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Mapmaker's Daughter | Laurel Corona
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I read The Mapmaker‘s Daughter by Laurel Corona in 2020. Now, I just finished reading The Mapmaker‘s Daughter by Clare Merchant this weekend. While there are similarities in both books, there are also many differences.In the first (LC),Spain (Iberia) is persecuting the Jews & has expelled them from the country.Amalia Cresques keeps her grandfather‘s atlas in her trunk that follows her wherever she travels.🔽

Crazeedi I think I read the Corona one 7d
kspenmoll There is no split timeline; it is Amalia‘s storyline.Both Freida & Amalia face the dangers of persecution,& are forced to flee their native land.War & destruction follows in their wake.Kings & Queens decide their future numerous times, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. 7d
kspenmoll @Crazeedi I have a sticky note in it with chapters/dates- wonder if it was a #sundaybuddyread or another buddy read. Looks like it from sticky note! 7d
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Crazeedi @kspenmoll I think that's right!! 7d
Susanita I really enjoyed the LC book when I read it several years ago. What stayed with me as much as the story was the description of how the titular mapmaker drew the maps from the reports of returning soldiers and explorers. 7d
kspenmoll @Susanita The book was so dense with map fed information & history & Jewish persecution, resilience. 6d
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Cathedral of the Sea: A Novel | Ildefonso Falcones
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Yes it was an epic masterpiece but it was also just a bit too much. There is only so much cruelty I can take with the racism, classism, feudal systems of oppression, religious oppression, treatment of women, and the brutality of the Inquisition. It‘s an amazing read but I was racing just to get it over with.
How is your read?

#BookedInTime #SpanishInquisition

dabbe I'm way behind and am still with the Celts in Ireland! 😜 1mo
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Cuilin @dabbe I‘d stick with the celts if I were you, Denise. I don‘t think I‘m likely to pick the Inquisition for #BookedInTime ever again Lol 1mo
julieclair I haven‘t started mine yet, but I was thinking I really wanted to read it. Now I‘m not so sure. Maybe I‘ll start, and if it‘s too violent & depressing, I‘ll give myself permission to DNF it. My book is 1mo
ChaoticMissAdventures Oh that is too bad. There really needs to be balance in these books to make them bearable. 1mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures I just got a lupus diagnosis and I‘ve been pretty sick so I think this made me more sensitive to the darker aspects of the novel because there‘s no denying it is a good book. 1mo
Cuilin @julieclair what a dark time in history, whoa. No judgment if you DNF. 1mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Cuilin so sorry to hear! Lupus is a beast, hoping you can get on a plan that helps you feel better soon, and that next month's book is happier! 1mo
Aimeesue Sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Autoimmune stuff is so hard. Hope you find a med that works well for you quickly! 1mo
Cuilin @ChaoticMissAdventures @Aimeesue thank you both. It‘s certainly a learning curve. 1mo
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What I hope to read in April. Some my choices; others buddy reads.
#NDbuddyread #bookedintime #inquisition #philosophy #nunlit #sundaybuddyread #historicalfiction #libraryfinds not pictured: #readyourkindle, #audiobook

Suet624 I‘ve been trying to get The Nun for ages from Hoopla. I need to wake up at 2 am to grab it before the daily limit of the library is met. 2mo
Librarybelle Looks good! 2mo
kspenmoll @Suet624 Oh no! I finally ordered it from some seller on line- libraries did not have it. 2mo
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By Fire, By Water | Mitchell James Kaplan
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My choice for #BookedInTime this month is By Fire, By Water. I know very little about the #SpanishInquisition , so this should be an interesting read. @Cuilin

Cuilin I like the cover. This is a new to me era mostly too. 2mo
julieclair @Cuilin Just fyi, I have created a challenge on StoryGraph to track my #BookedInTime reading. It‘s not a public challenge (so won‘t show up in searches on SG), but I can share the link with other people. Do you think any of our other Booked-in-Timers might like to use that? 2mo
Cuilin @julieclair yes! Sounds fantastic!! 2mo
julieclair @Cuilin Great! Here‘s the link: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/f6f6ac21-909a-4d7e-9e1c-2084aab... I‘ll create another post (maybe tomorrow) and tag everyone. 2mo
Cuilin @julieclair perfect!!! 😍 2mo
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One of the most interesting yet infuriating and sad things I‘ve ever read. The levels men would go to blame women for absolutely everything and have them tortured and killed is beyond belief, a lot of it in the name of religion. This is such a hard read but part of human history which everyone should know about
I don‘t think I‘ve ever highlighted a book so much!

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The Sisterhood | Helen Bryan
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


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A fantastic microhistory about a 16th century miller who believed the earth was formed much in the same way cheese is, through putrefaction came a mass, that worms then formed in this mass which were angels. Ginsburg impressively unravels how these beliefs may have been formed, analysing the books Menocchio would have read, the oral culture and traditions of his village, the movement of ideas, wider contexts and consequences of the reformation.

The Lost Diary of Don Juan: A Novel | Douglas Carlton Abrams
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Eggs Perfect 13mo
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The Mapmaker's Daughter | Laurel Corona
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Post 4/5
A treasure trove of used books can be found in the magical Rodgers Book Barn, tucked away in the hills of Hillsdale! They have been there for 50 years! I got the tagged book plus a deliciously ancient copy of The Marble Faun. Would be fun to go back in the spring and see the gardens in bloom.

Ruthiella That looks incredible! 😍 1y
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