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#weirdwordwednesdays #weirdeords @CBee

My favorite word from my reading this week!

reading_rainbow So pretty ✨ 4w
IndoorDame 💛☀️❄️💛 4w
CBee Great word ♥️ 4w
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IndoorDame @CBee 💛☀️❄️☀️ 4w
dabbe 💙🩵💙 4w
IndoorDame @dabbe 💛☀️❄️💛 4w
curiouserandcurioser @IndoorDame I love this word! My daughter designed a bookmark and had them printed to go along with book she wrote:) It's one of my favorite words❤ 4w
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Song and Garden Birds of North America | National Geographic Society (U.S.), Alexander Wetmore
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Today‘s #weirdword is for the birds. Gorget refers to a piece of armor protecting the throat, but it is also a common word to describe the patch of feathers on hummingbird necks. Having lived on the east coast of the US all my life, I have never seen any hummingbirds apart from the Ruby-throated, but I discovered the Cornell Lab Bird Cams the other day and now I‘m obsessed with watching them zoom and hover in all their iridescent splendor. ⬇️

CBee Eek! My absolute favorite bird and I LOVE the webcams Cornell does ♥️♥️♥️ 1mo
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I picked this book up for a bit of research on a short story I‘m writing and I‘m learning a lot (and becoming a bit more paranoid with each page). One cyber, or information, security term that came up is “zero-days.” These are flaws in software or hardware which make every user around the world vulnerable. They‘re named because the targets of attack have zero days to come up with a defense. These are scary! #weirdwords #weirdwordWednesdays

Bookwormjillk If you‘re researching cyber I highly recommend the cyber wire daily podcast. So informative/scary. 2mo
psalva @Bookwormjillk Thanks for the recommendation! A lot of things are really over my head. I can use all the insight I can get. 2mo
Bookwormjillk @psalva that‘s why I like cyber wire. It‘s just a little bit a day and after a while it starts to make sense. 2mo
CBee Ooo, that is pretty scary 😨 Thanks for sharing! 2mo
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Essays of E. B. White | E. B. White
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There‘s been a few #weirdwords sprinkled throughout White‘s essays, but a recent one that I never heard before was the phrase “shoe hockeys.” I tried searching the term but it was unproductive. I‘m thinking he‘s either describing skates that you attach to the bottoms of shoes or, as he mentions later in the paragraph, a pair of skates. Anyone else heard this phrase before? Is it a retronym? @dabbe
#weirdwordWednesdays @CBee

dabbe Good question! I tried to research too, and the best I can see are in the “olden“ days, kids could put blades under their shoes. This has to be before official hockey skates. And I'd say yes to the retronym because hockey skates differ from skates, which differ from shoes on skates. Am I making any sense? I've only had 1 cup of coffee, so maybe not. 😂 4mo
psalva @dabbe That makes perfect sense. It‘s interesting because the essay this is from was written in 1958- admittedly I didn‘t check when modern hockey skates were invented but it seems late to me somehow. That‘s what made me think of the retronym :) words are twisty sometimes! 4mo
CBee @dabbe that makes sense to me 😁 @psalva 4mo
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Greek Dictionary (Collins Gem) | Harry T. Hionides
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I haven‘t been doing as much reading lately. So, for this week‘s #weirdwords, I‘m going to dip into my Greek language class again, since it‘s taking up most of my brain space anyway. The word on my mind is περίπτερο which is the word for kiosk. What‘s interesting is it‘s an architectural word that has been in use since antiquity and can describe the Parthenon, an open building surrounded by columns. #weirdwordWednesdays @CBee

CBee I used to work at a kiosk in college. When Waldenbooks was still a thing 😂 7mo
psalva Cool! If I‘m not mistaken I think I have some Waldenbooks bookmarks somewhere in my stack of bookmarks. I‘m not sure I ever visited one. The town I grew up in had a Borders, however. @CBee were they owned by the same company? (edited) 7mo
Reggie @CBee did you do the calendar one at XMas time? @psalva you remind me of the dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Lol. Kimono….. I enjoy these posts. 7mo
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CBee @Reggie oh my GOSH how‘d you know??? I totally did 😂😂😂 omg it was so boring too 😂 7mo
CBee @psalva I think Borders bought Waldenbooks? But they‘ve both gone out of business now, I believe 🤷‍♀️ 7mo
psalva @Reggie 👀 That‘s definitely what I‘m turning into! Oh no! Keep me away from windex! 7mo
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I am not very sports-literate these days. While reading Elliot Page‘s memoir today, this word stopped me in my tracks. I played football (soccer) in elementary school so I should know better…
#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesdays @CBee

CBee How are you liking his book? 9mo
psalva @CBee it‘s a mixed bag for me. I should be finishing tonight and posting a review shortly :) 9mo
CBee @psalva I‘ve seen mixed reviews, I‘ll look for yours! 9mo
The_Penniless_Author It's a very hockey-specific term. Not sure you'd encounter it anywhere outside of that context. 9mo
psalva @The_Penniless_Author That‘s interesting, and makes me feel better :) He does use it in the context of soccer, but maybe that‘s not as common. My hockey knowledge is limited for sure 🏒 9mo
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Seeing a post earlier from @Bookwomble reminded me about kennings, those metaphorical compound words used in Old English and Norse poetry. Think “earth-stepper” to mean wanderer, etc. As expressed above, “we can only speak of what we do not know in terms of what we know.” I learned about these delightful constructs in a college course on Tolkien- I‘ve been filled with fond memories all day.

#weirdwords @CBee #WeirdWordWednesdays

CBee A college course on Tolkien sounds wonderful 🥰 9mo
Bookwomble I'm glad I sparked some happy memories for you 😊 9mo
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Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesdays @CBee

My new favorite word has to be interstices! A few months ago I went searching for a word to describe exactly this, not sure one it actually existed, and since then it‘s popped up several times.

dabbe Never heard of that one! 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
CBee Related to interstitial I think! 10mo
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TheBookHippie I know I just love that IG 10mo
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