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The Late Americans
The Late Americans: A Novel | Brandon Taylor
17 posts | 11 read | 14 to read
The author of the Booker Prize finalist Real Life and the bestselling Filthy Animals returns with a deeply involving new novel of young men and women at a crossroads In the shared and private spaces of Iowa City, a loose circle of lovers and friends encounter, confront, and provoke one another in a volatile year of self-discovery. At the groups center are Ivan, a dancer turned aspiring banker who dabbles in amateur pornography; Fatima, whose independence and work ethic complicates her relationships with friends and a trusted mentor; and Noah, who didnt seek sex out so much as it came up to him like an anxious dog in need of affection. These three are buffeted by a cast of poets, artists, landlords, meat-packing workers, and mathematicians who populate the cafes, classrooms, and food-service kitchens of Iowa City, sometimes to violent and electrifying consequence. Finally, as each prepares for an uncertain future, the group heads to a cabin to bid goodbye to their former livesa moment of reckoning that leaves each of them irrevocably altered. A novel of intimacy and precarity, friendship and chosen family, The Late Americans is Brandon Taylors richest and most involving work of fiction to date, confirming his position as one of our most perceptive chroniclers of contemporary life.
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This novel is told from a different perspective each chapter, which leaves it feeling more like a set of loosely connected stories with overlapping characters. Not a bad thing! I love Brandon Taylor‘s writing and the way he writes about bodies existing and moving through life. A solid and slightly melancholic read.

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Just starting…

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Seamus compares life to museum exhibit or doll‘s house, much like novel: distanced glimpses into lives w/out real entry. Self-aware of indulgence in self-pity, characters (& author) can‘t refrain from gossip & complaints in endless circles. People behaving badly is a good read, but not if it‘s vapid. Sex, sexuality, privilege, aggression. Characters in service of arguments. Unending swing from egoism to self-loathing=real but exhausting? 2023

Taylor Tbh this review makes me want to read it…. 10mo
Pinta Yes yes yes! So juicy once you let go of any sense of character development and just dig in for them dishing it out. But for all the provocations, I guess I just felt like he was holding back, surface characterizations, which disappointed. Argument pyrotechnics are fun tho 10mo
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I did not like this at all. Bailed at 130 pages, couldn't connect with one character, all equally unlikeable.
TW - graphic sexual content

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Well it turns out i loved this. After bailing on a few books recently it was a treat to be reading sentences that grabbed me and shook me and had me absorbed in completely different lives. I think it helps to read this as interconnected short stories and not to try to hold in your head who is sleeping with who etc because thats a difficult task. I loved that each person, when seen from the lens of their lover or friend‘s perspective ⬇️

Centique is somewhat two dimensional, easily pigeon holed. And then you get into their head and see their complexity, sit with their trauma, their inequities & feel completely differently about them. Taylor shows privilege, class, gender and race divides as well as interpersonal conflicts but then reaches inside to show what feelings and experiences could be shared - but usually are not shared. A messy structure but such arresting character portrayals. ⬇️ (edited) 10mo
Centique PS there is a lot of explicit language and sex in here so if that is difficult for you, now you know in advance. (edited) 10mo
Suet624 Great review! You make it sound super interesting. 10mo
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sarahbarnes Great review! You make me want to read this. 10mo
ClairesReads Great review- I‘m so looking forward to this one 10mo
Centique @Suet624 thank you Sue 😘 10mo
Centique @sarahbarnes i hope you enjoy it - i am in the minority on this one so far! 10mo
Centique @ClairesReads i hope you find some things to like in it too - look forward to hearing what you think 💕 10mo
BarbaraBB You are in the minority indeed, that‘s why I didn‘t read it yet even though I loved Real Life, but your review and @Abailliekaras ‘s one really make me want to read it now! 10mo
SamAnne Excellent review. Stacked. 10mo
Centique @BarbaraBB oh wow! I think if you expect it to be a little messy/convoluted, it might help. Real Life was so sharp and singular - it set very high expectations i think. 10mo
Centique @SamAnne thank you 😘 10mo
CarolynM Glad you enjoyed. I‘m looking forward to it. 10mo
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I loved this and kept wanting to get back to it when I wasn‘t reading. The prose is so clean and there‘s something about the intimate, fly-on-the-wall style that makes you feel close to the characters. I was invested and cared what happened to each of them, which gave the story tension. I loved the ‘relay‘ style passing from one character to the next. Thoughtful and on point. Beautifully explores both the state of our society & relationships.

BarbaraBB Beautiful pic and cover! I loved his 10mo
CarolynM Looking forward to this one. Look @Centique a positive review for it! 10mo
Centique @CarolynM and would you believe i just finished reading it myself this very minute! And i loved it. 👍 10mo
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Abailliekaras @BarbaraBB I loved Real Life too! 10mo
Abailliekaras @Centique glad you enjoyed it! @CarolynM look forward to hearing your thoughts. 10mo
ClairesReads Excited for this- I loved Real Life! Even more excited now I see you loved it too. 10mo
Abailliekaras @ClairesReads I want to read everything Brandon Taylor writes 🥰 10mo
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Still life in waiting for my pad thai.

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I adore this author and so glad he could fit lil PDX Powell's into his tour.

ChaoticMissAdventures He is adorable. Talking about giving his character's pep talks, and how letting characters talk can derail your carefully laid plot plans. 12mo
ChaoticMissAdventures "Theodore seems decades older than these other characters, but he isn't, he just has a job" ? 12mo
batsy He sounds lovely! His tweets are so fun. Glad you got to see him. 12mo
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Bit of a #bailfest today, which isn‘t like me! 🤣

I thought this one was proving difficult due to the random incorrectly hyphenated words scattered about the #netgalley download, as well as the off-putting titles, appearing somewhere on every page.

However on reading Holly‘s @Hooked_on_books review I realised that the book itself is tough to get through; it‘s rather pretentiously self-conscious so I‘m giving up.

dabbe Ooh, that would drive me crazy, too! 🤩😍🤗 12mo
Hooked_on_books I hate to say it, but good call. And the errors in the copy are obnoxious! 12mo
ChaoticMissAdventures That is so odd I follow him on Twitter and he doesn't hyphenate like this I wonder what happened. He is obsessed with coffee though and not drinking after like 2 which I strongly disagree with and will continue to have my last cup around 6-7pm 😂 12mo
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sarahbarnes This is disappointing. I have this one coming in at the library and I was looking forward to it after liking Real Life quite a bit. 12mo
squirrelbrain @ChaoticMissAdventures - there are often weird formatting errors on NetGalley so I think it‘s them rather than him…. 12mo
squirrelbrain @sarahbarnes - don‘t let me put you off! At least it‘s a #borrownotbuy if you don‘t like it. 12mo
MicheleinPhilly Oh no. I was so looking forward to this. 😕 12mo
Megabooks Uh-oh! I just started this. 😬😬 12mo
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Oh man, this one is painful. I LOVED Real Life and Filthy Animals, so I was SO excited for this one. But it just never grabbed me. I even restarted it after listening to the first third then setting it aside for a few days. I feel like there are moments of brilliance, but it‘s a bit flat overall.

BarbaraBB That is disappointing! I felt the same about the other two books so have been excited for this one. I will temper my expectations! 12mo
Cinfhen Thanks for sharing - I think I‘ll definitely wait and not rush to read this one now. 12mo
squirrelbrain I was struggling with this and only read the first few pages. I thought it was because my digital ARC was a bit of a mess, with hyphens in the wrong places but now I‘m not so sure…. 12mo
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Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Sadly I‘m pretty sure it‘s the book. I think I remember him on a podcast saying much of this was written before Real Life, so I‘m thinking he reworked some stuff he already had and it just didn‘t work so well. 12mo
Megabooks Oh dear! Just picked this up from the library. Kinda glad I canceled my pre-order. 12mo
Hooked_on_books @Megabooks I‘ll be interested to see what you think. I‘m not sorry I paid for this, since I really believe in the author, but definitely bummed about the book. 12mo
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The books on his nightstand make me happy. “The Forsyte Saga”🥰

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It‘s here 🤩

CaitlinR I lived and worked in Iowa City for over twenty year, can‘t wait to read this! 12mo
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Brandon Taylor more than delivers on the rich promise of his debut, REAL LIFE, in this deliciously accomplished second novel. Each of Taylor's characters is drawn with vivid intimacy, but this is in many ways an ensemble piece, and he beautifully captures a collective sense of elegiac desperation in the complex cast he has assembled. And because this is Brandon Taylor, the writing is exquisite. Coming in May (sorry.)

BarbaraBB Is it as good as Real Life? 1y
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I'm still working through my thoughts on this one. This is my first time reading one of Taylor's books, and he is clearly talented. I will in no way be shocked when this book garners a lot of positive attention when it's released. For me, it felt like one of those books that will win awards and be on lists, while I smile and nod and pretend to have "gotten it" even though I actually just found it a bit pretentious and unsatisfying. #ARC

ChaoticMissAdventures Oh I am sorry to hear this, I love his writing so much ❤️ 2y
swishandflick @ChaoticMissAdventures I haven't read his other books, so I can't speak to how it compares! I didn't hate it but it felt a little "high-brow" for my personal taste. 2y
BarbaraBB I loved his other books so am curious to see what I‘ll think of this one. 2y
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I am STOKED about this win! 👏🏽

BarbaraBB Is it a new one? 2y
swishandflick @BarbaraBB Yes! The pub date is in May 2023 2y
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BarbaraBB Cool! 2y
Reggie How exciting! I loved his last one. 2y
Megabooks Oh wow! Fantastic!! 2y
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