂🤩😀 3mo
Eggs @dabbe Thanks 🙏🏻 3mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Well, the cozy Christmas book wasn't working for me, so I went in a...different direction. It's definitely weird. But at 200 pages, I think I can get through this one and hopefully get my mojo back.

Ruthiella This book is about as far from a cozy Christmas book as you can get! 🤢 3mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Intense read for an intense boat ride! Creepy dystopian about a world without non-human animals… not a world I‘d like to live in. #cannibalism #dystopia #thoroughlydisturbed

LeahBergen Was it rough sailing? That added to this book = 🤢 5mo
shantireads11 Rough sailing, rough book 😂 hahah both made me nauseous at points! 5mo
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Alive | Piers Paul Read
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“I just like cannabilism.” - me
“There‘s a Facebook status” - my husband

I don‘t do FB so I‘m sharing with all of you. 😂

**He secretly thinks I will eat him if necessary.

Bookzombie Context: I was explaining that I want to see the latest movie about the rugby players who crashed in the Andes in 1972, Society of Snow. I digressed into talking about reading Alive in HS and then made that statement. 5mo
Ruthiella Totally understand! I like reading what a YouTuber coined as “disaster woman narrative” about women on the edge, making bad decisions. My own life is much more sedate. 5mo
vivastory 😂 😂 5mo
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Bookzombie @Ruthiella Thanks! My life is also much more sedate. 😄 5mo
Reggie Lololol. When the lists for major book awards come out, I‘ve never read any of them. BUT when you put up the cannibal post, I‘ve only not read 3 of these. 5mo
Bookzombie @Reggie lol! I‘m the same about all the major book awards. 4mo
FlowerFairy I‘ve read five of these. So I guess I‘ll join you in the dinner party. 🤣 4mo
Bookzombie @FlowerFairy Yay! 😁 4mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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"I'll take the lot!" Said Dexter ?

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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Holy forkballs this book was so disturbing and so good! If you are squeamish, you may find it difficult to get past the idea of cannibalism, but if you can, the message of this book comes through loud and clear. The dehumanization of certain individuals, the blight of factory farming, capitalism coming above everything else, and the fragile state of the world due to our own gross abuse of our environment.

all_4_kb I remember this book…. 5mo
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Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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A very clever and unique dystopian novel where cannibalism is legalised.
I described the plot to my colleagues today, and they were hooked 🤣
This is certainly not for those of a squeamish nature, and it is deeply unnerving.
Also, the last sentence made me throw my book at the wall.

Tender Is the Flesh | Agustina Bazterrica
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Much needed downtime after a day of decorating 🫠

currentlyreadinginCO one of my all-time favorites 🔥🔥 7mo
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Bite | K. S. Merbeth
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Did this bring anything new to the dystopian genre…not really. But it was fun and these characters were surprisingly warmhearted for a gang of cannibals. The narration by Stephanie Willis was very well performed.