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Audiobooks on the Go | Audiofile, Robin Whitten
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Here‘s my final group of audiobooks from the last 10 days of #LittenListen #Audioathon. The only one not pictured snuck in at the last minute for 2 more points, The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin.

My total points for this last time period is 272 pts. 🙂.

Thank you to @aperfectmjk for hosting. It was fun trying to meet some of the challenge topics.

aperfectmjk Great job this week! I have added the 130 points from the Emoji Madness game. Thanks for participating! 3y
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Hate That Cat: A Novel | Sharon Creech
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#curiouscovers: pets #littenlisten

I only listened so far to Hate That Cat for my #audioathon. Maybe I‘ll have time to squeeze in Love That Dog tomorrow? I can‘t believe tomorrow is the last day of the month!

These are middle grade poetry.

rubyslippersreads My cats forbid me to read the tagged book. 😹 3y
Soubhiville @rubyslippersreads I know. I don‘t like the title, but he doesn‘t end up hating the cat. 3y
Daisey @rubyslippersreads @Soubhiville The dog book comes first chronologically and I think the titles make more sense once you read that one. Although, honestly I don‘t think I gave the cat title much thought before. (edited) 3y
Eggs I loved these 2 !! 👏🏻🐶🐱♥️ 3y
rubyslippersreads @Daisey @Soubhiville My cats are very sensitive. 😹 3y
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Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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I managed a bingo this week for #LittenListen #Audioathon.

I‘m currently listening to The Removed, and I have The Butterfly Effect cued up next, but I don‘t expect to make another bingo happen this month.

TheAromaofBooks Yay bingo!!!! 3y
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SPQR I: The Kings Gambit | John Maddox Roberts
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I finished this late last night, but forgot to post it. While the mystery was kind of obvious, the look into Roman social, political and religious structures kept me entertained. I'd definitely listen to more of the series in the future. 3 🗡🗡🗡 1/2
9th book for #Audioathon #Littenlisten @aperfectmjk
1st book for #20in4 @Andrew65

Ruthiella I read the first two books in this series over 20 years ago and always meant to continue. I agree, the background of the every day aspect of the Roman Empire was the main draw. 3y
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This was a case of instantaneous coverlove. Then when I saw that it took place in Madagascar, a place I‘ve always wanted to visit, I knew I would read it.

Shay is the somewhat reluctant mistress of the grand house her husband had built on the coast in Madagascar. They spend their summers there, and this is a collection of tales of island life, a tumultuous marriage, and the friendships formed over a lifetime of summers. I liked it.

ChaoticMissAdventures I was the same, that cover caught me right up and then I enjoyed the story too. It is very fitting. 3y
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Enjoying a cool treat to celebrate the official start of summer. 😎☀️
#audiobook #audioathon #littenlisten @aperfectmjk

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Shiner | Amy Jo Burns
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#curiouscovers #littenlisten

I was really hoping to get to this book with flowers on the cover this month for the #audioathon, but it‘s looking doubtful at this point. I‘ve got so many others cued up already!

Eggs 👏🏻🌼📚🌼👍🏼 3y
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Untouched by Human Hands | Robert Sheckley
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I'm not sure if short stories work best in the audiobook format. If you haven't read any of Robert Sheckley's work, it tends to be darkly comical, ironic and cynical. All of these stories were written during the 50s, so they are a little dated, but still quite wry and amusing. 4 👽👽👽👽
8th book for #Audioathon #Littenlisten @aperfectmjk

Birthday: A Novel | Meredith Russo
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My library‘s decor for Pride month seemed fitting to share as I start the tagged book. #audioathon #littenlisten @aperfectmjk #mylibrary

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The Butterfly Effect | Rachel Mans-McKenny
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#curiouscovers #littenlisten Multicolored cover

I‘m hoping to have time to listen to this audiobook before the end of the month for #Audioathon. It‘s been on my TBR for ages!

Eggs 💚🦋💜 3y
AmyG I enjoyed this. MC is quite the curmudgeon. 3y
Soubhiville @AmyG I love a cranky MC! 3y
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rachelm Hope you enjoy! 3y
Soubhiville Oops, I got ahead of myself and posted this a day early! 3y
aperfectmjk I feel you, I have so many titles that I'm going to try and squeeze in before the end of the month. DUNE is SO LONG though. I'm at 76% and there is still over 5 hrs left. That's at 1.75x speed also. lol 3y
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