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The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax | Dorothy Gilman
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1. Mrs. Pollifax
2. Miss Marple
3. Nancy Drew
Bonus: Encyclopedia Brown
Thx for the tag @dabbe

Ruthiella Loved, loved, loved Encyclopedia Brown as a kid! ❤️ 4mo
dabbe #1 is on the TBR now. And Miss Marple! 🤩 Of course, Nancy D, right? And OMG Encyclopedia Brown! Thanks for playing! ❤️💜🩷 4mo
tpixie @dabbe it was fun! I hadn‘t thought of Mrs Pollifax in ages! 4mo
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Tabby Cats | Julie Murray
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When you finish reading your book and decide to go get another one just to realize that you‘re being held hostage by a sleeping cat... 😔 so off into the inter webs I go instead. I just can‘t bring myself to wake her up. I didn‘t even notice her climb onto my lap, because I was so engrossed in the book. 🤦🏽‍♀️ #TookeyToles #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #TolesBrats #mybrat #catmomproblems #TnT #TwinkyToles #MyBrats

Crazeedi Sweet kitty!! She loves you!!😻 5y
AlaMich Sometimes I feel guilty about waking a sleeping cat, but sometimes I think, heck, she gets to sleep ALL DAY! I only have so much time to read! 5y
TheBookAddict @AlaMich 😆 so true! I need to embrace that truth more often. 👍🏽 @Crazeedi yes, especially as her bed and servant. 😝 cats...gotta love ‘em. 5y
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I did some #audiocoloring today. They are so cute when they cuddle. #TwinkyToles #TookeyToles #TolesBrats #Mybrats #TnT #LittenKitten #Catsoflitsy

I think this is less of a #biography of Fred Rogers but more of a biography of the show itself. #Hoopla #LitsyLovesLibraries #nonfiction

Also, does anyone still play words with friends? If so, I‘d be glad to have new opponents. 😆 My username is Mrs Toles 13. https://words2.app.link/Rdl0ihBvWT

Human Acts | Han Kang
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#TwinkyToles & #TookeyToles aren‘t fans of the cold, which is why they are snuggled up with me while I read. It‘s supposed to feel like -38°F out there and this is the warmest part of the day. ? ??‍♀️

#catsoflitsy #littenkitten #TnT #TolesBrats #CatMomProblems #winterreading #Booked2019 #newtomeauthor #diversebooks #diverseauthors #femaleauthor

Lcsmcat 😲 5y
EH2018 Your ginger cat looks like my Hailie! So cute! 5y
TheBookAddict @EH2018 they are #gingertwins! Twinky will be 7 years old this year in July. How old is your Hailie? 5y
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Noisy Baby Animals | Patricia Hegarty
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These three are my spoiled brats😆.

From left to right:
Tookey, our little girl. She‘s 5 yrs. old.
Twinky, he‘s our big boy. 6 yrs. old
Momo is the baby of the family 😆. He‘ll be 1 next month. He used to be so tiny...I miss his tiny days.

#Tolesbrats #TookeyToles #TwinkyToles #MomoToles #TnT #mybrats #littenkitten #catsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

Kaye A good group. 2 of each so they can have friends. 5y
TheBookAddict @kaye lol, we actually only have 1 dog. It was a before and after pic. When we first got him and now. 5y
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True Places | Sonja Yoerg
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You guys, I can‘t get to my next read...I guess I‘ll have to listen to Emma for a while longer until #TookeyToles relinquishes my book. Do you see #TwinkyToles in the background?

#littenkitten #catsoflitsy #mybrats #TnT #TolesBrats #catmomproblems #catmom

Christmastime | Alison Jay
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@UwannaPublishme surprised me with gifts yesterday. I got home from work and a box was waiting for me on our kitchen table. Thank you soooo much! I shall wait to open the gifts on Christmas. #christmasgifts

#TookeyToles couldn‘t help herself. She is quite curious of the tree and the gifts. Afterwards #TwinkyToles had to investigate as well. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #mybrats #TolesBrats #TnT #gingerbrat

UwannaPublishme Yay! So glad the package arrived. Just wanted to send you some extra bookish fun for the holidays. Can‘t wait to see if adorable #TookeyToles and #TwinkieToles approve! 😸❤️ 5y
TheBookAddict @UwannaPublishme thanks again. Twinky was already being a bit too curious when he happened upon the Santa chocolate. 5y
UwannaPublishme Gotta love a cat who goes right for the chocolate. I‘d do the same thing! 😁 5y
TheBookAddict @UwannaPublishme lol, yeah. I had to snatch it up before he decided to get too curious. I told him that my chocolate is MY chocolate. 😆 5y
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Trying to put our books from our #BookoutletHaul away...I may have to wait to finish, because I don‘t want to wake them up. 😻 #LittenKitten #catsoflitsy #TwinkyToles #TookeyToles #TolesBrats #catmomproblems #catmom #TnT

SassyBookworm Precious 😍 6y
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I just finished this even though it‘s 4 am and should‘ve been asleep a long time ago. I haven‘t been able to put this book down for the past few days (I‘m a slow reader). While I usually don‘t tend to gravitate towards mushy books with this kind of ending I think I needed something more light hearted after reading about zombies, murder, injustice, oppression, and war, so I couldn‘t help but to get hooked. Book about books and so much more.

TheBookAddict ⚠️ warning: since it is a book about books it has spoilers. 6y
TheBookAddict Because the cats need to sit on the comfiest couch in the house... 😔 #catmomproblems #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #TookeyToles #TwinkyToles #mybrats #TolesBrats #TnT 6y
Soubhiville ❤️ your kitties! They do look comfy 😊🐱 6y
Lcsmcat Such pretty 😻😻! 6y
TheBookAddict @Soubhiville lol yep. Me, not so much. I guess that‘s everyone‘s favorite couch in our home. 6y
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So much for reading Wonder Woman...I‘ll have to go look for a different book.

#thebratshaveinvaded #Brats #mybrats #TnT #TwinkyToles #TookeyToles #TolesBrats #gingerbrat #catsoflitsy #littenkitten #catmomproblems

JoScho Oh but so much sweetness! 6y
Lmstraubie So sweet 😻😻 6y
TheBookAddict @JoScho @Lmstraubie I know, that‘s why even though I really want to read it I just can‘t bring myself to disturb them. 6y
LiteraryinLawrence They are so snuggly! 💗 6y
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