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Martina con vistas al mar / Martina with a View of the Sea
Martina con vistas al mar / Martina with a View of the Sea | Elísabet Benavent
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Primera parte de la bilogía «Horizonte Martina», una mezcla de cocina, pasión, sexo y carcajadas, una novela llena de sorpresas que te hará vivir momentos únicos y que te conquistará para siempre. Placer para los sentidos. Original, arriesgada, arrebatadora, desternillante, hípster, macarra, sexy, 100% @BetaCoqueta, Martina con vistas al mar te enloquecerá. Si te llamas Martina, llevas siempre la melena recogida, eres absolutamente cerebral... Si te has formado para ser chef y perteneces al equipo de El Mar... Si has sentido un chispazo al conocer a tu jefe, Pablo Ruiz, excéntrico cocinero con estrella... Si no soportas su indumentaria hipster, pero te irías a cualquier parte si él te lo pidiera... Eres sin dudarlo la protagonista de esta historia... Y tu vida, tan ordenada, está a punto de cambiar. Después del éxito de las sagas Valeria, Silvia y de la trilogía Mi elección, con más de 400.000 ejemplares vendidos, Elísabet Benavent regresa a la ficción con una historia de amor irrefrenable, súbita, auténtica, un binomio eléctrico, una combinación explosiva que demuestra que en cuestión de amor no se puede negar la evidencia y que no depende de nosotros a quien amar. Martina con vistas al mar es la primera parte de Horizonte Martina, una mezcla de cocina, pasión, sexo y carcajadas, una bilogía llena de sorpresas que te hará vivir momentos únicos y que te conquistará para siempre. Placer para los sentidos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION If your name is Martina, you always have your hair pulled back, you are absolutely cerebral... If you have been educated as a chef and you belong to the team of El Mar... If you have felt a spark upon meeting your boss, Pablo Ruiz, an eccentric star chef... If you can't stand his hipster clothing but you would go anywhere he asked you to... ...then you are undoubtably the protagonist of this story, and your life, formerly so organized, is about to change. After the success of the Valeria and Silvia sagas, and the My Decision trilogy, with more than 40,000 copies sold, Elísabet Benavent returns to fiction with a story of unstoppable, sudden, authentic love, an electric, explosive combination that shows that in matters of love, evidence can't be ignored, and we can't choose who to love. Martina with a View of the Sea is the first part of Martina Horizon, a mix of cooking, passion, sex, and laughs, a two-part series full of surprises that will bring you unique moments and win your heart forever. Pure pleasure for the senses.
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Another hit for me! Part of the ending was a bit predictable, but it did not take away from my enjoyment.

The audiobook narration was great and the spice was 🥵ðŸ˜


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Been having awful back pain for the past few days…Starting this audiobook because I need a read from my comfort author.

So ready to dive into this duology!

Ruthiella Hope you feel better soon. â¤ï¸ 3w
Amor4Libros @Ruthiella Thank you! â¤ï¸ 3w
LiteraryinLawrence Oh no! I hope it lets up soon! 3w
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Deblovestoread Hope you are on the mend soon. 3w
Bookwomble I hope your back pain lets up soon â¤ï¸â€ðŸ©¹ 3w
Amor4Libros @Bookwomble I‘m doing so much better now, thank you! â¤ï¸ 3w
Bookwomble @Amor4Libros Good to hear 😊 3w
kspenmoll So sorry about your back! 3w
Amor4Libros @kspenmoll Thank you, I am a lot better today 😊â¤ï¸ 3w
AnnCrystal 💕ðŸ™ðŸ’. 3w
Amor4Libros @AnnCrystal Thank you so much! â¤ï¸ 3w
Sace Glad you‘re doing better. I‘ve had this book on my TBR since 2022 at least 😂 3w
Amor4Libros @Sace Thanks!! And I‘m having fun with this one. What‘s funny to me is that her books do not differ much from each other (now that I‘ve read most of her backlist), but they‘re still a lot of fun! 3w
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