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Not a River
Not a River: A Novel | Selva Almada
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Its not a river, its this river. A hot, motionless afternoon. Enero and El Negro are fishing with Tilo, their dead friends teenage son. After hours of struggling with a hooked stingray, Enero aims his revolver into the water and shoots it. They hang the rays enormous corpse from a tree at their campsite and let it go to rot, drawing the attention of some local islanders and igniting a long-simmering fury toward outsiders and their carelessness. Its only the two sistersthe teenage nieces of one of the locals, Aguirrewith their hair black as cowbird feathers and giving off the scent of green grass, who are curious about the trio and invite them to a dance. But the girls are not quite as they seem. As night approaches and tensions rise, Enero and El Negro return to the charged memories of their friend who years ago drowned in this same river. As uneasy and saturated as a prophetic dream, Not a River is another extraordinary novel by Selva Almada about masculinity, guilt, and irrepressible desire, written in a style that is spare and timeless.
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Not a River: A Novel | Selva Almada
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Not a River arrived today, the day of its US release. That‘s the last of the books i ordered for my birthday last month. Here are the 18 books I‘m calling my birthday books. (I‘ll list the titles in the comments.) So far I‘ve read one - Undiscovered by Gabriela Wiener, which i finished today

Graywacke Top to bottom

Not a River by Selva Almada
Undiscovered by Gabriela Wiener
Simpatía by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón
Knife by Salman Rushdie
The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald
Treasures of Time by Penelope Lively
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight translate by Simon Armitage
Graywacke Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Sanctuary by William Faulkner
A Backward Glance by Edith Wharton
Master George by Beryl Bainbridge
Possession by A.S. Byatt
The Sunset Limited by Cormac McCarthy
There but for the by Ali Smith
Hotel Du Lac by Anita Brookner
Midnight‘s Children by Salman Rushdie
Giving Up the Ghost by Hilary Mantel
Ruthiella Fantastic stack with at least two all time favorites of mine: Possession and 3w
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Graywacke @Ruthiella there‘s a story behind The Blue Flower. I joined this facebook group run by the Booker committee. Recently someone has been posting quotes by one judge from each year - recent quotes in hindsight. Three separate judges complained that The Blue Flower was overlooked in its year. So, now we have a group read planned there. 🙂 Possession is a hole in my reading. I need to fix that. 3w
slategreyskies I agree with you about Possession. I actually own a copy of it (three copies, if I‘m honest), but I haven‘t read it yet. I need to fix that. 3w
batsy Very impressive stack of which I've only read one and loved—Possession. 3w
CarolynM Great stack. I‘ve read 3 - Hotel du Lac, Possession and Midnight‘s Children - none of which I liked very much. I started The Heart is a Lonely Hunter once, but didn‘t get very far with it. I want to try again. Both Penelope‘s are on y TBR. 3w
Librarybelle Great book stack! 3w
Meshell1313 Ooh a Haply Birthday indeed! 🙌 3w
BarbaraBB Such a great stack! My favorite of the ones I read is definitely Midnight‘s Children, followed by Posession and Hotel Du Lac. (edited) 3w
Graywacke @slategreyskies yes! But when? 🙁 That‘s funny you have three copies. 3w
Graywacke @batsy yay, Possession. 🙂 3w
Graywacke @CarolynM oh no 🙈 Four misses. But yay on the Penelopes. I‘ve never read Penelope Fitzgerald. 3w
Graywacke @Librarybelle @Meshell1313 thanks! Any you recommend to start with? 3w
Graywacke @BarbaraBB yay. those three and the Carson McCullers will fill in some gaping holes, once i read them. 3w
sarahbarnes Great birthday stack! I have wanted to read Possession forever. And also have a copy of There But. I love her books so much and try to ration them out. I loved Hotel du Lac very much. 3w
Tamra Bday Books! 👏🏾 Like @sarahbarnes I‘ve been meaning to read Possession. (edited) 3w
Librarybelle I‘m echoing everyone else that Possession has been on my to read list for a long time. Hotel du Lac has been on my tbr for awhile too. 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Meshell1313 @Graywacke everyone is raving about Knife! I also loved midnight‘s children. 3w
Graywacke @sarahbarnes Ali Smith is so clever and fun. I need to read more of her stuff. Ioved How to Be Both. And, yeah, Possession… 3w
Graywacke @Tamra @Librarybelle @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies - does Possession need some group read motivation? Just offering. It‘s a little project. 3w
Graywacke @Meshell1313 i‘m so excited to read Knife. When it arrived I had to sit down and have a talk with my squirrel brain about reading practicalities. So, it‘s impatiently still awaiting me. It‘s liked a book from Hogwarts - it‘s gives off little sparks, calling me. 3w
Tamra @Graywacke @Librarybelle @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies absolutely! I would join in for sure! 3w
Librarybelle @Graywacke @Tamra @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies I‘d be interested in doing a group read! 3w
Aimeesue What a great stack of books! Enjoy! 3w
sarahbarnes Yes! I would definitely join in on a group read of Possession! @Tamra @Librarybelle @slategreyskies 3w
Graywacke @Aimeesue thanks! 3w
Graywacke @slategreyskies @Tamra @Librarybelle @sarahbarnes great, let‘s do this. I have July in mind. Any thoughts on that? Too soon, too far away? 3w
Graywacke @dabbe thanks 🙂 3w
sarahbarnes July works for me! 3w
slategreyskies July sounds good to me as well. 3w
Librarybelle July works for me as well! 3w
Tamra Yes, July! 😁 3w
Graywacke @sarahbarnes @slategreyskies @Librarybelle @Tamra great! This is such a good group. Looking forward to this. I‘m giving us a hashtag - #byattbuddyread - and i‘ll post on this a couple times between now and July in anticipation. 3w
Librarybelle Yay!! 3w
Tamra Woot! 3w
sarahbarnes Woohoo! 3w
slategreyskies Sounds great! I‘m looking forward to it! 3w
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Not a River: A Novel | Selva Almada
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#InternationalBooker2024 Book 3

This is a weird story that in certain ways reminds me of Samanta Schweblin‘s writing.

There is little punctuation and past and present are seamlessly blurred so the reader is often left confused by the chronology of events.

The writing meanders and flows like a river but there is always an undercurrent of danger present, keeping the reader off balance.

Who knew fishing could be so dangerous?